Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 289 Pingxifu Observatory

All aspects of China are normal, and I have never heard of Zheng Yuanqing converting to Buddhism or believing in God. So what exactly caused China to undergo such a big strategic change at this time? It is a pity that Zheng Yuanqing's behavior will not change again. What they did at this time made their "new ally" the US imperialism somewhat uncertain. On the one hand, they suspended their plan to increase military strength in North Africa. On the other hand, they urgently contacted the special envoy to go to China to learn some inside information. ;

While the outside world is still discussing Zheng Yuanqing's behavior, Zheng Yuanqing returned to the palace and went straight to Lingqing's palace. Lingqing's palace is the largest palace complex in the palace except Xu Shuyu's palace, and is even larger than the palace complex. Shen Qingfei's palace is even bigger because her palace and Zheng Qiang's palace are connected together. When Zheng Yuanqing hurriedly arrived, Lingqing was still teaching Zheng Qiang. As for Zheng Yuanqing, he would visit at this time. , both of them looked extremely shocked;

In the past five years, Zheng Qiang has been locked up in the palace by Ling Qing. He has taught him step by step. The five years of education have finally had some effect. At least now he will not look weak when he looks at Zheng Yuanqing. Seeing them both stand up and salute in a weak and resigned manner, Zheng Yuanqing nodded softly, signaling for them to excuse themselves, and then casually found a chair and sat down;

Looking at Zheng Qiang who was standing in front of him, already 17 years old, with a little down on his lips, and a hint of simplicity and maturity in his innocence, Zheng Yuanqing looked at him intently for a long time, until he reached Lingqing, Zheng Yuanqing looked at him a little. Flustered. Not knowing what this son could do to make Zheng Yuanqing unhappy, Zheng Yuanqing opened his mouth and said calmly: "Zheng Qiang, you are 17 years old. He has grown up in the blink of an eye, Ling Qing, that's all. In two days, go find a wife for Zheng Qiang. You can choose from civil and military officials, citizens and survivors. You can make your own decision on this. Zheng Qiang will get married within half a month. Within a year, I must have a grandson." After saying this, he stood up and planned to leave;

Ling Qing and Zheng Qiang were stunned. Immediately he reacted, Zheng Qiang looked sullen and shouted at Zheng Yuanqing: "No, I don't want it. I'm so young, why do I want to get married? It's not ancient times anymore. Is there any other arranged marriages? , my love must be decided by me;" Zheng Yuanqing heard. There was no words, just a cold look back at him, as if he was blown by a wave of cold wind. General Zheng Qiang's anger disappeared completely in an instant, his neck trembled with fear on his face;

Ling Qing looked at the situation and hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over. She patted Zheng Yuanqing softly and whispered: "Damn ghost, why don't you show off your momentum for nothing? He is still a child, and he has never been fucked before. The battlefield. How can you bear it? How are you doing today? You don’t look very good. What happened? Zheng Qiang must get married soon! "

Ling Qing's words made Zheng Yuanqing's expression soften slightly, but he saw him gently helping Ling Qing smooth a black hair on her forehead, and said in a deep voice: "Well, something happened, but you don't need to know. , not only Zheng Qiang, but also Feifei must leave a descendant. I will personally help her choose this matter. This is enough to do Zheng Qiang’s ideological work. I will leave first. I’m going to do some ideological work for Feifei!”

After saying that, Zheng Yuanqing turned around and left Ling Qing's palace. After Zheng Yuanqing left, Ling Qing's mother and son were dumbfounded for a long time. Then Ling Qing sighed helplessly and said: "Let's do this. That's enough. Just watch it. Even Feifei wants to leave offspring. Something big must have happened. Otherwise, based on how much your father favors your sister, it's impossible to help her find a partner casually. Don't argue either. Now, since Feifei wants to do it, you have no reason to refuse it. Mom will go to help you pick it up right now. You should also open your eyes and pick carefully, and try to choose the one you like to see. A girl who likes you!"

Zheng Qiang looked frustrated. Since Zheng Yuanqing and Shen Qingfei had moved out, of course he had nothing to say. He could only follow the way Ling Qing described it and try his best to find a girl he likes;

Just as the special envoy of the President of the United States was about to rush to China, and before he could meet with high-level Chinese officials, China once again dropped explosive news. Prince Zheng Qiang of China was about to greet an ordinary citizen. The daughter of the family will become his princess, and the eldest princess of China, Shen Qingfei, will marry Mo, the commander of the Chinese Foreign Legion, who is also a disciple of Zheng Yuanqing. These two pieces of news completely shocked everyone in the world. Everyone who belongs to them knows that Zheng Qiang is the only prince in the Huaxia Kingdom. He is only 17 years old this year. Shen Qingfei can be said to be the apple of Zheng Yuanqing's eye and the future heir to the throne. Unexpectedly, these two most important people in the Chinese royal family The members actually announced that they were getting married at this moment. The only explanation is that this series of developments in Huaxia proves that Zheng Yuanqing went crazy at this moment;

The wedding of Zheng Qiang and Shen Qingfei was held on the same day. On that day, the entire Pingxi Fucheng was filled with a sea of ​​joy. Envoys from various countries came to China to congratulate. At least on this day, the world was unknowingly shrouded in the shadow of war. It was alleviated a lot because Zheng Qiang was already married, so he needed to move out of the palace. Unfortunately, because he was still underage, he did not receive a title. Therefore, Zheng Yuanqing deliberately moved to the Imperial Avenue in Pingxi Mansion, which is also the street where all high-ranking central officials in China live. Zheng Qiang was given a huge mansion, called the Boulevard. In addition to a large number of servants and royal guards to serve Zheng Qiang, all the expenses of the avenue were also borne by the palace;

Nine months later, Shen Qingfei successfully gave birth to a premature baby boy. Shen Qingfei named him Xiaoye. As for the doctor, the doctor who examined Shen Qingfei's body has been banned from the palace. After Shen Qingfei's child was born, he died inexplicably. Two months later, Zheng Qiang's wife also gave birth to a boy for him. Zheng Yuanqing helped him name him Zheng Xian. No one understood why Zheng Yuanqing chose this name. Meaning, maybe some people know, Shen Qingfei named her son Ye, which means that the dark night of the earth is coming. Zheng Yuanqing named Zheng Qiang's son Xian, which means "hope", just to pray in the long dark night. Hope to see a glimmer of hope;

Time passed unknowingly for more than a year. After the US imperialist military operations in North Africa were delayed for barely two years, they finally could not restrain themselves and launched an all-round attack. The backward weapons of the African Community simply could not It was not enough to withstand the invasion of the American imperial army. It was retreating steadily for a while. In less than a week, barely half of the country was lost;

After losing the threat of the Chinese army, the Dayang United Group felt the cold and the cold. Immediately contacting the most elite troops in the territory to support the African Community, the two forces' coalition forces, totaling more than 10,000 troops, finally used their numerical advantage to barely block the advance of the US imperial army. Unfortunately, this obstruction was not sufficient. When the American imperial army transferred Rams Field from its territory to serve as the vanguard army commander, the situation was reversed. Ramsay Field only used the more than 20,000 men and horses in his hands to contain more than 10,000 people from the two countries' coalition forces to follow him around. From time to time, he would kill their troops with his carbine and eat them bit by bit, while the main force of the American imperial army Then they took this opportunity to advance in a big way. Half of the forces of the two countries' coalition forces were restrained by Ramsay Field. Now they were unable to stop the American imperial army. In just three days, the frontline defenders were completely defeated. The imperial army captured most of the strategic frontline areas;

It's a pity that the US imperial army did not rush forward in vain, but turned around and divided into three groups. Cooperate with Ramsay Field's army to divide and surround the remaining 10,000-odd coalition troops, and then annihilate more than 10,000 enemy troops here. The remaining approximately 10,000 armed troops all declared their surrender;

Immediately afterwards, the US imperialist army launched a massive attack. The two coalition forces, which had lost their fighting spirit, were no longer a match for the US imperialist army. The Ocean United Group hurriedly withdrew its own armed forces, while the armed forces of the African Community all surrendered. Five days after this. The US imperialist army occupied Cape Town, the capital of the African Community, and the co-president of the African Community made a televised speech that day. Declare the surrender of the African Community and dissolve its governing bodies;

On the same day, U.S. Secretary of Defense James also gave a televised speech, mainly accusing Ocean United Group of stabbing the U.S. imperialist army in the back, helping the enemies of the U.S. imperialist army to fight fierce battles with the U.S. imperialist army, and setting up the U.S. imperialist system. The army suffered a large number of casualties and stated that the US imperialist army would not abandon its retaliatory actions. James's televised speech was released for five days. After this, it was discovered that China was delusional about US imperialism and wanted to get its own fat. The situation turned out to be indifferent at all. Just like that, two days later, the reorganized Pacific Fleet of the US imperialist army tentatively entered the occupied area of ​​​​the high seas near the territorial waters of the Ocean United Group. In addition to contacting a patrol boat close to the US imperialist group, the Chinese side The assault troops sternly warned the US imperialist troops not to enter the maritime occupation zone of the Malaysian Islands in China, and then there was no further news.

Pingxifu City Observatory

Cao Xu is a staff member of the Pingxifu City Observatory. Now he is sitting comfortably in his studio eating the Western food that will be delivered to him. He is very satisfied with his current life. He once It's a pity that he is an ordinary survivor. Not only that, he is also a "five-no" young man who is overweight, can't find a job, can't find a girlfriend, and can't find hope; he relies on management subsidies and "hunting for treasure" in garbage dumps. to eke out a living;

It's a pity that he is completely different from the ordinary fat man and unemployed vagrant. He is a very optimistic and cheerful person. Apart from the hardship of his life, he is not dissatisfied with his current situation at all; he has one biggest hobby, That was to observe celestial bodies. Every night he would observe the stars in the sky with the poorest quality astronomical telescope he had spent half a year scraping together to buy. He would often look at the stars for 3 or 7 hours. ; is a well-known enthusiast in the astronomical observation community in Pingxi Fucheng, because he can quickly find the position of each planet with the naked eye, and observe many subtle differences that can only be detected with instruments. ;

Slowly, Cao Xu's ability became more and more popular in the astronomy hobby community, and even many astronomy enthusiasts began to challenge Cao Xu's experience in finding stars; Cao Xu, who is becoming more and more famous, has no reason to He has received no substantial benefits from his fame. Apart from the fact that some astronomy enthusiasts can have a free lunch at a party, his talent has not brought him any real income at all. ;

Until one day... As usual, he was observing the starry sky with his inferior telescope on the rooftop of his apartment. At this time, the door of the rooftop stairwell was occupied by someone. Then a group of big men holding submachine guns, wearing black military uniforms and black helmets rushed out. After looking at Cao Xu, without saying a word, they just piled on him and left. At that time, Cao Xu He was completely frightened. He racked his brains and never thought of what he had done. Let these guardsmen, who usually only appear in movies, come to arrest you?

During the next trip, Cao Xu felt as if he was in a dream. These guards brought him to a man of many years old wearing a white coat, and then the man casually handed him a simple astronomy teacher. The lookout glass then reported the positions of several stars at random, asking him to find them as quickly as possible; the man who got the results seemed to be slightly satisfied with his head, and then threw him into the place where he was at this moment. Inside the studio;

How many square meters does this studio have? Find Shuyuan In addition to a workbench, a large couch, and a bathroom, there is only a high-power optical astronomical telescope; Cao Xu is still the first Seeing such an advanced optical astronomical telescope, looking from the monitor on the workbench, one can clearly see the situation on the surface of Jupiter with the naked eye; Cao Xu was overjoyed to get such a treasure. Ruo Kuang, even if the order came from above, let him stay in this room 24 hours a day, not allowed to leave a step, and then closely monitor most things in the solar system. Once something goes wrong in outer space, especially near the orbit of Jupiter, If it is a spaceship belonging to the Chinese and American emperors or a mutant creature, immediately press the red alarm button above his console;

Cao Xu sneered at such a strange order. What kind of spaceship or mutant creature outside the earth? Looking for extraterrestrial life? It's so nonsense. How could extraterrestrial beings come? Well, any news about catching extraterrestrial beings that I encountered in the past has been proven to be a scam; it's a pity that Cao Xu soon made a small point from this point of view. The unpleasantness was forgotten. Even though he was ordered not to leave the studio, but then again when he was ordering food at noon, he jokingly ordered several. He had always wanted to eat but had been saving up for a year. After eating the dishes that he couldn't even eat, he didn't expect that these dishes would be delivered in less than a minute. Immediately afterwards, Cao Xu swore that he would be beaten to death, and he was unwilling to leave this place; he could watch the stars, and You can eat all kinds of delicious dry food. For Cao Xu, who is so lazy and so delicious, he wouldn’t even change it for his wife; (To be continued)

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