Gu Nan didn't know what she was thinking, and was not interested in knowing.

In addition, he would not tell Silvia, not only did he know her and Duoin's past, but also all the players who had done the "Dragonman" system mission.

Dragon people are one of the special races that players can reincarnate, and this race is so taller than the blood race that you don't know where it is.

In the final analysis, the blood clan is just a half-dead dark clan. Within a clan, there can be ten legendary Realms, even if it is very remarkable.

And what about the dragon?

As long as a pure-blood individual grows up normally, he will naturally become a legendary Realm when he grows up. Even as a mixed-blood dragon, it is much stronger than a blood race.

The dragon people not only retain the super background of the dragon clan, but also have the short growth cycle of the human clan and the potential for unlimited evolution.

From the moment of deciding to build the player army, the dragon man was already a line that Gu Nan was determined to win.

But this time he came here, not just for the dragon man. In the Dragon Realm, there is also an item that can temporarily seal the kingdom of God, which may be used to preserve his kingdom.

"Then we go to trouble Duoin?" Silvia's voice sounded a little eager to try.

Although she was a god with a bad memory, when Duaoin's name appeared in her mind again, she could not help but recall the grievances that year.

In fact, in the original game, the player needs to pass a pre-task to meet Jean Silvia and let her recall this past event.

Gu Nan doesn't need to be so troublesome now, just speak directly.

He needs Duoin's blood, plus the heads of twenty metal dragons to open the dragon grave.

He could do this without Silvia, but the latter would act as a shield, and it would be best to not attract too many people's attention.

"No, let's get one thing first."


The Dragon Realm is a very large plane, where there are countless islands floating overseas, but in the center is a vast continent.

As written in many Fantasy novels, this continent is called the Dragon God Continent, and legendary stories are often opened here.

Of course, the Dragon Clan is not the only one on the Dragon God Continent. Like all planes, the main race here is also a human race with amazing reproduction ability.

In the northwestern part of the mainland, the Yanlong Empire, blessed by the red dragon, rules over thousands of subjects here.

In the Yanlong Empire, there is a famous Prince Charles, whose reputation is comparable to his legendary father.

"I'm looking for Charlie." Gu Nan took Silvia and descended directly into the palace of the Yanlong Empire.

The servant who was caught by Gu Nan felt the tremendous pressure on the two of them, and couldn't help but hesitated in his voice: "Observe, follow orders, I will report..."

"You just need to tell me where he is."

After a while, Gu Nan had already stood in front of Charlie's door.

Silvia curled her lips and said: "If you are looking for someone, as long as we disclose our identity, they will naturally come to the door."

With Silvia's identity, of course she disdains doing things so sneakily.

However, Gu Nan didn't like to play the trick of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, but was not suitable for revealing his identity here.

Otherwise, it would be too deliberate to go to Duaoin's site and play Silvia's signature.

Silvia saw that he didn't reply, and then asked, "What are you doing with this mortal?"

"Let him draw a sword for me."

"Oh, these greedy mortals will definitely take the opportunity to ask for high rewards!" Silvia looked like she was suffering.

Gu Nan just looked at her with the eyes of a local tyrant.

Pushing the door to enter, Prince Charlie soon appeared in front of Gu Nan. He was educating a young girl to study.

"In the extreme west, a sword in the stone was born." Gu Nan didn't talk to the two of them, just said this sentence like a spell.

At the same time as the voice fell, he and Silvia had disappeared.

Until they left, Prince Charlie and his Little Sister Alice were still in a sluggish state.

It was the little Alice who came back to her senses first and said excitedly: "Big Brother! Have you heard that, there is a sword in the stone in the west! Or two god envoys personally come to pass on!"

In the world of gods, the legend of the sword in the stone has always been linked to the change of throne, and it is a symbol of the selection of the emperor by the gods.

And the divine envoy came to convey the will of the gods, and it was something that only happened in the story of the novel. I did not expect to appear in front of the two.

As another prince, there might be a wave of fear in this situation, but Prince Charlie is different.

Prince Charlie is famous because of his great talents and outstanding military service. It is almost a certainty to take over the throne.

The birth of the sword in the stone, and the door-to-door visit by the gods was a good talk for him.


"Where is the Extreme West?" Silvia and Gu Nan walked side by side and asked curiously.

"The world is round, there is no place in the extreme west." Gu Nan showed a look of scumbag, "Chongyin Island is to the west of Yanlong Country, don't you know it?"

Silvia was stunned. As I said before, her knowledge of the Dragon Realm is definitely not deep, and the geographical aspect is even more messy.

But she at least knew that Heavy Silver Island was the nest of the metal dragon and Duoin's residence.


A week later, Prince Charlie led his adventure team, through many difficulties and dangers, and finally arrived at the outskirts of Chongyin Island...

Then they were stopped, and a dragon stopped them.

"Leave immediately! Humble humans, Heavy Silver Island is not yours to come..."


As a thunderbolt fell in the sky, the metal dragon was hit by the head, and then the huge dragon body fell heavily to the ground.

Charlie and the others looked at each other, but they stopped inexplicably and fell down. They didn't dare to delay, and hurried towards the inside of the silver island.

"Hey! The dragon stunned by lightning, is this too funny?" Silvia walked out of the shadow slowly, seemingly dissatisfied with Gu Nan's clumsy methods.

Although manipulating adventurers for their own use, which is a tactic used by the gods, they will never play so ridiculously.

"Metal is easy to attract thunder. This is common sense." Gu Nan curled his lips, talking about the marginal theory, but already walked inside.

But before walking out a few steps, Gu Nan suddenly stopped and looked forward with a little surprise: "We are not lucky, we have caught up."

Duaoyin is a good man, and he has caused countless troubles. It's not surprising when you see him being troubled.

But as soon as I came across the most difficult one, I could only say that Gu Nan's luck was too good...or that Silvia was not lucky.

The Shadow Goddess also discovered at this time, who is on the Silver Island, her face changed slightly and said: "I'm leaving now, something is going on..."

"That's too late."

Silvia was startled slightly, and she heard a roar coming forward.

"Sylvia! You ran out to seduce a man again!"

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