Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 29 Recognized Power System

"A terrible question?"

Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but frown when he heard this, and then asked in a solemn voice;

"Yes..." Yue Hong just hugged his knees and huddled in the corner, staring at the moonlight under his feet, and whispered: "I have been to this town several times, and every time I go, I find that the size of the corpse group is doubling. The expansion of the city is now at least nearly a hundred times that of when I first came here; so..."

"I guess there may be something attracting zombies in the center of the town, where the zombies are densest;"

It is indeed possible;

Zheng Yuanqing nodded slightly when he heard this. He clearly remembered that he had encountered a similar scene when he wanted to seize the cash box a few days ago, which was the zombie that was about to undergo a second mutation;

The evolution of zombies is the same as that of humans. They also need to undergo genetic mutations again and again to evolve, and they are also the weakest during the evolution process. Therefore, whenever a zombie wants to undergo secondary mutation, it will attract companions around it. for protection; and Zheng Yuanqing heard that when a higher-level zombie evolves, the number of protectors it recruits will be greater, and the level will be correspondingly higher;

"Is it possible that there are theoretical high-level zombies here?" Zheng Yuanqing frowned and looked at the center of the town, which was like a ghost palace in the forest, and said worriedly;

"It's unlikely. So far, level four zombies only exist in legends." Yue Hong shook his head and said;

"If there are really high-level zombies above level three here, there will be no movement around here. If nothing else, just for the core of the high-level zombies, there should be at least three lieutenants and their subordinates nearby. There are armed forces stationed around here, but no one knows about it except us now;"

"Lieutenant? A lieutenant in the army?" Zheng Yuanqing quickly caught a key word that made his heart tremble;

"No;" Yue Hong shook his head again and said:

"Lieutenant, it is a power level system above the awakened person. I have only heard of it..."

From Yue Hong's words, Zheng Yuanqing learned that the recognized power system of the Awakened was different from the scientifically determined genetic system of the Guide;

The primary stage of this power system is also the awakened one, which is divided into nine levels;

And above the awakened ones, there is the "Lieutenant";

Yue Hong doesn't know exactly how to classify the officers. He only knows that the recognized system of awakened people takes care of the illiterate awakened people and uses the well-known military ranks for classification;

"take care of……"

Zheng Yuanqing once again heard a keyword that made him frown. He knew very well that before the end of the world, China had already popularized education for many years. Except for the very old generation, there were almost no people who were illiterate. There may be people who cannot understand or understand scientific terms such as “gene awakening, gene lock”;

However, there are very few illiterate people in China, but outside China...

Is it possible?

Zheng Yuanqing frowned suddenly as if he thought of something;

"Although the awakened person level is very strong, it is not beyond the scope of ordinary people after all. For example, they can get the same diseases that ordinary people will get, but the symptoms are much milder. Ordinary people are afraid of bullets, and people at the awakened level are also afraid of bullets. ..." Yue Hong continued, but he clearly felt Zheng Yuanqing's thoughts, and it was obvious that he also had the same question;


"When the awakened ones reach the ninth level and complete the 10th genetic awakening, their power will increase exponentially; by then, unless it is large-caliber anti-material bullets, artillery shells, or missiles, it will not be able to cause any harm to them. In other words, such awakened people have completely separated themselves from the category of ordinary people;"

"And this kind of awakened person is called a lieutenant; as far as I know, the commander-in-chief of Qinghe Base is a lieutenant;"


If it corresponds to the scientific system of the guide, it is equivalent to the person who has unlocked the first level of gene lock;

But what kind of willpower and what kind of person do you need to survive nine times of near-death and become a lieutenant? The fear of dying does not come from the outside, but from deep inside. This has nothing to do with the physical endurance of the nervous system!

"Then how did you become a third-level awakened person? Did you practice?" Zheng Yuanqing thought for a while and looked at Yue Hong. He was very curious. With Yue Hong's courage, how did he survive at least two near-deaths?

"Haha! How is it possible? This is not a fantasy world." Yue Hong smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know, I just woke up when I went to a nearby market town to collect supplies at the end of last year..."

"That time we fought for a total of three days and three nights. Until the early morning of the fourth day, when the brothers had just finished counting the collected crystal nuclei, they were attacked by a level three zombie. At that time, I was a level one awakened person, completely You can escape; but I am the only awakened person in the team. If I escape, all my brothers will be dead, so I can only fight hard..."

"Then...then I experienced near-death again. When I woke up, I was a third-level awakened person;"

Yue Hong said with a pale face, and his thin body curled up tighter and trembled more violently. It was obvious that the horrific memory of his second near-death had been deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul;

I see!

His courage is not so small by nature, but it scares him...

Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but his cheeks twitched when he heard this. Of course, he remembered that he had woken up from nightmares several times after he had just woken up. This was just once, and he couldn't imagine whether he would go crazy if it happened a second time!

It can be said that the fact that Yue Hong did not go crazy shows how amazing his willpower is;

He is indeed a well-known figure on the road to the end of the world!

"This is the benefit of near-death awakening, you can leapfrog or even evolve across levels;" At this moment, the guide said;

"There is one thing I don't understand." Zheng Yuanqing wondered in his heart: "The time for awakening near death is very short. During this period, a large amount of nutrients are needed to supply cell division and regeneration, but the body's fat reserves cannot provide enough nutrients. So, Where did Yue Hong’s nutrition come from when he evolved?”

"You can ask him how much of the crystal core is left after awakening;" the guide continued;

"Crystal core? All gone! If we hadn't killed the zombie in the end and obtained a third-level corpse crystal, the three days of hundreds of us would have been in vain." After Zheng Yuanqing asked, Yue Hong answered directly without any doubt. ;

Sure enough!

Looks like we have to shuttle as soon as possible;

"Let's do this. I'll give you a samurai sword made of wheel steel; and then I'll give you something to eat. You can recuperate here first." Zheng Yuanqing thought for a moment, then waved his hand in the air, and then threw a cold knife to Yue Hong. Katana and a bunch of stuff;

The second time!

Does he know magic?

Looking at the samurai sword, 5 packs of compressed biscuits, 10 boxes of Mengniu pure milk, 3 bottles of mineral water and 4 cans at his feet, Yue Hong hugged his knees tighter;

"Those beasts must be waiting for us outside the town;" Zheng Yuanqing didn't care what Yue Hong thought at all, he just told this matter - does anyone believe it?

"So I have to go out, find something, and see if I can break out; you wait here..."


However, before Zheng Yuanqing finished speaking, Yue Hong got the strength from nowhere and suddenly sat up straight. Then Zheng Yuanqing clearly felt that his hand was being held tightly by a hand that was not big and not that rough. He grabbed it, and then heard Yue Hong's almost pleading cry:

"Where are you going!"

"Take me with you!"

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