The two opened the door of the utility room and saw a sturdy old man with white hair and a dark brown headscarf lying unconscious on the ground.

When Naruto saw this man for the first time, he felt inexplicably familiar, but after thinking about it, he couldn't remember where he had seen this man before.

Although he was confused, he still asked Sasuke:"Can you wake him up?"

Sasuke raised his hand, and the lightning chakra in his palm gathered into several thousands of chakras, and then gently threw it at the unconscious old man on the ground.

With a flash of lightning, several thousands of lightning chakras penetrated into several acupuncture points on the old man's body, and then Sasuke raised his hand again to condense a small water ball and threw it directly at the old man's face.

The cold water woke the old man up, and after opening his eyes, he saw two young men standing in front of him.

He was about to get up to resist, but he subconsciously used his chakras and felt severe pain all over his body.

He couldn't mobilize any chakra at all.

"Ah, you - who are you, and what have you done to me?" The old man roared in pain. Naruto said indifferently:"Tell me, why did you sneak into the secret file room of Konoha, and what ninjutsu do you want to steal?" The old man knew that Naruto and Sasuke were now prisoners, and his situation was like fish on a chopping board, at the mercy of others.

But even so, he did not dare to reveal his identity, so he kept saying:"I - Orochimaru sent me here, he asked me to steal ninjutsu, and I don't know the rest."

"Orochimaru?" Naruto half-squinted his eyes to express his doubt, and then he whispered to the outside of the door:"Karin, come here."

At this time, Karin had just arrived at the door of the utility room. She wanted to wait until Naruto and the others were done before going in, but she didn't expect Naruto to call her name directly.

So Karin jumped in immediately:"Brother Naruto, what's wrong, do you need my help?"

Naruto touched Karin's hair, and then said:"Help me to tell whether this old thing is lying."

Karin nodded obediently.

Naruto asked the old man again:"Who are you!"

The old man still argued:"I'm really just an insignificant little figure under Orochimaru!"

"Naruto-nii-san, he is lying!"Karin said righteously with a straight face.


Oh ?" A fierce and cold light flashed in Naruto's eyes, and then he raised his hand and a wind blade swept past.——

"Ah——Hmm——"The old man had a finger cut off by the wind blade and was about to scream out in pain, but Naruto blocked his mouth with his foot.

"I ask you questions and you answer them. If you dare to lie again, I will cut off one of your hands! Blink your eyes if you agree." Naruto's tone was like the whisper of a devil.

The old man, who was sweating all over due to the pain, blinked his eyes frantically, so Naruto moved his feet and continued to ask:"It's the first question again, who are you!"

The old man endured the severe pain and trembled and said:"I - my name is Shennong, I am the leader of the Kingdom of the Sky!"

"Shennong, the leader of the Kingdom of the Sky?" Naruto looked at Karin in surprise, and Karin said that the other party was not lying this time.

At this moment, Naruto finally remembered. No wonder this person looked familiar to him. It turned out that he was the villain in a certain theater version of the original work.

Thinking about it carefully, this Shennong seemed to have created a tailed beast called the so-called"Zero Tail", whose strength did not seem to be very good.

He was crushed by him and Sasuke together.

In addition, Naruto in the original work also directly destroyed the spectacular sky fortress built by the Kingdom of the Sky.

Thinking of this, Naruto's eyes lit up.

If he remembered correctly, the sky fortress built by the Kingdom of the Sky seemed to be a flying weapon.

The energy that could emit super beams The power of the turret is actually not weaker than that of an ordinary tailed beast ball.

Moreover, the Kingdom of the Sky seems to have some technology similar to that of an aircraft carrier. In the original work, they seem to have used giant ships on the sea to launch human aircraft to launch an air strike on Konoha. In short, there is a lot of black technology. Wow, there is something there.

The more Naruto thought about it, the more he felt that the old man in front of him was simply a treasure. It was really a pillow sent to him when he dozed off. The power and resources behind this guy are definitely treasures.

Then, under a series of questioning by Naruto, Shennong honestly explained everything, from the purpose of sneaking into Konoha to all the information about the Kingdom of the Sky in his mind.

As for coming to Konoha to steal things, it was actually to steal the artificial tailed beast rituals and the Eight Gates. The experience of the Eight Gates Ninjutsu and some medical ninjutsu.

Unfortunately, he was bumped into by Sasuke who came to steal the technique together, and he confessed it here.

Sasuke also looked through the artificial tailed beast technique and the Eight Gates Ninjutsu stolen by Shennong. He couldn't understand the so-called artificial tailed beast technique, but he took it anyway, and it was in the four scrolls.

As for the Eight Gates Ninjutsu, the scroll that Shennong got that recorded the Eight Gates Ninjutsu was just a castrated version of the Eight Gates Ninjutsu, which only recorded the techniques to open six gates, and could not open the seventh and eighth gates at all.

As for the experience of medical ninjutsu that he had not yet stolen, Shennong planned to create his own medical forbidden technique according to Konoha's medical ninjutsu, but after Naruto understood Shennong's final idea and results, He sneered at it.

No matter how powerful the so-called forbidden medical technique was, in the original work, Sasuke pierced several acupuncture points with a few Chidori Senbons, and he turned into a mummy-like appearance, which was disgusting.

Now that he knew the other party's true identity, Naruto sent Karin away and asked her to go back to the living room to wait for them. Then he signaled to Sasuke, who understood and opened his Sharingan to launch an illusion attack on him.

Shennong, who was unable to resist, explained in detail all the details of himself, his style of doing things, and a series of secrets that only a few confidants in the Land of the Sky knew under Sasuke's illusion attack.

In the end, Shennong, who was almost mentally collapsed, begged Naruto to let him go and promised that he would never appear in front of them again.���It was Naruto who smiled cruelly at him.

"Do you know what your other damn flaw is besides your bad luck?"

Shennong stared at Naruto in confusion and asked,"What is it?"

"You don't deserve the name Shennong!"Naruto said this coldly, and then pointed at Shennong's forehead. An ice spike instantly formed and penetrated directly into Shennong's forehead, piercing Shennong's head. At this point, the big boss of the so-called movie version was completely dead.

Naruto froze his body temporarily, and asked Sasuke to quietly dispose of the body in the wild at night. It was only approaching dusk, and it was still a little early.

"I can back up the information of this old man completely in my fantasy space, and I can look it up at any time."

Sasuke was a little surprised:"Why, do you have other ideas?"

Naruto nodded:"I am going to take over the Kingdom of the Sky, especially the various technologies they have, which will be very helpful for my future planning."

Sasuke didn't ask any more questions. Since Naruto wanted it, he would only support him with all his strength.

Then the two returned to the living room, and Naruto asked Karin to take out the scroll and began to look through it.

First was the Book of Sealing, which recorded several forbidden techniques that he remembered should be in the original work.

The first ninjutsu was the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique.

Then there were the Four Symbols Seal, Impure World Reincarnation, Eight Gates Ninjutsu, Multiplicative Explosive Talisman, Flying Thunder God Technique, Spiritualization Technique, and the last one, the Demonic Fuujin.

Apart from the Multiple Shadow Clones and Four Symbols Seal that he had already learned, the Multiplicative Explosive Talisman was the only one that Naruto was not interested in at all.

Of course, the one he coveted the most was the Flying Thunder God Technique, which was the ninjutsu he had always wanted since he traveled to the Hokage, and now he finally got what he wanted, and he would definitely be able to master it as long as he practiced diligently.

Moreover, the Flying Thunder God recorded in the Book of Sealing was quite detailed. This was Now Naruto's cheap father Minato Namikaze has improved Flying Thunder God, and he has filled the Book of Seals with various derivative skills of Flying Thunder God.

Apart from Flying Thunder God, what interests Naruto the most is the Spiritualization Technique, but for a time traveler with a soul, he feels that practicing this ninjutsu should be very interesting. Anyway, he will try it after fully mastering Flying Thunder God.

As for the Eight Gates of Ninjutsu and the Demonic Fuujin, how to say it, if you don't have the strength and physique of Six Paths Madara, you shouldn't try it easily, he doesn't want to die. The final Impure World Reincarnation, Sasuke is obviously very interested in this, and Naruto also knows that Sasuke misses his parents too much. Learning this technique can summon the Impure World Body of his parents, allowing them to reunite temporarily.

However, given that this technique requires a living sacrifice, it is against the harmony of nature, so Naruto recommends not to do it. Don't try it lightly.

Moreover, the Impure World Reincarnation in the Book of Seales is only a template created by the second generation, and it is far from being as perfect as the Impure World Reincarnation that was optimized and improved by Orochimaru.

If they practice and use it without authorization, they may not be able to successfully summon the desired Impure World Body.

And from the animation performance of the original work, when Orochimaru first used the Impure World Reincarnation to summon the Third Kazekage, the Impure World Body of the Third Kazekage was quite unstable, and was forced to dissipate before it could move.

As for Sasuke, if he really wants to summon his parents to meet, he can only start with Orochimaru. After all, in the later period of the original work, his Impure World Reincarnation could not even resist the creator, Tobirama Senju.

Putting away the Book of Seales, Naruto opened one of the small scrolls.

It records many ninjutsu of the Second Hokage Tobirama Senju, his Water Style Ninjutsu, and his Water Style Ninjutsu. The power of the technique is quite strong. Sasuke feels that there are many things that can be learned from it, so he took it over. Naruto took a rough look and thought it was okay.

Then he opened the next one, which recorded several barrier formations, such as the Four Purple Flame Formation released by Orochimaru's subordinates, and the stronger Four Red Yang Formation, as well as the defensive perception barrier technique deployed for the entire Konoha Village.

Coincidentally, the defensive perception barrier deployed for the entire Konoha can be combined with the telescope technique in it, so that the location of each technique node in Konoha Village can be roughly monitored, and the entire Konoha can be effectively monitored, but it consumes a little chakra and the durability of the technique node. Otherwise,

Sarutobi Hiruzen can stay in the Hokage's office all day and peek into the women's bath every day. Ahem, I'm getting off topic.

Anyway, Naruto also thinks this barrier technique is worth learning, it's pretty good.

The last scroll is the artificial tailed beast technique stolen by Shennong, which requires engraving many complex runes in a fixed huge space container.

Then it will take a long time to carry various chakra circuits, at least two and a half years.

In short, this so-called artificial tailed beast technique is actually just a theory. No one has ever conducted practical verification for it. No one thinks that it can really succeed in artificially creating a new tailed beast, so this technique was directly sealed.

Until the original movie version was obtained by Shennong, and finally a so-called"zero tail" was created.

In short, Naruto wrote down all the patterns of the techniques on the scrolls one by one without any error, and then backed them up to his own illusion space, and finally burned the corpse to destroy the traces, so as to avoid the high-level Konoha from really searching and finding them. It would be not good. The real seal book and more important ninjutsu were stolen, and it was not known whether Konoha had made a backup for them. Of course, this was not what Naruto cared about.

After all, what he wanted was already in his hands, and it was absolutely impossible for him to return it.

Next, just wait for a few days, attend Sarutobi Hiruzen's funeral, and you can digest this harvest with peace of mind.

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