After the guards rushed in, they only saw a messy room and a dilapidated wall. While counting the damage in the room, the guards couldn't help but whisper. Such a degree of destruction must at least be destroyed. This can only be done by driving a lone soldier in armor, but then again, who can open an armor and enter a heavily guarded laboratory in the heavily guarded University of Provencius to steal items?

At the same time, in a private villa at Provencius University, a very beautiful girl was currently lying on the big bed wearing a thin nightgown, with two small feet as white as jade. With her hands raised high, she could see her two hands waving rapidly on the touch screen of Zhi Nao like two butterflies, which displayed most of the information related to that piece of Cremodo Crystal. The event information was being deleted quickly in her palm.

After a long time, the girl took a soft breath and turned off her smart phone, and slowly sat up from the big bed. When she saw her face clearly, she realized that she was the Su Yulian who had always been sick. But when she put away her smart brain, she whispered in a low voice: "The mentor planned to steal this x-π2 crystal at night. Fortunately, my brother learned from him when he was a hacker. Otherwise, it would be really bad." I can’t handle such a thing;”

The University of Provencius was stolen. This incident, which should have shocked the entire Dinsame Kingdom, was interrupted by another incident and did not appear at all in the sight of the survivors at this time. The reason was The same moment can be said now that night. Something happened that shocked the entire universe. Two starry warriors, Yuyesis and Aibiye, led a large army of beasts with the help of the cover of comet β29, which arrived in Provancius in 137. Invasion of Pwanhuis.

Because of the special structure of β29, it can completely dodge most scanners. Therefore, without any early warning from the Ding Samg forces and the military, they launched an attack on Provencius at this time. In order to attack, after destroying 13 defensive fortresses and war fortresses, the Sayedin District, one of the seven districts of Pwanghuis. Destroyed by Yuyesis, the huge energy beam can be said to have cut through the entire sky. The planet where the Sayedin District is located was punched through. Immediately on the other side of the planet, it can be said that 1/3 of the star was stripped out of the star by the huge core explosion, which seemed to be the tail of a comet. The same is dragged in the universe.

During the day. All the people in the central area could clearly see with their naked eyes that the Saiyedin area planet was struck into a comet shape, and the entire universe fell into silence, even if it was not the first planet destroyed by the Starry Sky Warriors. Planet, but in the capital area of ​​the Dinsame Kingdom, destroying a planet in the capital area is unprecedented. For the people of the Dinsame Kingdom, this is naturally a slap in the face.

the next day. One after another, war parades appeared on various streets in the Central District. The situation spread rapidly, and it could be said that no one in the dark corners of the country's forces was involved. The public's call for a declaration of war reached its peak,

At this moment when it is easiest to win over people's hearts, the five major members of the Dinsame Kingdom immediately jumped out and vowed that the armed forces of the Dinsame Kingdom would definitely go to war with the army of living beasts, and justice and victory would definitely stand. There are endless artifacts on the side of Ding Sam Meng's power.

At the same time, the G beast army went into full-scale war with the forces of the Ding Sam Kingdom. More than 11 star warriors, leading an army of tens of billions of transformed beasts, ignited wars and smoke in various parts of the Dinsa Meng Kingdom. Immediately, the entire Dinsa Meng Kingdom fell into war and smoke.

Recruitment advertisements from the Ding Sameng forces have been playing on TV everywhere. Group after group of recruits are sent to emergency training camps. After a short period of emergency training, they will go to battlefields in various places. It is in the University of Provencius. There are also more than 290,000 students who have voluntarily joined the army, dropped out of school and gone to the front line, including Ye's students, Jack and Andra from the Five Eagles,

Turning off the TV, Ye sat on the sofa, gently stroking the Cremodo crystal in his palm that he was about to get last night, with a look of indifference on his face, and Erza nestled comfortably in his arms, as if she was... Like a lazy kitten, at this moment, Erza raised her head and whispered: "The commotion yesterday was quite noisy. Have Ma Hui and Leilei evacuated?"

"Yes;" Ye nodded slowly and whispered: "After destroying Sai Yeding District, Ma Hui and Leilei immediately retreated. It was just the transformed beasts they brought here. , I expected to fall into this. I didn’t expect that Ding Sa’s reaction was so fast. He was discovered as soon as he took action. Immediately afterwards, the fleet and armed fortress also rushed over as quickly as possible. If it weren’t for Ma Hui If they run away fast, they will make dumplings for them;"

Erza glanced at him hard and said helplessly: "Please, this place is the capital area of ​​Dingsame, one of the five most powerful forces in the universe. The military defense power is still terrifying. Need I say more, even if I don’t know what secret weapons the Ding Sammeng forces have, I bet that they must have weapons that can defeat the Star Warriors;”

Unexpectedly, Ye nodded seriously and said seriously: "Well, from this point of view, I am absolutely sure that the forces of Ding Sameng have been developing and manufacturing starry sky warriors for so many years. If there are not one or two things that can defeat the starry sky warriors, I wouldn't believe it if it were a threatening weapon. However, it would only be after I collected enough Cremodo Crystals that they would realize what they were facing at that time. The Star Warriors are no longer the Star Warriors they knew;”

Erza would never take the initiative to inquire about such deep-seated secrets involving the Star Warriors. The things that she could know, the things that Ye Hui took the initiative to tell her, and the things that were not told to her, were exactly the things that she was not qualified to know.

To avoid embarrassment. Elsa immediately changed the subject, but she straightened up immediately, hooked her arms around Ye's neck and said coquettishly: "My dear, you are working so hard outside for the rejuvenation of your nation, so let me be alone. How lonely it is to stay in an empty house. Why don't we make a child for you while you are still by my side and won't leave in a short time? When you leave, I will also have a child to accompany me. Then you won’t be lonely;"

Hear what Erza said. A strange smile bloomed from the corner of Ye's mouth, and he said softly: "We star warriors are completely fertile. But the more powerful the star warriors are, the lower the chance of pregnancy. Do you know how low it is?"

"I don't know;" Erza shook her head simply.

The playful smile on Ye's face became more and more weird, but he heard him whisper: "My grandpa has three children. My mother is the eldest girl, and there are also a son and a child. Daughter, when my grandmother gave birth to my mother and another grandmother gave birth to my uncle, my grandfather was not very strong, so they were happy one after another in a short period of time, but then again, my youngest one Grandma, do you know how long it took for you and my grandpa to get married? For 7 years, my aunt and her maid were only one year older than me. And before my mother got pregnant with me, she was with my biological father for 3 years. She got pregnant with me only in 2008. As for my other grandmother. In addition, there was my mother and so on. After that, even though she was favored by my grandfather, there was no more happiness. Well, what I said is that it happened. It’s time to start counting after the relationship;”

"Ah..., so long. But then again, it's impossible for you to be with me for so long." After hearing Ye's words, Erza's little face immediately fell.

But when Ersa exclaimed, Ye picked him up and walked towards the master room, saying with a smile: "It's okay, let's work overtime and just come here. That's enough. They are here." We can do the same thing as one week in one day, so the chances of success are much higher;"

Before he finished speaking, he hugged the blushing Erza and walked straight into the master room. Not long after, there were bursts of imaginative gasps coming from inside.

Because the war broke out at this time, and the school was temporarily suspended for five days, it can be said that Ye and Erza spent all these five days on the big bed, so that these five days The two of them had never even worn clothes, but as soon as they recovered, they immediately got entangled in a dark mess. On the fifth day, Ye went to class as usual, while Erza was completely paralyzed. Home.

As soon as he arrived at the classroom, Ye found that the people inside were in a mess. He knew without thinking that they must be talking about the recent war. The war between the Ding Sameng Kingdom and the Meng Kingdom was not going very smoothly. The five major members of Congress It can be said that a fleet was dispatched to support him at the first opportunity, but then again, except for the fleet of Senator Amor, which was in a stalemate with the army of living beasts, the fleets of the other two senators, Sardin and Amis, were also in a stalemate. Suffering a heavy blow from the living beast, the battle situation became very pessimistic for a while.

After entering the classroom, the students looked at Ye who came in, and stopped talking one after another. Looking at the familiar faces below, Ye frowned at this moment, and then realized that there were two people missing in the classroom. One of them turned out to be the same Yulisa who had always been clinging to him. Ye Rou put down her lesson preparation book and asked in a deep voice: "Where are Yulisa and Bill, how come they didn't come to class today?"

A boy sitting in the front row raised his hand and replied: "Tutor, Lisa and Bill have joined the army. Because the school had a break a few days ago, they originally wanted to ask you to approve the application for suspension of study, but they couldn't. Speaking of which, I checked the school's files and found out that you live on Ston Island. Ordinary people can't get in at all. Not only that, but your communicator is always turned off. They had to ask the grade director to approve their application for suspension of school and joining the army. Yesterday I entered the air and space fighter plane and went to Fortress No. 3 to join the army for emergency training;"

Hearing what the boy said, Yerou nodded slightly. He really didn't expect that Yulisa would join the army. This was beyond his expectation. Yulisa's father was a star governor, and he was considered a military governor. As a high-ranking official in the border areas, she finally had a place in the upper-class system of Dinsame Kingdom. With her status, she was completely exempt from military service. It must be her own strong desire to join the army.

Unfortunately, Ye is not worried about her joining the army. If she joins the army as she is, she will definitely not be assigned to the front line. She will definitely stay in a certain logistics department, and then sit back and wait for her military merits. "As usual, when she is about to retire from the army, she will at least be a school officer. Having such an experience is equivalent to plating a layer of gold on her life, which is ideal for her. What a pity.

No longer thinking about these messy things, after finishing this class in a hurry, Ye returned to his office. As soon as he sat down, a personnel explanation popped up on Ye's desk. According to the news, 23 of the 29 students in Class 993 have signed up to join the army. The remaining 7 students are all students of Ye, and Ye himself also leads a class, so Zhinao directly transferred these 7 students to Ye. classes, while class 993 was cancelled.

As for the other class taught by Ye, it can be said that all the students in class 009 of doctoral student Hy7 except Linna have signed up to join the army. Therefore, Zhinao asked Linna to be Ye's tutor assistant and find Shuyuan www.スhaoshuyuan .com doesn’t need to give her extra lessons. She just needs to consult him when she has questions. After all, when she reaches Lina’s level, ordinary lessons can’t learn too much, let alone It's mostly a combination of theory and practice. As for Lina, if there hadn't been a large experimental project in the energy department that she needed to preside over, she might have chosen to join the army.

Such an explanation naturally made Ye Shi very satisfied. In this way, he suddenly lost 7 classes a week, and he himself gave Lina individual tutoring every day, so there was no problem at all, and he only needed 7 classes a week. After giving three classes to his own class, Ye has completely become an idler. Apart from directing the Star Warriors in the war against the forces of Dinsa Meng, he can be said to have nothing to do in the school. He may occasionally have sex with Lina. He may have been having sex with Su Yulian for a while, but he spent more time creating the next generation with Erza, and his life could be said to be quite decadent.

Just like that, each month passed longer and longer, and the war between the Ding Sam meng forces was still not ideal. The fleets supported by the Sardin family and the Amis family were defeated repeatedly, and several of them controlled The galaxy was wiped out by the army of living beasts. On the contrary, Amor's fleet, using various tactics and geographical conditions, actually won a few small victories. Not only did the territory they were responsible for guarding not lose a single point, but they captured two of them. In the galaxy occupied by the transformed beasts, it can be said that no one could have thought of repelling the attack of a star warrior in a fight before. (To be continued)

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