Traveling Through The Heavens To Be An Evil God

Chapter 412 Fighting Goddess Karina

What was uploaded from Chongyin Island was an angry female voice, her voice almost spread throughout Chongyin Island, especially the word "seduce".

Classmate Silvia's face turned red almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she was afraid of arguing with that person and making bigger jokes, so she turned around and wanted to leave.

But as soon as she turned around, a wild figure appeared in front of her.

It was a girl with a single ponytail wearing a leopard print short skirt and holding a golden spear. The hard facial lines gave her a bit of tough temperament.

Fighting goddess Karina, nicknamed the eighth-order god of Amazonian Martial Sage by the players, has a fighting power far exceeding supernatural power, and is a famous violent woman.

But at the same time of violence, Karina has a tenderness that is incomprehensible to others.

She is the first fan of Austin, the Lord of Light and Justice. Since the second war of the gods, she has been madly pursuing the Lord of Light, even if Austin was not the Lord God at the time.

"Sylvia, as Austin's Little Sister, how can you mix with a man?" Karina glared at the Shadow Goddess.

Silvia couldn't help rolling her eyes, then turned her head and said, "Who am I with, can you control it?"

Karina sighed, like a helpless mother looking at her naughty daughter: "Who you like is of course your freedom. But before I get married with your Big Brother, you should clean yourself up."

The Shadow Goddess classmate felt that she was going crazy, she pointed at Karina angrily and said, "My Big Brother will marry you? You sorrowful sow, don't dream!"

Gu Nan, who had never seen Silvia before, couldn't help but looked at the two in surprise.

Karina, Martial Sage, a woman with a bad brain, is also famous in the game, but she and Sylvia stand together in a scene that even Gu Nan has never seen.

In fact, there are not many tasks related to Silvia in the game world, and this shadow goddess is more often a transparent person.

It seemed ashamed to yell at her, Silvia glanced at Gu Nan, then quickly glared at Karina.

Karina was not angry after being insulted like this, but she was a little shy: "Excessive enthusiasm is indeed my shortcoming, and I really want to overcome this, but every time I see Austin...oh!"

Martial Sage Miss, the female who sank into deep YY, suddenly had two blushes on her face, and she forgot to say anything.

Gu Nan suddenly looked up at this moment, pointed behind Karina and said, "Austin!"

"Where?!" Karina looked back suspiciously, and immediately felt a pain in the back of her head, but Gu Nan had already hit her with a punch.

Karina staggered when she was hit by a punch, and then she screamed and rushed towards Gu Nan.

Gu Nan fisted her without hesitation. After the two fought several times in a row, Karina actually laughed like a okay person, "Very good man, Silvia has a good vision this time."

"You shut up!" Silvia has reason to be angry. She obviously only communicates with some male gods normally, and every time Karina hits her, she has to give the word "seduce".

"Austin!" Gu Nan pointed to the back again.


So Karina got another punch in the back of the head.




"Do you think I'm a fool?" Karina, who got a bit dizzy in the back of the head, finally shouted angrily at Gu Nan.

"Austin!" Gu Nan still yelled indomitably, so Karina turned her head suspiciously.


He smashed again, finally knocking the female Martial Sage completely fainted.

Gu Nan shook his aching right hand and greeted Silvia: "Let's go, let's solve Duoin first, she should wake up soon."

Silvia followed Gu Nan in a daze, as if she couldn't believe that Karina, the guy who caused the headache of countless gods, was solved by Gu Nan in this way.

Of course Gu Nan would not tell her that Karina had also caused headaches to countless players, and finally came up with this method to temporarily stun her.

But that was all, it was almost impossible to kill this rough-skinned woman.

Karina is not an ordinary god, there is a big secret hidden in her.

One of the main lines of the game is to help Karina become the main god. If you want to help the light gods win the fifth battle, this is one of the few routes.

Karina, the unkillable Xiaoqiang, once the Lord God's words are fulfilled, her strength will go straight to Austin, and even Ms. Daisy will be crushed by her.

Not to mention that Gu Nan only has rank 7 now, which is lower than Karina. Even if he is rank 10, it would be difficult to kill the opponent.

Only after the player turns for the second turn, it becomes easier to turn around and kill Karis.

But at that stage, the things on the female Martial Sage are useless for the player, just to satisfy some of the player's collection addiction.

Gu Nan ignored Karina who fell to the ground. For him, Karina's appearance only added a restriction to this action-before the female Martial Sage wakes up, the metal dragon clan will be dealt with.

"It's going to speed up, but in this way, it's not easy to push everything to Silvia..." Gu Nan calculated silently in his heart.

"Which palace descended to Chongyin Island?" The old voice came slowly from the depths of Chongyin Island. Gu Nan and the two knew this. This was Old Long Duaoyin.

He thought that Karina's appearance would inevitably send away the two Silvia, but he didn't expect...

Gu Nan came to the center of Heavy Silver Island in the blink of an eye. A giant silver dragon was flying in the air. Seeing Gu Nan's appearance, he was first shocked, and then quickly flicked its tail over.

"Little Evan, stop!" Duaoyin didn't expect Gu Nan to move so fast. When he stopped, it was too late.

Gu Nan didn't even lift his head. He grabbed the silver metal dragon's tail and shook it lightly. The huge force was transmitted in an instant.

The metal dragon Evan seemed to froze, and his huge body was in the air. Gu Nan immediately fell with his right hand, and the dragon also fell heavily to the ground.

The sky was full of smoke and dust, Gu Nan just stood in the air, but still holding the tail in his hand, looking at the figure in front of him indifferently.

It was an old man with a robe and body, wrinkles almost covered his face, showing his oldness.

After all, dragons are not born gods, and there is a limit to their long lifespan. Duaoyin lived for tens of thousands of years, but now he has entered the old age.

And Evan was one of his most optimistic tribesmen and his immediate descendants, but he was lying weakly on the ground right now, his tail was like a mark of shame, and was grasped by the man in front of him.

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