Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1626: Use a hollow to fool me?

"Si Xiaobao, Gu Yi doesn't love you at all, otherwise he wouldn't have a relationship with me."

"I know why you only got the certificate. Did Gu Yi not even offer you a marriage proposal and a ring? Because he has already proposed to me and bought a ring... How can he care if his second woman has these things? "

"When I was away, there was Xi Ning among you. Now I am back. Don't even want to stay together peacefully. If you know each other, you should divorce Gu Yi as soon as possible..." Yin Ruoya said insincerely as if she was reciting lines. These words, she knew, were very hurtful...

But she must say.

Si Xiaobao's face was pale and scary. When her lower lip was about to be bitten and bleeding, Zhen Xining was **** by her bodyguard. Du Fen was also with him, and she cursed when she saw Si Xiaobao.

When Gu Yi did not come, Zhen Xining was not so scared as she is now, very proud and proud.

She told Si Xiaobao, "I said long ago that you can't believe what men say, and Gu Yi doesn't love you! Look, Ruoya is back, and Gu Yi will be with her soon."

"I also promised Ruoya, let her move back to the house in Jianqiao Garden! Si Xiaobao, anyhow, you are also a famous daughter. There are not many women behind a successful man. Don't you understand the truth? ?"


How could Si Xiaobao not understand? In her eyes, Gu Yi was not a man with a few women behind him!

Therefore, the tooth mark on Gu Yi's hand was left on purpose by Yin Ruoya?

Zhen Xining and Yin Ruoya joined forces to strike a double blow at Si Xiaobao, and she worked hard to withstand the pressure.

Everything waited until Gu Yi came over to see how he explained and said.

The second slap hit Yin Ruoya's face. Ye Xifeng rushed towards Si Xiaobao like crazy, but was stopped in time by the bodyguards brought by Si Xiaobao! Ye Xifeng couldn't help her daughter, and scolded Si Xiaobao heartily, "My daughter is not the kind of person you think. If you hit her again, Si Xiaobao, I will fight you hard!"

The daughter finally returned. Of course, Ye Xifeng would do his best to take care of her daughter.

Si Xiaobao sneered and looked at Ye Xifeng and said softly, "Auntie, your daughter has admitted that something happened between her and my husband. In this world, who doesn't know that Gu Yi and I have obtained the testimony, your daughter If you seduce a married man, you still scold me as a victim. Will your conscience hurt?"

What she said made Ye Xifeng speechless. Yes, everyone in this world knew that Gu Yi and Si Xiaobao were married. But, "Xiaoya, you are not that kind of person! Are you!"

Ye Xifeng looked at her daughter expectantly. How could the daughter she taught him seduce a married man, even if that person is Gu Yi!

Yin Ruoya looked at her mother's expectant gaze, and immediately flushed her eyes. She shook her head and vigorously. Why didn't she die?

I am about to admit that I am a junior in front of my mother...

Looking at this farce, Gu Yi didn't react much. When everyone was quiet, he just took Si Xiaobao's hand and told a few others, "Don't use your snack machine on me. If anyone hurts my wife again in the future, I will never let go. Over!"

When he said this, his eyes swept across Zhen Xining and Yin Ruoya coldly.

Without giving everyone a chance to speak, Gu Yi continued, “Zhen Xining, this thing you did today hurt Xiaobao, I can’t just leave it like that! There are other things, you’d better not let it I found the evidence, otherwise... I will ruin you!"

The last few words are very heavy, as if they are being emphasized.

"Gu Yi, what do you want to do?" Zhen Xining looked at him in horror.

"What do you do? Don't you like me?" Since you dare to like him, you have to bear his rejection and hurt. Even, if possible, he would tear off her love for him with his own hands.

Zhen Xining's love, his Gu Yi will never be rare!

Looking at Si Xiaobao, who had basically stabilized, Gu Yi took out something from his pocket.

Several people put their eyes on Gu Yi's hands, and saw a large and round pearl, which was passed to Si Xiaobao.

what's the situation? Want to please her with pearls?

Si Xiaobao is not subject to such bribes! Leng Hun rolled his head and stopped looking at Gu Yi.

Gu Yi was not angry either, but smiled at her who was angry, and whispered in her ear, "My wife, don't be angry, I apologize to you. It is because of me that there are so many misunderstandings out of nothing. "

After speaking, he stuffed the huge pearl into Si Xiaobao's hand.

Si Xiaobao gritted his teeth and held the pearl in his hand tightly. No... this pearl is so light.

She raised the pearl suspiciously and placed it in the air to observe carefully, as if it were hollow.

Gu Yi just smiled and looked at the curious woman without saying a word, but the love in his eyes couldn't be blocked.

Zhen Xining was so jealous that her eyes were red.

Si Xiaobao squinted at the man, "Take a hollow one to fool me?"

Even though he knew that Gu Yi was not such a person and would not do such things, Si Xiaobao couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Open it." This pearl was originally intended to take her to the sky restaurant tonight before giving it to her. However, the situation has changed...

turn on? Si Xiaobao turned the pearl several times without knowing how to open it.

In the end, the little temper came up, and he didn't open it at all, but directly stuffed it into Gu Yi's arms, "No more, no more!" He must be teasing her!

However, what Si Xiaobao didn't expect was that as soon as the pearl was squeezed into Gu Yi's arms, it was hit for a little while, and it immediately broke into two halves.

Scared Si Xiaobao hurriedly caught the split pearl with both hands, but what she didn't expect was that something fell out of the pearl...

When Si Xiaobao squeezed the thing, all the faces changed.

Because it is... expensive. Even, priceless.

If it is said that the pearl that Gu Yi gave to Si Xiaobao before, it is worth more than one billion yuan, plus the manpower and so on, it is as high as 1,800 million yuan. So, this, plus this diamond ring, at to eight billion...Of course, US dollars!

As long as it passes through the hands of Guyi, it is definitely a boutique.

Blurring appeared in Yin Ruoya's eyes, and Zhen Xining clenched her hands into fists, her eyes were bloodshot and red, both angry and jealous.

Both of them belong to the upper-class people, and they have seen a lot of good things, but it seems that this is the first time I have seen something like this expensive enough to scare people.

It was just a ring, a ring made of pearls and diamonds. The difference is the texture of those diamonds and pearls.

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