Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 3 The terrifying scar

Bang bang!

"Good shot! Erhei Ge is awesome!

Bang bang!

"Wow! That's amazing! Is this the legendary one-shot clean?"

In a suburban billiards room with dim lights and the smell of smoke, a group of young men and women wearing heavy makeup or shirtless were surrounding a similarly shirtless strong man with carved dragons and phoenixes all over his body, roaring vigorously and beating the strong man. Han's face was glowing with flattery and he was in a state of ecstasy;

Bang bang!

The last sound, black 8 enters the hole;

"Wow! Brother Erhei is great! Brother Erhei, we love you to death!"

Amidst the duplicitous screams of a group of women, Erhei straightened his waist triumphantly, holding the worn-out club in his hand like a golden hoop, then lit a loose flower with his chin raised, and then He puffed out the cigarette happily, squinted his eyes and scanned the exposed legs of the girls, and laughed in his duck voice:

"Girls! How are you? Do you want to..." tonight


Suddenly, a muffled thunder struck across the night sky;

"Brother Erhei, what did you just say? The thunder was too loud and I didn't hear you;"

"Sister! Do you want to see my brother tonight..."


Another muffled thunder;

"I said! Do you want to..." tonight

Boom! Boom! Boom!


Erhei finally got annoyed after being interrupted again and again. His originally proud face suddenly turned ferocious, and the ferocious scar on his face also kept squirming like a bug;

As another muffled thunder sounded, Erhei angrily picked up an empty wine bottle and prepared to show off his power, but thinking that the opponent was God, he might as well save it, so he went around the ball room with a dark face looking for someone to show off his power to; it's a pity that this sauna god, In the entire billiards room, there are either women or boys, and there is no scapegoat at all...


Full of anger, Erhei could only raise the empty wine bottle and ask for it towards the dirty concrete floor...


However, at this moment, a harsh friction sound suddenly came from the dilapidated wooden door of the billiard room, and then in the flickering light outside the door, a thin figure carrying a backpack slowly walked in;

The withered hair like a henhouse, the dirty and tattered clothes and backpack, the rotten shoes that are not the same pair at all, and the skinny body...

Damn beggar! Just in time!

Seeing the person coming, Erhei immediately narrowed his eyes, then let out a loud roar and slammed the bottle of wine in his hand at the person's feet;

"Beggar! Kneel down on the ground for me!"


There was a crisp sound and glass shards flew everywhere!


Glancing at the broken glass on the ground, Zheng Yuanqing just raised his eyelids slightly, and then snorted with disdain;

As soon as the words were spoken, the whole room fell silent!


Following a flurry of footsteps, a group of shirtless men instantly surrounded Zheng Yuanqing. A pair of pairs of contemptuous eyes looked at him up and down as if they were looking at a dead person, as if anyone could squeeze him to death with just a twitch of their little finger;

"Beggar, you have the talent!"

As the crowd parted, Erhei, a tall and burly man, walked slowly over carrying a wine bottle. Then he raised his chin, bared his teeth, and said coldly through gritted teeth as if Zheng Yuanqing could not see the scar on his face;

"Do you have the guts to say what you just said again?"

"If not, have you seen the glass shards under your feet? Kneel down and kowtow 100 times before..."


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of tearing clothes, and Zheng Yuanqing stretched out his right hand without saying a word, grabbed the tattered top and pulled it suddenly——

Dead silence!

Sudden silence!

The dim billiards room instantly fell into an eerie silence, as if the tall and thin figure tore off not just a pair of tattered clothes, but a whole piece of human skin...

Lightning flashes in the sky, the ghost of the wronged ghost returns, and the case is handled impermanently!

Is it possible that all the old people say is...

"Ah——!! Help——!!"

"Someone, come quickly! It's haunted!"

Immediately afterwards, heart-rending screams echoed like thunder in the alleys and alleys on all sides. There was a rain-like sound of turning off lights and windows in the huge bungalow area, and then fell into a dead darkness——

Only the dim billiard room was left, with its dim and flickering lights still on!

Under that scary light, a group of women covered their eyes in horror and huddled in the corner, not daring to breathe or say a word; a group of shirtless men stood there shivering and dumbfounded, and the burly Erhei's legs were shaking and sweating coldly. DC!

What kind of body is that...

Skinny, scarred, stab wounds, gunshot wounds, burns, scalds, scratches...

There were even bites and gouges apparently made by human teeth and fingernails!

One after another, one layer after another, big wounds after small wounds, new wounds and old wounds... There are even a few open wounds with yellow pus slowly flowing down...


Is this still the body of a living person?

Could it be that it really crawled out of the ground?

Looking at the horrific scars and wounds all over his body, Erhei's cheeks were twitching and his burly body was shaking like chaff. Although he was a Taoist and believed in gods rather than ghosts, and he had seen a lot of blood and scars, but Such people are still...

Especially those eyes——

Indifference, still indifference, no emotion at all except indifference!

It seems as if the group of men and women in this room are not people, but a group of ants... No! Just a bunch of weeds!

"Listen up, I'll give you 20 minutes;"

The eerie and cold voice echoed in the billiards room, which was as quiet and strange as a tomb. In the eyes of everyone with fear, Zheng Yuanqing stepped over the glass shards on the floor step by step, followed the path that the two shirtless men gave way in an instant, and slowly walked towards the dilapidated billiard room in the corner. At the cashier table, while passing by Erhei who looked like a stone sculpture, his right hand pointed to a group of women in the corner one by one;

"You two, go to the nearby outdoor store and buy me 10 sets of camouflage training uniforms, military boots and belts, and..."

"Both of you, go buy me 30 kilograms of braised beef and roasted chicken, 30 cartons of fresh milk, 100 kilograms of fresh eggs, and 30 cartons of mineral water;"

"You three, go buy three sets of bedding pillows and large tent sleeping bags. You want the best and thickest ones;"

After giving instructions one by one, Zheng Yuanqing slowly opened the old yellow wicker chair and Shi Shiran sat down, and then continued to say calmly:

"If you can't finish it within 20 minutes, please go to Shuyuan and don't mess around here anymore;"

"If it's done—"

In the horrified eyes of the women, Zheng Yuanqing slowly raised his hand, slowly opened the worn backpack, then grabbed the bottom of the backpack and stretched out his hand -




Along with the sound of paper falling, a gasp of air suddenly sounded in the dead billiard room, and then a pair of eyes suddenly became colorful!

Fear, doubt, surprise, madness, greed, disbelief...

A group of women were trembling all over at this moment, not caring about the white powder falling on the floor like snow!

I saw a bright red hill suddenly appearing on the shabby cashier table!

One stack, two stacks, three stacks...

No one can count how many stacks there are, but everyone can clearly see the bright red banknotes on the stack and the bright red seal!

"Reward you;" Zheng Yuanqing said calmly;

There was another moment of dead silence...

"Thank you brother for the reward——!!"

A crisp roar suddenly exploded, causing the entire roof to tremble slightly!

Immediately afterwards, those residents who were hiding behind the windows and paying close attention to the development of the situation watched dumbfoundedly as a group of scantily clad women rushed into the ball room as if they were in heat, screaming like spring. Rushing to the night market in the distance...

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