Chapter 677: I’m not convinced by this cooking skill!

Su Yan returned to the devil world.

After drinking a bowl of soup cooked by Wen Jin to maintain her physical strength during labor, she entered the delivery room.

But, after a while, my stomach stopped hurting again.

[Xiaomei, what’s going on? 】

[It was false labor pains just now. She didn't like the smell of fish, so she turned over. Now after drinking the soup, the taste was fine again, so she continued to sleep on her stomach. 】

【…This child! Absolutely amazing! 】Whose good boy behaves like this! I don’t eat anyone’s food except my father’s.

"I have to go back to the Holy Palace." Su Yan got off the delivery bed.

Wen Jin was standing by, waiting to deliver the baby. When he saw her getting out of bed quickly, she hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with Yan Yan?"

"This girl of yours is definitely talented, she can even fool Xiaomei."

Monster! Xiaomei's predictions were inaccurate several times. In the past, she could get a similar estimate even without using the Pregnancy Pill. However, this time after using the Pregnancy Pill, it was no longer accurate.

He was so thoughtful in his mother's womb.

Wen Jin followed Su Yan back to the Holy Palace to wait for delivery.

After Farr learned the reason, he patted Wen Jin on the shoulder and said, "This child is destined to be with me in the Western Immortal Realm!"

"...She has to be born in the devil world, and I'm pointing out that she will inherit the throne." Wen Jin replied.

This was Zafar's heart. All four of his children ascended, and none of them were left behind!

Wen Jin asked Su Yan thoughtfully, "Xiao Tiantian's father is still in the devil world. Why don't you bother him to cook for you?"

"Ah? He hasn't returned to the God Realm yet? Yu Hao has already returned."

"No, I finally got down. I probably don't want to go back yet."

"...stay in the Holy Palace for a few days first."

After more than ten days of this stay, Farr's food no longer had the effect of inducing labor.

And Xiaomei could only tell Su Yan—[108 days past the due date! Produced anytime! 】

Su Yan returned to the demon world and decided to find Qing Linghuan.

Qing Linghuan's huge beast body took Little Fourteen and Little Fifteen for a walk in the World of Warcraft Forest, actually practicing hard!

"Dad, I'm hungry." Xiao Shisi said to Qing Linghuan.

Qing Linghuan looked back at him, her voice low and rumbled, "Is there no food in your storage bag?"

Little Fourteen: "No...I want to eat the food cooked by Uncle Zulu."

Xiao Shiwu tossed him a pack of dried meat, "This is for hunger relief."

Little Fourteen gnawed on the dried meat, feeling more and more smart about his little brother, "Little Tiantian is still having fun."

"Yes, Xiaoqi, Xiaofengning, Xiaodian, Manman, Xiaohao, Yuxuan... they are so lively, I want to go back." Xiaoshi's ears drooped, showing no interest in the devil world.

Qing Linghuan said: "You can't learn to be indolent and idle every day, eat well all day long, and be pampered. This is not a good thing for spiritual practice."

Xiao Fourteen and Xiao Fifteen looked at each other, they just like things that are not good for practice!

A transmission note flew.

Qing Linghuan's eyes lit up, "It's Yan Yan."

—[Come to Shura Palace. 】

"Let's go find your mother." Qing Linghuan shouted, threw them on his back, and flew towards the direction of Shura Palace.

Xiao Shiwu asked: "Dad, has mom given birth to a little sister? Let's go over and celebrate the full moon for the little sister."

"Definitely." Qing Linghuan replied.

Xiao Shisi spit out the dried meat in his mouth, "There is something delicious."

When Qing Linghuan arrived at Shura Palace and found out why he was invited, he was silent for a long time.

Little Fourteen thought there would be a full-moon feast. When he heard that his father would cook, he rummaged through the storage bag and found the dried meat that Little Fifteen had given him and started to chew it - yum! So delicious!

Xiao Shiwu took out the egg compartment from the small storage bag and decided to take a nap until her mother gave birth to her little sister.

"Um, are you sure Yan Yan wants to eat what I cook?" Qing Linghuan scratched her ears and asked uncertainly.

Su Yan remembered his dark history of blowing up the kitchen and gritted his teeth, "Yeah! I have to give birth!"

Qing Linghuan looked at Su Yan's big belly and patted her thigh, "Okay, then I'll show my hand."

Xiao Shiwu opened one eye in the egg cabin, turned over, and continued to sleep.

Little Fourteen did not bring the egg cabin to the lower realm, so he patted the egg cabin door enviously, "Sister, let me go in and lie down for a while, okay?"

The cabin door opened, and Xiao Shiwu made some space for him.

"Mom is no longer afraid of poisoning my sister to death. She actually dares to eat the food cooked by dad." Little Fourteen said to Little Fifteen.

Xiao Shiwu yawned, "You know why dad always lets us sleep."

Little Fourteen suddenly realized, "Dad... I'm still kissing you, so proud of you!"

…Su Kee Restaurant.

Xiao Fengning finished washing the dishes and looked outside.

Fasser asked, "What's the matter?"

"Why doesn't my father cook? Is it because my mother gave birth to a younger sister?" Xiao Fengning replied.

"If the baby is born, Uncle Wen should announce the good news." Faser washed a spiritual fruit and gave it to Xiao Fengning, "Why don't you send a transmission note to ask."

Xiao Fengning took the spirit fruit and took a bite, "Okay."

—[Mom, is the little sister born? 】

Master Yu came in with a plate and bowl and put it in the sink. When he saw the transmission talisman flying away, he asked, "Who are you giving it to?"

"I want to ask mother if the little sister is born." Xiao Fengning replied.

Master Yu replied: "Calculating the time, it should have happened a long time ago."

Yuxuan also came to the kitchen and took out a lot of ingredients from the small storage bag, "What are you talking about?"

Master Yu said, "Sister, how long did your mother carry you when you were pregnant with us?"

Yuxuan replied: "It's only been more than a month, so what? Isn't my little sister born yet?"

Master Yu nodded, "She probably hasn't given birth yet."

Yuxuan thought for a moment, "Are you just like Brother Xiaoba, too lazy to go out?"

Ming Linyuan brought Xiao Shiyi to the restaurant for dinner.

Seeing the young ones in the kitchen, he came over to see them and said, "Why did Zulu let you do the work? Are you short of manpower? I can find a few for him."

"No, it's what we want to do." Yuxuan replied, "My dad is collecting ingredients in the backyard."

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look." Ming Linyuan went to the backyard to find Zulu.

Xiao Fengning finished the fruit in his hand and said, "I'd better go back and take a look."

Xiao Eleven said to Xiao Fengning: "I'll go with you, just in time to see the magic pet I raised."

Xiao Fengning nodded, "Okay."

The two little guys headed to the devil's world.

Shura Palace.

Su Yan looked at the porridge in front of her, which was red, green, black, white and white, and asked Qing Linghuan a little uncertainly.

"What is this red thing?"

"The meat of the divine red lin chicken is worth a thousand high-grade divine crystals."


"It's cooked. No matter how long it's cooked, the meat will still be red and tender."

"Oh, what is this green thing?"

"The green ones are dieffenbachia lotus leaves, which are also of divine quality. They smooth the air and improve the eyesight."

"What about this white one?"

"The white thing is rice, the rice you and your children grew in Tianhu Mountain."

"What about this black one?"

"It's's just that when you're cooking it, if you don't pay attention, the heat will get too strong and it will burn a little bit. However, I have already tasted it, and it still tastes good, and my stomach doesn't hurt after eating it."

Wen Jin was worried and wanted to persuade Su Yan not to eat, but it was his idea to ask Qing Linghuan to cook...

"What I want is a stomachache!" Su Yan picked up the bowl and drank it in one breath! You don’t even have to chew!

Instant results!

My stomach hurts!

Su Yan was dissatisfied with Qing Linghuan's cooking skills, "It has to be yours, it's better than the birth-inducing pill! Prepare more!"

Wen Jin rushed towards the delivery room with Su Yan in her arms, "Yan Yan, how are you? How about I do something for you?"

"No, no, no! Don't, your daughter is about to be born." This time, even Qing Linghuan's 'poison' family's secret recipe was used, it will definitely work.

When Qing Linghuan saw that the food she cooked was so effective, she patted the egg hatch door of the two children and asked, "Would you like to try it?"

The brother and sister, who had listened to all the information from the outside world, decided to continue pretending to be asleep...

(End of chapter)

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