As Shukaku's huge body fell apart, Naruto grabbed Gaara, who was emerging from Shukaku's head, and landed steadily.

Then Gaara slowly woke up. In fact, his consciousness was shared with Shukaku, and he already knew everything that happened. He looked at Uzumaki Naruto in shock, but because Shukaku was beaten back to his original form and Naruto had imposed the Four Symbols Seal on him, he was extremely weak at the moment and had no strength to fight back.

"I-ga-ra!" Naruto stared at Gaara with a gloomy face.

"you……"Gaara finally felt the fear, but he had no strength to resist.

Naruto said in a cold and calm tone:"You know, I have a tailed beast in my body just like you. I think your childhood might be like mine, being hated and loathed by others. Almost everyone who saw me would spit at me and call me a monster, a demon fox, a disaster."

"What, you……"Gaara looked at Naruto in shock. Only then did he realize that the yellow-haired boy's childhood experience was very similar to his own.

Naruto interrupted Gaara mercilessly and said again,"But you are much better than me. Your blood relatives left their souls in you to protect you and keep you from being hurt.……"

Naruto wanted to say that he was just unlucky, as Otsutsuki Urashiki traveled through time and space and took away his Nine-Tails, but this kind of thing cannot be said.

Therefore, he quickly stopped the words that were on his lips, and could only claim that he was forced to endure the hostility of others and dared not move at all.

Gaara didn't know how to respond to Naruto's words, and thought blankly about his various experiences in the Sand Village.

At least he could kill those who dared to speak ill of him or even assassinate him at will when he was furious. Even though his father, the Fourth Kazekage, always hated him, he never killed him head-on.

"Your bloodthirsty character must have been developed slowly because no one really dared to kill you. You can kill whoever you want at will, but I can only live in fear. I don't know what you have been through, but there are people who really care about you."

Gaara was stunned,"Someone cares about me? How is it possible, everyone wants me dead!"

Naruto punched Gaara directly in the face. Even though the sand that automatically protected the master blocked part of the force, blood oozed from the corner of Gaara's mouth.

"Should I laugh at your ignorance or your cold-bloodedness? Anyone with eyes can see that your two teammates care about you very much. I don't know the relationship between them and you, but you have imposed an extremely bad attitude on the people who care about you the most."

"Since I don't know what you've been through, I don't want to judge it. It's just that if you really want to live for yourself, you should think about what your deceased relatives want you to become. There's no point in saying more. Your automatically protected sand is really envied!"

Then Naruto threw Gaara to the ground and said coldly again:"Your tailed beast has been sealed by me. It can no longer pose any threat to us. Take care of yourself!" After that, he turned around and left.

Naruto did not tell the specific situation of sealing Shukaku. In fact, Gaara's tailed beast seal was reinforced by Naruto with the Four Symbols Seal.

In the past, the Sand Village's own tailed beast sealing method was relatively rough, which also caused the human pillar of Shukaku to be constantly affected by Shukaku's furious will, coupled with the erosion of the tailed beast's chakra, which greatly affected the host's spiritual will.

So this also made Gaara's character worse and worse, but this time with the reinforcement of the Four Symbols Seal, it can greatly shield the interference of the tailed beast's will.

And the chakra of the tailed beast is filtered through the Four Symbols Seal, which can allow the host It is safer to use and less likely to go berserk. Unless the host's emotions fluctuate beyond the sky, it is difficult to see signs of a Jinchūriki going berserk.

Almost two or three minutes after Naruto's figure disappeared from Gaara's sight, Temari Kankuro and Maki woke up from the aftermath of the Tailed Beast Ball, and rushed over without even taking time to tidy up their clothes.

Seeing Gaara lying on the ground, they hurriedly helped him up, showing concern and carefully asking about his physical condition.

Gaara quietly looked at the extremely concerned expressions of his sister and brother, and the heart that had been frozen for many years began to beat, and a feeling of guilt arose spontaneously.

"Hand - Sister - Brother……"

Temari and Kankuro were shocked by Gaara's intermittent words, thinking, is this Gaara? Gaara has never called them"sister, brother" since they were young.

"Gaara - are you - are you okay? Are you seriously injured?"Temari also asked carefully, hesitatingly.

"I'm really - very sorry for all these years." Gaara expressed his sincere apology in a weak voice.

Seeing Gaara's tone and attitude, Kankuro was also confused, but he seemed to feel good in his heart, but he didn't dare to express it casually, and he stammered:"Um - it's nothing, still - let's go quickly."

Several people took turns to support Gaara and hurriedly left this place of trouble, ready to return to their own Sand Village immediately.

As for why they didn't return to Konoha, it was because Maki received real-time intelligence from his companions that the plan almost failed. Konoha's defense was very tight, and almost all the people they sent were sacrificed.

In Konoha Village, some of the many ninjas effectively organized civilians to hide in special shelters from the beginning.

Therefore, except for the ninjas fighting on the front line and the civilians who were suddenly attacked by the invaders at the beginning, the rest were relatively safe.��

The invader disturbed Jiraiya's erotic dream. Why did he disturb his erotic dream? It was because he had read Naruto's novels and had done too many traditional crafts. His body was a little weak and he needed to conserve his energy and have a good sleep.

The lecherous sage was really angry when he woke up. After waking up and understanding the situation, he was immediately furious. He summoned a giant clam to sit on the three-headed giant python to death, and then began to clean up the battlefield.

On the top of the highest building of the Chunin Examination Hall, the battle between Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen in the Four Purple Flame Formation was also coming to an end.

Sarutobi Hiruzen knew that he would die, so he used the Shiki Fuujin and sealed the souls of Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju into the belly of the god of death. He originally wanted to grab Orochimaru's soul and seal it in, but Orochimaru also resisted strongly and pierced Sarutobi Hiruzen's chest with the Kusanagi sword. In addition, Sarutobi Hiruzen's chakra was completely exhausted. In the end, just like the original work, only Orochimaru's hands were sealed.

The final tragic victory almost made Orochimaru lose his mind. This was not the result he really wanted. He wanted to easily crush and kill Sarutobi Hiruzen and let Sasuke see how powerful he was.

Then he offered him an olive branch and asked Sasuke to follow him, but he could not accept losing both hands after this battle.

But now Sarutobi Hiruzen was dead and he was seriously injured. It was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he ordered the Sound Ninja to remove the Four Purple Flame Formation and quickly evacuated the scene with him.

Because the people of Konoha were concerned about the safety of the Hokage, they did not dare to chase Orochimaru. In the end, many ninjas cut through the thorns and broke through the Wood Release Flower Tree Realm. They found Sarutobi Hiruzen's already cold body and could not speak for a long time.

Naruto slowly rushed back to Konoha Village and received the news that Sarutobi Hiruzen had died in battle. He was very happy. Without the surveillance of this thorn in his eyes, he and Sasuke would definitely be able to grow faster in the future.

However, he was still a little worried whether Sasuke had completed his request, as the death of the Hokage attracted the attention of many people.

Naruto didn't want to join in the fun, so he thought about it and decided to go to Sasuke's house first to see if Sasuke was there and whether he had completed the task.

Naruto jumped and ran on the roofs of various houses, and saw many damaged houses along the way. He roughly looked at the location of his own home and found that it didn't seem to be affected, which made him feel relieved.

Soon Naruto arrived at Sasuke's house. As he expected, Sasuke was already waiting for his arrival at home, and Karin also greeted him joyfully.

When Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other for the first time, even without any words, Naruto knew that Sasuke had completed his request.

"How is Gaara doing?" Sasuke asked casually.

"I think he was convinced by me. He should have run away by now."

"Didn't kill him?"Sasuke thought to himself, how could Naruto tolerate Gaara's cruelty?

"No need, he is quite pitiful, his childhood experience is similar to mine, maybe he can become our ally in the future. Let's not talk about this, let's show you the ninjutsu."

Sasuke was silent.���He looked at Naruto with a helpless expression, then stood up and opened the cabinet beside him, and took out four ninjutsu scrolls, one large and three small.

The large scroll was also labeled, and the four large characters"Book of Seals" were particularly eye-catching.

Sasuke explained:"In addition to the Book of Seals, the three small scrolls are also useful ninjutsu that I roughly selected. The rest of the ninjutsu scrolls are just some more conventional five-series chakra ninjutsu. I don't think they will improve us much, and time is tight and I can't take too many, so I picked the useful ones."

Naruto was very satisfied. He was satisfied to get the real Book of Seals. Since Sasuke said that the ninjutsu recorded in the three small scrolls are useful, then they must not be explained by common sense, and must be studied carefully.

But before Naruto opened the scroll to check, Sasuke said again:"By the way, guess what I found when I sneaked into the secret room of Konoha's files?"

Naruto was stunned:"Huh, what, you also learned to keep secrets?"

Sasuke was choked by Naruto's words and was a little unhappy

"Tsk, forget it. When I first sneaked in, I found someone sneaking into the file room. That person was disguised as a sound ninja, but his strength was not very good. There are many ninjutsu barriers in the file room, which are specially used for anti-theft. He seemed to have just broken a barrier and got two scrolls, and I ran into him directly."

"Then I knocked him out. I wanted to leave him there to attract attention, but I thought that this person must have some secrets to enter the file room at this time, so I brought him here. He is now locked in the utility room. I have sealed his meridians and acupuncture points."

Naruto was curious when he heard it:"Oh? Is he from another village?"

Sasuke nodded affirmatively.

"I actually think the same as him. I want to see who he is. Let's go and meet him!" He put down the scrolls in his hand and asked Karin to put them away first, and then asked Sasuke to lead the way.

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