
Following Wang Quantang's words, the liaison vehicle also stopped beside the tank, and Colonel Chabu also drove his mecha over to help. The chariot's tracks, which are thicker and heavier than those used by assault tanks, cannot be placed on the chariot's guide wheels by manpower, and Case's soldiers can also shield the maintenance personnel from the sun during maintenance.

With the help of the soldiers controlled by Case, Chen finally removed the damaged belt piece from the track. The tracks of the tank were very loose, which made it easier for the track to break, but there was no spare belt. After a short period of maintenance and removing one or two sections of track, it can still be used as a tank.

After the soldiers hung the track on the guide wheel, Ye and Chen each picked up a removed fixing bolt and came to the edge of the track. After manually inserting the fixing bolt into the track connecting buckle, they all squatted on the ground and turned the fixing bolt.

"Okay." Ye and Chen stood up almost at the same time. Both of them were covered in sweat. Ye's white face was also covered with various traces of oil. The reason why Chen was too dark was because of the stains on his face. Dirty things are obviously not good.

"Very good, young man." Wang Quantang didn't care whether his hands were clean or not. He patted Ye's shoulder directly, making the military uniform that was originally only stained by a small amount of oil dirty.

Ye Yiyi gave up Chen's hand, "Damn, my military uniform is not a rag. Don't make it dirty."

Keith looked up at the two people and rolled his eyes helplessly. One was a brat without a boss, and the other was a maintenance maniac who didn't know what a boss was. They were both in different ranks and could make such a fuss, "I said. , if you don’t want to get a heat stroke, hurry up and get in the mecha and liaison vehicle.”

After Keith said it, the two of them returned to the tank and liaison vehicle as quickly as possible. Getting heat stroke in the desert is no fun, it can lead to death.

The first thing Ye Ye did after climbing into the tank's control room was to open the tank's weapon list. The tank had been ready for use after simple repairs. A good pilot should be familiar with what kind of weapons his equipment can use.

"A sniper cannon, equipped with 60 rounds of armor-piercing bombs. 50 rounds of explosive bombs, 50 rounds of incendiary bombs, a total of 160 rounds of ammunition. Damn, there are many more." The shells equipped with the gun are not only four times the diameter of the ammunition used by the mecha. times, and the length is six times that of ordinary ammunition. This tank can actually carry 160 rounds of such large ammunition, which is indeed worthy of making Ye Mei's eyebrows move.

"Each arm is equipped with a machine cannon and two clips of ammunition." It also carries a lot of machine gun ammunition. The total amount of ammunition carried by the machine gun is roughly equivalent to the amount of ammunition carried by ordinary soldiers.

"Fixed arm?" Ye raised his eyes suspiciously and looked at the last item in the weapon column. What is a fixed arm? The name doesn't look like a weapon at all. After neatly selecting the fixed arm, two sharp mechanical arms stretched out between the front and rear drive devices of the tank. The spike-like head explains why it can also be included in the weapon option.

After Ye retracted those mechanical arms, he said depressedly: "Isn't it just a fixed bombardment device? If it is classified as a weapon, the empire is stingy. A fighting sword is much better than those two things."

But it's not right to say that thing is useless. At least these two arms are very useful in stabilizing the tank's bombardment, and Ye thought of another use for them.

Ye turned on the communication device on the tank, "Keith..."

Unfortunately, the communicator on the tank was also broken. When General Ye pressed the contact button, the communicator did not respond at all.

"Are you sure?" Ye opened the hatch of the control room depressedly. A suffocating heat wave suddenly rushed into the control room, and all the previous efforts of the air conditioner were dissipated.

"Colonel Chabu, help me fix the Thunderbolt on the chariot. This thing can also be used as a load-carrying vehicle." Ye got out of the control room and called to the captain of the Black Ling Commando.

"What? Truck?" Case was stunned for a moment, but after seeing the two fixed arms raised by the tank, he understood what Ye was thinking.

If the Human Torch and Chariot could move, they could get out of this damn place. As for the remains of the Skeleton Commando, it actually doesn't make much sense whether they are recycled or not. These are just resources. The Human Torch represents the latest mecha technology of the Federation, and the Imperial Chariot may have the latest technology of the Empire's mecha manufacturing. Colonel Boone's purpose in asking them to stay put was simply to ask them to guard these two things. Now these two important items can move together with the commando without affecting the commando's alert status. This made Keyes overjoyed and immediately called the other two fighters to help.

It took about ten minutes or so. With the help of three warriors, Ye Cai was able to fix the Thunderbolt. Dense steel cables tied the Thunderbolt tightly to the chassis of the tank, and the tank's two fixed arms held the Thunderbolt on both sides to prevent the mecha from sliding down the side. After doing all this, Ye signaled that Case could leave, and then got into the chariot.

The Black Ling Commando set off again. Because the display on the left side of the tank was damaged, the three warriors were arranged on the left side of the tank to fill the blind spot of the tank's field of vision, while the Mammoths of the two commandos were at the rear and The right side spreads out, protecting two important items.

When passing by the Empire 168 supply base, all the members raised their hands and saluted in the direction of the remains of the Skeleton Commando. The bones of camouflaged commando pilots who fought deep behind enemy lines are usually unrecoverable, but these heroes are still active in enemy-occupied areas, destroying imperial facilities for federal forces and eliminating some stubborn enemies. Nowadays, the skeletons of the pilots of the Skeleton Commandos are fortunate enough to be recovered instead of being taken away by the Empire's troops. This is probably because the heroic spirits of the original Elite Thirteen Fleet are blessing them.

"Ahead, there are an unknown number of mechas." Ten minutes after leaving the Empire's 168th supply base, the pilot of the Black Ling Commando observed the mechas near the horizon. In the desert with a relatively flat terrain, his eyes were still brighter than before. Yesa works a lot, that's why the impact of Mega Particles on Yesa is too great.

The Black Ling commando team immediately squatted down and began to be on guard. Although this direction was towards the federal base, and the people coming from this direction were likely to be receiving troops, Colonel Chabu still did not relax his vigilance, because mistakes on the battlefield meant death.

The mecha troops on the opposite side finally entered the range that Nighta could detect, and green dots appeared on the edge of Nighta. Vague but exciting.

"It's our response force. Haha, we can leave the enemy-occupied area safely." Colonel Chabu smiled relaxedly. That's why he saw the bright red paint and the huge black Iron Cross logo of the leading assault trooper.

"This is the Blood Prison Commando, Major Garth Hoven. The mecha troops in front are the Death No. 1 and the Black Ling Commando?" The red mecha obviously saw what was going on here and sent a message.

"This is the Black Ling Commando. I'm glad to see you. The contact device of Death Unit 1 is broken and I can't contact you. I'm sorry." Since Ye Zhen's contact device is damaged, Case is responsible for the answer. .

"That's great, where is the Imperial tank? Can you give us some direction? Our mission is to recover that thing, and of course bring back the Reaper No. 1." The major breathed a sigh of relief obviously. He was most afraid that when he arrived, he would be greeted by the Empire's artillery attack instead of his own mecha troops.

The reason why the height of the chariot is relatively low is why Gars did not see another chariot in the middle of the Black Ling Commando, just like Ye was still wondering why the Black Ling Commando suddenly crouched down.

"The Death No. 1 machine and the tank are with us." Case's mecha pointed to the middle of his commando team, indicating that their commando team was protecting Ye.

Garth was relieved now, and his mission could be completed ahead of schedule. "Great, Black Ling Commando, we will escort you back to the base right now."

The Red Baron's three assault troops also joined the defensive circle around the tank. The six mechas guarded the night chariot like stars holding the moon and drove to the nearest federal base capable of repairing mechas, Tyradh Frontline Camouflage Force Base No. 3.

Colonel Boone himself greeted Night at the gate of the base, as was necessary. Who makes a special captain have a higher military rank than a colonel? However, among the entire federal force in New London, apart from Lieutenant General Jax, Major General Galancha, and Major General Goering, how many senior generals are there who have a higher military rank than Ye?

Boon affectionately held the hand of Ye who had just climbed out of the tank, "Fortunately, nothing happened to you, Special Captain Ye. If something happened to you, how would I check with General Jax and Jialan?" Major General, tell me."

Night saw the excited colonel. The corner of his mouth curled up helplessly, this guy still didn't realize his own value. Ye Na, who had always only watched cartoons, knew that he had become the symbol of the Federation's mecha troops and the best role model for the entire Federation's pilots.

The pilot on the Iron Cross Commando also ran off the mecha. Arriving at Colonel Yehe's side, he immediately stepped in when he saw that Ye had finished chatting with Colonel Boone, and held Ye's hand, "Hello, I am Garth von Richthofen, Your admirer, Special Captain."

Ye Rang suddenly appeared in front of him, and the major who held his hand was startled. He immediately reacted and smiled and said to him: "Nice to meet you, Major Garth. You should be the mecha assault team that came back after me." Be a member of the team."

"Yes, boss. I am the captain of the Blood Prison Commando." Garth clicked his heels together and saluted solemnly, looking serious as if he was reporting to the boss, but there was joy in the corners of his eyes. Still let everyone see it.

It turned out that the young man in front of him was the pilot of the red Iron Cross Commando. Ye couldn't help but carefully look at him, the commando captain of the commando team that Colonel Chabu said was the most proud of the Tyradh Mecha Force. The young man in front of him was no more than twenty years old at most. His short golden hair set off his sharp face, his hazel eyes, his tall nose and fair skin, which made the major look quite energetic. There is a feeling of being smart and capable.

Ye smiled and returned the salute, and said with a smile: "Take it easy, Major. Haha, no need to be serious. I also want to thank you for escorting me to this base."

"It was my pleasure, boss." Garth's chest puffed out even higher.

Ye waved his hand, signaling the major to relax, "Gars, are you German?"

"Yes, boss." Garth also relaxed. It was obvious that the first ace of the Federation in front of him was indeed quite approachable as rumored, and even gave people a sense of familiarity like a neighbor. This made seeing The somewhat nervous Major relaxed.

The smile on Ye's face became obvious, "Sure enough, it's roughly the same as Cologne."

"What, boss?" Garth didn't hear Qingye's words.

Ye smiled and said loudly: "I said, your temper is roughly the same as that of our federation's second ace, Cologne Baseman. You are deadly serious when talking to strangers. Also, you can call me Ye, There is no need to be so rigid and call me boss all the time."

"Haha, boss, um, no, special captain Ye." Garth smiled sheepishly.

Ye rolled his eyes helplessly. This guy stopped calling him "boss", but added the military rank of special captain at the end. This was more troublesome than calling him "boss" and the number of words was doubled.

"Okay, Gals, I still have something to do tonight. Haha, this boy is the idol of all federal pilots. All soldiers admire him, but he also has a lot of things to deal with." Colonel Boone came up and dismissed Gals. It seems there is something urgent.

Ye looked up at the colonel suspiciously. He had just airborne not long ago, so why did the generals on the ground want to find him so urgently? "Colonel, what's the matter?"

Colonel Boone smiled and said to Ye: "Major General Garancha wants to see you, and General Jax will also come to Tris today. The general also wants to see you."

"Yes." Ye responded. It seemed that two army bosses were looking for him. They still had to give face to these two people and they had to go to Tris as soon as possible. Night looked at his Human Torch and looked up at the Colonel with a slightly questioning look.

The colonel was very smart, "Your Human Torch will be shipped to Tris with you. My base does not have the ability to repair special machines. If your Human Torch uses hydraulic joints or magnetic fluid joints, I will still Some spare parts can be replaced, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com, but for the most advanced electromagnetic fluid joints, there is really nothing I can do in this small base."

"Well, it turns out you're going to transport it with me." Ye smiled happily. Ye didn't want to be separated from the Human Torch in two bases. It wouldn't be good if the Human Torch let someone else drive it and it got damaged. After all, the Human Torch was a gift from Alicia to him, and Ye didn't want his gift to be driven by a stranger.

Ground crews were already scrambling to remove the fixed ropes between the Human Torch and the Imperial tanker, and a heavy-duty truck was already in place. The huge mechanical arm fixed the Human Torch from above, preventing the mecha from falling to the ground without the rope fixation. After the rope was completely untied, Human Torch moved to the loading platform of the truck with the help of the robotic arm. As a series of locks were closed, the ground worker in front of the truck flipped the red side of the small sugar ball in his hand. He showed his white side towards the truck and then raised it to indicate that the truck could start.

"Special Captain, please come with me." Colonel Boone motioned for Ye to follow him and came to a heavy-looking car. This car must have been modified. Only a bulletproof car would be so heavy.

"Okay." Ye got into the car, and then the colonel came in and signaled the driver to drive. The destination was the airstrip at Base 3. There was a transport plane waiting there. The light one could only carry one mecha. Use A new transport aircraft with a better concealment and ion engine. (To be continued)

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