Duao knew that the person in front of him was here with Silvia, and most of them were not good.

However, Lao Long has offended too many people in his life, and it is not once or twice that he has been called for revenge. He has long been experienced.

He said solemnly: "Your Excellency, this is the Dragon Realm, and my metal dragon clan suffers..."

"Joshua, I know." Gu Nan gave a sneer and finished talking for Duaoyin.

Joshua, the god of white crows, is the god who shelters the metal dragon. It is naturally not an ordinary god to be able to include a dragon clan under his command. In fact, Joshua is only a ninth god-tier.

But Gu Nan didn't care too much, because Joshua was a particularly lazy god.

He is powerful, treats his subordinates kindly, and bears grudges by the way. He is a god who is not suitable for being an enemy. But the problem with the White Raven God is that he doesn't have much interest in anything, and one day's things are longing for three days.

If Duoin sends the distress signal back now, I'm afraid Joshua won't even look at it—nothing can disturb him from taking a nap.

When encountering a lord who is not afraid of Joshua, Duoin suddenly feels helpless. He can only reluctantly say: "Your Excellency..."

Gu Nan held Little Evan's tail in his hand and threw it directly in front of Duaoyin, and said casually: "I just came to Heavy Silver Island to find something, and I will leave when I find it."

"If you cooperate, it's okay. If you don't cooperate, the whole family will die, do you understand?" Gu Nan pointed to Duaoyin and said.

Duaoyin has been the patriarch of the metal dragon clan for tens of thousands of years. When has he encountered such a straightforward threat?

His old face was gloomy.

I want to do it, but I dare not. This is the fierce man who brought Karina down; I want to be soft, Losing face, making such a big movement, it has already alarmed the other people on Chongyin Island.

Gu Nan didn't go to see him again. It didn't matter what Duao's choice made. In fact, he had only two ways to go.

Live to cooperate, or die to cooperate.

Prince Charlie's team got deeper and deeper, and the huge movement in the center of Heavy Silver Island shocked them, but at the same time they were a little bit more looking forward to it.

"Big Brother, the sword in the stone is definitely ahead, let's speed up!" Little Alice also secretly followed the team, shouting beside Charlie at this time.

Alice's forehead was full of sweat, and her long golden hair was about to stick to it, but her expression was still very excited.

"Be careful not to make a big mistake." Prince Charlie grabbed her quickly and exhorted her again.

"I know... hey, is that the sword in the stone?"

Alice's surprised voice came, and Charlie quickly looked up, and he saw a broken sword on the ground in front of him.

"Is it so easy to find?" Charlie seemed a little unbelievable, thinking that his adventure this time shouldn't be so simple.

But the sword in the stone was right in front of him, and he had no reason to hesitate, so he rushed forward and pulled out the broken sword.

Then... nothing happened, broken sword or broken sword.

At the next moment, Charlie felt two shadows appearing on the ground, and like tentacles, he grabbed him and rushed forward.

Before long, a huge body appeared in front of him, but Broken Sword was already submerged in it.

"This is... a dragon?!" Charlie, who had settled down, discovered that the broken sword struck was a silver dragon, covered with metal scales.

But these surprisingly hard scales were the same as paper in front of Broken Sword.

"What is that human being's hand?!" Duaoin shouted frantically, because he had already noticed the special breath from that broken sword.

There was nothing special about the Broken Sword when it was pulled out, but when it entered Evan's body, the resentful souls from countless dragons seemed to emerge at the same time.

This special weapon has a special name in the world.

"Dragon Slayer." Silvia frowned slightly, unexpectedly Gu Nan was looking for this.

"The Dragon Sword." Gu Nan said the players' nicknames for this sword.

Prince Charlie drew out the Broken Sword in a daze, only to find that it was no longer appropriate to call it "Broken Sword".

After being washed with dragon blood, this sword has completely removed the rust, showing its original appearance.

This is a short sword full of golden light!

"It's a sword in the stone..." Prince Charlie murmured, but then he felt that a dark shadow flashed in front of him, and the sword in his hand had been taken away.

Prince Charlie immediately stared angrily, but saw that the "divine envoy" he had seen that day was holding a golden dagger and looking carefully.

Every "Dragon Slayer" has a hidden "Dragon Resent" attribute, which has a strong taunting effect on the dragons.

This short sword was born on Heavy Silver Island, and in the blink of an eye it would attract countless dragons to chase and kill, and this is precisely Gu Nan's purpose.

He needs twenty heads of metal dragons, but the dragons are greedy for life and fear of death.

Gu Nan got the sword, and classmate Charlie was not so happy.

However, this majestic prince didn't mean to question Gu Nan sharply, but showed respect.

"I would like to offer the divine sword in honor of the gods. I don't know who's name is..."

He calculated that the two people in front of him must be the envoy of a certain god, but they were more greedy. After all, the envoys were not all good people.

But as long as you know the identity of the god, you will always be able to recover from this encounter today, and maybe the god will give more compensation.

When the gods will encounter the need for mortals to do something for them, a good reputation is very important.

However, Gu Nan just glanced at him, and then inserted the golden dagger into his abdomen.

"Don't think too much." He patted Prince Charlie on the shoulder.

"Big Brother!"

"His Royal Highness Charlie!"

A cry of exclamation came from behind, and then a golden light flashed, and patches of corpses were lying on the ground.

"This sword is genuine." Gu Nan shook the blood on the sword and nodded.

"Why?" Silvia had come behind him.

"Slashing dragons is easy, but slashing people is not easy."

Silvia's mouth twitched slightly, and she looked at Gu Nan deeply: "If you do this, I'm afraid that your reputation here will be completely ruined, and no one will dare to do anything for you in the future."

A god will slaughter an adventurer who does things for him, once it spreads...

"It's okay." Gu Nan smiled at her.

Silvia is very serious: "Karina has already learned that you are here. Don't think that if you kill everyone, no one will know!"

Gu Nan glanced at her, then raised the short sword in his hand, looking at the metal dragons that had gradually gathered in the sky, attracted by the dragon slayers.

"In the name of His Royal Highness Silvia, die, Duoin the Blasphemer!"

A scream spread throughout the heavy silver island.

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