Under the starry moonlit night

, on the open roadside, a bonfire swayed with the breeze, outlining a beautiful picture.

Naruto and Kakashi sat around the bonfire, absent-mindedly staring at the swaying flames...

Well, Kakashi was absent-mindedly staring at the little red book in his hand.

The caravan, tired from a day's journey, fell asleep after eating and drinking.

Sasuke, the idiot, followed the caravan for physical training after catching up on sleep during the day. He was as energetic as if he was possessed by Rock Lee, and finally knocked himself out!

Now, he is sleeping soundly there...

Sakura was also arranged by Kakashi to take turns with Naruto to keep watch, and now she is also going to rest.

After Naruto asked Doraemon to use the sightseeing phantom machine to explore the surrounding area within a hundred miles, he still couldn't contain his excitement and started his own plan.

"Kakashi-sensei, I have something to tell you.……"


What's the matter?"

Kakashi looked at the contents of the Little Red Book and said lazily without raising his head.

"Teacher Kakashi, if you had the chance to go back to the past, what regret would you most want to change?"

Seeing that Kakashi was unmoved, Naruto's eyes flashed with a gleam, and he asked tactfully.

"Go back to the past?

Change regrets……"

Kakashi froze while reading, a flash of pain flashed through his eyes, and he murmured unconsciously.

His father's suicide is a pain that Kakashi will never get over.

The death of Obito and Rin is a nightmare that will accompany him throughout his life.

The death of his teacher and his wife is also a grief that he cannot express in words.

There are too many regrets...

No, I have finally forgotten those pains, I can't think about them again!

Kakashi was evoked the pain in his heart by that unforgettable memory, and his eyes became sharp, and he immediately suppressed those memories.

"Teacher Kakashi, I have a way to let you go back in time.

Do you want to try it?"

Naruto, who was observing Kakashi's expression, saw the determination in Kakashi's eyes and immediately threw out his trump card, which made Kakashi stunned in an instant.

"Go back to the past?


How could such a ridiculous thing happen?……"

Kakashi raised his head sharply, staring at Naruto with lightning-like eyes, suppressing the turmoil in his heart, and said in a cold voice:

"Just try it and you will know!

You won’t lose out anyway.……"

Naruto quickly took out the Life Regeneration Machine from his backpack, handed the T-shaped shameful headgear to Kakashi and said,

"Naruto, stop joking like that!

Put away your weird stuff, I don't believe in this kind of thing."

Kakashi glanced at the hood with a twitch in his eye and refused righteously.

"Kakashi-sensei, how could I lie to you!

Look at this……"

Naruto was prepared for this. He handed the hood in his hand to Kakashi and said to him with a piercing look.

He flipped his hand and a blue chakra ball appeared in his palm.


How can you do this?……"

Kakashi's face suddenly changed, his right eye almost popped out, and he cried out in shock.

"This is what you taught me!

You will know this when you come back.

Put on the hood now and input the time you want to go.

You will go back to the past with your current strength.

You cannot go back to the past before the age of ten, as your body will not be able to bear it.

You only have one day, so you must choose carefully.……"

Naruto dispersed the Rasengan, handed the time-adjusting machine to Kakashi, and said.

He deliberately set the time after the age of ten to prevent Kakashi from stopping White Fang's death.

Later, I believe that with Kakashi's bond with Obito, he will definitely choose the battle with Kannabi.

Except for Kakashi, no one at the scene knew which day that time point was.

As the most ninja-like ninja among the Hokage, Kakashi quickly analyzed the pros and cons in his mind.

Rasengan, only he and Jiraiya can use it now.

And Naruto said that his Rasengan was taught by himself.

Then there is only one possibility, that he learned it through this machine that goes back to the past.

In other words, this machine is very likely to be real.

Although there are still many mysteries in his mind, Kakashi is still ready to try this machine first, and then have a good talk with Naruto.

Everything must be verified before the authenticity of this machine is said.

Kakashi's eyes flashed, put on the headgear, and quickly adjusted to the day that made him unforgettable in his life.

Naruto saw the time, quickly converted it in his mind, raised his hand and pressed the start switch.

At the same time, Kakashi felt dizzy, as if he had fallen into a bottomless whirlpool, spinning and sinking...

Konoha 46th year

At this time, it was the time of the Third Ninja World War

"In the world of ninjas, people who break the rules and regulations are called trash.

However, those who don't cherish their friends are even more trash.

Since they are all trash, I will break this rule and choose to be a trash who cherishes his friends!

If this is not the right ninja

, then I will defeat him!"

Kakashi just regained consciousness when he heard this unforgettable cry.

"Really, back to this day!


Kakashi opened his eyes, stretched his hands tremblingly in front of his eyes, looked down at the familiar outfit of his youth, and then saw the familiar back of the receding figure. His defense was instantly broken, and he roared in a low voice:


Has Lin been captured at this time?

Iwagakure, let me end your lives.……"

Kakashi suddenly woke up, his eyes flashed with coldness, and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot.

With the strength of future Kakashi, Kakashi's current strength is already that of an elite jonin.

‘Obito, this time I will fight to the death to protect you and Rin.


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