Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 1664: Sweet my heart

Si Xiaobao laughed, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes, he walked into the ward step by step, "Yin Ruoya, if Gu Yi tells you here today, he can't let go of you, he still has you in his heart, I will... take the initiative to quit. ,how is it?"

She seems to be stingy, Si Xiaobao! Can't tolerate a grain of sand in my feelings...

This Yin Ruoya always wants to be a junior. Should she be more magnanimous and abdicate by herself, and don't let a dying person be a minor third?

Si Xiaobao was almost amused by his thoughts of White Lotus. Oh, it would be great if she was so great! I won't be so jealous anymore!

The next moment her arm was suddenly held. She lowered her eyelids and looked at the five fingers on her arm with a smile. They are so beautiful, such a beautiful hand. It's a pity to hold a scalpel. She should be a hand model!

"Why... Si Xiaobao, Gu Yi didn't..." Yin Ruoya smiled, she didn't know if she had a place in Gu Yi's heart, but she was sure that her position was far from Si Xiaobao's Up...

Instead of letting Gu Yi admit it himself, it's better to help Gu Yi speak.

"No?" Si Xiaobao raised his head and looked at his husband. His eyes met, and there was anger in his eyes, which was anger she couldn't understand.

She remembered that Gu Yi didn't seem to be angry with her for a long time! Why this time, for Yin Ruoya, are you going to be angry with her?

"My husband, what are you talking about? Why don't you speak? I'm leaving without speaking!" Si Xiaobao smiled sweetly.

Gu Yi finally sighed secretly, took her into his arms, and stopped her shoulders, "Xiaobao, naughty again! Don't you know who is in my husband's heart?"

Si Xiaobao shook his head unsparingly, "I don't know!"

Gu Yi didn't mind, he could understand Xiaobao's thoughts, and to make her feel at ease, Gu Yi didn't mind hurting other unrelated people. The hand holding her shoulder moved to her waist, and a kiss was printed on her long hair, "Ruoya, Xiaobao and I really love each other, she occupies a full place in my heart, except for her, I can't tolerate anyone in my heart anymore. Xiaobao, are you at ease?"

This graceful... Yin Ruoya almost couldn't breathe.

Si Xiaobao smiled sweetly, holding Gu Yi's arms, "Of course, husband, I'm hungry! You accompany me to dessert!"

If you are in a bad mood, go for some dessert and sweet your heart...

"Yeah." He crossed her right hand with five fingers on her left, and the two walked to the door of the ward together.

At the door, Ye Xifeng was frowning, watching Si Xiaobao vigilantly, until they left the ward, Ye Xifeng breathed a sigh of relief.

In the corridor of VVIP inpatient department

As before, all the smiles on Si Xiaobao's face disappeared. He shook off Gu Yi's hand vigorously and walked quickly to the elevator entrance.

Then, in the astonishment of many colleagues, Gu Yi chased after Si Xiaobao, regardless of her objection, and took her into his arms, half-cuddling her.

The two struggled to get into the elevator. Si Xiaobao still couldn't get rid of the man like brown candy, so he had to look at him coldly, "You let me go! If you don't let me go, I will be angry!"

"I haven't let go of you now, you are also angry!"

"...Remove your hand, I have a cleanliness addiction! If you touch another woman's hand, don't touch me again!" She saw Gu Yi pat Yin Ruoya on the shoulder with her own eyes!

In front of him that she has a cleanliness fetish? Gu Yi laughed dumbly, and later he solemnly explained to Si Xiaobao, "Yin Ruoya has been given too many medicines in a mess recently by Zhen Xinging, and she gets sick more and more frequently. She...time is running out. Xiaobao can rest assured, I There is no love between men and women for her. "It's a little guilty at best, nothing more.

"Gu Yi, this is the main reason why you didn't let me come to the hospital?" In order to comfort Yin Ruoya, she was not allowed to come to the hospital because she was afraid of being seen by her.

Gu Yi chuckled, and with a hard force on her left arm, he pushed her against the wall. Supporting her right arm on her left side, she bowed her head and pecked on her red lips, "No, my wife, Yin Ruoya is not a threat to you, you don't need to put her in your eyes."

He would not do anything to betray Xiaobao.

Si Xiaobao rolled his eyes into the air, Gu Yi is a big flicker, and a few words or two can wipe out most of her flicker!

When he walked out of the elevator, Gu Yi instantly recovered his usual image of a male god. Si Xiaobao was surprised when he saw him. Where was the brown candy in the elevator just now?

After walking a few steps, I suddenly found that Si Xiaobao hadn't followed, and he was standing at the elevator door not knowing what he was thinking. Gu Yi walked back, took her hand regardless of everyone's gaze, and led her out of the inpatient department.

"Gu Yi, why are you taking me?"

"Change clothes and eat dessert."

"I'm not going to eat! You let me go!" She just said that in the ward just now, so she shouldn't go for dessert with Gu Yi!

"Must eat!" Gu Yi arrogantly took her to the office and let her watch her change clothes.

For the skirt Si Xiaobao just wore in it, just take off his white coat, without changing his clothes.

Gu Yi took off her white lab coat and hung it on her hanger, then took her hand and walked to the parking lot together.

In the parking lot

Si Xiaobao was inexplicably taken into the back seat of the car, followed by Gu Yi himself. Closing the car door and pressing her under her body apart from anything else, the atmosphere in the car immediately changed.

Feeling his unruly palm, Si Xiaobao surrendered with a smile, "Hero, if you have something to say!"

Don't be here, when they got in the car just now, there were one or two people watching them curiously!

If the car shakes again now...

Gu Yi gently kissed the tip of her nose, and slowly said, "I heard that you said you want to quit today..." He clenched and quit.

Uh... it turns out to be this.

However, what he heard, he had heard her say it with his own ears! It's not that he is not there!

Thinking of Yin Ruoya, Si Xiaobao held his hands tightly, stared directly at him, and asked stubbornly, "Did I make a mistake?"

"Did you make a mistake?" Gu Yiyun repeated her words lightly, **** her bangs and hanging them behind her ears.

Si Xiaobao didn't pay attention, and Gu Yi controlled her hands on top of her head, and gave her no chance to exclaim, and directly kissed her red lips.

"Don't...don't..." She refused with unstable breathing. Although her period is abnormal now, and sometimes there is no for a while, she doesn't want to do anything here.

Gu Yi's eyes were dark right now, like thick ink that couldn't be melted, and his breathing was a few beats faster than usual.

He feels that he is looking for abuse, knowing that she has amulet now, and is still teasing her!

"Gu Yi, I'm serious, you listen to me, okay?" Si Xiaobao pulled back the reason he had picked up, and tried to calm himself.

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