Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1635: Aunt

He has always been casually dressed, but he has also changed to a formal suit and leather shoes.

All of this is due to Gu Yi's training, and Jia Mengmeng's parents are really grateful to Gu Yi.

The brand-new black Porsche started to slow down near the ancient house. When he reached the main entrance of the ancient house, Jia Mengmeng suddenly braked, and the two people in the car were severely shaken.

"Fuck!" Jia Meng couldn't help but cursed.

Fortunately, when he reached the door, he had already slowed down. If he was on the road, he would have to kill the person in front of him at a speed of nearly a hundred yards!

Gu Yi glanced faintly at Du Fen outside the car, stretched out his hands, and stopped his car like crazy.

It seemed that Gu Yi couldn't get down, so she would not let go.

Jia Mengmeng unfastened his seat belt and got off the main driver, trying to pull Du Fen away. However, before he touched Du Fen, Du Fen ran directly to the back seat of the Porsche car and began to slap the glass, "Gu Yi, where did you hide Xi Ning! You let her out quickly, or I will Call the police!"

After attending the wedding at noon, Xi Ning disappeared, and only after asking that it was Si Xiaobao who had asked her to take her away.

Others saw that Si Xiaobao pushed Zhen Xining into the swimming pool.

However, what happened later is not known.

She saw Si Xiaobao at the ancient house just now, but the girl went around and didn't answer her questions.

Si Xiaobao is now a daughter-in-law recognized by the law and the ancient family. Du Fen's sister, Du Sixuan, as Gu Yi's aunt, doesn't have much to say.

In the end, Du Fen was anxious, glaring directly at where Si Xiaobao had hidden her daughter.

Si Xiaobao squinted at her and helped Mei Xiangwei upstairs without saying anything.

The ancient family are all human beings, knowing that this is a matter between Si Xiaobao and Zhen Xining, they don't interfere with either of them, let them solve it by themselves.

What makes Du Fen angry most is that the ancient family will not interfere if they don't interfere! However, as long as she dared to get one step closer to Si Xiaobao, neither the old lady nor the second child, Gu Jian, would not be allowed in the ancient family!

It is clear that he is protecting the stinky girl Si Xiaobao! Du Fen's lungs were going to explode.

To no avail, she was stopped by Du Sixuan when she was about to leave the ancient house, and quietly told her that Gu Yi had not returned. If Si Xiaobao lives in the ancient house, Gu Yi will return at night.

Du Fen was waiting at the door. When she was almost falling asleep, she saw a Porsche driving into the ancient house.

She knew about this car. When she went to Li Bo's wedding at noon today, she came to the hotel early because the place where she was meeting was close to the hotel at noon. I saw Si Xiaobao and Gu Yi walking down from this brand new Porsche.

"Hey, let me say mom! Don't you know if a good dog doesn't stand in the way?" Jia Mengmeng used to play with friends and friends. For him, he still needs time to recognize and learn.

Du Fen's face suddenly darkened, "What are you, let Gu Yi come down!"

Let Gu Yi down? Isn't this aunt afraid of Dean Gu's face? Jia Mengmeng made a please gesture to Du Fen, "Mother, you are awesome, you come!"

Du Fen looked at the tightly locked car windows. How did she come? Keep taking pictures of car windows? "Gu Yi, come down, I have something to ask you!"

The window of the car slowly lowered from inside, revealing Gu Yi's side face, "I want to Zhen Xining, next month my wife’s birthday party, let her serve my wife and apologize!"

Apologize to Si Xiaobao? "Why? Si Xiaobao obviously pushed my daughter out of the swimming pool at noon. Gu Yi, you don't have to be shameless, I have witnesses!" She knew that Gu Yi protected her short, and hid the witness specifically because it was necessary. At the time, let the witness come out to testify to her.

"He was wrong, I pushed her into the water at noon."

"Gu Yi you! You! Too much! How can you treat Xi Ning like this, she has liked you since she was a teenager, how can you treat a girl who loves you like this!" Du Fen's hands began to tremble, knowing My daughter likes Gu Yi, but while she was in school, she accidentally saw her unclosed diary...

In the face of someone who likes herself, Gu Yi not only does not defend her, but also tries to kill her?

"Who she likes is her business, it has nothing to do with me."

Gu Yi's indifference and ruthlessness caused Du Fen to take a staggering step back, "My daughter is really blind and will like you..."

This Gu Yi is really...boring gourd, why not explain it? Not for himself, but also for Si Xiaobao! Jia Mengmen next to him couldn't help but say a few more words, "I said aunt, your daughter took the time when Mrs. Gu was in the bathroom at noon, and took the bucket to pour water on the family's head, don't you know about this?"

I don't know, otherwise, how can I be so confident?

In fact, Du Fen did not know. Hearing Jia Mengmeng's words, Du Fen's gaze was obviously sluggish, and it took him a long time before he stuttered, " must be... Si Xiaobao provoked first. It’s Xi Ning."

Gu Yi was too lazy to talk to her, moved his fingers, and the window slowly rose, blocking Du Fen's sight.

When she recovered, Porsche had already drove into the ancient house, and the door was also locked, shutting her out.

In the bedroom upstairs, Gu Yi's lips formed a smile at the thought of seeing the little woman.

Pushing open the door, only a dim bedside lamp was turned on, and a small bulge on the big bed occupied the middle of the big bed.

Remembering that he had been in the suburbs just now, Gu Yi resisted the urge to kiss Si Xiaobao and went into the bathroom.

After washing myself well, I got into the bed.

Holding the sleeping little woman in his arms, Gu Yi approached her and kissed the corner of her lips, "Wife, I'm back."

He couldn't help but want to wake her up, want to get tired of her for a while.

The woman who should have been asleep at the moment suddenly opened her eyes and laughed, "I lied to you!"

In fact, she didn't fall asleep at all! I have been reading the e-book just now! Hearing the sound of a car coming downstairs, Si Xiaobao hurriedly turned off his mobile phone and pretended to sleep.

Fortunately, Gu Yi didn't get close to her, so he went to the bathroom and took a shower, only to find her pretending to sleep.

There was a light in Gu Yi's eyes... a light that was close to surprise. He found that his wife became more and more lovely, so lovely that he wanted to be one with her...

Kissing the woman's red lips heavily, her laughter stopped abruptly, and Si Xiaobao could not stand his toss. Before he continued presumptuously, he pushed him away, "No, no, I want to sleep with you!"

Her tone was a little coquettish, and Gu Yi was the one who used this trick the most. As expected, the next moment she let go of the woman under her breathlessly.

He hugged her tightly in his arms, smelled the faint scent of her body, and eased his emotions, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

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