After drinking a large bowl of cold water, Zheng Yuanqing felt a little better. He looked at Ling Qing beside him and asked in confusion: "Have you been taking care of me here all night?"

Ling Qing gave him an angry look and said reproachfully: "Then what else can I do? You can still show off if you can't drink, how can you? I took care of you for one night, but it's a pity that you can't be moved. I saw you sleeping like a pig last night. , I slept next to you all night;"

Looking at Ling Qing's angry and flushed face, Zheng Yuanqing said with a smile: "Huh? You slept with me last night? Aren't you afraid that I would do anything to you after drinking and having sex?"

Ling Qing gave him a blank look and said contemptuously: "What? What can you do? You were so drunk yesterday, like a bear. I just cut off that ugly thing below you. You don't even know. What else are you dreaming about? Come on you;"

Hearing Ling Qing's words, Zheng Yuanqing smiled sheepishly and quickly changed the subject: "How are the people in the village? Are there any migrating helicopters coming?"

Of course, Ling Qing's anger has not subsided. She said with a cold face: "You, a good man like Zheng, personally gave orders. How dare I disobey you? Si Juan asked the flight command department to dispatch 11 YZs in the middle of the night. The -33 heavy transport helicopter arrived and a group of people were transported away in the middle of the night yesterday, so the progress is still in progress, so don’t worry;”

"The remaining villagers will all be transported away this morning, so you, Zheng Dashan, can rest assured to wake up your bar;"

As soon as Ling Qing finished speaking, the huge roar of the engine slowly came from the distant wasteland;

Zheng Yuanqing hurriedly let Lingqing support him and walked outside, only to see 11 huge YZ-33 helicopters, escorted by 3 -71 armed helicopters, slowly stopping outside the deserted village. In the reclaimed fields, the survivors were lining up and entering the plane in good order under the command of the flying troop soldiers;

At this moment, the patriarch Li Zhao, who had been waiting aside, finally watched Zheng Yuanqing come out. He immediately ran over, held Zheng Yuanqing's hand and said gratefully:

"Young man, you are indeed the benefactor of our village. I won't mention it if I come out; when you come back, you must come to us. The people of our village will always remember your kindness. This life is to do Even if you are a cow or a horse, you will definitely repay your kindness;"

Ling Qing, who was on the side, heard Li Zhao's words and muttered disdainfully: "Don't worry, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to be a bull and a horse when you get to that place. Do you think you can escape? You all have to serve him;"

Li Zhao looked at Ling Qing in confusion, wondering what she was talking to herself there. Zheng Yuanqing glared at her hard, and. When the latter saw what she said being heard by Zheng Yuanqing, he stuck out his tongue sadly;

Zheng Yuanqing squeezed Li Zhao's hand and said with a hearty smile: "Li Zhao, you can go with peace of mind. I have taken care of all the things in that place for you. When I come back, I will definitely go Look at you, hurry up and get into the plane before it's too late, take care;"

Li Zhao nodded heavily. He said, "We'll see you again when you return. Just be careful in the northern wilderness." After that, he turned around and got into the nearest helicopter;

He watched all the planes disappear from his sight. Zheng Yuanqing and others started the corpse hunting team and headed towards the northern wilderness. Moreover, Zheng Yuanqing, who was still dizzy and brain-splitting, rested on Ling Qing's legs with his eyes closed all the way;

The further you walk towards the northern wilderness, the more depressing and chaotic the scenery you see along the way becomes, and the more vividly the ugliest side of human nature is revealed;

This place has reached the wilderness. It can be seen that there was a short period of stability in this place. Large tracts of wasteland have been reclaimed, and large-scale settlements have been erected on the wasteland; it seems that there is a prototype of a small base. If it continues to develop like this for a few more years, a stable situation is completely conceivable;

but. Since the death of the leader, everything has been in chaos. His few capable generals have refused to obey anyone. Now they have fought against each other; war and gunpowder have invaded the northern wilderness. In the wasteland, countless shacks have been razed to ruins, and countless cultivated fields have been burned to waste by war and gunpowder smoke. The survivors wander around and live a miserable and desolate life;

Zheng Yuanqing was standing outside a fairly large village at the moment. There was no trace of life on the faces of the people in the village, and their eyes were dull, like zombies;

Hunger and cold forced everyone to give up their dignity, humanity, and all the characteristics of human beings, and live numbly in this world; because the village is located in the wasteland, which is different from the plains, after the permafrost was destroyed, everyone could not live in the wasteland except in the wasteland. Except for some wild vegetables that could completely fill the stomach, there was nothing to eat. But then again, there were too many people digging for wild vegetables, and soon the only dry food that could completely fill the stomach was consumed. It was completely exhausted, and there was nothing completely edible to be found within dozens of miles;

The few grains the family had were taken away by waves of "garrisons" and used as military supplies. In order to survive, everyone had no choice but to sell their children and themselves;

There is a row of protective walls about 29 meters long outside the deserted village. Now, people sitting under the protective wall are waiting to sell themselves. There are old people, children, girls, and young adults; in front of each person is a sheet of paper spread out. The top of the paper introduces what you know and how much you can sell it for. Of course, most of the orders are just to satisfy your hunger;

In order to make themselves look more marketable, many girls wear clothes that are barely covering their eyes. Some indicate on the top that they are still virgins, while others write a lot about how they know how to serve. The man's words are an urgent hope that some man can take them away;

There is a saying that you only have those desires when you are full. Nowadays, it is difficult for everyone to survive. Who has the remaining food to feed a useless woman with a thin and useless body? Therefore, their value is often not as good as that of some young and powerful young adults;

Those parents who were selling their children with their arms around them had tears in their eyes. According to the situation that He Yaohui had just learned about, if they could no longer sell their children, they would have to do the same as other families when it gets dark. Parents who sell their children exchange them for children, then take them back and eat the exchanged children;

At this moment, suddenly an old man could no longer hold on and turned into a real corpse. A man walked over cautiously, felt his breath, and then shouted in surprise: "He is dead." ;"

His shout was like the bell ringing for dinner in the cafeteria. Dozens of people immediately gathered around and carried the old man's real body behind the protective wall. It didn't take long for everyone to get out. Each person's hands were all bloody, holding large or small pieces of meat;

There are even some people who have long been unable to bear the hunger and cold. They can't wait to stuff raw minced meat into their mouths. All the meat was stuffed down, and his mouth was full of blood;

The smart Ling Qing immediately guessed what kind of meat everyone was holding, and immediately screamed "ah" and plunged into Zheng Yuanqing's arms;

Zheng Yuanqing suppressed the nausea in his throat. Like him, everyone's face was not very good-looking, especially Shanyue. Maybe he thought of something, and his face turned pale;

At this moment, Si Juan walked up to Zheng Yuanqing, covered her mouth lightly, and whispered: "Captain, this is too miserable. When did you send an army to conquer this place? This place is Rural people can’t survive for more than a few days;”

Zheng Yuanqing looked at the scene in front of him with an ugly expression, and said in a deep voice: "We haven't figured out the specific situation in the northern wasteland yet. It's very difficult to send troops rashly. We'll wait a few days to see what's going on. Let's get a feel for the bottom of this place first."

Si Juan nodded helplessly. Although she wanted to save the survivors in this place, she cherished the soldiers of her own force more and was unwilling to cause the death of a large number of soldiers due to unplanned actions;

Everyone couldn't stand such a miserable scene anymore, so they all got into their cars and left the village. Although the hungry and cold villagers hoped to get some help, their natural fear of the soldiers made them afraid to approach. People like Zheng Yuanqing;

Especially looking at the cold anti-aircraft machine guns piled on top of the off-road jeep, everyone knew that this was a group of soldiers with more elite equipment than their local armed forces; more elite means in everyone's mind, more fierce and cruel. , thank God that they didn’t come to collect military supplies and logistics, of course they didn’t dare to go around and pray for everyone’s help;

The corpse hunting team headed north again, and the scenes they watched were similar; suddenly, there was a burst of fierce gunfire in the distance, which should be a small conflict between two groups. The corpse hunting team turned a corner and drove towards direction of minor conflicts;

A few hundred meters away, the corpse-hunting team stopped. Zheng Yuanqing picked up his telescope and looked at the scene of a small conflict in the distance; this was an armed force obeying orders from two factions. It looked like a self-defense force, with almost no A man was wearing a training uniform, all dressed up like a survivor, and he was carrying a gun;

Although there are only a few leadership-looking people wearing combat training uniforms, the combat training uniforms are colorful, including desert combat training uniforms, wasteland combat training uniforms, and even assault troop training uniforms and flying troop training uniforms. , and, at first glance, it is a civilian version, not a military training uniform; (To be continued)

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