Zheng Yuanqing changed his posture, looked back at Professor Song, and asked lightly: "Huh? Then tell me, what kind of creature is this?"

Professor Song thought about it for a moment, and then whispered: "After our inference, first of all, this is an intelligent creature, which is completely different from the transformed beasts from this point of view; not only that, they have very advanced aircraft , if they can come to the earth across such a long distance, it means that their level of civilization is many times more advanced than our earth; secondly, these alien creatures and transformed beasts should come from the same place, but it is absolutely impossible They are from the same camp, and I even suspect that these alien creatures were driven to the earth by the transformed beasts; even the P-type virus appeared on the earth at this time, and until then it still destroyed % of the people on the earth. The transformation of human beings into zombies is very likely related to these alien creatures; I feel that most things seem to be hidden in a fog, or in other words, we are at the center of a huge conspiracy right now. ;"

Zheng Yuanqing stroked his chin softly, and after thinking seriously for a long time, he whispered: "Maybe I can understand it this way, these two creatures themselves are mortal enemies, and then they met in this place, and the two sides fought. Up, everyone has their own losses; but they will definitely ask for help, no matter how they deliver the message, but whether they are intelligent alien creatures or beasts with no intelligence at all, they will definitely have special feelings for each other. Contact information. Otherwise, they would not be able to dominate the universe; it has been almost 19 years now, no matter how far their hometown is from our place. But with the help of their ability to fly to our place, In terms of technological level, their reinforcements should have arrived after so many years, which means that their reinforcements may appear at any time, and our earth will become their battlefield?"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Zheng Yuanqing finished speaking, most of the people around him nodded solemnly, and Zheng Yuanqing slapped himself on the forehead. He leaned heavily on the back of the chair; after a long time, he opened his mouth in an distressed low voice and said: "You all think so? What else have you analyzed?"

Professor Li's face was full of worry. Some people said in disbelief: "We have discovered a special phenomenon, but we are not sure at all. From then on, after we confirmed that the aircraft was not a product of the earth, we stepped up the investigation of the surrounding galaxies. A series of detections revealed that there are some unusual phenomena in the orbit of Jupiter; we found that the motion of Jupiter has decreased by a very small parameter change. Without special instruments, such a small change cannot be detected at all. The name changes; but then again, we know too much about the planets in the solar system. After many years of observation, most of the parameter changes have already had certain patterns long ago. Jupiter has changed like this just now. , which is very unusual;

It's a pity that no matter whether we use optical telescopes or various energy scans, we can't find anything at all. This makes it even more unusual. It's impossible for Jupiter to decrease at this time. The only explanation is this. On the back side of Jupiter, there is a huge fleet staying at that place; huge armored vehicles, ultra-large armored vehicles that are tens of kilometers long, and there are quite a few of them. After reaching a certain base, they will be completely destroyed after being pulled by Jupiter's gravity. Can affect the movement of Jupiter; and I believe it. These alien creatures must have such an advanced technological civilization. Unfortunately, our current technology does not allow us to send an aircraft to scan the back of Jupiter's body in a short period of time. So most things are just our guesses;"

Zheng Yuanqing squeezed his brow hard. Of course, this series of speculations made him feel dizzy. After a while, he raised his head, opened his mouth and asked lightly: " You all agree with Professor Li's opinion. In other words, it is very likely that there is a huge alien fleet hiding on the back of Jupiter, peeping at the earth. If this speculation is true, then an alien fleet is huge enough to completely affect Jupiter. If the mobile fleet wants to destroy the earth, it will only take a matter of minutes. Why is it so sneaky? There is only one possibility. That is the army of living beasts that have also appeared. They dare not act rashly, or that they We haven’t found the location of the army of living beasts yet, or they have been locked in position by the army of living beasts, so they are standing still, is that what you mean!”

Most of the people he belonged to had serious expressions on their faces, but they still nodded slightly to express their agreement with Zheng Yuanqing's guess. The spider next to him had an angry face and seemed to be a little excited:

"Damn it, what the hell are these days? It's been 19 years. Before, a global plague broke out in the world. We hid in hiding for three years and lived a life that was worse than a beggar. I won't talk about it. 19 I met His Majesty years ago, fought all the way, and finally got my own territory. Then I discovered that there are other big forces in the territory that threaten our existence. Bring them down and fight. After the fight, Asan Kingdom came again. Come on, pull them down, and continue fighting. It was difficult to eliminate the surrounding enemies. Just when I thought I could live a good life, another civil war broke out, and the fighting continued. After the peaceful days passed the next year, the American imperialists came again. Now, only three good years have passed, and a damn extraterrestrial life has appeared again. Is it possible that the end of our earth has really come? After so many natural disasters*, we are still alive. This time it is really Can’t we avoid the fate of destruction from now on?”

Everyone who belonged to them looked at Spider with sympathy. No wonder he was so excited. Last year, his son Liang Jie fell in love with a maid from a survivor's family. Liang Jie was a noble, but his partner was a survivor. It's a pity that Spider is not an unreasonable person. Besides, his son Liang Jie has always been very competitive. According to his current attitude, he seems to have the momentum to succeed Tianhuo as the second commander-in-chief of China's 7th Army. It is completely possible. It was said that it gave him a lot of face, so Liang Jie fell in love with a female college student who was a survivor through the Internet. Spider and Lanxin have never objected, and Spider has always been bragging about it, given his status. The survivor that Ming Media is looking for is the modern version of Cinderella. Who dares to make irresponsible remarks? Facts have proved that what Spider said is indeed true. After Liang Jie's love story was reported in the news, it was touted by many people who belong to it. The modern version of the love between Cinderella and the prince has been wildly praised by contemporary young people;

Unfortunately, then again, who is Liang Jie? Among the young masters in Pingxi Prefecture, except for Adou, the one in the palace who has been keeping a low profile in recent years. He is definitely the number one person who belongs to him. He must have a good background, good looks, and abilities. Liang Jie, who looks like this, even though he works conscientiously and shares the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, is of course arrogant emotionally. Ordinary girls can't catch his eye at all. Therefore, the girl who can make Liang Jie fall in love with him is not only... In addition to her gorgeous appearance, her character and ability are of course beyond words. Therefore, Spider and Lanxin are of course very satisfied with this daughter-in-law, especially after this year's New Year, that woman gave birth to a child in vain for Spider. Fat grandson, acting like this makes Spider even more happy. He also personally asked Zheng Yuanqing to give his grandson a name with a shy face. Zheng Yuanqing was happy to do so. After thinking about it, he made a big stroke. He gave his grandson the name Hui;

But then again, Spider, whose family happiness was about to begin, now found that he was about to face an enemy that was impossible to defeat. How could he not feel angry and desperate?

Zheng Yuanqing stood up and gently shook Spider's shoulder, signaling him not to be impulsive. No one could understand the fluctuations in Zheng Yuanqing's heart at this moment. Or rather, how Spider feels now. Zheng Yuanqing can understand it at all, and the reason is! He looked back at Shen Qingfei who was standing behind his seat, and sure enough he saw that her pretty face turned pale for a moment and looked very worried;

Shen Qingfei's look made Zheng Yuanqing feel a sharp pain in his heart. Then he turned his head and whispered to Professor Li: "Professor Li, doesn't your military laboratory have a large spaceship project? I will go back later." I will order the Finance Department to suspend most of this year's fiscal budget and fully support your big spaceship project. I just want to know how long it will take you to build this big spaceship for me if the forces fully support it. come out!"

The large spaceship project was a proposal made by the military laboratory a few years ago. Its main purpose is to build a first-class armored vehicle. This armored vehicle is 13 kilometers long, 3 kilometers wide, and 3 kilometers high. It is fully loaded with crew members and can carry humanoid armor. The orbital fighter has a main gun door and a secondary gun door, and can fire interstellar bombs at the same time. According to the first step of deduction, this class armored vehicle can destroy the entire moon in one attack. It is China's ultimate trump card. Just think of it. To build such a spaceship, in addition to the huge manpower and material resources, the amount of money invested can be said to be an astronomical amount. Because the cost is too expensive, there is no place for bravery after this, and until then it still remains This proposal was rejected by Zheng Yuanqing. That's right. The power of this armored vehicle is so powerful. What is it used for after it is built? Is it necessary to fight the US emperor? If the US emperor is defeated in one attack, the earth is also finished. The invention of this kind of weapon is completely It can be said to be the most useless weapon, or the strategic weapon with the least strategic threat, because it is simply a trick used to kill everyone;

After hearing Zheng Yuanqing's words, Professor Li thought for a while and said confidently: "Your Majesty, the large spaceship project has been the main focus of our military laboratory in the past few years. All technologies have been thoroughly understood. I'm still trying to think of ways to reduce manufacturing costs. If you can provide me with enough funds and recruit relevant technology and manufacturing personnel, I will definitely be able to build this big spacecraft for you within two years. come out!"

Zheng Yuanqing nodded slightly. Professor Li's answer made him a little shocked. For such a huge plan to succeed within two years, it is naturally a fantasy. Unfortunately, at this time, Zheng Yuanqing believed Professor Li would not lie to himself, so he said to a few people around him: "Well, the country is currently shrinking the defense area and reducing some unnecessary armed forces. In addition to the investment to maintain the normal operation of the forces, In addition to the funds, all additional funds will be invested in the large spacecraft project. By the way, this matter must be kept strictly confidential and no name can be leaked. Do you understand?"

The situation in the world has made people nervous to the extreme. A new round of world war is imminent, especially several forces of the Ocean United Group, China's South China Sea Fleet, and a large number of warships from the East China Sea Fleet that will be transferred over are already in Malaysia. Assembling at the military port, even if a large number of warships from the Ocean United Group have rushed to the designated ocean occupation area to start a confrontation with the Chinese assault army, the number of troops and infantry coordination of the Ocean United Group's assault troops is three times that of the Chinese. It is a pity that the two forces The technological generation gap between them is indeed too great. Even the people who belong to the Ocean United Group do not keep an eye on their own armed forces, and negative emotions begin to spread within the Ocean United Group;

Now when the possibility of war between the two countries has risen to a fever pitch, something happened that shocked people all over the world. The Chinese assault force withdrew at this moment, and the South China Sea Fleet and the East China Sea Fleet withdrew at the same time. Except for a few patrol boats and hundreds of daily maintenance personnel, there was no longer a warship in the huge military port. What made Xu Shucheng even more broken was that shortly after the Chinese assault troops retreated, the Chinese National Defense Force The Ministry held a press conference;

The spokesperson said on the spot that the Chinese Kingdom is an ancient cultural country with a long history of civilization. The Chinese people love peace and reject war. The Chinese King Zheng Yuanqing is a soft-hearted monarch. He does not want the world Once again plunged into war and smoke, he called for an end to the war and for the survivors to develop together in peace and friendship. In order to prove its sincerity, China will disband more than 130,000 soldiers and more than 10,000 internal guards starting from the next day. There are more than 10,000 assault troops and more than 30,000 flying troops, which is barely half the number of all China's armed forces;

After this news from the Ministry of National Defense of China came out, the world was in an uproar. Who is Zheng Yuanqing? To say that he is a soft-hearted monarch is bullshit. Everyone in the world knows that Zheng Yuanqing is a tyrant and a war maniac. His family history It is a history of war. It is estimated that no one in the world has more lives in the palm of his hand. Unfortunately, the news that came out of the Huaxia Kingdom at this time also made people from all walks of life in the world wonder what happened in the Huaxia territory. What happened to change Zheng Yuanqing's national defense strategy made him boldly speculate. But then again, what puzzled everyone involved was that there was no economic turmoil in China's territory. This proved that China's There is no problem in financially supporting these armed forces, and everyone who belongs to them knows that Zheng Yuanqing's skills are terrifying, and the military-unification policy has always been implemented in China's territory. It can be said that all senior military officials are die-hardly loyal to Zheng Yuanqing. In addition, Zheng Yuanqing's health no longer looks like a human being, so there is no possibility of rebellion or Zheng Yuanqing losing power; (To be continued)

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