On the avenue outside the Konoha Village.

A large merchant convoy, carrying supplies, was slowly moving towards its destination...

The client, Ito, was also a very shrewd businessman.

In order to avoid complaints from Kakashi's team, he invited several people to join him in the carriage.

Kakashi, a seasoned man, of course readily agreed to this request.

Naruto looked at the narrow carriage and directly rejected the invitation, jumping onto the roof of a cargo vehicle.

He lay lazily on it!

Sasuke followed suit and jumped onto the roof of another vehicle, lying on it to catch up on his sleep.

Last night's training made Sasuke very listless today.

Sakura looked down at her skirt, and after hesitating for a moment, she gave up imitating the two and entered the carriage with Kakashi.

Sealed space

"Doraemon, how many points does it take to rent the time machine?"

Naruto's consciousness came to the sealed space and asked Doraemon inside through the iron door.

The time for the penetration ring has expired, and Naruto can't enter the cage now.

"Time machine!

This requires at least 10,000 crash points to use once.

Naruto, we only have 3,100 points now.

Don't think about that for now.……"

Doraemon leaned against the fox tail of the Nine-Tails and whispered ambiguously.

In fact, he has only 2600 Crash Points left now.

Naruto did not notice Doraemon's discomfort, he was thinking about something with his head down.

After these attempts, Naruto knew that only by truly changing the plot can a large number of Crash Points be earned.

Just spoilers or changes in thinking will not result in many Crash Points.

So... if there is a time machine, and you travel directly to major historical events, the Crash Points will be considerable.

But now...……

"Doraemon, I want to rent a life-reinventing machine.

How many points of collapse does this cost?"

Naruto thought of a prop he knew, his eyes lit up, and he asked excitedly.

If you can't travel back, then this life-reinventing machine is the same.

【Life Regeneration Machine】As long as you adjust your age, you will retain your current IQ and strength and transfer them to that time to change the past.

It can be said that this is equivalent to the existence of a perfect regret medicine.

Except for the height, body shape, and age of a child, all other states are retained.

Doraemon has at least thousands of props, and Naruto only remembers some of the most impressive props.

This life regeneration machine is one of the most desired things.

After all, who doesn't have a few unforgettable regrets?……

"Life Reinventor?

This one costs 3,000 points and can only be used once, for one day!"

Doraemon looked down and rummaged through his four-dimensional pocket, then took out a prop and introduced it.

"Can only be used once?

And only for one day!

No wonder it's so cheap...

It's him, Doraemon."

Naruto stared at the prop in Doraemon's hand with surprise, and shouted after taking it with surprise.

He remembered that Nobita used this, and there was no time limit at all.

Unexpectedly, this one only has one day to change.

However, it is enough!

"This, as long as you adjust the date here, you will return to that time period.

Naruto, if you are not in that timeline, you will disappear.

Don't ever try to go back to a time without you.……"

Doraemon stole a glance at Naruto, and after not finding anything unusual about him, he gave him an earnest admonition.

This Life Rebuilding Machine actually only costs 2500 points.

Doraemon deliberately exaggerated it by 500 points, in fact, to make up for its shortfall. Doraemon is now very grateful that the prompt sound only prompts income information, not consumption information.

Naruto didn't know any of this, and was happily studying the Life Rebuilding Machine.

Originally, he was going to start with the second male lead, Jiji, to obtain the collapse points.

But with Jiji's current strength, even if he returns to the night of the genocide, he is still a food delivery, and nothing can be changed at all...

But if this person is replaced by Kakashi, it will be different!

Naruto fans all know that in the battle of Kannabi, the fate of Kakashi and Obito was changed at the same time.

Obito is the one who started the Fourth World War.

If Obito's fate is changed, then the collapse points will not come rolling in.……

"Doraemon, for the remaining 100 points, you can change the background here.

This dark environment is too depressing."

Thinking of the many breakdown points later, Naruto was in a good mood and said with great enthusiasm :

""Okay, thank you Naruto!"

Doraemon shouted happily and started searching in his pocket.

To be honest, he was not used to the environment here.

"Yes, yes...

A sightseeing illusion machine can bring real-time images from anywhere in the world to virtual reality here.

Because of the suppression of the world's will, only real-time images within a radius of 100 miles can be displayed now.

This consumes the least, only 10 hours a day."

Doraemon took out a machine, put it on the ground, and introduced it while operating it.

In an instant, the pitch-black sealed space turned into green trees and rivers.……

"Real-time footage of a hundred miles.

And only 10 o'clock a day?

Isn't this just a small portable map?"

Naruto looked at the vivid scenery around him in surprise, his eyes wide open, and shouted in shock.

Doraemon's props are indeed unreasonable.

With this intelligence gathering ability, the Byakugan is nothing in front of it.

And it's a 360-degree full-color picture.

If the picture is transferred to some place...

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