Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 2 Back to 5 years ago



With the sound of violent heartbeat, Zheng Yuanqing followed the steps mentioned by the guide, picked up a crystal core with tweezers, and carefully placed it on the computer screen;


Following a faint hissing, the dark screen suddenly seemed to melt, with a faint ripple appearing. Then, the corpse crystal slowly sank in as if it had been put into oil. in the screen;

One, two, three... nine!

Ding dong!

"The energy of this machine has been replenished and the energy level has reached 5%. All basic functions will be activated later!"

When all the crystal cores were swallowed up by the computer, the familiar prompt sounded again, and the dark screen slowly lit up. Zheng Yuanqing finally let out a long sigh of relief——

The only hope is saved!

This tablet computer that he calls the "Guide" was discovered by him from a corpse a month ago; many people thought it was just a computer that could be seen everywhere, but Zheng Yuanqing picked it up;

the reason is simple--

The corpse was wearing the standard uniform of a lieutenant general in the Chinese army. A tablet computer that would allow a lieutenant general to hold on to his hands until he died was definitely not an ordinary thing!

And when Zheng Yuanqing secretly turned on the computer, the turn of fate seemed to have begun!

This computer is obviously a cutting-edge technology secretly researched by the legendary Chinese military. Although it is not large, it is like Google Maps and can easily scan all targets within a radius of 500 meters, unless the target is hiding in a house. Or underground, otherwise the "Guide" can clearly reflect it on that small screen;

And more importantly -

The artificial intelligence within the guide can actually act like a strategic consultant, providing data analysis, probability judgment, and even giving target suggestions and the best course of action for the questions raised by Zheng Yuanqing;

Although the "Guide" provides strategic theoretical analysis, whether it can be done depends on Zheng Yuanqing's ability;


As a military fan before the end of the world, Zheng Yuanqing knows better than anyone how important a strategic staff officer with strong analytical skills is in war;

It was precisely because the leader proposed this action plan that was 70% feasible that Zheng Yuanqing dared to risk his life!

However, the only thing that gave him a headache was that the guide's energy consumption was too great!

In the apocalypse without electricity, only the crystal core can provide for its operation; but the crystal core is exactly what the leader of the settlement strictly monitors, so Zheng Yuanqing can only risk beheading and watch in the centralized corpse hunting operation with lax supervision. Opportunity to hide one or two...

So until today, Zheng Yuanqing didn't know that the "Guide" had only turned on a small part of its functions——

It’s still a very small part of the basic functionality!

Ding dong!

"All basic functions are turned on. Below, this machine will briefly explain the content of this level of functions;"

"After this level of function is turned on, in addition to continuing to maintain the information detection and strategic analysis functions within a radius of 500 meters, the leader will also add the following three functions -"

“First, the guide will have the function of ‘electromagnetic medical treatment’, which can guide and regulate your life magnetic field by releasing electromagnetic fields of specific frequencies, and can cure your internal and external injuries, chronic diseases, etc.;”

"But please note that this function is currently only limited to treating ordinary people;"

"Second, the guide will have 6 cubic meters of storage space and can carry no more than 10 tons of inanimate materials. Please pay attention to ensuring the energy supply;"

"Third, the guide will have basic time and space travel ability, which can lead the holder back to the time and space world five years ago; the details will be explained when the holder actually travels;"

Storage space…

Time travel? !

How could this be a technology that the national military can possess!

Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but twitching his cheeks when he heard this. The plan provided by the guide clearly mentioned——

He is asked to seize control of the cash transport truck first, and then replenish 7 crystal cores within 24 hours. Then the guide will guide him to a place with a safety rate of 99%, called the "World of Time and Space" to obtain food. and weapons;

But Zheng Yuanqing always thought that since the leader came from the hands of the lieutenant general...

The so-called world of time and space should be the military's strategic material reserve with various code names that change frequently! And this cash transport truck is a camouflaged vehicle of the military. What is contained in these cash transport boxes is the key to entering the reserve!

But currently it appears that these boxes contain...

It seems like the money before the end of the world!


Zheng Yuanqing interrupted the guide with sweat all over his head:

"So the 'world of time and space' you mentioned always meant going back to the past? How is this possible? Are you created by aliens?"

"First question, yes; second question, of course it's possible;"

"The third question belongs to the fifth level function category, and this machine cannot answer it at the moment;" the guide said calmly;

"Then the basic shuttle ability you just mentioned..."

"This issue belongs to the first level function..."



damn it!

This is simply a question of ignorance!

Zheng Yuanqing gave up asking questions with a cold sweat on his head. Although he had not seen any weird things in the last three years, he had long been numb, but now...

He has no way out!

This who-knows-what tablet is his only hope!

But my only hope is placed on this thing...

"Forget it! Everyone is dead, you can only believe it once!"

After thinking about it, Zheng Yuanqing finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind, then took a few deep breaths to regain his composure, and then asked in a deep voice:

"Tell me! When will the shuttle start!"

"If the holder agrees, it can be carried out immediately;"

"But please note that when you return to the past for the first time, please strictly follow the plan provided by the guide, otherwise -" The guide paused slightly at this point, and then changed the subject:

"The holder will be instantly annihilated by the space force field!"


Instant annihilation!

Zheng Yuanqing's eyes widened when he heard this. However, at this moment, a dazzling white light shot out from the guide, instantly covering Zheng Yuanqing and 10 cash transport boxes, and then the small carriage also followed. There was a violent spatial distortion, and then it returned to normal instantly, leaving only an empty carriage and rising dust!

There was no wind in the midsummer night, and the dark clouds in the sky combined with the sultry heat before the heavy rain made people almost breathless. Coupled with the unique dampness and darkness of the bungalow area, and the flies and mosquitoes, there were no other people in the alleys except small cars. There was not a single figure enjoying the shade, only the wide open windows all over the alley and the sound of voices and the whirring of fans coming from inside;


Zi La La!

As a bolt of lightning flashed across the dark night sky, a flash of white current flashed through the rear of a Changhe pickup truck at the end of the alley, as if lightning from the sky fell to the ground, instantly lighting up the dark alley;

Zi La La!

Zi La La!

Then, the second, third, fourth...

One after another, white electric current flashed through the darkness, illuminating the entire alley. In the strange flash, the extremely strong electric current actually melted a large piece of the Changhe truck's cargo box. The negative high pressure generated instantly formed a gloomy whirlwind, whizzing around like a ghost wandering through the night, making the entire alley feel like a ghostland in the underworld for a while——

Until a skinny figure slowly appeared in the intense electric light!

"Wow! How cool! Dad! Come and see 'Terminator'!"

"You bastard is looking for death! Shut up now! That's Master Wu Chang coming to Earth on errands..."

As the children's excited screams turned into howls amid the parents' scoldings, the only light in the depths of the alley instantly went out, and then all the windows in the entire alley instantly closed, and all fans and air conditioners instantly It stopped spinning, and the whole alley fell into dead silence!

Is this time travel?

Looking at the dark and silent alley, looking at the world that is the same as before the apocalypse, smelling the familiar smell of summer nights, the lingering fragrance of the kitchen in the air, and listening to the cicadas calling on the trees...

Zheng Yuanqing felt his eyes sore for a moment;

The man was right, he was indeed from Hades;

I would rather be a dog in troubled times than a person in troubled times. The end of the world is more cruel than troubled times, and it is basically hell!

"Forget it, now is not the time to sigh;"

After a brief absence, Zheng Yuanqing quickly returned to his usual calmness, although he wanted to know which province and city in China he was currently in, and what his parents who had passed away early in the apocalypse were doing now!

But, after all, he is not from this world...

The guide has said that if an existence in another world returns to the past, it will inevitably be repulsed by the space force field. Find Shuyuan The more complex and sophisticated the existence, the stronger the repulsive force it encounters, such as a human's Body!

Moreover, the Guide is now seriously short of energy and can only guarantee Zheng Yuanqing's safety for one hour;

Once he has not returned to the apocalypse for more than an hour, he will be completely annihilated by the space force field!

He must hurry up...

"One box is 1 million, 10 boxes is 10 million;"

"I can still experience the feeling of being a wealthy person in this life;"

Zheng Yuanqing pried open a cash transport box and looked at the neatly arranged red cash inside, and couldn't help but smile bitterly;

Who would have thought that in the last days when even gold and jewelry are worthless, these red papers would come in handy!


There was only one hour, and even though Zheng Yuanqing had a huge sum of money, he couldn't do much by himself;

And more importantly...

With his ragged clothes, skinny body, and scars from countless fights over the past three years, Zheng Yuanqing looks like a man in the apocalypse. Even if he throws money at him, no one would dare to take it!

Who knows if he is a human or a ghost?


Zheng Yuanqing frowned and thought for a while, then raised his eyes and looked far away at a place with pink lights;

In any world, there is no shortage of people who keep their heads in their belts;

Ordinary people dare not accept——

Someone dares to pick it up!

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