Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1624: I thought you were a policeman

Si Xiaobao's anger spread to the innocent, and he glared at Gu Yi fiercely, "It's all your good brother, who hurt my good sister, you come to teach him!"

"...What's the matter?" Gu Yi grabbed Si Xiaobao's little hand and kneaded it for her. Of course the question was for Su Xingyu.

Su Xingyu said faintly, "I'm still investigating, and it's almost done." He didn't send those messages at all. The text message time was yesterday afternoon. At that time, he happened to go to a meeting, and the phone was charging in the office. Now there are two possibilities: one, when he was in a meeting, someone came into his office and used his mobile phone. Second, there is a virus in the phone.

Dong Guo Hanyu, he has been detained for intentionally hurting others.

The investigation revealed that if it was her ghost, he would definitely not let Dong Guo Hanyu hurt his woman and child!

When Si Xiaobao wanted to rush up to fight Su Xingyu again, he was stopped by Gu Yi, "Don't worry, wait until he investigates clearly."

A good brother, who a brother is, know each other well.

Si Xiaobao glared at Gu Yi, "Don't protect him, Rourou is lying in the ward because of him! Even if he and Dong Guo Hanyu are nothing, but it is also because of him Su Xingyu that Rourou will move. !" And that Dong Guo Hanyu, she must want her to look good!

"Well, because of me, it's my fault, Si Xiaobao, please persuade Rourou. It doesn't matter if you don't forgive me. Let her be in a good mood, okay?"

Si Xiaobao was still not calm, and excitedly shouted at Su Xingyu, "Who would be in a good mood if this happened to my fiancé and my sister? Su Xingyu, do you know how Dong Guo Hanyu treated Rourou before? Dare to let the woman Dong Guo Hanyu approach her!"

"Not to mention before, the last time Rourou and I were injured, it was Dong Guo Hanyu and her mother! I bought the desperadoes to take Rourou's life!" Si Xiaobao knew about it, it was Dong Guo Rou's later Told her. Let her be careful about Dong Guo Hanyu, and detour after meeting her.

After the desperadoes were caught again, they committed suicide collectively, and all the clues that Dong Guoxu had finally found were broken.

"I thought you were a policeman and an armed policeman. You can protect Rourou better than me. Why did you hurt her?" Although the child was still there, Si Xiaobao was still very angry.

She assured Dong Guo Rou to Su Xingyu, but Su Xingyu almost caused Dong Guo Rou to miscarry.

Su Xingyu really didn't know that Dong Guo Hanyu was so cruel, their mother and daughter could actually kill Dong Guo Rou...

"It's my fault. I didn't take good care of Rourou. I promise that this kind of thing will never happen again!" Su Xingyu promised Si Xiaobao again and also promised Dong Guo Rou. Because what they said outside was so loud that Dong Guo Rou could hear it.

At this moment, looking at Su Xingyu’s serious expression, Si Xiaobao’s anger disappeared a lot, "Forget it, you’re also the father of the child, I’m going to persuade Rourou, do you think about it? Tell Rourou the truth and admit that you hooked up with Dong Guo Hanyu!"

Su Xingyu immediately retorted, "As a policeman, I can't lie. If I didn't, there would be no!"

...Si Xiaobao, "If you don't have it, then there won't be it! Here, this is the anti-fetus tonic brought by grandma. You can simmer some soup for Rourou and let her drink."

When she walked into the ward, she gave Dong Guo Rou the tonic that Mei Xiangwei had brought to him, and Su Xingyu nodded to catch it, and immediately arranged for someone to make soup.

Later, in order to reassure Si Xiaobao, Gu Yi gave Dong Guo Rou a check and made sure that as long as he rested in bed, there would be no problem. The two returned to the Shengfeng Mansion.

After they left, Dong Guo Rou fell asleep quickly because of her weakness.

Until more than two o'clock in the morning, Su Xingyu was gently awakened, "Just drink the soup first."

Dong Guo Rou shook her head. She wanted to turn her back to Su Xingyu, but she didn't dare to move much when she thought of her body.

"Drink some, it's good for you and your child, soft and good." Su Xingyu picked up the spoon and filled it a bit, blew it several times, and sent it to Dong Guo Rou's lips.

Dong Guo Rou squirmed her red lips, ready to take the soup spoon and soup bowl in his hand to drink by herself, but Su Xingyu refused and insisted on feeding her soup.

Early the next morning, Su Xingyu, who was asleep by the hospital bed, was awakened by the vibration of his mobile phone. He opened his eyes to check the time. After six o'clock, Dong Guo Rou went to sleep again.

He stood up cautiously and went to answer the phone in the corridor outside.

"Captain Su, as you might expect, your phone has been used. Someone has entered your office, and they have been found out. It is the temporary cleaning staff in our bureau who was impersonated by hackers. Are you coming over now or I You send it over?"

No wonder he was able to unlock his mobile phone lock with a password. It turned out to be a hacker. Su Xingyu rubbed his sore eyebrows, "Who asked him to do it?"

"It's Dong Guo Hanyu. She gave him half a million. The hacker bought the cleaning and the three people joined together to do."

"I see, people don't need to bring it over, just record a video and send it to me." Su Xingyu breathed a sigh of relief, and was finally able to clean up his grievances.

There was evidence in the video, and it was difficult for Dong Guo Rou not to believe it. At the same time that Su Xingyu got back together, Dong Guo Rou contacted Shang Dong Guo Xu. To tell him about this, Dong Guoxu handed over to Su Xingyu the little evidence that he found last time to assassinate Si Xiaobao and Dong Guo Rou.

This time, Dong Guo Hanyu will never be let go. Neither Dong Guo Rou nor Su Xingyu will.

Si Xiaobao was a bit busy these past two days, not to mention running to Dong Guo Rou every day, but also welcomed Duan Jiamin.

Si Xiaobao looked at the woman who was crying with her nose and tears, took out tissues and handed them one after another, "So, you just got divorced like this?"

Duan Jiamin got divorced and left the house. Husband dog can't change eating shit, so he continues domestic violence and derails.

The two boys followed Duan Minjia’s husband, Yan Shaocheng, and the daughter followed herself. Therefore, Duan Minjia was crying in the living room, and the child could not sleep peacefully in the bedroom.

"Well, that woman is pregnant with a child... It's been seven months, and this day is really... I can't live it anymore." In Duan Minjia's view, the divorce is a relief.

Si Xiaobao immediately came up angrily, "That Yan Shaocheng, I will find someone to teach him!"

After speaking, he picked up the mobile phone he had placed next to him, really ready to find someone to fight Yan Shaocheng.

"No, Xiaobao, thank you, but I don’t have any friends now, so I have no other choice but to come to you and take me in for a period of time." The people in her circle of friends are basically people with a middle standard of living. Finding them will cause a lot of trouble. Only Si Xiaobao is in good conditions, and she will not cause too much trouble.

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