Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1663: Deep guilt

In seven years, she hypnotized herself countless times, and she was no longer worthy of Gu Yi. However, after a few years of absence, I saw Gu Yi again, and at a glance he felt that he was more attractive than he was seven years ago! It made her unable to extricate herself even more.

Tears fell like broken beads on the bedding. She cried silently, and could not speak a word.

Her tears didn't feel at all to the man next to her, "I'm leaving now, you go back and get well."

"Gu Yi..."

As soon as the man turned around, the woman stopped him in tears.

Knowing that tears are useless to him, Yin Ruoya wiped the tears from her face, "My have been treating you all the time, if you change me a doctor, I won't be used to...can you continue to do it in the future? Give me treatment?"

The man did not look back, but Yin Ruoya knew that he was hesitating, and her voice became weaker, "The reason why I disappeared for so long... In fact, it was because of Zhen Xining... I didn't want to, it was them..."

Gu Yi turned around now, his eyes fell on her embarrassed face, "You and Geng Chengjun have a child." He said sure and affirmative.

Yin Ruoya heard that the blood on her face faded again, Gu Yi even knew this? With trembling red lips, she said, "I...he...I..." she said, her tears fell again, and finally yelled, "I don't want to either!"

Her emotions collapsed again, and there were signs of panting. Thinking that this matter was all because of him, the innocent Yin Ruoya was implicated. Gu Yi hurriedly went over to calm her emotions, "You need to keep calm, and I will continue to pay attention to your illness in the future..."

After receiving his response, Yin Ruoya raised her head to look at him in surprise, and nodded excitedly, "Well, thank you Gu Yi."

"What about the child?"

"Child..." Yin Ruoya couldn't help crying again, "The child was hidden by them, and they threatened me with the child... Gu Yi, I'm so scared, these seven years... They kept me in the dark. The basement..." Maybe because of a psychological shadow, Yin Ruoya shrank into a ball, holding her head helplessly with her arms.


In the R&D building, Si Xiaobao just discussed some issues with Professor Cheng, and then received Xu Huan’s WeChat, “Xiaobao, the woman in the ward, what is the head of Gu’s? Relatives?”

Si Xiaobao was startled slightly, "What does it look like?" Could it be Yin Ruoya? Gu Yi went to see her again?

Xu Huan's WeChat came back soon, "Others told me that it was Yin Ruoya, the previous guzheng goddess, Xiaobao, what is the relationship between Dean Gu and her?"

what relationship? Si Xiaobao put the phone away and walked to the VVIP inpatient department with his legs involuntarily.

There was a mess in his head along the way. If he saw Gu Yi and Yin Ruoya later...what should she do?

In her random thoughts, she arrived at the VVIP inpatient department. Xu Huan saw her and ran over immediately, "Xiaobao, Xiaobao, you are finally here, I just went in and saw the woman crying and weeping. Dean Gu is here. Be silent, did something happen to them?"

In fact, Xu Huan didn't have any ambitions, just simply caring and asking.

Si Xiaobao smiled reluctantly, "That woman is his former fiancee."

After saying this, he bypassed the shocked Xu Huan and walked to the ward where Yin Ruoya lived.

The door of the ward was opened silently, and a man in a white coat stood upright in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside the window, his back was facing the door of the ward.

Si Xiaobao did not go in, standing at the door watching Yin Ruoya buried her face between her knees, whispered in pain, "...I don't want to ruin you and Si Xiaobao, but Zhen Xining threatened me with a child! Let me be on the day you get the certificate. I’m so lucky to show up. You and her still get the certificate. If it’s really because of me, you missed being with the person you like, Gu Yi, I really... I can’t express my regret even if I die."

"I also persuaded Zhen Xining to let her give up, but besides giving me a slap, she also targeted my child. My child was less than one year old. When she gave birth to her, she almost died. It was Geng Chengjun and Zhen Xining. It took two days for the individual to rescue me before pulling me back from the ghost gate."

"Desperately giving birth to that child is not only because she is my flesh and blood, but also because of Geng Chengjun's persecution. Gu Yi, the reason Geng Chengjun approached you was because he thought you could not help his parents. He wanted to avenge you."

"In order to keep me, they fed me all kinds of strange medicines, and tied me with iron chains on my wrists and ankles..." Thinking of those painful memories, Yin Ruoya began to tremble again.

Gu Yi seemed to feel her emotions and turned his face to see Yin Ruoya's movements.

It was just such a slight turn around that Si Xiaobao could see the emotion in Gu Yi's eyes... it was guilt... deep guilt.

Of course, Si Xiaobao couldn't understand Gu Yi many times. At this moment, she didn't know if there were other emotions in Gu Yi's eyes other than guilt.

For example, distressed... undesirable emotions.

In the end, she saw Gu Yi pat Yin Ruoya on the shoulder, "I will definitely not let Zhen Xining go." Because she might hurt Xiaobao next, he can't let Zhen Xining hurt people around him like this.

Yin Ruoya embraced Gu Yi's arm, raised her head and looked at him pitifully, "I won't fight with Si Xiaobao, I just hope you don't push me far away, I'm afraid... tomorrow will be My last day in the world, yet I don’t see you often..."

Yin Ruoya did not exaggerate, her current body may not be able to wake up at any time, this is something Gu Yi knew well.

There was silence in the room, and Gu Yi nodded, "Xiaobao..." He just wanted to say something, Ye Xifeng's voice came from the door.

"Si Xiaobao! What are you doing at the door? What do you want to do to my daughter?"

Yin Ruoya inside seemed to be a guilty conscience, and quickly let go of Gu Yi's arm, but Gu Yi's heart throbbed and cried out bad.

The woman in the same white coat at the door, with her hands in her pockets, did not know how long she stood here, but looked at the two people inside blankly.

The eyes of the two met in the air, Gu Yi's mood calmed down, and there was no panic in his eyes, he looked at Yin Ruoya, "I'll ask you to go through the discharge procedures for you, and you can go back and recover."

"Well, but, Si Xiaobao...I and Gu Yi...nothing...I just..." Yin Ruoya looked at Si Xiaobao and seemed a little scared, but in the end she mustered up the courage and continued, "I will I won’t deliberately approach Gu Yi, and please don’t send me abroad, okay? I really don’t want to leave Jiuzhou City..."

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