Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 343 Battlefield Declaration



Ye gently stroked her long, silky hair and hummed softly, as if he had accepted her guess. txt novel download

At this moment, Su Yulian whispered: "After the tactical plan is laid out, will you leave the capital area? Will I see you again in the future?"

Ye smiled slightly at her and said softly: "Don't worry, I won't leave in a short time. Besides, I have something to do before I leave. Besides, I will come back even if I leave. Don't Forgot, Erza is living in this place after all, but unfortunately, the Dingsame Kingdom is about to go to war, so it’s best for your blood relatives not to leave the capital area, I don’t want to see you sad;”

Su Yulian nodded softly and whispered: "I have no blood relatives. The only blood relative is my father, but he is a member of Congress and will not leave the capital area. In addition, there are people who care about me, it is you and , Yulisa. Unfortunately, I don’t know if I’m overthinking it. I feel like her attitude towards me has become much colder recently. Has she discovered our affair now?”

Ye Rou shook his head and did not answer her question. In his heart, people are divided into five types: one is completely willing to sacrifice for the other person, like his blood relatives, and Erza who will be included in it. , one type will not kill the people they belong to, like other Star Warriors and Su Yulian, the other type is dispensable and can be killed at will, and Yulisa is exactly on this list.

While the welcome party of the University of Provincialis is still in full swing, the staff of the A-37 space station far away in space are busy at the moment. The A-37 space station is not A military space station turned out to be a space station specially used for scientific experiments and space research and development.

The reason why the people who belong to the space station are so busy at the moment is because today is the day when the comet β29, which will visit the capital area of ​​Provencius every 137 years, arrives. Comet β29 is not visible on the ground at all. It can be observed with the naked eye or optical instruments, because the light it emits is very dim, at least not enough to be observed at such a close distance, but it can still be seen with some special scientific instruments." look".

Even for sky and night enthusiasts, missing the visit of β29 is a big regret, but for those sky and night experts. β29, which only travels to the Provencius capital area every 137 years, naturally has very important scientific research value.

At this moment, β29 is reaching the point closest to the Provencius capital area. At this time, the cosmic scanner they launched early will stay in the orbit of β29. . What they are operating at the moment is the landing of the aircraft. After the aircraft lands on β29, not only can they fully understand some specific situations on the comet's surface, it can also be said that with the help of the tracker above, it can display the details of β29 Running track.

Just at this time. Hams, the host of the A-37 space station, was holding the intercom at the moment, loudly giving orders one after another: "The lander is ready to land, turn on the deceleration device, okay, turn on the thrust reversers and prepare." Welcome the impact and land successfully;"

Immediately following Hams' words, there was a burst of shocking cheers in the command room. The environment above β29 was very harsh. Unless an armored vehicle was used, there would be no way for an ordinary lander to land. Read the full text of the latest chapter. But then again, as a scientific project, not only that, but also an unpopular project, there is simply not enough money for them to build a warship to do such a scientific experiment. Therefore, this landing is This is the first time that a scientific scanner from the Dinsa Meng Kingdom has landed on the surface of β29, so it is no wonder that most of the people who belong to it will succeed in doing this.

While all the people belonging to the group were still singing and laughing, a woman who had been responsible for monitoring the images uploaded by the lander muttered doubtfully: "Hey. Could it be that I'm dazzled?" Yeah, what is that flashing in front of the video? There must be something living above β29;"

The woman's mutterings were not loud, but because she was wearing headphones, she was deeply in love with her, the president's beloved ex-wife. Therefore, her broken thoughts reached the ears of everyone in the command room very clearly. After hearing her words, General Hams's cheerful smile immediately turned gloomy, and an ominous premonition filled him. His mind.

The team he leads is the best Tianye scientific research team in the Puwanghuis capital area. They are the most ordinary monitoring personnel, and they are all professors from some prestigious universities. It is impossible for the person he belongs to to make a stupid mistake like this. As for dazzling eyesight, it is impossible to exist. Could it be that there is some unknown creature on the comet β29?

Hams was not excited about this. On the contrary, the unknown often meant life-threatening threats. Many life-threatening viruses that brought natural disasters to the entire universe came from the exploration of the unknown universe.

Now when General Hams ordered the scanner to search 370 degrees for the object that was looking at the woman passing by, at this moment, there was a "pop" sound, but he saw the object on the screen. The camera shook violently, and then the scanner seemed to be lifted up by something. Then, the picture disappeared. Before the picture disappeared, what was frozen in the eyes of all the people it belonged to remained the same until then. The famous picture is a thick and long thigh,

Looking at the big screen that turned into a black screen, all the people who belong to it looked at me and I looked at you. They stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, not knowing what to say. At this moment, at this moment, a weak voice spoke. Said: “Just now,,, just now,,,, was that one just now a transformed beast?”

"Wow" It's okay not to remind them. After this reminder, they reacted in an instant. The general's thick and long thighs were the thighs of the transformed beast, weren't they?

Immediately, most of the people who belonged to them started talking: "The Shengzhuan, how come the Shengzhuan is above the planet β29;"

"This place is nothing but the capital area. Why did the beast come to this place?"

"You are asking, are the reanimated beasts trying to invade our capital area? They have spotted the opportunity for β29 to come to Provancius. Because of β29's special characteristics, it can dodge the scanners left and right. Scanning, no one would think of examining a comet;”

"Yes, that's right, that's right, it's very possible. Are the transformed beasts going to war with our Ding Sam Meng Kingdom forces again?"

"Shut up and be quiet." Hearing the buzz around him, Hams slapped the table hard. He let out a roar, and when all the people he belonged to calmed down in surprise, Hams immediately shouted at a staff member next to him: "What are you still doing? You haven't issued an early warning;"

"Yeah, yeah. Yes;" The staff member was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, because Pwancius is in the center of the power of the Ding Sameng Kingdom, and several star fields near this place are due to long-term human activities. , it has been discovered very early, so even if the A-37 space station is equipped with a warning device, it has never been used since the A-37 was put into service 229 years ago.

But he saw the staff member timidly entering a string of passwords in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of a glass cabinet on the console. Then the floor-to-ceiling window opened and he took a deep breath. He grabbed a handle inside and pulled it down hard.

"Woo, woo, woo;" The piercing alarm sound woke everyone up, and the staff in the A-37 immediately panicked. But then again, Hams forgot a very important thing, that was exactly , the A-37 belongs to management and is no longer an armed army. Therefore, his alarm is a civilian alarm and can only be received by management and the public. The military cannot receive his alarm reminder because of the military's order for confidentiality. They use a separate communication system.

Therefore, even the emergency warning centers in the seven regions of Provencius have received warnings from the A-37, but then again, the military has no knowledge of this and is still in Provencius. When various early warning centers sent messages to inquire why the A-37 issued an air crash warning, at this moment, a dazzling bright light flashed in the universe. It was like a flare lighting up the entire universe.

"That's it;" All the people who belonged to him looked at the light that flashed out of the floor-to-ceiling windows because of the huge explosion, and couldn't help but wonder, Scarlet Rich Family, my wife, we will not divorce.

Only Hams slumped down on the chair with a dead look on his face and whispered: "That's the location of Hy-23 Defense Fortress. Hy-23 Defense Fortress is finished;"

The people who belong to the Central District are not aware of what is happening in the universe. At this moment, the campus of Provencius University can be said to be full of joy, even if it is the light produced by the violent explosion of the defensive fortress in the sky, It was also covered up by the endless fireworks over the university.

At this moment, all the students from the hy district branch of Provincial University have gathered in the large and scary square of the branch to participate in the annual orientation meeting. Therefore, the campus of hy district campus is now empty. There was no one around, and it was so quiet that you could clearly hear a pin drop on the ground.

At this moment, a wave of black figures appeared on the path between campuses. Of course, this uninhibited guest was very familiar with the campus environment, but he saw that the path and time he chose to travel happened to be A blind spot for school surveillance.

It wasn't until this dark figure arrived not far from the No. 1 Experimental Building of the Energy Department that I heard a low voice in the silent night: "Asemia;"

A ball of red light suddenly exploded in a dark small alley. When the red light dissipated, Asemia, dressed in red and black, slowly walked out of the alley, only to see a soft and gentle look with her head raised. After glancing at the experimental building with a height of hundreds of floors, a wave of red light flashed in his eyes. Then, the energy nozzle on the back of his body spurted out three rays of light. After he identified a floor member, he plunged in. .

At the moment when he broke through the wall, the alarm device in the school began to chirp crazily. Looking at the warning lights flashing red around him, a wave of light flashed in Ye's eyes. From the time the alarm sounded to The guard arrived quickly. He only had two minutes. Even if he was not afraid of the guard, he didn't want people to know that the person who stole the Cremodo Crystal was Artemia. Otherwise, if he let People like Ye Xi know that this is really a troublesome matter.

Following Lina's previous prompts, he found the room Lina had mentioned in a short time. Along the way, countless self-propelled nuclear magnetic waves popped out of the walls, and countless nuclear magnetic fields appeared like raindrops. It hit Asemiya, but Asemiya didn't care about it at all. As if he was taking a walk, he slowly walked towards that room, holding all the sealed steel doors along the way in his palm. Under that spear, it was useless.

At this moment, there was a "boom" at the end of the corridor. After that, a wave of steel doors was blown to pieces by Artemiya's violence. Ye turned his head and looked at the one on the right. The utility room where the Cremodo Crystal was stored, a cold light flashed in his eyes. This turned out to be a utility room with a self-destruction device. Even though the power of the explosion was ominous, the University of Provencius had no idea about the Cremodo Crystal. After such a long time of research and development, even if there is no way to extract the energy inside, destroying it should still be possible.

What should we do? Ye has been hiding in Puwanghuisi University for so long, spent so much effort, and gone through so many detours to find the bookstore, isn't it just to get this crystal? Speaking of which, the crystal is still in front of me, but I can't take it. If I just abandon it like this, I will be stunned to death.

At this moment, I saw Ye casually taking out a communicator, dialing a communicator, saying something inside, then hanging up the communicator and putting it away, and then stood up Waiting quietly next to the utility room.

About a minute later, Ye had already heard the messy footsteps coming from outside. At this moment, the utility room in front of him made a soft "chi" sound, but he saw the cylindrical The utility room began to rotate, and a hole opened above it. Then a glass jar rose up from the inside with cold air. Then, the glass jar opened, and a red crystal emerged from the glass jar.

Ye took a closer look and saw that it was indeed the red water-based Kerimodo crystal that Amor had mentioned before. Ye, who was immediately delighted, quickly picked up the crystal and put it into his utility room. , after finishing most of the things, the steps of the guards at the door became clearer and clearer. Ye glanced at the incompleteness at the door, smiled coldly, and at this moment, the back of his body The energy nozzle immediately glowed with red light, but after hearing the "boom" explosion, Asemia accelerated in an instant and smashed through the wall made of synthetic metal. The red light flashed and disappeared into the vast night. . (To be continued.)

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