
Why don't you grow up as soon as possible...

Why are you so weak!

Listening to that sad voice, Zheng Yuanqing's cheeks twitched and he opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't. At this moment, he deeply felt the helplessness, despair, and regret deep in the guide's heart. , anger, hatred that iron cannot be transformed into steel... Of course, there are also some words that it has not said——

Why can't we trust your conscience? Why do we have to use calculations to test your conscience to see if it is true or false? Why do we still use calculations to protect you even though we know your conscience is true?

Because we are weak foxes, we have no other power except calculation...

Because you are our only hope, whether you are a fox or a lion cub, except for you, we have no hope, we must protect you...

Because we simply can’t think of any better way besides using calculations to protect you;

If you don’t want to let down the trust and hope of your loved ones, and if you don’t want your loved ones to protect you forever, then please become stronger as soon as possible and hold up a sky for your loved ones!

"I understand...thank you..."

Zheng Yuanqing nodded slowly, then took a deep breath and whispered: "You are right, in this era, only lions are qualified to have conscience, and foxes are not qualified to have conscience;"

"I am too weak now. In your eyes and in Hong Ling's eyes, I am just a relatively strong fox, but I have the character of a lion and I don't understand the relationship between foxes. rules; all this makes you unsure whether I am a lion cub or a fox. ===== So..."

"You are very conflicted. You hope that I am a lion cub that has not yet grown up. You are also afraid that I am just a stronger fox, but you have no choice but to me..."

"So, you can only use your only strength to protect me;"

"Although these are all calculations, they are your only power;"

Having said this, Zheng Yuanqing slowly straightened his back, and his eyes that were full of indignation just now became calm and deep. After all these twists and turns, Zheng Yuanqing clearly felt it. His whole person has undergone a qualitative change, and with it, the road ahead has also undergone a qualitative change;


"You're right, congratulations on understanding that, you idiot;"

After another period of silence, the guide finally let out a long-lost chuckle, then slowly turned around and looked at Zheng Yuanqing from afar and said softly:

"Of course, I'm not saying you are stupid. What I mean is that the end of the world is a new era. It is also a more complex era, an extreme fox or an extreme lion. No matter which extreme exists They all won’t live long;”

"So, a truly strong man is the perfect combination of intelligence and strength, a person with the mind of a fox and the strength of a lion;"

"Haha! It's easy to be a teacher... It's easy to say this, but how many people in this world actually do it?"

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, my dear idiot;" At this point, the guide suddenly paused, then chuckled jokingly, and then looked at Zheng Yuanqing from afar and waved:

"I won't say any more. What you see are all pre-recorded images, including the image of me talking to you. The real me has activated the sleep mode due to insufficient energy. In a short period of time, I can’t quarrel with you;”

"Everything that happens next, the other guide beside you will tell you;"

"The other thing I want to say is-"

"If you still want to continue to quarrel with me, then please find Miao Ye within a month, otherwise you will never want to quarrel with me in your life; also, as a reward for finding Miao Ye——"

"The next time we quarrel, I will quarrel with you in front of you!"


Listening to those seemingly relaxed but actually sad words, Zheng Yuanqing's eyes widened again, and he shouted as if he had a premonition of something. At the same time, he used all his strength to jump and rush towards the white figure!

However, the moment he just took off, he only felt the world spinning, and everything in front of him seemed to be a mirage, all in an instant——



With a shrill shout, Zheng Yuanqing suddenly opened his eyes, then jumped up and looked around eagerly as if he was looking for something;

However, all that came into view was the dark cold night and the terrifying earth...

"It turns out it's really an image..."

Seeing the darkness all around, with no vast ruins or huge steel weapons, Zheng Yuanqing sighed slightly, then looked at the terrifying land again, and then couldn't help but take a slight breath of air--

Thick ashes, vast smoke, strong and pungent smoke...

Looking at the bleak land with no undulations within more than ten kilometers... and the huge explosion crater in front of me, which is hundreds of meters deep and several kilometers in diameter!

Today's Wangjiazhuang has become a real apocalypse, like the surface of the moon, without any sign of life, only vast dust and endless death energy...

"Is this the power of thunder?"

Looking at the endless desolation in front of him, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but take a slight breath. He still underestimated the true power of the Wanderer. Although he was not an explosion expert, he could tell just by feeling that something that could achieve the explosive effect in front of him, At least a nuclear bomb with a yield of 10,000 tons can be achieved;

"It takes nuclear bombs to destroy them. How powerful are the Rangers..."

Thinking of that terrifying equivalent figure, Zheng Yuanqing took a slight breath of air again, and then murmured in disbelief;

"Answer agent questions..."

However, at this moment, an extremely familiar yet extremely cold mechanical synthesized sound came from afar. Zheng Yuanqing looked along and soon saw a glimmer of light very far outside the pit;

Another guide!

Looking at the bright flash of light, Zheng Yuanqing was slightly startled at first, then a comfortable smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, then he shuddered, rushed over in an instant, and then reached out to pick up the dust from the thick dust that reached his ankles. A crisp white touch screen phone;

"Answer agent questions—"

Just after Zheng Yuanqing picked up the phone. The cold mechanical voice also sounded:

"Preliminary estimation based on existing data. Before the wanderer is connected to the host, his power level is equivalent to that of a human who has unlocked the third level of gene lock. According to the existing power system, it is equivalent to the lieutenant level;"

"After being connected to the host, the wanderer's power level is equivalent to that of a human who has unlocked the sixth level of gene lock. It is replaced by the existing power system, which is equivalent to the calibrated level; such a wanderer can only use the equivalent of 2 Only a direct hit by a 10,000-ton TNT-equivalent nuclear bomb can destroy it;"

20,000 tons…

At the end of World War II, the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan seemed to have this yield level;

It must be destroyed with a nuclear bomb of this yield, in other words. Wouldn't it be true that if the Rangers completely exploded, the destructive power they would produce would be no less than this level!

The Rangers are so powerful...

Thinking of this, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but feel his heart sink slightly. Although he had never seen the power of the Wanderer when it fully exploded, he could guess based on reasoning alone that the Wanderer's power was simply beyond the imagination of ordinary people. ;

Such an enemy...

It is simply so powerful that it makes people despair!

However, since there can be the power system of "school officer", it means that there must be someone who has reached this level. Now that they can reach...

"Let me ask you another question-"

"What is the specific power system after opening the first level of gene lock?" Zheng Yuanqing asked the guide in a deep voice;

"Answer the agent's question - after the first-level gene lock is opened, the awakened person still has nine gene sequences that need to be opened one after another; after the ninth gene sequence is opened, the second-level gene lock can be opened. And so on;"

Oh My God……

Listening to the guide's words, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but feel his heart sink again. He knew clearly that if it were replaced by the existing power system, it would be equivalent to saying that the warrant officer was followed by one star, two stars... until the nine-star warrant officer. After the nine-star warrant officer, He is a one-star second lieutenant;

That is, if he wants to reach the power level of a Ranger...

Doesn’t that mean we need to awaken at least 40 times?

How can this be……


"If I use the crystal core left by the wanderer to awaken again, how far can I awaken?" Zheng Yuanqing suddenly thought of something and his eyes lit up;

"According to the guide's detailed calculations, if the agent uses the crystal core left by the wanderer to awaken again, he can open up to three more genetic sequences, which means he can reach a five-star warrant officer;"

"Because the crystal core of the Wanderer is not a naturally formed pure energy crystal, but a biological battery, there is actually not much energy that can be used in it without corresponding methods and facilities; but it is enough for agents to participate in the wreckage The struggle;" The cold mechanical voice of the guide once again poured cold water on Zheng Yuanqing;

Just as I expected...

Zheng Yuanqing nodded heavily when he heard this. Of course he knew how could there be such a good thing in this world that made him soar to a level that required the use of nuclear bombs to eliminate him overnight;

However, if we follow the previous slow improvement method...

This is simply a long way off!

"However, the agent does not need to have too many negative thoughts;" At this moment, the guide said again:

"It is precisely because the Wanderer's crystal core is a special biological battery that it has three major characteristics that naturally formed crystal nuclei do not have -"

"First, this kind of crystal nucleus can replenish energy repeatedly. The agent can directly absorb the crystal nucleus in the mutated brain, and can even absorb the energy contained in the body of the awakened person. However, activating the absorption function of the crystal nucleus requires a considerable amount of the agent's energy. energy;"

"Second, when the energy reserve in the crystal core reaches a certain level, the agent can release energy and guide the 'Thunder'-level close-in defense cannon to lock onto the enemy, and summon the 'Thunder' long-range attack just like just now; 'Thunder' The level 1 close-in defense cannon is a double-linked close-in defense cannon. Please find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. Apart from the one just now, there is still one cannon of energy reserve, which is also the last cannon. Please use it with caution, agent."


Close defense artillery!

That shot just now was just a close-range defense cannon?

Hearing these words, Zheng Yuanqing suddenly looked up at the dark and ethereal night sky, but never saw the rusty, bullet-riddled, yet vast steel sky;

Obviously, the scene just now was just a mirage-like projection...

Is that the essence of the Guide?

So what should the wanderer's true body be that even it can't do anything about?

Looking at the misty night sky, and thinking of the tall figure wearing a white coat when he was unconscious just now, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but slowly clenched his slightly trembling fists... (To be continued...)

ps: I worked overtime at night, so the update is a little late, please forgive me! ()

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