As the final Chunin Exam approaches, many people from other places have come to Konoha Village in recent days, including lords and nobles of all sizes. In addition, Konoha Village is the most prosperous of the five major ninja villages, and the number of merchants coming and going has increased dramatically in recent days.

Therefore, the patrol strength in Konoha Village has been greatly increased. In order to identify whether the outsiders during this period are ninja spies from other countries, all the Anbu personnel of Konoha have been mobilized these days.

Secretly collect information about outsiders, carefully follow and observe whether there are other abnormalities. In short, in order to ensure the smooth completion of this Chunin Exam, Sarutobi Hiruzen had to ask Danzo for help.

I hope he can also send people to secretly maintain the order of Konoha, and conduct more careful investigations on some suspicious outsiders.

Naruto also took this opportunity, taking advantage of the mixed situation, quietly slipped out of Konoha and came to the back of the Uzumaki clan's Namen Hall, and dug out the silver notes that the ice clone had sold for the inheritance of Cardo.

A full 2.

5 billion taels, not a small amount, but the size is too large, so it is impossible to carry it like this.

���A large bag of money returned to Konoha would definitely attract the attention of others.

Fortunately, Naruto also prepared a storage scroll, sealed all the money in the scroll, and returned to Konoha easily and unnoticed.

From then on, Naruto no longer had to rely on Sasuke. Two and a half billion taels of silver notes, as long as he didn't spend too much, would be enough for him to enjoy himself for several years.

Why can he only enjoy himself for several years? Because he still had to support his wife. Hinata's stomach capacity was so big that if he wanted to feed her at one time, he would have to consume at least two cows and a full banquet.

Of course, as long as he could feed his wife, she could at least last for a week. This was the result of Naruto's personal experiment.

As for Hinata's appetite, Sasuke said he couldn't afford to feed her because she was too hungry!

As for the benefits of being full, except that the area that should be big was a little bigger, there was no abnormality in other aspects. Maybe the number of experiments was not enough.

After all, just to have enough food would take up a lot of time and money. In addition, Naruto has been practicing in the illusion space, and his strength has been steadily improving. He really didn't pay much attention to the changes in other details.

Of course, just because his wife can grow up when she is full, it is worth Naruto's unswerving investment in feeding her. After all, he, Uzumaki Naruto, likes big ones very much.

Finally, the last day before the final assessment was approaching. The three of them practiced as usual for a whole morning. During lunch, they learned that Choji was actually hospitalized.

They thought that Choji was injured during the sparring process because he was a sparring partner for Shikamaru. After careful questioning, it turned out that he had gastritis from eating too much barbecue.

Then, several people discussed it for a while, and after lunch, they rushed to the hospital to visit him, and also visited Rock Lee.

Rock Lee's muscle tissues have been restored to almost everything under Konoha's advanced medical ninjutsu, but the bones of his left arm and left leg that were crushed by Gaara with sand have only recovered less than 10% now, and the situation is not optimistic.

His condition is almost impossible to recover unless he eats Naruto's chakra or asks Tsunade to treat him personally.

But even so, Rock Lee will force himself to do hundreds of push-ups with one hand and one leg every day despite the severe pain.

He doesn't want to give up, and doesn't want to disappoint Might Guy's expectations of him. Even though he is now almost a useless person, he will try his best to prove that he can become a qualified ninja no matter what state he is in.

Sasuke has always seen Rock Lee's various performances. Every time he comes to the hospital and sees Rock Lee doing push-ups while enduring severe pain, he admires his will from the bottom of his heart.

However, he has privately asked Naruto and learned that the current timing does not allow the physical healing characteristics to be exposed, so he can only wait until the Chunin is over and find Tsunade to treat Rock Lee's body. After leaving the hospital, the three did not continue to practice. After all, they had been training intensively every day before, and the final assessment would be tomorrow, so it would be better to relax and relieve the pressure.

Taking his wife to eat all the way, and then taking a beautiful hot spring bath, a pleasant afternoon soon ended.

After that, Sasuke left first, and Naruto sent his wife home, and suffered the cold stares from her family.

When Sasuke was more than 500 meters away from his home, a figure blocked Sasuke's way home.

Seeing the appearance of the person who blocked his way, Sasuke was not surprised, because before this, Sasuke had been warned by Naruto that this person should have a close relationship with Orochimaru, and might be bad for them, and would most likely start with Karin.

Yes, it was Kabuto Yakushi who blocked their way. After all, before the first stage of the Chunin Exam, Kabuto Yakushi had chatted with them, and Naruto had also asked Kabuto Yakushi for their own information cards.

"Good evening, Sasuke-kun." Yakushi Kabuto greeted him very familiarly.

"Is there something wrong, Senior Kabuto Yakushi?"Sasuke knew that Kabuto Yakushi had some plans, but he didn't expose them directly without any patience. Instead, he wanted to see what Kabuto Yakushi was trying to do.

Kabuto Yakushi smiled slightly and adjusted his glasses with his fingers:"I have some information about Uchiha Itachi, I wonder if Sasuke is interested?"

Sasuke frowned when he heard it,"Where is he now? Did he come to Konoha secretly?" Kabuto Yakushi shook his head:

"Of course not, but Uchiha Itachi is in another place. If Sasuke wants to know, follow me." After that, he appeared on the rooftop dozens of meters away in an instant.

"I am……"Sasuke was disdainful to leave with Kabuto Yakushi, but calmed down when the words came to his mouth.

He thought to himself:"He wants to get me out of the way. It seems that he wants to attack Karin? Humph, with the strength of the three of them, they want to break through the protection of me and Naruto's shadow clones. It's ridiculous. But let's play along and see what tricks he can play.��"

"If you can't tell me anything useful, don't blame me for being rude."

"Of course I can guarantee the credibility of the information, but whether you believe it or not is entirely up to you, Sasuke-kun. Come with me."

Then he quickly left in the direction away from Sasuke's house, and Sasuke followed him slowly.

After confirming that Sasuke had left, Akado Kai and Ken Misumi, who were hiding in the dark not far away, came out. The two looked at each other, but because they were both wearing masks and sunglasses, it was impossible to tell whether they were smiling or not.

"Follow the plan and deal with their shadow clones first."Red Copper Armor spoke first

"Their shadow clones are quite powerful, but it's a pity that Dou doesn't allow us to use detonating talismans, otherwise, wouldn't it be enough to just detonate the detonating talismans we buried?"

"Now is a special period. Tomorrow is the final Chunin Exam. Konoha's patrol strength is the most stringent tonight. Do you want to lure all the people from Konoha here?"

Jian Meicheng said helplessly:"Okay, we can only try to kill with ninja tools first."

So the two of them took out a few shurikens and ran towards Sasuke's house.

Soon, they found the first shadow clone of Uzumaki Naruto who was meditating outside Sasuke's house.

Jian Meicheng took the brunt and threw two shurikens at the shadow clone. Naruto's shadow clone opened his eyes instantly, jumped up and avoided the shuriken attack, but in the next moment, two Senbon came from the side, and the shadow clone seemed unable to dodge. After being hit, it dissipated with a"puff".

Seeing that Naruto's shadow clone was defeated, Akado Kai immediately shouted in a low voice:"Hurry up and decide the battle quickly, otherwise it will be too late when that yellow-haired kid comes back."

Then, Akado Kai and Ken Misumi walked to the two opposite corners of Sasuke's house, where they had secretly set up the traps. They simultaneously infused chakra into the runes carved on the wall. Suddenly, dozens of chakra threads were suspended in Sasuke's house. Then, Akado

Kai began to make hand seals, and then pressed the runes on the wall again, and all the chakra threads suddenly caught fire.

Just when the two thought they were about to succeed, and were ready to take advantage of the situation to rush into the house to eliminate the remaining shadow clones, and then completely control Karin,

"Snap Snap……"

A burst of applause suddenly reached their ears. They looked up and saw several shadow clones appear in front of them.

"It's a good formation, but it's too weak and too fragile."After Naruto's shadow clone finished speaking, he casually used a wind escape technique and directly hit the rune on the wall. In an instant, the chakra threads that originally filled the courtyard turned into sparks all over the sky and disappeared in an instant.

"you……"Akado Kai and Ken Micheng were shocked

""Don't talk, I don't want to hear your nonsense, humph, you dare to covet my people? You're looking for death!" All the shadow clones rioted directly, and the strength of Akado Kai and Jian Meicheng could not resist at all.

Jian Meicheng knew that he could not escape and directly hardened his heart. He injected chakra into another mechanism beside him, with the purpose of making a desperate attempt to detonate the buried detonating talismans. This was also what Yakushi Kabuto told him privately, unless it was absolutely necessary, he must not detonate the hundreds of detonating talismans.��

But what made him despair was that after activating the detonation switch, the detonator never exploded, and even the familiar deafening sound did not appear.

"Do you really think we didn't find the traps you set, you piece of trash!"

As soon as the shadow clone finished speaking, several heavy punches and whip kicks landed on Akado Kai and Ken Misumi, and the two were directly knocked unconscious.

On the other side, Kabuto Yakushi brought Sasuke to the second stage of the Chunin Exam, the Forest of Death. This place was far away from the monitoring range of Konoha Village, and it was also far away from the Uchiha clan. Now it would take about ten minutes for Sasuke to rush back.

Moreover, while following Kabuto Yakushi, Sasuke had already received the information from his shadow clone that two of Kabuto Yakushi's teammates had been eliminated.

However, Sasuke still wanted to know about Itachi's situation. Even though he no longer had the initial hatred for Itachi after Naruto's analysis, it did not mean that he would forgive Itachi for what he had done.

Finally, Kabuto Yakushi stopped. This place was already deep in the Forest of Death, and there were many insects, snakes and beasts active in the forest that hid during the day and came out at night.

Sasuke looked at Kabuto Yakushi coldly and said expressionlessly:"Since you have led me here, you should give me the information about Itachi."

A strange smile spread across Kabuto Yakushi's face:"Don't be anxious, Sasuke-kun. Of course I will give you the information about Itachi, but Sasuke-kun has to stay here for one night first."

Before Kabuto Yakushi finished speaking, three people immediately jumped out from behind several large trees. Sasuke didn't take the appearance of the three people to heart. He had already felt that there were other people nearby, but he was confident in his own strength and was not afraid of their methods.

As Kabuto Yakushi finished speaking, several people formed a rectangular formation to surround Sasuke, and then the next moment the four of them performed hand seals together, and then suddenly pressed towards the ground.

""Four Purple Flame Formation!"

Instantly, four dark purple barriers rose from the ground, and in the blink of an eye, they capped off ten meters above Sasuke, completely sealing Sasuke in this small space.

Sasuke frowned immediately:"Boundary formation?" Kabuto

Yakushi smiled proudly, and a cold light flashed across the glasses on his nose:"Yes, this is what Lord Orochimaru taught me personally, but the three of them are lacking in strength, so the strength of this Four Purple Flame Formation is not the strongest."

Then Kabuto Yakushi pointed to the four corners of the barrier and said again

"But we have set up chakra storage points here in advance, so this barrier will last until five o'clock tomorrow morning and will automatically dissipate, so it will not delay Sasuke's Chunin competition."

"It seems that you are quite confident in this barrier formation?" Sasuke was very disdainful of this.

"It's OK. I can't say for the others, but it's still OK to trap Sasuke alone. By the way, I won't forget the information about Uchiha Itachi. After all, this is what we agreed on.

Yakushi Kabuto paused, as if recalling something, and said

"Uchiha Itachi is now in an organization called"Akatsuki" in the Land of Rain. That organization brings together S-level rebel ninjas from all the major ninja villages. They are quite powerful, and Itachi is doing very well there."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, his face was very cold:"So, since you told me the information about Itachi, then I will also tell you the information about your two teammates."

"A few minutes ago, your two teammates were completely knocked unconscious by Naruto's and my shadow clones. As for the various traps you set up before... Hehe, if you rush over now, you can still collect their bodies intact!"

After hearing this, Kabuto Yakushi's face became extremely solemn. He knew that Sasuke would not lie to him. After all, Sasuke was too calm from beginning to end, and he did not have any concerns about his own situation and his companions.

So Kabuto Yakushi immediately issued a retreat order to his three subordinates. As for whether to go back to rescue Akado Kai and Ken Misumi, it was unknown.

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