Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1634: Throw in

Who...who...strengthened her?

What happened after she fell asleep? She only remembered that she was pushed into the swimming pool by Si Xiaobao and ignored her regardless of how she called for help.

Finally, after passing out, what happened? What happened and why did she fall asleep?

She is a doctor, of course she knows what happened to her situation?

But, who is the man who fell asleep?


Turning on the bedside lamp hard, the scene and smell in the room made her disgusting and collapsed!

The person who slept with him was very clever. With balloons, she probably counted...six.

So, one person used six, or... how many people?

Thinking of this possibility, Zhen Xining's whole body was trembling, and she broke down and screamed, "Ah..." Who is it! Who strengthened her! what!

She must find out who did it! Then kill that **** man!

Huge pain surrounded Zhen Xining, she has been a goddess from a young age. Having lived such a big life, Luo Yihang is the only man she did not want.

Now that I was... it was possible that several men slept, of course she couldn't accept it!

But... if the person who fell asleep was Gu Yi... a blush appeared on Zhen Xining's face.

Later when Zhen Xining asked to investigate, all the waiters who went to work that day said that they hadn't seen anything. The security department of the hotel claimed that the monitoring on this floor was broken. Zhen Xining didn't believe it. She went to the security department to see the monitoring. The monitoring was really bad and it was completely dark.

This fact made her so angry that she almost fell ill. She can't take a used balloon to the hospital for testing, right?

...... Doing so means that this matter will be known to a second person, for the sake of her reputation, she should not take this risk anymore.

Can only crush the silver teeth and swallow in the stomach.

Walking out of the hotel in the middle of the night, when Zhen Xining was still in anger and pain, she was taken by two bodyguards into a van and rushed from south to north.

As soon as Zhen Xining was taken into the car, someone immediately stopped her mouth with duct tape and tied her hand with a rope. Not only made her unable to move, but also denied her a chance to call for help.

In Zhen Xining's infinite fear and tremor, the car finally stopped, the surroundings were quiet, and there was not even any wind and grass.

In the night, there is only a dim light bulb as a street light.

Entering the room, it was quite different. The living room was very bright and there were many people standing there.

The anxiety is getting worse.

A man with cold eyes was sitting leisurely on a leather sofa. In front of him was a glass room more than two meters high and one meter wide. Only a glass window above his head was used for the two giant pythons to breathe.

Seeing two giant pythons with flower skins, Zhen Xining had a chill in her heart, accompanied by a bad premonition. She wanted to ask what Gu Yi was going to do, but she couldn't speak.

The two bodyguards who brought her over rudely threw her in front of Gu Yi, and Zhen Xining lay down on the ground in embarrassment, having to look up at the noble man in front of him.

Her eyes were full of prayers, but Gu Yi didn't even look at her, and directly ordered the bodyguard, "Throw her in."

Immediately there were two bodyguards who came over to put Zhen Xining up, ready to throw it inside.

Wouldn't Gu Yi ask someone to feed her to the! No! She doesn't want it! "...Hmmm." She whimpered to speak, but couldn't say a word.

Feeling Zhen Xining's fear, Gu Yi thought for a moment, "Hold on!"

The woman seemed to be alive again after she died, looking at Gu Yi excitedly and screaming.

"Remove!" Only when she heard her screams of fear and helpless eyes, there would be *.

The bodyguard immediately removed the tape on Zhen Xining's mouth, because her actions were so rude, her tears came out in pain, and her lips were red.

Even so, she ignored the pain and shouted to Gu Yi, "Yi, let me go, don't do this to me, I love you, I love you. Also, in the afternoon... Not you?"

The anticipation and infatuation in her eyes made Gu Yi even more disgusted, "I did sleep in the afternoon, but it was my wife who slept with me!"

Even if Zhen Xining stood naked in front of him, he would just throw her into the python house without hesitation, and improve the life of the python.

His wife who sleeps? Si Xiaobao? "Who slept with me?" She couldn't help but asked.

She really hopes that Gu Yi nodded and said...

Does this issue have anything to do with him? Gu Yi furrowed his brows deeply, and didn't bother to talk with her about those who didn't, "Throw it in!"

Throw it in? Zhen Xining watched as the bodyguard took herself into the glass house, and her voice was utterly shocking! "Gu Yi...Ah! I beg! I beg you...Gu Yi!"

But her begging for mercy was useless. Seeing the glass door was opened, a python poked out its head immediately. Spitting out the bright red snake letter, she leaned in Zhen Xining, "Ah! I don't want it! Gu Yi, me!"

She rolled her eyes and almost didn't faint.

No matter how much she called, no matter how much she said, but no one paid any attention to her.

Zhen Xining was struggling too hard, and the two bodyguards simply lifted her into the python house, and then quickly locked the glass door.

Inside, Zhen Xining was entangled by a python, screaming like crazy. She didn't know that this was a suburb, and there were new houses nearby, and there was not even a ghost shadow, so even if her throat screamed, she was ignored.

Faced with this situation, the man said lightly, "Such a wonderful scene, it is a pity that my wife is afraid of snakes, it is a pity that she didn't see it!"

I took out my phone and sent a text message to my wife at home, "Look at the photos?"

Si Xiaobao held the phone, hesitated for a moment, shivered again thinking of the appearance of a certain animal, and replied with a message, "Resolutely not!"

In the end, Zhen Xining screamed until she couldn't utter a word again, and after a while, she fainted with fright.

"Doctor Gu, she's dizzy." What the bodyguard didn't say was that Zhen Xining seemed to be peeing her pants...

Gu Yi stood up from the chair, closed the phone in his hand, and faintly instructed the bodyguard, "Watch her, don't be eaten by the python, close it all day and night. After releasing it, throw it directly at the door of Zhen's house."

"Yes, Doctor Gu!"

He got in his car, Gu Yi fastened his seat belt, and told the main driver Jia Mengmeng, "Tomorrow, investigate what happened to Zhen Xining in the hotel this afternoon."

Listening to her saying that she was asleep, then he didn't mind having someone else who hurt Xiaobao handles.

"Okay, Dean Gu." Jia Mengmeng has now turned to the right, and his originally yellow hair has been dyed black.

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