Chapter 434: Tracking the Devil

Su Yan looked at the two-headed boy and suddenly understood.

She used the system map and saw the two-headed boy among the monsters underground. On the contrary, the women and men in the small room were not there.

In other words, this two-headed boy is X.

When the woman saw the man in green, she was surprised and said, "Isn't this Liu Zeming, the most popular star in the entertainment industry right now? He has a net worth of over 100 billion!"

The two-headed boy said, "Just right, this money can be donated to the organization."

"I quite like him. He won't become like the people above." The woman said regretfully.

"It depends on his qualifications and luck. Push him into the observation room."


The woman pushed the drugged star away.

The two-headed boy took off his gloves, revealing a pair of old hands, "We must speed up the progress of super new humans, otherwise..."

Before he finished speaking, the face of the two-headed boy became extremely old.

With trembling steps, he came to a safe and entered the password. With a crisp sound, the door of the safe opened. There were densely packed various reagents inside. Finally, he chose the one with only one left. Black potion.

Inject it into your body.

His old face soon became as hideous as a demon due to pain... Before long, his painful expression stopped, he raised his hand to tear off a layer of old skin, and turned into a young boy again.

The woman came over and looked at the two-headed boy in fear.

"If you want to collect all the crystal beads after people's death for me, go ahead."

"It's X." The woman responded in horror.

Su Yan did not follow the woman. Now that she had found the real X, she just had to keep an eye on him here to see when he would come into contact with the abnormal energy raw stone.

X took a scalpel and entered a curtained operating room. Inside was a comatose man with a sheep's head.

With the knife raised and lowered, X cut the man's head first. Then he disemboweled the body, took out a small gem-like bead, and opened his mouth to eat the bead.

Then he sat down on the ground, his face looking like he had eaten some happy beans, with an expression full of happiness.

I don’t know how long it took, but X got up again. He opened the door of another safe, and inside were two large boxes full of the beads he had eaten just now.

He put two hundred beads in a bag and entered a glass door.

It's an elevator, all the way down.

Su Yan is lying on the top of the elevator now.

After she discovered this room-like elevator car on the system map, she teleported over.

The elevator stops.

This floor has a full sense of technology, smooth and bright floor tiles, and exquisite decoration.

X opened the elevator wall and found a changing room inside. He picked out a blue suit and began to grow taller... eventually becoming the size of a normal man, even his head fused into one.

In a dimly lit room, an old woman with gray hair was watching a live video.

The video shows Liu Zeming lying on the operating bed in the observation room. He looks very painful, and his hands have begun to turn into claws, gradually turning into a beastly state.

"He has good qualifications." X entered the room and placed the box of beads in his hand on the table.

"But whether you can complete the last level and become a new human depends on luck."

"If I become a new human being, will the cancer cells from before still exist?"

"Nothing remains, it's a completely new world."

"Well." The old woman took out a check worth 100 billion from her bag, "Now it's all yours."

"Thank you." X nodded with a smile.

"Besides, this is the person who asked me to hand it over." She placed a thick document bag on the table.

"Have you read what's inside?"

"Being alive today is not just luck."

X pushed the box filled with beads to a woman. "Fifty extra outings were given to the wife." "... No." The old woman put away the box and glanced at the clothes that had burst. The transformed Liu Zeming walked away with his shoulders hunched.

X opened the document bag, and inside was a list of names from the Special Supervision Bureau, with detailed personal information and current address clearly listed.

Among them are information about Zhou Cheng and Zhuang Yan.

"Zhuang Yan, this one is still alive. Let's start with her first."

Su Yan had murderous intentions in her heart.

[Host, complete the task first. 】Xiaomei reminded Su Yan.

Su Yan replied: [I know. 】

X returned to the elevator and transformed back into the two-headed boy. Then take the elevator and continue down...

[Gamble on luck, he is now in contact with the raw stone of abnormal energy. 】 Su Yan really didn’t want to follow this devil anymore and watch him play with people’s lives and bring harm to the world.

In the meantime,

After getting out of the elevator, I turned on the lighting function on the radiation protection suit. My whole body was like a moving light, walking into the depths of darkness.

Su Yan hesitated in the elevator...

Apparently there is strong radiation outside and she is pregnant now.

【Xiaomei? Can it be done? 】

[A possible host. 】

【good. 】

Su Yan left the elevator and followed the moving light source.

Qing Linghuan opened the door to the dungeon and let the monsters who wanted to leave leave.

No one wants to die, even if he turns into a monster, there are still children, parents and friends who care about him.

The nine people who had originally followed Su Yan saw these monsters running away and immediately began to massacre them!

Qing Linghuan followed the companion mark on Su Yan and teleported directly to her side.

When Su Yan saw him at first, she still looked like a little chinchilla. She was happy at first, and then said in surprise: "Hurry up! Hurry up!"

She was not sure whether this place was harmful to Qing Linghuan, because he had said that there were things in the air of this world that were not good for Little Fourteen and Little Fifteen.

In fact, that's not good for him either.

It's still within a safe range on the ground, but that may not be the case here.

Qing Linghuan looked around, "Where is this place?"

"Hurry up!" Su Yan looked at his reaction, "You can't stay here, I have to spend points to move forward."

"Then you come with me?"

"The mission is about to be completed, don't make trouble!" Su Yan pushed him and found that X was about to leave her system map and could only run forward.

Qing Linghuan kept following her.

"Stop!" Su Yan saw that he would not leave at all, "Let's discuss it. If you can wait for me here until I come back, I will give birth to a little Tianhu for you next time. If not, I’ll go find Si Li and the others.”

"..." Qing Linghuan stopped and turned into a nine-tailed fox. The nine tails flaunted showed that he was very angry now!

Su Yan didn't dare to look at his angry eyes, turned around and ran in the direction of X, "Huan, I keep my word! Don't follow me!"

X parked.

Su Yan used the system map to observe him and his surroundings from a distance.

There is a huge egg-shaped stone hanging in the air in front, with magma-like liquid flowing on the surface. Drops of it fall to the ground, forming a small lake!

Su Yan's childbirth points have already been deducted 1.2 billion by this point!

(End of chapter)

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