Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 30 A small town in southern Xinjiang

Chapter 30: Small Town in Southern Xinjiang

"Let go! Let me go! Damn it, let me go immediately, immediately, quickly!"

Zheng Yuanqing felt his scalp numb for a moment, and forgot everything for a while. He only knew how to shake his hands desperately. However, the hand strength of the third-level awakened person was so strong that even in a weak state, it was not something that the first-level awakened person could throw away;

"Guide! Get him away quickly while I don't have a knife to chop him!" Zheng Yuanqing clenched the handle of the knife while shouting hysterically in his heart;

However, the guide rarely said a word and ignored Zheng Yuanqing's roar;

"Yes...I'm sorry..."

Finally, when Zheng Yuanqing pulled out his knife and was about to chop Yue Hong, Yue Hong realized something was wrong and quickly let go of his hand, and then said with some embarrassment:

"I mean...can you leave me a lighter or something..."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Zheng Yuanqing, hairy all over, took out a lighter from his pocket and threw it over, and then asked with goosebumps all over his body:

"Why do you need a lighter? Don't you know that fire can attract zombies? If there are second- and third-level zombies here that can climb the wall, with your current physical strength..."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes... I'm afraid of the dark, very afraid of the dark. When it gets dark, I'll be reminded of that terrible time when I was about to die." Yue Hong took the lighter and said shakily, almost with force;

"I'm almost half a disabled person now... I have nothing to do during the day, but I don't dare to be alone when it gets dark. I have to keep the lights on in the room when I sleep at night, and I have to have someone with me, otherwise I will scare myself to death;"

"So... I looked when I came up just now. The curtains in the bedroom are very thick. I'll be careful and it'll be fine..."

This shadow of dying is so terrifying!

Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help biting his lip when he heard this, but he could only sigh helplessly and then said: "But you can only wait for me to come back, but I promise you that I will be back in three hours at most;"

After that, Zheng Yuanqing once again glanced at Yue Hong, who was shivering under the moonlight, then suddenly turned around and jumped from the rooftop to a nearby villa with a few large jumps, and then disappeared in a corner where Yue Hong could not see;

The sky is still blue, and the scorching sun still shines on the sultry earth;

Three days later, Zheng Yuanqing returned to 5 years ago again. Since the current function level of the guide was too low to achieve accurate positioning, although the location where Zheng Yuanqing appeared this time was still a quiet but dilapidated small alley, it was Not at all the same location as last time;

"This does not seem to be China;"

Zheng Yuanqing stood deep in the alley, looking at the slender women wearing bamboo hats, slender figures, and graceful gowns on the street from a distance, and couldn't help but frown slightly - if he was transported abroad, what would happen in his life? If you are unfamiliar with the place and the language, your trip will be in vain;

But soon, Zheng Yuanqing felt relieved and realized that this was a small border town in southern Xinjiang. It was the only place where people could use China Mobile, drive Chinese cars, use Chinese products, and speak Chinese words... ...But he is so poor that he is not like China at all. Only places like this can allow him to get the guns and ammunition he urgently needs within a 3-hour shuttle time;


"Damn it! Where do I start?"

Looking at the small town in front of him, Zheng Yuanqing frowned again. Although he knew it was easy to get a gun in a place like this, where could he get one if he was unfamiliar with the place? Even if you want to rob the arsenal, you need to know where the arsenal is;

"Since there is no place to look, just wait and see;"

After thinking for a while, Zheng Yuanqing suddenly thought of a novel he had read. The novel once described a method of waiting for the rabbit. Although it was just a literary fiction, Zheng Yuanqing had no choice but to try it;

"Guide, give me a large tattoo and some scars, preferably gunshot wounds!" Zheng Yuanqing said in his heart;

"Okay;" the guide agreed, and then Zheng Yuanqing's red upper body began to change like water waves, and then slowly appeared a black phoenix flying in the black flames;

"Well, not bad! Quite beautiful!"

Zheng Yuanqing glanced at the tattoos on his body with satisfaction, then put on a pair of sunglasses, picked up a cash transport box, and then walked out of the alley with his bare back and carrying a machete in the eyes of the people around him, and walked out of the alley entrance. I bought a pack of cigarettes and a dozen cold Harbin beers in the small supermarket, then returned to the entrance of the alley and squatted on the spot. I started smoking and drinking leisurely but anxiously, pretending to be waiting for someone;

One minute……

five minutes……

ten minutes!

Finally, just when Zheng Yuanqing was about to give up, a shirtless burly man wearing flowery pants and flip-flops passed by Zheng Yuanqing while pretending to use a mobile phone. Then a small card leaked out of the flowery pants, just in time. It fell in front of Zheng Yuanqing. After the big man walked out of the alley, Zheng Yuanqing curled his lips slightly and reached out to pick up the card;

I saw the front of the card saying:

Shuguang Chemical Chain Store - Manager Feng Donghe; contact number 1591234567, QQ number: 7654321;

Address: No. 133, East Lane, Weichang South Road;

Zheng Yuanqing glanced at the back of the card again, and then slightly twitched the corners of his mouth again. He saw that it read on the back of the card:

Our store sells ammonium nitrate, sodium chromate, various proportions of blending agents, find Shuyuan steel plates, iron ingots, copper wires, power wires, civil generators...

"It's exactly the same as what was said in the novel!"

Zheng Yuanqing nodded slowly, then stuffed his business card into his pocket, then went to the small supermarket again and glared at the nervous proprietress, then pointed at the Changhe minivan outside the door and said ferociously:

"Stop talking nonsense, lend me your car. In 3 hours, you can go to Weichang South Road to find it yourself;"

"Brother, come on! You see, I am just a junior..." Upon hearing this, the proprietress first got excited, then she huddled behind the counter with a pale face and began to plead tremblingly;


Before the landlady could finish her words, there was a crisp sound, and Zheng Yuanqing smashed out a stack of red wine with an impatient look on his face;

"Brother! I really want to give you some money..."

The landlady was excited again, and then stared at the bright red eyes with her eyes flying, while continuing to pretend to be pitiful;


With a crisp sound, the ghost-headed sword was unsheathed!

"Ah! Big brother, big brother, don't, don't, don't, don't… If you have something to say, say it! If you have something to say, please say it!" At this moment, the boss who had been hiding suddenly jumped out like a rabbit, shouting and throwing out the car keys. ;

"Keep your eyelids alive from now on!"

Zheng Yuanqing glared at the boss and his wife, then reached out and grabbed the car keys, got into the car, and drove all the way towards Weichang South Road...

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