He Yaohui immediately turned the steering wheel, and the corpse hunting team turned a corner and sped towards the location of the accident;

When the corpse-hunting team rushed to the scene of the incident, they discovered that it was a village surrounded by countless wastes and isolation belts. In addition to large tracts of cultivated fields, there were dozens of shacks inside;

Due to long-term corrosion, the isolation belt next to the village could no longer block zombies. A large hole was opened under the attack of zombies, and a large number of zombies got in through the hole;

Of course, the survivors in the village did not have any powerful weapons. They only had two old-fashioned muzzle-loading gunpowder shotguns. Their lethality was really limited. Moreover, the shooting distance was less than 11 meters, and it was troublesome to load them. Others were holding iron forks. Rakes and other agricultural tools struggled to resist the onslaught of zombies;

Helpless, the number of zombies is indeed a bit too much. Judging by the eyes, there are at least 20. Moreover, there are no obvious combatants in the village. They are simply rural people. The cordon of the people is slowly retreating, and from time to time, It can be seen that some rural people were paralyzed to the ground by zombies due to temporary negligence;

As long as everyone retreats another 11 meters, the situation will become uncontrollable, because the zombies that rush in will be able to surround everyone at that time, and everyone who does not know how to fight will be in danger of being stewed;

The situation was precarious. Zheng Yuanqing and others were no longer uncertain. Under Zheng Yuanqing's order, except for Jin Yutang and Liu Jin who were left to guard the vehicles and non-fighting personnel, the others all picked up weapons and got out of the car to provide support;

"Pah, pah, pah, pah, pah"

Gunshots continued one after another, and a group of zombies turned into real corpses in front of Zheng Yuanqing and others. When they walked closer, the role of firearms had become dispensable, and everyone gave up using guns. From the dagger he carries with him. Use short blades such as steel bars to jump into the zombies and fight them at close range;

This state made all the cells in Zheng Yuanqing's body seem to be extremely excited. He seemed to have gone back in time, walking alone through the world. Raise the crossbow and steel bars in your hands to fight your way through the huge zombies;

Although there were a lot of zombies, they became as docile as lambs waiting to be slaughtered in the hands of Zheng Yuanqing and other professional soldiers. Zheng Yuanqing gently pulled out the steel bar nailed to the back of one zombie's head, opened his wrist and pinched the other. A zombie's neck, the steel bar held in the other hand was stabbed fiercely along the zombie's eye socket;

The jet-black brain mixed with dark gray blood spurted along the fourth-floor-shaped ridges, and, judging from the color, this zombie should have been bitten not long after;

certainly. Now was not the time to think about these problems. Zheng Yuanqing kicked the zombie and made it collapse to the ground. He turned around and rushed to the side of the other zombie. The steel bar was inserted into the gap between the bones of the zombie's chin. Then he stopped his hand and knocked it down again. Rebar was sent into the mouth of another zombie;

The fight only lasted less than 3 minutes. More than 20 zombies all collapsed on the ground, and the blood soaked the barren frozen soil;

The survivors who were still holding farm tools opened their mouths wide and looked at the group of heroes who suddenly appeared like heavenly soldiers in front of them with disbelief; until Zheng Yuanqing and others wiped the daggers in their hands clean and put them back into the sheaths, Only then did everyone react. Immediately a huge cheer broke out;

After the war, everyone kindly invited Zheng Yuanqing and others to enter their village to have a rest, and brought out everyone's best grain and dry food to entertain Zheng Yuanqing and his party;

Zheng Yuanqing and others were invited to the largest dilapidated house in the village. This is the house of the patriarch of our village. After Zheng Yuanqing and others entered the house, two tables were full. The men in the village had all gone out to exterminate the real corpses of zombies and repair the isolation zone, so Zheng Yuanqing and others The women of the village are responsible for hosting;

Through discussions with them, Zheng Yuanqing learned that the people here were originally from a village, and there were only more than 20 families at first. After the disaster broke out, the village became no longer safe, so under the leadership of the clan leader. The surviving people migrated all the way and reached this desolate and inhabited place to establish a settlement;

for several years. Gradually, many small groups of survivors moved in and built isolation belts outside;

Because at the beginning, only more than 20 sets of shacks were built. Moreover, at that time, the number of zombies around began to slowly increase, and there was no way to go to the forest to cut down trees to build more shabby houses. Therefore, now there are many people and several families share a shabby house; that is, the clan leader There are also four families living in the home;

Although there are only more than 20 shacks here, there are more than 30 families and more than 200 people living here. Fortunately, the frozen soil developed by everyone is large enough, and some livestock are raised, so they can barely be self-sufficient.

Because the forest outside is full of zombies, and there have been no new immigrants in the past two years, everyone's life is generally peaceful; I just don't know how long such a peaceful life can last, the isolation zone outside The rust is getting worse and worse, and the number of zombies wandering around is increasing; the original peace has been broken, and panic has gradually spread among the villagers;

At this time, the clan leader who had already arranged everything outside came in. When he looked at Zheng Yuanqing, he immediately smiled and said:

"Welcome to our village, guests and survivors from afar; I am the patriarch of this village, just call me Li Zhao. Judging from your clothes and the car you are riding in, you should not come from a remote place, right? Is it possible? Is there any other place outside that has not been affected by the plague?"

Zheng Yuanqing listened to the words of Patriarch Li Zhao, smiled slightly, and said: "Haha, we are Chinese people from the east. This is a newly established force. There is vast frozen soil in the territory, a lively base, a powerful armed force, everything Things are the same as before the end of the world; we just fought a battle with Asan Kingdom some time ago, sank more than 30 Asan Kingdom armored vehicles, and captured 8 of them. Now we are following the order of our leader to come to the northern wilderness to take a look. The situation in the northern moors;”

When Li Zhao heard this, he immediately knelt down in front of Zheng Yuanqing with a plop and said with tears in his eyes: "This little brother, please save the people in our village;"

When Zheng Yuanqing saw this situation, he was immediately shocked. He quickly stood up and helped the clan leader up, and comforted him in a low voice:

"Li Zhao, what are you doing? Get up quickly and tell me what you have to say. You will hurt me if you do this;"

When Li Zhao saw Zheng Yuanqing helping him, he stopped insisting and stood up. He said with a sad face: "Little brother, you don't know something. In our village, if we live a peaceful life hiding here, how can we live in peace?" It’s better to say that we are trapped here;”

"There are zombies everywhere outside. It turns out that the young and middle-aged people in the village can still risk their lives to go out to find some logistics and come back to supplement it. But then again, in the past two years, there have been more and more zombies around, and the people in the village can no longer There is no way to get out; moreover, the isolation belt outside is rusty and can no longer withstand the onslaught of zombies."

Having said this, Li Zhao's tears fell again; he gently wiped his tears with his calloused hands, and then said:

"When we went out to repair the isolation tape just now, we discovered that the isolation tape in many places was completely rusted and would break apart if we peeled it off with our hands. The reason for the original holes was that we did not have iron wire to repair them, so we had to use The straw ropes were tied up; but then again, this approach also serves as a psychological comfort. The next time the zombies attack, I really don’t know if I can survive it; so little brother, if you really have If we are a powerful person, we can't completely ask everyone to keep us; instead of the more than 300 people in Murakami, the old man will kneel down to you;"

Halfway through, he made a gesture to kneel down again, but was firmly supported by Zheng Yuanqing;

Looking at the faces full of hope around him, Zheng Yuanqing nodded heavily and replied:

"Forget it, I will notify the site and ask everyone to send a plane to pick you up as soon as possible and arrange an ideal place for you in the site. However, the application for occupancy in our site is very strict, and everyone needs to be checked first. body to prevent the plague from being introduced into it;”

Hearing that Zheng Yuanqing was willing to help, Li Zhao flushed with excitement and hurriedly said loudly: "It should be done, it should be done, just tell me if there are any procedures, and we will definitely cooperate; motherfucker, hurry up and get the good wine I saved." Come out, I want to have a good drink with these benefactors;"

"Okay, I'll be here soon." After hearing that she could move to a truly safe place, the patriarch's wife also seemed very excited. She agreed happily this time;

The news was quickly spread by the women survivors in the house. Soon, everyone in the village knew about the impending migration. The village immediately fell into a sea of ​​joy, with everyone singing and dancing, and some men who drank a lot. They all brought their own wines to pay homage to the great benefactors in the eyes of everyone;

How could Zheng Yuanqing, who was so drunk, be able to withstand being drunk like this? After only a few drinks, he was so drunk that he didn't know where to go. However, he had always been very organized in doing things, and even after he was drunk, he still managed to use his brains to solve the problem. When she regained consciousness, she told Si Juan to contact the people in the area to call a helicopter to help everyone move, and ordered the villagers to pack some items that must be taken away overnight. As for the big items, discard them if they can; because the isolation belt has been repaired. It was not reliable, and he also asked Spider to arrange for someone to stay on duty at night;

After everything was explained, Zheng Yuanqing fell on the table, drunk and unconscious;

Then, it was not until about three o'clock in the morning the next day that Zheng Yuanqing opened his eyes in a daze; the taste of being drunk with the old shochu brewed by rural people was not pleasant, and now Zheng Yuanqing felt it firsthand; he had a splitting headache. He struggled to sit up from the bed, and Ling Qing, who had been sitting next to him, immediately brought him a bowl of cold water for him to drink; (To be continued)

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