The next day, after settling Karin, Naruto and Sasuke hurried out to join Hinata.

Several people went directly to the river where they often practiced in the past. Due to the extraordinary period, Naruto threw out several shadow clones to protect them and ensure that they were not disturbed. Then the three of them entered Naruto's illusion space and began to practice.

Because Naruto had asked Sasuke and Hinata to observe Kankuro's puppetry and Rock Lee's Eight Gates with their own pupils before.

Therefore, it just happened that Naruto had a clue to increase the speed of ninjutsu.

With the help of chakra threads acting on the puppets to control it, Naruto began to race against time to learn from the principles and expand in another way.

Of course, Sasuke and Hinata were not idle either. In addition to practicing ninjutsu themselves, they would occasionally compete with each other.

However, because Hinata is a girl and is Naruto's future wife, Sasuke obviously can't let go. Therefore, most of them are studying electromagnetic force on their own, eager to go further in electromagnetic control.

Since he already had a lot of capital and had done a lot of research on ninjutsu, Naruto took advantage of this opportunity and spent two natural days in the outside world to finally overcome the difficulty of the no-mark spell.

As for the ten-machine operation and the hundred-machine operation, for Naruto now, he only needs a few more days to completely master it.

"The existence of chakra is a miracle in itself."Naruto was filled with emotion.

However, since he had just overcome a difficult problem, he had to practice diligently if he wanted to quickly perform ninjutsu without a seal, and this kind of practice would not be completely effective in three or five days.

Only day after day, like the oil seller, can it be considered successful if it is practiced into a subconscious conditioned reflex. Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but this is also what Naruto requires of himself and Sasuke.

If you want to be strong, you must pay the due blood and sweat.

With Naruto's explanation and teaching, Sasuke and Hinata naturally learned to perform ninjutsu without a seal.

Five days have passed since they came out of the Forest of Death.

On this day, the three were busy practicing in the illusion space, and it took five hours for the outside world to reluctantly exit the illusion space.

Seeing that it was noon, Naruto was also hungry, so they ran to the restaurant in the village to have a big meal, and then started practicing again after the meal.

Then, in the illusion space After practicing in the room for forty hours, the three regained consciousness and it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Fortunately, it was midsummer and it got dark late. Naruto suggested a combination of work and rest, so the three of them went to the hot springs in the village to soak in the hot springs to relieve fatigue.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the hot springs, paid the money, and prepared to go in and soak in the hot springs.

Then, Naruto saw an extremely wretched figure lying on the roof of the outdoor hot spring room of the hot springs. He had white hair, a red cloak, a large scroll hanging from his waist, and his body shook from time to time, exuding an extremely wretched temperament.

Needless to say, it was Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas of Konoha, nicknamed the Toad Sage, but he was also famous for his wretchedness and lust.

Looking at Jiraiya who was concentrating on peeping, he said to Sasuke and Hinata:"You two go first, I have something to deal with here."

Sasuke also noticed the direction of Naruto's gaze, and took a closer look at Jiraiya's back, feeling strangely familiar, so he frowned and thought for a few seconds, and suddenly an idea flashed in his mind.

"He - could it be Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas?"

Naruto nodded and replied,"Yes, I'll go and deal with that old pervert, you guys go in first, no need to wait for me."

Since Naruto wanted to handle it himself, Sasuke and Hinata would not force him. Just when Jiraiya finally waited until the fog below finally thinned a little and he could barely see the white-haired girl, he heard a cry of"Ah!"——"


Jiraiya spat out blood, and spun in the air for an unknown number of times. With a plop, he fell directly into the outdoor hot spring next to him.

The women who were bathing in the hot spring suddenly heard a loud noise from above. They were immediately shocked and thought that there must be a pervert peeping at them. They screamed and grabbed their towels and ran into the locker room.


""Who, who, which bastard attacked your uncle Jiraiya, come out and get yourself killed!"

Seeing Jiraiya rushing out of the water and cursing, Naruto leaped over the water and rushed to Jiraiya, with an angry look on his face:"You old pervert, how dare you talk so shamelessly here, you failed to peep and even dared to pretend to be Jiraiya, one of the three famous ninjas of Konoha!"

Jiraiya knew he was in the wrong, and his anger subsided a lot. He explained guiltily:"I am Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, who are you!""

"Bah! You still dare to quibble. In my mind, Jiraiya is an upright, selfless, noble, elegant, and not close to women... (200 words omitted here) a gentleman who can remain calm even when a woman's arms are flirting with him." Listening to Naruto's exaggerated praise, Jiraiya blushed and said awkwardly:"Actually, I don't have what you said.……"Before Jiraiya could finish, Naruto continued

"You are such a disrespectful old man, with a wretched face, shifty eyes, shameless and vulgar... (500 words omitted here) You, such a despicable and filthy old man, dare to call yourself Lord Jiraiya. This is simply the ultimate insult to Lord Jiraiya. No, old things like you must be arrested.……"

Jiraiya's face turned darker and darker as he listened to Naruto's scolding. He realized that the bastard in front of him had definitely recognized his identity and said these words to disgust him.

And the more he looked at the yellow-haired boy in front of him, the more familiar he looked. So he immediately interrupted Naruto and asked,"Okay, stop pretending. Who are you?"

Uzumaki Naruto was stunned for a moment:"Ah, what are you pretending about? Let me tell you, I, Uzumaki Naruto, am not afraid of being scared. I must arrest you today. I tell you, if you dare to resist, you will know how cruel the punishment of Konoha's torture department is. For an old pervert like you, your tools will definitely be confiscated after you go in!" Jiraiya

:(╬ ̄Dish ̄)

"How does Minato and Kushina's son look like? How can he be so poisonous!"Jiraiya was furious, but he was the son of his deceased apprentice, so he could only bear it after thinking about it.

""Stop pretending to be stupid, you little brat!" Jiraiya yelled at Naruto.


Jiraiya was furious and rebuked Naruto,"You little brat, besides, I wasn't peeping, I was collecting materials and looking for inspiration, you know that!"

"Oh! I understand. Then I will send you to the interrogation department later. Watching you get your crime tools confiscated can be regarded as my collecting materials. After all, people can find any excuse to justify their behavior these days. My lazy teacher is no exception."

Jiraiya was so angry that his back teeth were about to break:"I am really collecting materials. Do you know the book"Intimate Paradise"?"

Naruto nodded:"I know.……"

Jiraiya crossed his arms and said proudly,"It's nice, isn't it? I am that……"

"The writing style of that book is simply terrible, the emotions are even more sobering, and the occasional sexual descriptions of the plot are also uninteresting. I even suspect that the author of that book is impotent.……"

Before Naruto could finish, Jiraiya could no longer bear it and raised his fist to hit Naruto's head hard, but Naruto had been secretly guarding against him. He moved back lightly and dodged Jiraiya's fist, causing Jiraiya to fall into the water again.——

""Ahem, you little brat, stop right there! I must give you a good beating today! How dare you slander my work? God punish you!"

Naruto knew that he really pissed off Jiraiya, and he ran away when he saw that the situation was not good. After all, Jiraiya was definitely stronger than him now, and the Sage Mode was no joke. Jiraiya angrily chased Naruto for eight blocks, and then ran to a waterfall in the back mountain of Konoha.

Jiraiya was getting more and more frightened as he chased. He thought that Naruto must not be very strong at such a young age, but he didn't expect that with his speed, he couldn't catch up, and was always kept at a subtle distance by Naruto.

"This kid is really Minato's son. He has perfectly inherited Minato's talent for speed!" He sighed in his heart and shouted

"Enough, enough, brat, stop running, I won't beat you anymore!"

Naruto stopped and turned around to sneer:"You really have kidney deficiency, how far can you not run?"


"I must beat you to death today, you little brat, Ninja Technique: The Lion Hair Technique!!!"

Jiraiya, who was furious, suddenly had his white hair grow wildly, forming a streak all over the sky in an instant. Naruto, who was not far away, was shocked, and it seemed that he had no time to react, and was instantly wrapped up by the white hair and tied up tightly.

Then, Jiraiya controlled his hair to tie up Naruto and brought him to his side, and kicked Naruto in the ass.


The moment Jiraiya's whip kick touched Naruto's ass, Naruto's body immediately turned into a ball of white smoke, and the smoke disappeared in the blink of an eye.���Scatter

"Nani... Shadow clone, when was it released?"

"Suck, suck, suck, suck, kidney - forget it, since you are an old man, I won't provoke you."Naruto walked out of the jungle not far away. He wanted to continue to taunt, but after thinking about it, he still needed help from this lecherous old man, so he stopped his venomous thoughts.

""You little brat, do you think you can get away with just a few words? Come and die!" The more Jiraiya looked at him, the more he felt that this bastard deserved a beating. He would not be able to get over it if he didn't beat him up today.

In an instant, all the Yellow Spring Swamp, the Thousand Needles, and the Toad Oil Bullet were used on Naruto. Naruto was helpless, knowing that he had gone too far and had completely angered the old pervert.

He could only be fully alert to deal with Jiraiya, using the skills he had practiced for a long time to constantly dodge Jiraiya's ninjutsu and other moves.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes, during which time Jiraiya became more and more frightened. Naruto's speed was too fast. His reaction speed is obviously much stronger than his. With this kind of strength, he can only completely suppress Naruto unless he activates the Sage Mode.

Because he does not have a physique similar to that of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya felt tired after nearly fifteen minutes of fighting. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, he is worthy of being a genius who inherited Minato's talent and Uzumaki Kushina's physique. He should be only 12 years old now, and he has grown to this level. How powerful will he be when he grows up?

Finally, Jiraiya stopped and shouted,"Alright, no more fighting, you little brat are more slippery than a loach. I���No one can catch you"

"Tell me, brat, what do you want to do?"

Naruto pretended to be stupid:"What do you want to do? I just passed by and took the opportunity to crack down on criminals and correct someone's unhealthy practices." Jiraiya was inexplicably angry, but he still endured it:"Don't play dumb, you little bastard recognized me at a glance, and dared to attack me. It's obvious that you want to get something from me, right?"

Naruto:(* ̄∇ ̄*)

"As expected of Jiraiya-sama, one of the Three Ninjas, you are truly extremely smart!"


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