Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 14 The Underworld on Earth




As the little man finished shouting, Zheng Yuanqing heard the sound of dense footsteps, and then saw countless survivors swarming in like zombies, with pairs of red eyes as if they wanted to eat Zheng Yuanqing!

"You idiots like me want to die! How dare you compete with me for business! Come over and try!"

Seeing the crowd gathered around him, the little man jumped off his bicycle, pulled out his sword and limped forward while yelling curses;

Looking at everything in front of him, Zheng Yuanqing sighed slightly, but was indifferent. This is the end of the world, where the weak and the strong are the strongest, and fists are everything. Although he has some wealth at this time, he has not yet reached the point where he can help the world. He cares. No more...

One day!

Zheng Yuanqing gritted his teeth, but then let out a self-deprecating wry smile...

At the same time, in front of the little man's swishing dagger, the survivors finally dispersed unwillingly, but they were still staring at Zheng Yuanqing from a distance like a pack of wolves;

Seeing that the little man drove away the crowd but did not kill anyone, Zheng Yuanqing nodded inwardly. Of course he knew how fragile the bodies of those survivors were. I am afraid that the little man could kill two or three with one punch...

"Brother! Okay, let's clean up!" The little man drove away the crowd and looked at Zheng Yuanqing again and said with a smile;

"Yeah;" Zheng Yuanqing just responded lightly, and then said: "I'll hire you for a day and a half until tomorrow night, three packs of compressed biscuits, Guanshengyuan brand before the end of the world, how about it?"


Compressed cookies!

Listening to Zheng Yuanqing's words, the little man's cheeks twitched suddenly. He certainly knew what a pack of compressed biscuits meant. It was high in calories, high in fat, and high in sugar content. Even if it was made by the local people, it would be enough to support the physical strength of a post-apocalyptic person for three days. Labor, the nutrition in it is enough to be worth a dozen bark sweet potato noodles!

This is something you can’t buy even if you have money!

But the key question is...

This kind of thing can only be found in supermarkets in the county town; moreover, the village is a pile of zombies, the town is a zombie den, and the county town is a sea of ​​zombies...

Could it be that he dared to enter the town? How can this be!


At this moment, with a soft sound of the engine, under the suspicious eyes of the little man, Zheng Yuanqing drove down the hillside and stopped not far away, then reached out and opened the trunk, as if he was looking for something;

Oh My God……

Helmets, camouflage training uniforms, belts, boots, ghost swords...even the motorcycles are new!

Could this guy come from some big base?

It wasn't until he got closer that the little man could clearly see Zheng Yuanqing's equipment, healthy skin, and lean and strong physique, which made him frown. But at this moment, he only heard Zheng Yuanqing shout, followed by a The thing flew straight over!

"Here, here's the deposit;" Zheng Yuanqing nodded and closed the trunk;


Sure enough, it was from Guanshengyuan...given five years ago!

He actually dared to enter the town! What level of awakener is this guy?

Looking at the familiar compressed biscuits in his hand, the little man's hands were shaking as if he were holding a lit bomb; and then, he clearly felt the temperature around him drop sharply, and there seemed to be countless pairs of cookies. Eyes filled with murderous intent were staring at him!

"Thank you, brother! Thank you, brother!" The little man trembled all over, then hurriedly stuffed the biscuits into his pocket, then pedaled the car and rushed to Zheng Yuanqing's side, and then looked at the green eyes behind him with some fear;

"Brother, you can call me Xiaocheng!"

"Brother, are you here to find someone or do business?" After seeing those eyes slowly dispersed in fear of Zheng Yuanqing, Xiao Cheng wiped the cold sweat from his head and said;

"I'm not looking for anyone, I'm just used to wandering alone. I want to find a place to rest, and then... let's talk about it later;" Zheng Yuanqing pretended to be very tired and waved his hand;

Wandering alone...

really! Whether this person should be a legend or not...

"Okay! Big brother, come with me. Let's find a place to live first, and then go see the Yellow River!" Xiao Cheng seemed to have thought of something, then smiled brighter, waved his hand and rode ahead, followed by Zheng Yuanqing. superior;

However, the moment he entered the outskirts of Chengshan Port, Zheng Yuanqing took a breath of air...

Bones thousands of miles away, starving people everywhere, hell on earth...

When he took his first clear look at the outskirts of Chengshan Port, these three shocking words flashed through Zheng Yuanqing's mind!

The howling north wind blew through the thick fog, and in the gloomy ghostly fog, groups of survivors in ragged clothes walked out of the thick fog far away, carrying one body after another in groups of two, either on their backs or on their shoulders. The corpse walked towards the wilderness in the distance; and there, there were also groups of survivors wielding hoes and panting, digging graves one after another;

And in the dug-out soil, Zheng Yuanqing clearly saw layer after layer of dense bones...

Listening to the sound of the motorcycle, those people slowly turned their heads, revealing a pair of dead eyes!

Looking at those eyes, Zheng Yuanqing's heart suddenly tightened, and then he turned off the engine, turned over and got out of the car, not daring to look at those eyes again, and continued to push the car forward;

Going further, there are holes dug out one after another——

It’s wet, muddy, and mosquitoes, rats, and snakes are scurrying everywhere!

Perhaps sensing the arrival of strangers, heads one after another that looked like the living dead popped out of those caves, watching Zheng Yuanqing slowly walk by with pairs of eyes full of numbness and despair;

Looking at those people, Zheng Yuanqing knew that they could not even do physical work at all. They could only wait to die and then be carried outside by other survivors to be buried in the wilderness;

Moreover, burying them was not to put them to rest in peace, but just to prevent the plague!

"After testing, your blood sugar is abnormally high, your biomagnetic field fluctuates greatly, and your compassion begins to overflow; you have to understand that you are not the savior; in the end of the world, unnecessary compassion is no different from seeking death;" Just now At this time, the voice of the guide echoed in Zheng Yuanqing's mind;

"I know...I will try to control it;"

Zheng Yuanqing sighed deeply in his heart, but said helplessly: "I thought that I was like this before, and I should be numb. Who knows..."

"You have enough food and clothing to know honor and disgrace; you can find the book to be honest and honest; when you have no hope of being able to survive today and wake up tomorrow, you have no energy and compassion at all;" It seems to be Knowing Zheng Yuanqing's mood, the guide whispered:

"But if you can eat and drink enough, your compassion can come back, and you haven't become like Wang San who takes pleasure in torturing people, this shows that your heart has not changed;"

"Yes, warm food, clothing, and sufficient storage..."

Zheng Yuanqing sighed again in his heart, but could not say anything else and could only continue pushing the cart forward;

Further ahead, there are densely packed shacks and tents, large and small. From the constant "um um ah ah" sounds coming from the shacks, we can know that the men here can at least do physical work, and the women here can at least be relied on. Even though eating is just as miserable for the body, it is much, much better than the people on the outermost edge...!

But there's one thing Zheng Yuanqing doesn't understand -

This is the same problem as in small settlements: there are so many people, so many young adults, and there is no shortage of iron tools, so why not go fishing? Why not open up wasteland and cultivate land? Why not go hunting and pick wild vegetables?

"Brother! Wait a moment!"

However, at this moment, Xiao Cheng suddenly interrupted Zheng Yuanqing's thoughts, then stopped the car and smiled at Zheng Yuanqing, then hurriedly ran into the shack area with one foot deep and one foot shallow, then ducked his head and got in built a slightly larger shack;

Zheng Yuanqing could tell from Xiao Cheng's worried expression that in that shack——

There seems to be someone he misses deeply!

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