Chapter 435 World Tree

[Is this what Xiaomei is? 】

[Yes, host, we can start finishing now. 】

[X is to kill or capture? 】

【Grasp. 】

[Come on, hurry up. If you delay any longer, I will use up all my points. I have to save some travel expenses. 】

[Good host. 】

Xiaomei took control of Su Yan's body. The dark eyes turned into a string of data, and he was behind X in almost the blink of an eye, "Dr. X, long time no see!"

X's second head suddenly separated from his body and flew towards the abnormal energy stone.

Xiaomei formed a data network with her hands and covered the second head. It was wrapped in heavy data and soon turned into a data ball, which was taken into the system space by Xiaomei.

And without the second head, X quickly turned into a dead corpse.

A true fire talisman fell on the dead body and turned into a handful of ashes...

The mutated energy rough stone is also surrounded by data networks.

It's just that the data in the data network is losing sight of it, so we need to continuously input data power.

When Su Yan had only 5,000 childbearing points left, she finally completed the compression of the original abnormal energy stone, and turned it into a small data ball, which was stored in the system space.

Xiaomei returned control of her body to Su Yan, [X and the abnormal energy raw stone, captured. 】

Su Yan looked at her fertility points and felt like crying, […]

[Host, don’t worry, 000 will be reimbursed. 】

[Well, otherwise we won’t even be able to go back. 】

[The host can keep these mutated energy liquids. 】

[Why collect it? 】

[It can resolve mutations and return to normal after being given to those who have turned into monsters. 】

[Why didn’t X neutralize those monsters? 】

[In order to obtain the heart crystal, it can bring ultimate pleasure to the senses, similar to a sexual climax. 】


Su Yan used the space gourd to collect all the liquids, and it took four of them to finish filling them.

There is a layer of crystals at the bottom of a dry lake.

Su Yan thought for a while and collected those crystals.

Without the abnormal energy raw stone, the surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower... Su Yan felt that her hands and feet were stiff.

【Is there anything else? If not, we'll leave. 】

[Wait a minute, the host breaks open the stone, and there seems to be a treasure inside. 】

【Um? 】Su Yan, who was worried about not having any natural resources or earthly treasures to eat, immediately brightened up.

The stone shattered inch by inch, revealing a black coral-like plant, but it exuded nine colors of light in the system map.

[No wonder the strange energy raw stone is here, this is the World Tree! 】

【world Tree? It sounds pretty awesome. 】

[The host dug it. 】

【ah? Isn't this bad? 】

[There can only be one World Tree in a world. If there are two trees, they will compete with each other. This world, sometimes cold and sometimes hot, is like two world trees alternating. 】

[In this way, the two trees should be a check and balance now. If one of them is dug away, won't the world always fall into the ice season or the fire season? 】

[Does the host still remember the earth? The real fire you asked Xiao Twelve and the others to inject into the center of the earth reactivated the World Tree. The civilization on earth is now more prosperous and reborn than before. 】

[It seems that there was indeed a tree-like thing in the center of the magma. 】

[Individual independent small worlds, such as the earth and this world, as well as the worlds where Xiaomei and the host once wandered, the heart of the world is the world tree. The death of the World Tree heralds the demise of the world. Therefore, some people with great abilities only look at the World Tree. If it is vigorous, they will not interfere no matter what happens in this world. If it declines, or even dies, a helping hand may be given, which is a miracle. But there are too many worlds like this, and people with great abilities may not see or notice their existence. 】

[What kind of small world is the Beast World? 】

[It is the realm of the gods, infinitely vast. It can only be entered and exited through the sea of ​​time and space. 】

[Is there a World Tree in the Beast World? 】

[There is a world tree in the center of each world. After the host returns, he can look for it. 】

[Will there be any problem if I really dig it? 】

[The host can dig up a plant to try, and then observe the world. According to Xiaomei's guess, the weather should have obvious temperature changes. 】

【All right. 】Su Yan started digging the World Tree, and while digging, she asked: "Where is the other World Tree?" 】【Is the host going to dig it out too? 】

【…How can it be! Xiaomei, we can't be greedy. 】

[Oh, the other one should be in the Ice and Fire Empire. Xiaomei can feel that in that direction, there are the same energy data fluctuations as this World Tree. 】

The World Tree is not easy to dig because its roots are very deep…

It often takes a long time to dig out a single hairy root, let alone the main root.

Plus I was pregnant and hungry, so I didn’t have much energy. “I’ll find a helper.”

She teleported back to Qing Linghuan. Seeing him curled up and looking autistic, she jumped directly on his head and said, "Get up and help."

Qing Linghuan opened her eyes and squinted at her, "What are you busy with?"

"Dig a hole." Su Yan bit his ear, "Hurry up."

Qing Linghuan stood up lazily, then transformed into a little chinchilla, carrying her on his back and running towards the depths of the cave...

Even with Qing Linghuan's help, it took more than a month to dig out the entire World Tree.

Seeing that the tree's crown was not big, but its roots were deeply rooted in the lava and ice sea, Su Yan was amazed.

Qing Linghuan also saw the World Tree for the first time, and finally took a bite of the root. The rich power of the world's origin restored the lost power in his body instantly.

Twelve Tails is back!

Qing Linghuan immediately looked at the World Tree with bright eyes, "Yanyan, give me some roots."

"Yes." Su Yan nodded, "Eat whatever you want."

[The host can also eat it. 】Xiaomei said to Su Yan.

Su Yan: [Can it be done? 】

Then she bit the root of the tree, but after biting for a long time, she bit off a little bit of fur, but even so, it gave her a little warm feeling in her hungry belly.

【It’s really edible! 】

[Host, the gestation period is reduced by five years. 】

Su Yan immediately felt the urge to chew the roots, "I'll eat it!" 】

One hairy root and she's full!

【keep it! 】

Su Yan immediately collected a lot of magma and icy seawater into the system space, and moved the World Tree into the system space.

Just after the World Tree disappeared, the space suddenly shook.

Qing Linghuan grabbed Su Yan and teleported out of the underground abyss into the void.

Su Yan transformed back into human form, climbed onto Qing Linghuan's back, and looked down at the world of ice and fire.

The cold air that originally enveloped the world is gradually dissipating...

“Sure enough, the ice season is coming to an end.”

"Is it related to the World Tree?"

"Yes. There are two World Trees in this world. They fight with each other, causing the world's climate to be extreme. If one is missing, the fight will stop and the world will return to normal."

With the World Tree, Su Yan no longer has to worry about natural resources and earthly treasures, and the child in her belly is also well fed.

000 came and took away X and the abnormal energy stones.

The two billion points promised to Su Yan for having a child were fulfilled. All points lost by Su Yan during the arrest were also reimbursed.

Su Yan and Qing Linghuan stayed in this world for five years, watching the world end the ice season and enter a normal four-season climate or multiple climates.

As for the new humans, after taking the liquid collected by Su Yan, only a small number of them returned to fully human beings. Most do not recover, but do not get worse.

Human civilization is also more tolerant of these new humans, and the world is gradually entering a pluralistic society.

Su Yan handed over all the extremist organization transaction data and detailed extremist organization information in X safe, including Zhu Lili's gang, to Zhou Cheng.

Zhou Cheng teamed up with Bai Nan and began to rectify the extreme criminal organization.

Liu Zeming eventually failed to evolve and became a werewolf. Fortunately, he escaped from the desperate situation of cancer and regained a new life with a positive attitude and became the leader of a new human race.

The person who bought the Heart Stone from

Han Fei died suddenly due to excessive use of the Heart Stone.

Su Yan went to his funeral and the exhibition of his relics. There was a studio with many portraits... all of them were of her!

After Qing Linghuan saw it, he accepted it all!

Leave nothing behind.

(End of chapter)

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