Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1625: She rushed in with her bodyguard and beat Xiaoya

Of course, she will not pester Si Xiaobao every day, and will try to find a job as soon as possible to solve the problems of herself and her children.

"You can live here for the time being. Rourou and I don't come back very much. There are also servants here. I will call her and let her continue to come." Si Xiaobao was more sympathetic to her experience. Especially with children.

Duan Minjia shook her hand and thanked him in touch, "Xiaobao, thank you... If you didn't take me in, I would really sleep on the street." After the divorce, she couldn't even open a hotel with the money.

"It's okay, take good care of your children, and contact me if you need it!" She checked the mechanical watch on her wrist, Gu Yi was about to get off work, she should go back.

"Well, you are in a hurry. Are you in a hurry to see your husband?" Calming down, Duan Minjia made a joke with her red eyes.

Si Xiaobao smiled shyly when he heard the words, "Yes." Gu Yi told her this morning that he would go back early this evening and let her wait for him at home.

Speaking of her husband, Si Xiaobao's face glowed, which was the glory of love that all women yearned for.

Duan Jiamin patted Xiaobao on the shoulder, "Xiaobao, we must be happy, I believe that Doctor Gu is a good man, take it well!"

Si Xiaobao hugged Duan Jiamin, "Well, I definitely will." Duan Jiamin was right. Gu Yi is a good man, and Si Xiaobao's vision can't be wrong!

Leaving the apartment, Si Xiaobao drove directly to the Shengfeng Mansion in the CR supercar that Gu Yi bought for her.

Driving a CR supercar gave Si Xiaobao a sense of swagger, but she couldn't help it if she didn't drive, and really didn't want to take a taxi anymore.

Buy another one? It feels unnecessary. After all, there is still such an expensive car here. If it can’t be opened, put it in the garage as a decoration?

She didn't steal or rob, her husband bought it, why didn't she open it!

In the end, Si Xiaobao convinced himself, let's go!

On the way, the phone dinged and dinged several times. She thought it was Gu Yi and quickly turned on the phone's WeChat while the red light was on.

From this look, the high-profile CR supercar stopped moving when the green light was on for half a minute.

The sound of the horn behind it was earth-shaking, and Si Xiaobao didn't seem to hear it, only the pictures and videos she saw in his eyes.

After countless drivers took a detour, a traffic policeman rode a motor vehicle and parked in front of her car, knocking on the window carefully.

Si Xiaobao looked out the window in confusion and beckoned to the traffic policeman who opened the window, only then realized that he was still at the intersection of the traffic light. Originally wanted to open the car window, but in a panic, she stepped on the accelerator to accelerate... and ran away.

When Gu Yi waited for Si Xiaobao in the apartment for nearly half an hour, he received a call from Yin Ruoya's mother, Ye Xifeng.

"Gu Yi, this Si Xiaobao is too much!"

The sharp voice over there made Gu Yi frowned and immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

"What's the matter? I talked to Xiaoya well at home, and she rushed in with her bodyguards to beat Xiaoya, and let people tie Xi Ning over..."

Twenty minutes later

Gu Yi hurried to the Yin's house.

In the middle of the living room stood a woman with wide-eyed eyes, Yin Ruoya leaned sadly on Ye Xifeng's shoulders with her face covered in sadness. On the ground were Zhen Xining, who was **** by the five flowers, and Du Fen who followed.

Seeing Gu Yi coming, Du Fen was the first to rush over, "Gu Yi, Si Xiaobao, this woman deceives people too much, you must give us an explanation this time!"

Gu Yi ignored Du Fen or looked at Zhen Xining who was tied to the ground, strode to Si Xiaobao, and asked her gently, "What's the matter?"

The anger on Si Xiaobao's face all turned into sadness, "What's the matter? You still ask me?" Dong Guo Rougang and Su Xingyu reconcile, and that's it for her and Gu Yi.

Okay...Learning from Dong Guo Rou's experience, she listened to Gu Yi's explanation.

Take out the phone and click on the photos and videos that Zhen Xining sent her. The scene inside made Gu Yi suddenly cold.

The photo shows him and Yin Ruoya in the room at Jianqiao Garden that day. Nothing happened before. After the angle of the camera, it looks like he and Yin Ruoya are hugging each other, and he stretches out his hand to untie her. Button...

The video clicked on, and it was the scene of him going to get the medicine in Yin Ruoya's pocket with his back to the door. After processing, it looked like he was holding Yin Ruoya, and there was a voice message. What came from inside was Yin Ruoya's muffled hum, "Gu Yi, I hurt..."

The overall effect of all this being processed is: He and Yin Ruoya are...*.

A sharp gaze swept over Zhen Xining who was on the ground, Zhen Xining immediately shuddered, and she denied with trembling red lips: "It's not me..."

And Yin Ruoya put down her hand covering her face and looked at Gu Yi's expression, seemingly guilty, "Gu Yi, what happened that day...I don't know that I will be secretly photographed..."

Doesn't this sentence admit that Gu Yi and Yin Ruoya have adultery?

Si Xiaobao just felt his brain hot, and he held his hands tightly. When he wanted to say something, Gu Yi took the lead and said, "Well, sneak a photo. Xiaobao won’t get it wrong. She believes me. ."

After speaking, Gu Yi held Si Xiaobao's hand tightly.

Si Xiaobao, "..." Did she say that she would believe him?

Yin Ruoya bit her lower lip tightly, glanced at the incredible Zhen Xining, gritted her teeth, and slowly said, "Gu Yi, why don't you admit what happened to us that day... You obviously like me, and you clearly Tell me to divorce Si Xiaobao! And..."

"Enough!" Gu Yi's face darkened a lot, and the cold voice made the surrounding temperature drop a lot.

Feeling the fierce struggle of the woman next to him, Gu Yi had to let go of her hand first. Si Xiaobao was free to rush to Yin Ruoya again, and another slap was slapped on the other half of Yin Ruoya's face, "Ah!"

This is already the second slap.

The first slap was half an hour ago when Si Xiaobao rushed into the Yin family and saw Yin Ruoya give her a slap without saying anything, and reprimanded, "Yin Ruoya, I didn’t expect you to be so shameless, I and Gu Yi They are all married and you are still seduce him!"

After the beating, Yin Ruoya's eyes were full of sadness, without a trace of anger, this...really abnormal.

Si Xiaobao was inexplicably uncomfortable, but when he thought of what happened to her and Gu Yi, he became more excited, "Why don't you talk? Yin Ruoya, you and Gu Yi have passed! You have disappeared for seven years, doomed You have no destiny! Why destroy the happiness of others?"

It didn't take long for her and Gu Yi to get the certificate... this kind of thing happened, and Si Xiaobao really... really broke down.

Yin Ruoya grabbed Ye Xifeng, who was also excited, and gently told Si Xiaobao, "Yes, we are destined to have no part... But, I want to fight for it. Maybe I can win that fate?"

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