"Okay, let's stop talking about those useless things. I want to learn ninjutsu from you. Please be generous and teach me a few S-level ninjutsu!"

Jiraiya's face twitched after hearing this,"With your attitude, you still want me to teach you ninjutsu, and you still want to learn S-level ninjutsu? I only have a few S-level ninjutsu, do you have any shame!"

Naruto was shameless:"Why do I need face? Can I become stronger if I have face? Just tell me whether you will teach me or not?"

Jiraiya was furious:"Get out, I won't teach you. With your attitude, not to mention whether you have any shame, just because you slandered my work, I won't teach you!"

Naruto looked disdainful:"What do you mean I slandered your work? I'm just being realistic. Do you really think you wrote it well?"

Jiraiya was furious:"This immortal's"Intimate Paradise" is a best-seller in the entire ninja world. It is the only one in the entire ninja world. Everyone who reads it says it is good. Do you really think you dare to comment on my book just because you know a few words and read a few books? I will punish you from heaven!"

"Tsk, this is the only one in the whole ninja world? That's because people in the world have no vision. What you wrote with your little pen and ink can only fool those short-sighted people. Let me show you how well this work is written!"After saying that, Naruto took out a small book of only ten pages from his ninja tool bag and threw it to Jiraiya.


Naruto has made some changes to the plot and characters in" How Can You Be a Thing" to roughly fit the framework of the ninja world. At present, Naruto has only copied five or six chapters, and there are several other works, and some comics, just to use these as bait to lure Jiraiya.

After reading only the first chapter, Jiraiya's face was completely red, and he couldn't help squatting down, with his legs together, looking a little uncontrollable.

However, as a powerful ninja, he can still bear it a little. In addition, as a senior writer, Jiraiya's reading speed is also quite fast. I dare not say that he can read ten lines at a glance, but five or six lines at a glance is also easy, and he will not miss a single word.

Soon he finished reading the pages of chapter 5 or 6, and the plot came to an abrupt end, which made him furious. He stared at Naruto with red eyes and asked,"What's next? Hurry up and give me the rest of the plot!"

At this moment, Naruto showed a treacherous look:"How is it? How does it compare to your work?"

Jiraiya's face turned even redder:"Tsk, it's just a bunch of obscene words and phrases, and you want to compete with my work?……"

"Well, that's all I have here, there's nothing else to say!" Jiraiya got anxious when he heard it:"No, there's a saying, it seems to be passed down by the Six Paths Sage, which means that stones from other mountains can be used to polish jade. If you let me appreciate it more, it will be a good opportunity to improve my work!"

Naruto looked smug and asked with a sly grin:"Do you really want to see it?"

"I want to see it!" Jiraiya nodded repeatedly

"Then trade me your ninjutsu!"

Jiraiya knew that he had been tricked by this bastard, and his life point was really under his control. With a bitter and reluctant look on his face, he asked back:"You little bastard, are you really Uzumaki Naruto?"

"Why would I lie to you? Besides, if I really wanted to lie to you, why would I use this identity to lie to you? My reputation is well-known in Konoha. When I walk on the street, everyone I meet will secretly call me a fox demon and a disaster. If you don't believe it, you can also ask my third generation grandfather to verify it!"

Hearing Naruto's self-deprecation, Jiraiya suddenly felt a little sorry for Naruto. He still knew a little about Naruto's situation in Konoha.

Even though he had lost contact with the ninja world because of his wandering around, he still took out a few days to visit Naruto privately in Konoha when Naruto was two or three years old over the years. Therefore, he had a general understanding of the situation of his apprentice's son.

But due to the warnings of the Third Hokage and Danzo, Jiraiya did not want to interfere in the dirty politics of the Konoha high-level officials, so he temporarily suppressed the idea of taking over and adopting Naruto. Therefore, his guilt towards the Fourth Hokage and his wife and Naruto made him dare not set foot in Konoha for nearly ten years.

This time, if it hadn't been for many years, and the Third Hokage had a premonition that Orochimaru was going to mess up Konoha's Chunin Exam, he specially wrote a letter to ask Jiraiya to come back.

In addition, Jiraiya collected certain information that made him worry about Naruto's safety, so he had to rush back to Konoha. Otherwise, it might be that Jiraiya would only return to Konoha after Sarutobi Hiruzen died of old age in the position of Hokage.

At this time, Jiraiya said helplessly:"Then what ninjutsu do you want to learn?"

""As many S-class as you can get!" Naruto asked for a big request.

Jiraiya clenched his fists and said in a frown:"No, there is not a single S-class one!"

"Tsk, then I won't learn it anymore!" Then he turned and left.

"What? Wait, it's not that I don't want to teach you S-level ninjutsu. My S-level ninjutsu requires prerequisites to learn. If you don't have these conditions, you can't learn even if I want to teach you!" Jiraiya hurriedly grabbed Naruto and said sincerely.

As for what the prerequisites are, Naruto knew it very well. The S-level ninjutsu that Jiraiya could perform was nothing more than the various powerful ninjutsu performed by the Sage Mode.

However, if you want to learn the Sage Mode, according to Jiraiya's idea, you must sign a contract with the three holy places, and then enter the holy places to absorb the rich natural energy in the holy places to practice the Sage Mode. However,

Naruto has always been wary of the three holy places. There is a saying that those who are not of my race must have different hearts. In addition, the old toad in Myoboku Mountain can predict the future. It is possible that he can discover the abnormality of Naruto's soul when he is close, so Naruto has no intention of signing any holy land contract.

But in order to cover up his intentions, Naruto had to play dumb:"What conditions, is there anything I can't learn?"

After hearing this, Jiraiya used a summoning technique and a huge cloud of smoke dissipated, revealing an orange toad more than two meters tall that was stepped on by Jiraiya.

Naruto looked closely and saw that the toad was orange-red all over, with blue stripes similar to tiger stripes on its skin. It had a huge bead necklace around its neck, with the word"loyalty" engraved on the largest bead in the middle, and a huge scroll in its mouth.

Naruto deliberately asked suspiciously,"What do you mean?" Jiraiya explained,"If you want to learn S-level ninjutsu, you have to sign a contract and learn the summoning technique. When the time is right, you can go to Myoboku Mountain to learn the Sage Mode. By then, as long as you have mastered the Sage Mode, you will be able to learn many S-level ninjutsu.""

"Huh? Do we have to sign a summoning beast contract? After signing, will we only be able to summon this kind of toad when using summoning techniques?"

Jiraiya was a little surprised and praised,"Oh? You know a lot about it, yes, what Gamachu said is the summoning contract of the sacred place of Myoboku Mountain. As long as you sign the contract with your blood, you can summon the toads of Myoboku Mountain anytime and anywhere in the future."

Naruto looked disgusted,"Eh - I don't want it. I'm already sick of this kind of cold-blooded animal with bumps and greasy bumps, and you still want me to summon only this kind of animal? Aren't there any furry and cute cats, dogs or bears?" As soon as Naruto finished speaking, the air sac in the lower jaw of Gamachu, who was squatting at Jiraiya's feet, suddenly swelled up, and a low frog croak came from Gamachu's abdomen.

Jiraiya was shocked and hurried to comfort him,"Gamachu, please calm down. Naruto is young and ignorant. I'm going to teach him a lesson. Don't take it to heart."

After Jiraiya finished speaking, he gave Naruto a blow on the head. Although Naruto was able to dodge it, it still gave Jiraiya a chance. After all, his head was actually quite hard.

"You little bastard, hurry up and apologize to me. You should know that Myoboku Mountain has always been Konoha's partner. It is said that Myoboku Mountain has been the holy place of the ninja world since the legendary Six Paths Sage period."

"That is the highest level of summoning contract that countless ninjas have tried their best to sign but have been unable to do so. Did you know that the Fourth Hokage of Konoha is also a contractor of Myobokusan?"

Naruto continued with a defiant attitude:"I don't care. Anyway, apart from humans, beast girls, mermaids and the like, I don't like any other creatures as long as they are not furry! Oh, and I don't like political correctness either!"

Jiraiya was furious:"What political correctness? Stop changing the subject. You must be tired of living. Apologize to me now!"

""Tsk, I just don't like toads, disgusting!" Naruto declared again.

Jiraiya was furious and was about to dunk Naruto again, but he saw the toad next to him roaring and croaking, and disappeared with a"puff" of white smoke. It was obvious that he was so angry with Naruto that he cancelled his summoning and returned to Myoboku Mountain.

Naruto took the opportunity to avoid Jiraiya's brain explosion, and Jiraiya cursed:"Bakayaro, you ignorant and arrogant bastard, do you know that once you anger the toad, you will never sign the Myoboku Mountain contract in your life! ?"

Naruto said with disdain:"Tsk, do you think I care about it? I don't care even if they beg me to sign in the future! Bah, disgusting!"

"you you……"Jiraiya was so angry that he didn't know how to organize his words to teach this rebellious son a lesson.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry. Besides summoning techniques, can't you teach me other ninjutsu?"

"No, I won't give you anything. Get out of here, as far away as you can get from me!" Jiraiya was almost losing his mind.

"Humph, you are so stingy. Come to me when you have thought it over. I am always at your service. I am leaving now. I still need to go to the hot springs. By the way, don't peek here, or I will ask the Third-generation Grandfather to confiscate your tools!" Naruto turned around and waved his hand and left.

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