Ye's attention was quickly attracted by this new transport plane, and he curiously asked the colonel: "Colonel Boone, is this transport plane a new model?"

"Yes." The colonel replied, "The latest ghost transport aircraft, our federation's first transport aircraft to use an ion jet engine, has excellent attack performance and concealment. These are all the credit of the Aria Group. The new large transport aircraft Power ion jet engine, haha. The purpose of this transport aircraft is to transport assault troops deep into and out of enemy lines, or to secretly transport supplies for troops behind enemy lines. They will be used in the future when camouflaged troops need to retreat urgently. To transport the troops out, it would be difficult for the Imperial forces without air superiority to detect this kind of transport aircraft. It does not have the noise and heat energy of the Galaxy transport aircraft, which makes it impossible for the Empire to detect it except for human observation posts, other heat-sensing night cameras and listening equipment. These transport planes penetrated their defenses and struck them at the weak point behind them, delivering a fatal blow."

"Good thing." Ye said briefly about this transport plane, "But this kind of transport plane cannot replace Galaxy's position in the Federation. After all, Galaxy's transportation volume is four times that of it."

"That's true. Haha, the Galaxy is the transport plane with the largest carrying capacity in the world. Without their help and the fearlessness of their pilots, we might not have survived the dark days at the beginning of the war." Colonel Boone said before the war broke out He was stationed at New London. Having experienced the great rout in the Western Continent at that time, he deeply remembered that the Galaxy transport planes ignored the danger and forcibly passed through the Empire's encirclement and blockade, airdropping urgently needed weapons to the federal officers and soldiers. Ammunition, food, medicine, and various other supplies. in lost areas. These respectable transport pilots flew their beloved aircraft, under the cover of the Air Force Hellfire formation, and fought the danger of crashing. Landing on a crude runway, transporting batches of federal army soldiers. Transport the federation's precious manpower to a safe area. For this reason, the Federation lost a large number of excellent transport pilots and galactic transport aircraft, but it also rescued countless precious soldiers. It was the fearlessness of these pilots that allowed the Federation to stop the Empire's offensive. It was the withdrawal of these soldiers that gave the Federation the power to counterattack the Empire.

"Yes." Although Ye had not participated in the great defeat at that time, Ye still knew that he had outstanding logistical power, especially air transport power. importance to an army unit. Moreover, Ye has also seen the fearlessness of these Galaxy transport aircraft pilots. The courage to rush through the rain clouds in the night is not something that ordinary people can afford.

Beside the black transport plane, the dragon knight of the night had already arrived. With the help of a group of ground crews, the truck was slowly reversing, connecting the platform behind it carrying the Thunderbolt to the guide rail of the transport aircraft.

When Ye got off the car, he knew that these ground crews would have to work on it for a while, and this time was just enough for Ye to take a closer look at this new federal transport aircraft. This ghost transport aircraft is painted with matte black anti-night paint, and the whole body is composed of rhombuses and bevels. These help the transport aircraft hide itself from the opponent's night without interference from Mega particles. . The appearance of the whole machine reminded Ye of a kind of sea creature, a manta ray. The wide wings at the front spread out, then gradually narrowed, and were completely merged at the tail. Such huge wings help the transport aircraft take off from short airports, and also help the transport aircraft glide and land when it loses power. Four huge ion jet engines are just under the wings. The wide wings provide enough separation for the four engines so that they will not form particle interference with each other and affect the speed of the transport aircraft. In other words, this transport aircraft It should be the fastest among the four ion engine aircraft. That's why I haven't seen an ion engine aircraft with a wingspan larger than the Phantom.

There's a big difference between the Ghost and Galaxy in how they carry cargo. In order to carry more cargo, Galaxy has designed a side-by-side double cargo cabin structure. At the same time, Galaxy's cabin height is also very high. Fitting into a squatting mech makes the Galaxy Transport look paunchy. However, this seemingly extremely bulky design allows the Galaxy to carry a terrifying amount of supplies or equipment at one time. Due to the limitation of carrying capacity, the Phantom only uses a single cargo compartment design. And it is much lower than Galaxy's. The mecha can only be put into the cargo bay lying down, and it only has the capacity of one. However, the sacrifice of cargo capacity allows the Phantom to still be extremely fast when fully loaded, and its flexibility is also very good. Judging from the characteristics of the two transport aircraft, the Galaxy is an extremely excellent logistics transport aircraft, while the Phantom is a cutting-edge assault transport aircraft. The purpose of the federal high-level design of the Phantom was probably to avoid the large-scale sacrifice of those fearless and excellent pilots during the initial rout. After all, the design purpose of the Galaxy was not to fly in the enemy's airspace, but to take off and land at the simple airport of the Ming Dynasty. The first fierce man.

Ye circled the transport plane again and then got into it. The unshielded airport was really too hot under the direct sunlight. Fortunately, humans invented air conditioning. Otherwise, how could we stay in such a place? Ye couldn't help but sigh that it was okay. I was born in an era with air conditioning.

Entering the cabin of the transport plane, a smell of air mixed with engine oil hit your nostrils. It smelled like all the maintenance depots and weapons supply depots. It smelled very good at night.

"Hello, boss, I am the captain of this ghost transport aircraft, Captain Zhang Tianli. It is my honor to transport the mecha for you." The captain who was on standby in the control room noticed Ye coming in and immediately ran to the cabin to report to Ye.

"Take a break, Captain. Ye. Chinese super-captain, the pilot of the big guy behind." Ye returned the salute with a smile and pointed at the Thunderbolt that had been transported to the cargo hold. Some ground crews are fixing the fixing bolts of the platform and cargo bay guide rails. Once all is done, the aircraft can take off at night.

"You are really the whisper of the God of Death. Haha, can you sign an autograph for me?" After hearing Ye's personal introduction, the captain became even more excited and magically took out a book from behind him. Notebook and a pen.

Ye smiled and took the notebook and pen, and signed his name in English with a flourish, "The request of my compatriots will naturally be granted."

Captain Zhang was stunned for a moment by Ye's words, "I thought you were a mixed race or a Korean?"

"Huh?" Ye raised his eyebrows and asked as he handed back the signature book, "Why do you think it's better?"

Captain Zhang's mouth curled up slightly in embarrassment: "Chinese people only use English names if they are of mixed race. Many Koreans join the army and use English names. As for the Yamato people, most of these guys are on the empire side, and the federal military has unified the Yamato people. Form an army and carry out strict surveillance. It is impossible for Yamato people to exist in the general army."

"Yeah. So that's what it is." Ye said as if he suddenly realized. After joining the army, Ye decided to go to the front line to kill all the imperial soldiers with his own hands. He never cared about the decision of the military, as long as he could always fight on the front line. .

The co-pilot of the transport plane also ran into the cabin. He shouted to Captain Zhang Tianli who was chatting with Ye: "Boss, the ground crew has secured the mecha. The tower has indicated that we can take off."

"Really? Why are these ground crews moving so fast today?" Captain Zhang looked surprised, turned around and said to Ye sheepishly: "Special Captain Ye, please have a good rest in the cabin, we will send you off right away Go to Tris and meet with Major General Garancha.”

"Okay, go ahead." Ye waved his hand to indicate that the captain didn't mind, then he flattened a seat, lay on it and began to sleep. The continuous battles and the incompatibility with the desert climate made Ye feel a little tired.

Under the guidance of the tower, the Ghost transport plane carrying Ye, escorted by a squadron of Hellfire fighters, flew towards Tris, the largest city in the Federation in the Tyrad Desert.

At Tris Airport, Major General Garancha stood in the terminal in uniform, surrounded by his staff. He personally welcomed the arrival of night here. The reason why not long ago, a copy of the Federal High Command The promotion order was sent to him, according to the content on the promotion order. Jialancha must welcome the arrival of night at the airport.

He was still a little sleepy at night, but he didn't expect that Major General Jialancha would come to greet him in person. He hurriedly tidied up his military appearance, and then walked forward.

"Ye, China's special captain reports to you. Boss." Ye saluted with a standard military salute in front of Major General Jialancha.

"Welcome, special captain. Haha, rest a moment, I am Major General Heinz Wilhelm Galencha, the commander here. This is the first time you will call me boss, and it will also be the last time." Lancha and Ye met for the first time. This major general with extraordinary knowledge in armored tactics had heard of Ye for a long time in Jax. Now that they met, he started joking with Ye. At least Ye thought the major general was joking.

Looking up at the suspicion on Ye Yi's face, Jialancha took an order from his staff officer. He smiled at Ye Yang and said, "We have once again set a new record for the fastest promotion in the Federation. The special captain obeys the orders of the Doomsday Elf Travels. In recognition of his role in pursuing the rebels, he guided the battleship destroyer, Logilas. After successfully destroying the rebel flagship, the Menedes, and killing the rebel commander Halton, Night Special Captain, the military decided to promote you to Special Major, haha. In terms of military rank, you are half a step older than me. .”

Ye took the promotion order from the Major General and stuffed it into his pocket. Although Jialancha didn't read it according to the military order, Ye already understood the concise meaning. He was promoted again because of his contribution to the suppression of the rebels. level one.

"Haha, hasn't the military made it more difficult for pilots to advance to the rank? How come I was promoted so quickly?" Ye couldn't help but wonder. He hadn't worn the special captain mark on his shoulder for a long time. Changed.

This was the first time that Jialancha saw someone being suspicious after receiving a promotion order. It seemed that the kid in front of him had no idea of ​​his own merit. Jialancha smiled and explained for Ye: "You must take at least half of the credit for killing the rebel commander. Add in the 14 mechas destroyed. If you don't get promoted, I'm afraid all the pilots in the federation will rebel. "

"Are you sure? I just reported the coordinates of the Menedes, and I got a lot of great credit, haha." Ye knew the credit for killing Halton, but he didn't expect that he could also get a share of it. It was really Taking advantage of Logilas' sniper cannon with terrifying power and range.

A very strict German like Jialancha couldn't help but roll his eyes at Ye's words, "You Chinese people have said that excessive modesty is pride."

Ye shook his head nonchalantly and put on a bossy air, "Major General, have I ever been humble?" Then he couldn't help but laugh.

Jialancha rolled his eyes again, but it also made Ye laugh, "Who said Chinese people are very humble."

Just as the two were chatting happily, a liaison officer ran over and said, "The transport plane of Three-Star Admiral Jax will be arriving soon, boss."

"Okay, I got it." Jialancha nodded slightly to the liaison soldier, indicating that he understood, and then took a bag from the staff and handed it to Ye Dao, "Quickly put it on, the second highest official of our New London Star Army. "

"How can I be the second-highest official? I only have temporary command authority on the battlefield. The overall strategic and tactical policies are determined by you. We have different divisions of labor, so it doesn't matter what the military level is. I haven't seen the major of the staff department. In some major generals In the military area under your jurisdiction, is it more effective than a major general's words?" Ye took the delicate little bag, took out the special major's epaulettes and replaced his own special captain's epaulettes, while objecting to Jialancha's words.

Jialancha patted Ye's new epaulettes and saluted with a smile, "Boss, those are also some major generals without qualifications. If any major from the staff dares to come here and act wild, I will drag him out to show off. A ten-eight-day period.”

"Relax, Major General." Ye said again deliberately pretending to be a boss.

The Germanic people feel that the modest image left to them by the Chinese people in the past has been shattered, "Give you some sunshine, and you will shine. Find Shuyuan "

After Ye laughed for a while, he changed the subject and said: "You dare to punish the people in the General Staff Department, aren't you afraid that the old guys from the General Staff Department will give you little shoes to wear?"

"What are you afraid of? Those old guys hold the tactics of decades and hundreds of years ago as treasures, but they don't know that the current war has completely changed. These guys can best be described by one of your Chinese words."

"The frog in the well." The two people said in unison.

"Boss." The staff officer on the side looked up and saw that the two men were chatting again, and couldn't help but remind him, "Admiral Jax is coming. You should go to the airport now to welcome the general."

Garancha didn't seem to hear it and continued to chat with Ye, but Ye dragged the major general and walked towards the entrance of the terminal. Chief Erwin had ended the battle near Emma and rushed to Tris in person to take command. The Federation forces near the Tyradh Desert began to fight back.

Roughly the same as when they were at Ravino Base, a large number of Galaxy transport planes were hovering over Tris Airport under the escort of the Hellfire Brigade. Admiral Jax's transport planes were the first to land. This time the Admiral's The landline aircraft was changed from Galaxy type to Ghost type transport aircraft. (To be continued)

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