Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 153 Other ways of awakening

Looking at the misty night sky, Zheng Yuanqing's heart became heavy. It was only then that he deeply understood how difficult the guide's current situation was. It was not just a lack of energy...

In other words, Zheng Yuanqing must face the next road alone!


Although the cold leader just told him in detail that he only needs to be a five-star warrant officer to participate in the competition, but what Zheng Yuanqing considers is not just being able to participate in the competition, he wants to have absolute certainty Win this fight, and more than that—

He must also survive the ensuing chase!

In this way, the enemies he has to face are not just those involved in the entire battle...

Judging from the current situation, Zheng Yuanqing's foreseeable enemies currently have at least five levels:

The first level, the Awakened One at Qinghe Base, although I don’t know how strong that Wu Yuan is, I can be sure that since Wu Yuan dares to seize food from the tiger’s mouth, he must have the strength of at least a five-star warrant officer;

At the second level, the Nagano base is stationed in Yoshiwara City to receive the awakened ones who died in the night; since this group of outsiders can make Wu Yuan swallow his anger, it is certain that the strongest combat power among this group of outsiders is at least an eight-star warrant officer. ;

The third level is the support force of the Nagano base; if Zheng Yuanqing can successfully obtain Sanye, then he will face endless pursuit, so the first wave of pursuers sent will be at least the level of second lieutenant;

Level 4, Wanderers; since Wanderers are also looking for wreckage, after getting the death night, Zheng Yuanqing is likely to face the double pursuit of Nagano Base and Wanderers, so the power of the first wave of Wanderers coming The level should be similar to the power of the wanderer when he was just awakened, that is, between the nine-star second lieutenant and the one-star lieutenant;

Level 5. Dangerous wanderers; that is, wanderers who are connected to the host, and their strength is equivalent to the level of a quasi-caliber; if he encounters such an enemy during the pursuit, Zheng Yuanqing can be said to be dead!

This way. Zheng Yuanqing must have the power of a second lieutenant to win the battle. Then he must have at least the strength of a five-star lieutenant to survive the subsequent chase. Finally, he must at least reach the level of a colonel to ensure his own safety to the greatest extent...

This is only predictable. Who knows if there will be other variables when it comes time to compete!

This is simply the path to death!

Looking at the misty night sky and the huge explosion crater in front of him, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but feel out of breath, as if a huge mountain was pressing on his chest!

But. He must embark on this path again, and he only has the guide, his only relative left!

a month...

The remaining energy of the Guide can only last for one month. If it cannot be awakened within this month...

"You are all dead and I am alive alone. What's the point?"

Zheng Yuanqing raised his head again, looked at the thick night sky and couldn't help but let out a long and sad sigh. He had never felt that he was so weak...

Since you want to protect, since you want to survive, since you want to see the smiling faces of your loved ones——

Why are you so weak?


Looking at the vast night sky and the road in front of him with no front, no rear, or even hope, Zheng Yuanqing felt the suffocation in his chest getting heavier and heavier, weighing him down until he almost gave up——

How can it be so easy to be powerful?

From the initial awakening. To become the current two-star warrant officer, Zheng Yuanqing and his guide have worked hard, experienced many dangers, and paid a lot of price to reach this point. And as your strength increases, it will definitely become harder and harder to continue awakening;

But the enemy will not give him enough time to awaken. He must race against time to improve his strength. But in such a short period of time, it is almost impossible to reach the rank of second lieutenant, let alone a colonel...


There's something wrong here!

It is also three years after the end of the world, and all survivors are on the same starting line, but why are the awakened ones in Nagano Base so powerful?

Moreover, they definitely do not have the help and guidance of a guide, so they must have some method to achieve quick awakening;

If only I knew how they woke up so quickly. Well, I can do it too!

Think of this. Zheng Yuanqing seemed to see a glimmer of hope in the boundless darkness, then took a deep breath, looked at the guide in his hand again and asked in a deep voice:

"Do you know how other awakened people awakened?"

"Answer agent. There is no relevant information in the database of this machine, so I cannot answer this question; however, this machine has been intercepted by the Rangers for two years. In the past two years, the Rangers have killed a total of 18 awakened people of various levels. , based on scanning the body data of these awakened people, it can be inferred that their awakening method belongs to the same principle as the awakening method provided by this machine;"

"Furthermore, judging from the appearance of these awakened people, their awakening method does not have a complete system. Therefore, local analysis shows that their awakening method is very simple and has many complex natural conditions. It cannot be provided by the guide at all. Compared with the awakening method that can be done anytime, anywhere and is not restricted by any natural conditions;" the guide replied with flashing fluorescence;

They don’t have a mature way to awaken?

Since there is no mature way to awaken, how could they possibly awaken to that level?

Could it be related to the environment they live in?

Thinking of this, Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly. He clearly remembered that the guide once said that the geomagnetic field in Yoshiwara City was very disordered and it was impossible to give birth to such powerful mutants. Moreover, the wanderer once lamented that the geomagnetic field of the Chinese land was very chaotic. The magnetic field is much larger than it expected;

In this way...

Yes, look for Shuyuan The fact that they can awaken to that point must be closely related to the general environment in which they live!

"If it is really related to the geomagnetic field of the environment, then the same method, in a better environment, will definitely lead to faster awakening;"

Thinking of this, Zheng Yuanqing's eyes couldn't help but light up, and then he asked again as if he wanted to confirm something:

"Second question, as you mentioned just now, it can be judged from their appearance that their awakening method is very simple. Is it possible that all awakened people have their own characteristics?"

"Answer the agent's question—"

The guide flashed his bright light again and replied:

"Yes, according to the principles of genetics, the correct way to awaken should be the simultaneous evolution of all genes in the body, rather than the independent evolution of specific genes;"

"In other words, the awakening method provided by the guide is designed strictly according to the principles of genetics, which can synchronize and coordinate the evolution of genes in the awakened person's body. Therefore, there are only two results of the coordinated evolution of genes in the body-" (To be completed Continued)

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