Jiraiya recorded the sealing techniques, but he himself did not master all of them. Take the Four Symbols Seal and the Three-way Seal, for example. The former was learned from Minato Namikaze, and was used to seal the tailed beasts. Jiraiya learned it but never had a chance to use it.

As for the Three-way Seal, it requires three people to perform, but it can also be used with the help of shadow clones. As for shadow clones, Jiraiya is not as strong as the Senju and Uzumaki clan, so he rarely uses them.

In addition to his own strength, he is also quite powerful in the current ninja world. He has been wandering around for so many years and rarely encountered opponents who can match his strength, so he is not very concerned about sealing techniques.

However, these sealing techniques are enough for Naruto at present. The most important thing is to master the Four Symbols Seal first. After all, he does not have the Nine-Tails, and his current chakra is far less than that of Hashirama Senju in his peak period. In short, it is best to find an opportunity to get a tailed beast and seal it into his body to improve his strength.

Also, when the Chunin Tournament is about 20 days away, if Gaara goes berserk and releases Shukaku, he will have the means to deal with it. After all, if he abandons the contract of Myoboku Mountain, there will be no Gamabunta to fight with him against the one-tailed Shukaku.

It has to be said that learning the seal technique is indeed a bit difficult. For Naruto, it is equivalent to a student with extremely ordinary mathematical talent. He has just entered high school and is learning quadratic functions. Generally, the threshold is still relatively high, and it takes a lot of time to conduct theoretical analysis and practical exercises.

Fortunately, Naruto is not short of these. The 10:1 time ratio in the illusion space can transform into various scenes and objects, and can also divide many shadow clones to learn at the same time, so as to improve efficiency faster. In short, Naruto's control of the seal technique has been rapidly improved.

Of course, Naruto needs to practice a lot of things, in addition to day-to-day chakra refining, physical training, no seal casting, and blood-related escape techniques derived from the fusion of various attribute chakras, etc.

In short, in order to improve his strength, Naruto rarely has time to spare in the illusion space.

Moreover, every night after parting with Sasuke and Hinata, he would spend half the night practicing in the illusionary space. If he was not afraid of being exhausted the next day and not being able to recover from chakra depletion, he would want to practice in the illusionary space all night long.

This is one of the important reasons why Sasuke could never surpass Naruto.


Time flies. Naruto and his friends have been training for 25 days. There are only five days left before the final Chunin Tournament.

During this period, many people secretly observed Naruto and his friends. In addition to Konoha's Anbu and Jiraiya, Gaara also sneaked out to secretly observe the training of several people.

Since Naruto arranged a shadow clone for defense, Gaara could only peek remotely and couldn't figure out the reason for a long time. I don't know why the three of them have to meditate and refine chakra in the same place. Can they become stronger without practicing ninjutsu?

In addition to Gaara, there are also three people, Kabuto Yakushi, who take turns to remotely monitor the whereabouts of Naruto and Sasuke every day.

At the same time, they also discovered the existence of Karin, because the strength of Naruto and Sasuke is really beyond their scope of response. After discovering the existence of Karin, Kabuto Yakushi began to plan the next step.

However, since there is always a shadow clone of Naruto around Karin, it also gives Kabuto Yakushi a little headache, but it doesn't matter, he can calculate everything.

Unfortunately, Kabuto Yakushi's whereabouts have always been seen by Naruto.

Moreover, in order to heal the bite marks on Karin's body, after Karin bit Naruto's chakra more than a dozen times, Karin's Kagura Heart Eye unexpectedly awakened.

Since it had just awakened, the perception range of Kagura Heart Eye was only one kilometer in radius, but this was completely enough for Naruto. Karin could use Kagura Heart Eye to observe the movements around her every day.

Once there was any abnormality, it would immediately tell Naruto's shadow clone. Therefore, during this period, Kabuto Yakushi and others secretly came to Sasuke's house many times and set up traps. Naruto

's perception was obviously not as good as Karin's Kagura Heart Eye, but as long as they dared to appear within 200 meters around him, he could roughly feel it. As for who it was, it was difficult to tell.

Fortunately, Hinata and Sasuke were around during the day. Both of them had top-notch insight. With Naruto's external assistance, Hinata's Byakugan's observation range was actually forcibly increased from the original limit of one kilometer in radius to a radius of 1.5 kilometers.

In this way, as long as they exit the illusion space during the day, no one around them who is spying can escape Hinata's white eyes.

It can be said that what Kabuto Yakushi did was almost completely exposed to Naruto.

Knowing that Kabuto Yakushi intended to target Karin, Naruto and Sasuke have at least split a dozen shadow clones and placed them near Karin in the past few days.

Well - specifically, Naruto split twelve or thirteen, and Sasuke split three or four. Among Naruto's shadow clones, there are several ice clones with good strength, which are also strong in resistance to attacks and will not be directly collapsed by a slightly heavier attack.

In addition, Karin was allowed to exercise in the courtyard of Sasuke's villa and practice some ninjutsu. In short, everything is to ensure Karin's safety.

Karin has no complaints about the fact that Naruto can only send shadow clones to protect her every day. She is just particularly envious of them being able to go out normally every day. Because of the awakening of Kagura's mind eye, Karin can even sense the other party's lies.

Therefore, he also learned about Hinata's existence. Although he was a little jealous, this did not prevent him from always liking Naruto. Don't you see that Karin in the original work was hurt by Sasuke so many times, but she still couldn't restrain her love for Sasuke. It can only be said that he is a dog licker and a pitiful person.


During this period, he has completely mastered the Four Symbols Seal, and the Five Elements Seal has also achieved some success. As for the no-seal casting, it can be said that it has now completely formed a conditioned reflex, and any ninjutsu can be cast without making any seals.

Of course, Sasuke and Hinata have also completely mastered the no-seal casting. In terms of proficiency, Sasuke is only a little behind Naruto. Unless it is magnified to the level of strength of the former Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, a more obvious gap can be detected.

Otherwise, even an ordinary super-shadow level will find it difficult to perceive the speed difference between Naruto and Sasuke in releasing ninjutsu.

As for Hinata, she is a little behind, not much. For example, if the two release the same super-large jade Rasengan, Hinata is only about one tenth of a second slower than Naruto.

This may sound very Versailles, but the world of Naruto is like this. The bloodline almost limits the limit of one's own development. At present, the living aborigines in the ninja world have the best bloodlines of Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata, and the rest have to stand aside.

Without blood, even if he is as strong as Kai, although he almost kicked out the finale, he didn't see how many people were assisting him. He finally kicked Madara's ultimate kick, but it only made Madara temporarily seriously injured and difficult to recover. Of course

, if he kicked Madara's head, it might be another matter. On the other hand, if Naruto hadn't returned in time, he would have died on the spot.

Back to the topic, although the three of them have completely mastered the no-mark casting, Naruto still asked the two to hide their strength as much as possible, at least not to expose the no-mark casting for the time being. If it really doesn't work, they can use one-handed seals to confuse others.

In addition to the no-mark casting, the other strengths of the three have also been significantly improved. Hinata can already fully perform the Soft Fist 128 Punch. As for other soft fist secrets, it can be said that they have all been mastered.

As for wanting to further improve their strength, in addition to the physical growth, the only thing left is to evolve the pupil power.

However, it is too early now, and they are not able to go to the moon, so the plan to improve the Byakugan pupil power can only be temporarily shelved.

But Sasuke is different. Every day, he absorbs Naruto's Asura Chakra, and with his hard training, his strength is steadily improving, as if there is no bottleneck.

However, in the past two days, Sasuke always feels that his eyes have signs of evolving again, but no matter how hard he tries, he can't make his eyes transform into Mangekyō. It seems that there is an extremely solid barrier that completely blocks the evolution of his eyes. Naruto certainly knows this. After all, his bloodline is impure. If the three-magatama Sharingan wants to evolve into Mangekyō, it must be stimulated by extremely strong negative emotions to completely transform.

For example, killing close friends and relatives, or being powerless to witness the death of relatives and friends, using extremely strong negative emotions to stimulate the threshold of the evolution of the eyes, and then breaking the shackles to achieve Mangekyō.

In this regard, Naruto and Sasuke have made a full analysis of the conditions for the advancement of his eyes.

Due to the understanding of the original work, in addition to the Six Paths Sage witnessing the death of his friend, he directly evolved the three-magatama Sharingan, and then personally beat his brother to a near-death state, and instantly awakened the Samsara Eye.

Indra killed two friends with his own hands and evolved the Eternal Mangekyō directly.

After that, the bloodline completely faded. To achieve the Eternal Eye, a pair of so-called blood relatives' Mangekyō completely absorbed the other party's pupil power.

The harsh conditions are simply unimaginable, so in the past thousand years, only Uchiha Madara, a monster, has been created. Of course, there will be Sasuke in the future, after all, a lot of people are rushing to give him a hang.

According to Sasuke's own description, every time his Sharingan evolved, it was because of his own emotional fluctuations that were particularly large, which prompted the initial single-eye one magatama to slowly evolve to the current double-eye three magatama.

So Naruto made a more detailed analysis after sorting out a bunch of data.

It was determined that the evolution of the Sharingan requires emotional stimulation, but why can only be negative emotions, and why can't positive emotions of happiness and joy stimulate the evolution of the eyes?

This question also made Sasuke fall into contemplation, and he couldn't figure it out for a long time.

Then after Naruto's careful analysis and careful research in all aspects, he made a reasonable explanation.

The reason is that the evolution of the Sharingan is based on the desire for power of the main body.

Feelings of joy and happiness, no matter how big the emotional fluctuations are or how tears well up in your eyes, at that moment you are infinitely satisfied. Since you are satisfied, you will not have too many extravagant demands. The so-called negative emotions, whether it is anger, regret or despair, are almost all regrets about your own weakness, or hatred of the unfair treatment of others and fate.

At that moment, all kinds of demands will arise in your heart, such as the hope of obtaining powerful strength, or reversing time, or escaping from reality and so on.

After all, it is the extreme desire for various powers in the heart that can stimulate the evolution of the Sharingan.

Therefore, the Sharingan can only be successfully evolved under negative emotions. When you are in positive emotions, your heart is too satisfied to seek strength.

"So, I just need to deepen my desire for a certain power to awaken the Mangekyō?"

Naruto nodded and responded,"That's about it. For example, in order to be able to use the electromagnetic cannon, you studied electromagnetic force like crazy, and then your second eye opened the three magatama. Isn't this an obvious demand for power?"

"If that doesn't work, go to the Nanhe Shrine in your clan's territory and take a look at the stone tablet. You might find something new. Of course, don't trust the stone tablet too much. After thousands of years, there must be someone who can change the contents of the stone tablet. Nothing is as real as what you get from your own practice."

"Hmm." Sasuke nodded, and pondered for a while,"A crazy desire? It seems that only by imitating the attitude of learning electromagnetic force can it be awakened, right? This is what you said, you can't live without madness?"

Naruto shrugged:"Who knows, let's take it one step at a time, don't worry about time, we have plenty of time now."

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