Chapter 678: Born

“Wen Jin—I will never give you a child again, it hurts so much!”

Su Yan shouted, taking Wen Jin's hand and biting his wrist hard, she must make him 'feel the same'!

Xiaomei said that she was afraid that the baby would cause trouble again, so she stopped the painless labor, so she had to bear the whole process by herself. If it didn't hurt, it would be false labor pains.

It had been a long time since she had suffered this kind of torture. The key was that her stomach was in turmoil. She never wanted to eat Qing Linghuan's porridge again in her life!

Wen Jin hurriedly coaxed Su Yan, "Okay, okay, I won't give birth anymore, we don't want this one. You bite hard, it won't hurt me."

In order to prevent the bite from bleeding and affecting the texture of the bite, Wen Jin also used magic power to carefully protect the skin and flesh, so that Su Yan could have the pleasure of biting the meat without breaking it.

Su Yan's stomach finally made some movement, bulging one after another, but not much.

"Wake up, wake up, your daughter is finally awake." Su Yan pointed to her belly, feeling really excited.

"Yes, the child is too lazy." Wen Jin replied, secretly relieved. He had never found out about the child's movements. He was more or less worried, lest something bad happen.

Su Yan patted her belly and said, "Come out quickly. Otherwise, mother will still eat the food cooked by your uncle Qing!"

Suddenly the rumbling in my stomach became louder.

At the right time, Qing Linghuan brought a basin of soup over and said, "Yan Yan, I made you Shiquan Dabu Tang, which is all top-grade natural materials and earthly treasures. You can try it to see if it tastes good, and whether the child likes it or not." ”

"Bring it here!" Su Yan said to Wen Jin.

Wen Jin hurried over to bring the soup.

Qing Linghuan saw Wen Jin's bitten and swollen wrist and showed great sympathy, "Don't worry, if I take one sip of this soup, I guarantee a smooth delivery!"

Wen Jin looked down at the dark, bubbling soup, not sure if Su Yan could drink it.

"Yan...Yan Yan, smell this soup first." Wen Jin did not dare to let Su Yan drink it directly. Based on his many years of experience in alchemy, this is definitely a pot of poisonous soup!

Compared with this bowl of poisonous soup, the bowl of porridge just now was pretty good.

Su Yan was sweating profusely and said to Wen Jin, "Let me try it."

"...Okay, let's take a small bite." Wen Jin shook her hands and gave Su Yan a small spoonful.

[Host, the cervix has begun to open, and the baby is born in three hours. 】

【ah? Three hours left! Su Yan looked at Tang and said to Wen Jin: "The child is obedient. She is really going to give birth this time. Let's not embarrass her."

"Oh, okay." Wen Jin quickly put the soup down again.

Qing Linghuan asked outside the delivery room: "Wen Jin, how is Yanyan?"

"It's very useful!" Wen Jin replied, "Thank you, Brother Qing, for your hard work."

"You're welcome." Qing Linghuan left a small bowl and knocked on the egg compartments of her son and daughter, "Here, dad cooked it carefully."

The two children suddenly slept more soundly!

After confirming that labor was in progress, Xiaomei gave Su Yan a painless injection.

Su Yan could finally feel comfortable for a while.

Then I smelled the soup Qing Linghuan made, and I suddenly felt that the baby in my belly was moving even more...

"I can't cure you anymore! You're so cute~" Su Yan looked at Wen Jin standing aside.

Wen Jin's forehead was covered with sweat and she was extremely nervous, "Is the child okay?" "It's okay, she's telling me, don't drink this soup." Su Yan replied.

The movement is indeed much smaller.

Wen Jin: "..."

Su Yan fell asleep tiredly.

In my sleep, I seemed to hear a child calling me mother, and I suddenly opened my eyes!

Xiaomei said to Su Yan: "It's time to give birth to a host, count down to five minutes." 】

【It’s considered alive. 】Su Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he said to Wen Jin: "Bring me the maternity package I prepared."

"Okay." Wen Jin hurriedly went to get the maternity package, and she was in a hurry.

Seeing his unfamiliar look, Su Yan smiled and said, "Didn't you deliver a baby once? Why are you still like this?"

Wen Jin replied: "He delivered the baby, and he didn't even share the memory with me."

"..." Su Yan: "This time you can experience it, and you raised it yourself."

There was no "crowd-funding" for this pregnancy, and they basically ate the natural treasures prepared by Wen Jin, as well as the food he cooked.

"Yes!" Wen Jin nodded solemnly.

A burst of white light struck, and Su Yan's soul consciousness entered a long-lost empty room.

[Congratulations to the host, for successfully giving birth to the thirty-first child, gender (female), animal body (rat tribe), talent (super **** level), secret meaning (Nine Mysteries True Fire Secret, Golden Marrow Pill Awakening Special Talent Magic Law) Fragment. ) Father beast (pure human), reward (childbirth points 370,000,000) childbirth system points (250,000,000) special reward pregnancy pill (30,000,000), 597 childbirth gift packages, maternal body 489 talent scrolls. 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully giving birth to the thirty-second child, gender (female), animal body (pure human), talent (super **** level), secrets (space rule secrets, wind secrets, water secrets, golden marrow pill trigger) The complete secret of the law of darkness,) the father beast (pure human), reward (490,000,000 childbirth points), childbirth system points (420,000,000), special reward pregnancy pill (33,000,000), childbirth gift package 880 copies, and 960 copies of the mother talent scroll. 】

【Why? Why is there a human baby! 】Su Yan was shocked.

Xiaomei replied: [Host, look at the secret of this baby - the law of darkness, and it is still complete! In other words, she was born to master all the secrets of the dark system. According to the incomplete data records of the system, there is a high-level spell in the secret of the dark system, the Great Ambush Technique, but there is no specific data, so Xiaomei has no way to refer to it. What is certain is that this child has been hidden in the womb since conception. 】

Su Yan was speechless: [Born to be a master of hide-and-seek! 】

Xiaomei smiled and said: [The host's two babies were born extremely well! The main system will definitely give extra rewards! 】

Naturally, the more rewards, the better, but Su Yan is more worried about something right now, [Humans need ten months to conceive. No wonder they just want to eat and don’t want to come out. Now this is considered a premature birth, right? 】

[Thirty-one is not considered premature birth, but thirty-two is considered premature birth. 】 Xiaomei replied.

[This happened. If I had known about it, I wouldn’t have pressed it. 】Su Yan was annoyed, 【Can you take it back again? I will continue to be pregnant for another 5 months and strive to carry it to term. 】

【No need to breed again. During the host's pregnancy, the nutrition was sufficient, and the development value of both children was 100%. 】


[Host, when conceiving an heir, you must not only consider the bloodline of the father animal, but also the bloodline of the mother animal. The host is a rat tribe that has one child per month, which will shorten the pregnancy period. For example, the ancient emperor beast, the nine-tailed sky fox, the nine-day Kunpeng, Qilin, and Lushu all last from thousands to hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, and the host also shortens the gestation time. 】

[Are you sure the development is complete? 】

【Yes. The host was originally from the human race and was quite fond of being pregnant in October. 】

[Yeah, but Wen Jin might be shocked. She was originally just a mouse, but unexpectedly she got a human daughter. 】

There is another chapter that is quite late. After reading it, my dears, you can go to bed early~~ Let’s read it tomorrow morning~~ I’m so impressed~~~

(End of this chapter)

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