Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 13 Cold Beast Crystal

Walking at night, the wind is blowing coldly;

In just one night, the once blue sky was covered with thick dark clouds, and the temperature dropped by more than ten degrees. Even Zheng Yuanqing, an awakened person, felt a bit of a biting chill;

"Alas! It's winter overnight..."

Smelling the obvious smell of winter in the cold wind, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but sigh. The climate was becoming more and more abnormal. Winter started this year nearly a month earlier than last year;

For many apocalyptic people, entering winter one day earlier means reaching the end of life one day earlier!

"Have you not noticed? Desertification has become more serious recently," the guide whispered;

"Yes, last year there were still weeds in the farmland around here, but this year not even weeds grow;" Zheng Yuanqing asked while packing up the tent pots and bowls: "But I'm very surprised, even if the weather is abnormal -"

"But desertification shouldn't be so severe that it changes every year, right?"

However, when faced with Zheng Yuanqing's question, the guide did not answer him "I know" or "I don't know" as usual. Instead, he remained silent rarely, or he hesitated to speak...

Facing the guide's reaction, Zheng Yuanqing frowned in confusion, but he didn't ask any more questions. He knew that he was too weak now, and there were some things that he didn't know, but it was a good thing for him;

So, Zheng Yuanqing packed up his things silently, then picked up a hoe and strode towards the boulder-like body of the spiderling. Then he followed the method the guide had said, split open the spiderling's headplate, and then picked out a pile of thorns. Two crystal nuclei were gradually removed from the carrion of the nose;

The two crystal nuclei are one large and one small, the larger one is about the size of a child's fist, purple-black in color, and weighs about two kilograms;

The small ones are only as big as a grain of rice and are dark black in color;

This is the beast crystal, which comes from the crystal core in the mutated beast's body. Whether it is volume, weight, or value, it is much higher than the corpse crystal of the same level, and of course it is more difficult to obtain;

"Why does this mutant spider have two crystal nuclei?" Zheng Yuanqing asked suspiciously;

"The other piece was from other eggs. This young spider hatched first, so it ate the nuclei of other eggs;" the guide replied;

"Eat? You mean, the reason why this young spider ate you was not because of the sound you made, but because it felt energy fluctuations similar to crystal nuclei from you?" Zheng Yuanqing was slightly startled, and then said ;

"Yes, mutant beasts are more sensitive to the energy magnetic field of crystal nuclei, especially bugs;"

"This is why there are so many mutant beasts, but they rarely attack humans. They only fight with zombies; they just want to eat the crystal nuclei in the zombies' brains," the guide said;

Is this the food chain of the end of the world?

Are humans no longer qualified to enter the food chain?

Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this, and then said again: "I didn't even see a mouse last night. Is it because of the existence of this crystal core?"

"Yes, the crystal core of any mutant beast can emit a biomagnetic field that frightens ordinary animals; therefore, from now on, you don't have to worry about seeing these small animals within a radius of 100 meters centered on the crystal nucleus;" the guide Said;

That's good!

Zheng Yuanqing nodded when he heard this. Of course he knew that these seemingly inconspicuous little things in peacetime could bring catastrophe in this end of the world where medical treatment is scarce;

Even those who are awakened sometimes cannot stop vicious diseases such as plague!

Therefore, even though he had a guide, Zheng Yuanqing still stayed away from these little things...

"This big crystal core is too eye-catching, so you should put it in the storage space; the small one can ensure that there are no mosquitoes breeding within a radius of 20 meters, which is enough for you; where do you put it on your body? I wrap it up;" says the Guide;

"Well, okay;" Zheng Yuanqing responded, and then asked: "What are the specific differences between beast crystals and corpse crystals? Why don't corpse crystals have this kind of magnetic field?"

"This issue is very complicated. Let's talk about the most basic thing. The biomagnetic field of animal crystals is very extreme, either very active or very quiet. According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, these are hot and cold properties."

"For example, the beast crystals of mutant spiders are of cold nature, and these two beast crystals come from female spiderlings, and their biological magnetic field is even more delicate and quiet. Therefore, if these two beast crystals are used on you, it will be a waste; but if When used on female awakeners, the effect is to get twice the result with half the effort;”

"The corpse crystal is like water, neither hot nor cold. It can be used by awakened men and women, but the effect is not as good as the beast crystal, and it does not have that kind of deterrent magnetic field;" the guide said simply;

Then isn't this piece of beast crystal useless?

Zheng Yuanqing shook his head, and then put the large piece of beast crystal into the storage space with some regret; then he turned over and got on his motorcycle, driving towards the barren mountains in the north with a puff of yellow dust...

Four hours later…



Accompanied by the sound of surging water in the distance, Zheng Yuanqing spent a whole morning guessing and struggling before finally hearing the sound of the Yellow River water!

As the motorcycle drove up a hillside, Zheng Yuanqing saw the legendary Chengshan Port, but...

The sound of rushing water, barren hills and farmland, thick fog, gray and dilapidated tents, shacks, and dens stretching for kilometers...and those ragged and skinny people, look for Shuyuan The survivors wandering in the fog like mummies;

Is this a large survivor colony?

This is simply the underworld!

"This is worse than a small settlement..."

Smelling the strong smell of water and rot in the air, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but frown. If it weren't for the four words "Chengshan Pier" written on the sign at the intersection, he would have really thought that he had traveled to the underworld!

"Someone is coming, from the southwest, an ordinary person with only a short knife." At this moment, the guide reminded;

Hearing this, Zheng Yuanqing turned to look to the southwest, and soon saw a man walking out of a barren hill in the distance. The man was smaller, wearing a dirty, shabby coat and jeans that could protect him from the wind and rain. , with a crude short knife on his waist, riding a similarly rusty mountain bike from afar;

Bicycles, short swords...

Seeing that the little man was thin but not skinny, Zheng Yuanqing quickly judged the identity of the person who came. This person was not an ordinary survivor, but should be someone from a certain force;

At this moment, the little man also noticed that Zheng Yuanqing was looking at him. He first frowned and stopped far away. After sizing up Zheng Yuanqing, he rode over again. Then he stopped at the foot of the hillside and raised a black card. With a thin and dry face and a mouth full of black and yellow teeth, he smiled and shouted:

"Hey! Brother! Are you an awakener?"

"Is this your first time coming to Chengshan Port? Do you need a guide?"

"How about two steamed buns a day?"

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