Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 372 Something went wrong

Genius One Second Remember → website provides you with wonderful novels to read. Qiwu e-book "We are only concerned about your safety now, special captain. [△网w]" Boone was defeated by Ye's relaxed look, "Your mecha has not been modified for the desert environment. It has been left in the desert for too long. There will be trouble in your actions, the female fairy of the best space."

Ye looked at the anxious colonel in confusion, "My mecha has operating data for the desert environment. I've loaded it, and there's no problem. Isn't my mecha still in good condition?"

As soon as Ye finished speaking, the dragoon fell unsteadily and heavily to the ground.

"Holy shit, what's going on? It hurts..." Among the fallen dragoons, Ye rubbed his shoulders and cried out in pain. The damn gravity made Ye, who was not prepared at all, almost tear off his seat belt. Although the seat belt successfully prevented Ye's face from coming into close contact with the control panel, Ye's shoulders still hurt from being strangled by the seat belt.

"Sir, are you okay?" The pilots of the Sand Scorpion team were frightened by the sudden fall of the dragoon and hurriedly controlled the mecha to squat down. Going deep into the enemy-occupied area, they thought the dragoon had been attacked by the enemy. It wasn't until they heard Ye's complaints and saw the dragoons that were still intact that they felt relieved, knowing that the special aircraft in front of them also suffered from desert disease.

Desert disease is what pilots fighting in the Tyradh Desert refer to when mechas malfunction due to their inability to adapt to the desert environment. The main manifestation is that the mecha's leg joints are stuck in the sand. The current phenomenon of the dragoon is a typical desert disease. During the walking process, the dragoon's left ankle suddenly failed, resulting in Ye's rather indecent fall.

Ye controlled the mecha to turn over, then climbed out of his mecha and ran to the dragoon's left ankle. This guy still didn't realize he was in enemy-occupied territory. This move made the surrounding troops nervous, and they all used their own aircraft to block the angle from which the empire might snipe him. Of course, they also blocked the dazzling sunlight.

Ye gently opened the joints of part of the armor, and a stream of sand instantly covered Ye with ashes.

"Bah." Ye waved his hand vigorously and patted the sand off his head. Unexpectedly, not long after Tyrad was airborne, so much sand got into the legs of his mecha. It would be strange if the joints there were not stuck.

"Special Captain." Captain Keith also climbed off his mecha and came to Ye's side. He is a middle-aged man about 40 years old. Because he has been fighting in the desert for a long time, this uncle's skin has a healthy bronze color. The open military uniform reveals the captain's strong chest muscles. He should also be a powerful pilot.

Ye turned around and looked back. He smiled bitterly at the captain. He originally thought that with the data on the desert environment, he could gallop in the desert, but now he couldn't.

The Mammoth tank on the right wing of the night also came over, protecting the mecha in the middle. The captain called to the communication vehicle assigned to his team: "Li, come and take a look."

The roof of the communication vehicle opened with a sound, and a man with black hair crawled out. The uncle, who was also tanned all over, was shirtless and took some tools from the trunk of the armored vehicle and walked towards Ye's mecha.

The federal communication vehicle has a large trunk, which contains a lot of mecha spare parts, and can perform simple field maintenance, which can greatly enhance the continuous combat capabilities of the federal mecha troops.

"I didn't expect the number one ace of our federation to be so beautiful, much prettier than in the promotional photos. Read the full text of the latest chapter." Uncle Li teased Ye Lao with a cigarette in his mouth. Uncles who like to be well-dressed are so generous.

Ye and the maintenance staff have always been very friendly, but the adjective used by Uncle Li is too harsh, "Uncle Li, I am a boy. I have to use words like handsome to describe it."

Uncle Li laughed and climbed onto the dragoon's left leg, and quickly opened the ankle armor with his hands and feet. Suddenly, Ye under the mecha was once again chilled by the sand in the armor, while the captain beside him He dodged cleverly.

"Hahaha." Seeing Ye shaking his head desperately to get rid of the sand in his hair, Li smiled even more happily on the mecha. But the uncle still didn't stop. After cleaning the sand from the dragoon's ankle, his laughter stopped immediately.

Feeling something strange about his uncle at night, he also climbed onto the mecha and asked curiously: "Uncle, what's wrong?"

The uncle raised his head and frowned and asked Ye. "Your mecha uses magnetic fluid joints?"

"No, it's an electromagnetic fluid joint. What's wrong?" There are three types of joints in the Federation's mechas, and Private's beauty with hydraulic joints is the winner. Although the driving methods of the Ranger's magnetic fluid joint and the Dragoon's electromagnetic fluid joint are different, the principle is still the same. Moreover, the sand should only block the moving parts of the joints, causing the joint sliding performance to decrease, and it has nothing to do with the driving method.

"The sand has worn through your joints, and the fluid in the joints has leaked out. The monitoring sensors have also been worn out." Li pointed to the severely worn joints of the dragoon's feet.

Ye looked at the scarred parts in disbelief, "No, how long have I been airborne? Not even an hour, how could this happen?" In fact, it only took two days for the dragoon to be delivered to Ye. In just two days, the prototype was damaged, and Ye could be considered a master of destruction.

"Don't underestimate the sand." The captain also climbed onto the dragoon and said to Ye on the side.

"At the beginning, we also thought that the new equipment could be used for a long time, but the cruel facts told us that the power of the desert cannot be resisted by steel." Li pointed to the anti-sand net at the soldier's feet and said, "We cannot deal with the sand head-on. Only soft ones.”

The Federation did not install anti-sand nets when it deployed private soldiers in the desert, because these things would hinder the flexibility of the mecha's joints. Of course, this obstruction is quite small. But just one week after the mechas were deployed, the Federation's desert mecha troops were completely wiped out. They were defeated not by the imperial troops, but by the most abundant thing in the Terrad Desert, sand. Noticing the severely worn joints, the federal troops stationed in the Tyrad Desert immediately responded to the federation's top brass and installed sand-proof nets for their troops. The federal military also stipulated that mechas equipped with anti-sand nets must be used in desert areas, but I never paid attention to this rule.

Uncle Li raised his head and said helplessly to Ye: "If it is a hydraulic joint, I still have engine oil and filling materials in the car. There is nothing I can do about the electromagnetic fluid joint."

"What should we do? How about I float back?" Ye thought that his dragoon could float, so he wouldn't have to use his ankle joint.

Uncle Li shook his head, "Sand also entered the particle engine of your mecha's legs. Since you spent a lot of time in the floating state, the sand blown up by the particles entered the engine from above. Fortunately, you didn't do anything after that. Using them, the particle engine will become very unstable due to the intrusion of sand, and it may explode at any time."

Case also pointed to the engine nozzle on the back of his mecha and added: "The engines on the back of our mecha are equipped with sand-proof metal covers to prevent sand from getting in." The nozzle guide port on the back of the private was obviously lengthened. Yes, this is without affecting the use of the engine. The best way to prevent sand.

The words of the two people made Ye feel helpless. He asked with a bitter look on his face: "Then what should I do? I can't just leave the dragoon here."

"This won't work either." Case naturally knew the value of Ye's special machine.

Uncle Li nodded and suddenly smiled evilly, "I have a good idea, haha."

Ye sat speechlessly on the dragoon. Looking at the private in front of him, Uncle Li's so-called good idea was to let three privates carry the dragoons to move. Captain Case's privates lifted the dragoon's feet in front, while the other two privates firmly grasped the dragoon's hands from behind, while the Mammoth Squadron spread out their vigilance behind the mecha troops. This posture made Ye feel that he was almost humiliated. He was being carried away like a wounded person. This was the first time for Ye. Even after fighting with Rose Team Captain Mary, Ye didn't make such a fool of himself. At least at that time, the Rangers were still Able to move on its own, although at that time it could only move. The Rangers couldn't do anything, but it was much better than being carried away like this by the Dragoons now.

"We're here. We were instructed to wait here to receive the troops." The Sand Scorpion team did not delay their retreat because they were carrying the dragoons. Instead, they returned to the Imperial tank in a shorter time than the original search. .

"Tyrad Frontline Camouflage Force Base No. 3, this is the Sand Scorpion Team. We have arrived at the designated location. When will the corresponding troops arrive?" Captain Case himself is very opposed to going deep into enemy-occupied areas. Now the main combat force of Ye Ye has been lost. , which made the captain want to withdraw to the control area of ​​​​his own unit, so the captain arrived at the location. He contacted the base and asked about the status of the responding troops.

Ye Ye breathed a sigh of relief as he finally didn't have to be carried. Fortunately, the relief team hadn't arrived, otherwise his ugly appearance would have been seen by more people. The super technological overlord.

"This is the Terrade Frontline Camouflage Force Base No. 3. Sand Scorpion Team, what happened to the Reaper No. 1? Why was the communication at the front suddenly interrupted?" Colonel Boone was obviously more concerned about the situation at night. After the communication at the front was interrupted, they lost They had lost contact with the Dragoons, and in their anxiety they also forgot to contact the Sand Scorpion Team who was with the Dragoons to learn about Ye's situation. Now the Sand Scorpion Team's proactive contact reminded them that there was a friendly force of their own around Ye.

"Desert disease. The dragoon's ankle joint was damaged, and the propeller entered the sand. The communication device was probably damaged when he fell. So we need the response troops to come quickly. Where are they?" Captain Case gave a brief report. After looking at the cause of the matter, he continued to ask about the situation of the responding troops.

"Huh, that's great." Colonel Boone breathed a sigh of relief, "The Red Baron team to meet you has set off and is expected to arrive in thirty minutes."

"Okay Colonel." Case breathed a sigh of relief. If the Red Baron team came to pick him up, then he would be safe.

The Red Baron Squad is the strongest mecha squad among the Federation's non-camouflaged troops in the Tyrad Desert. Although it is not as powerful as the Federation's famous B-Team, the Iron-Blooded and Death teams, which are composed of all super aces, they are Also in the Tyrad region, the Federation has the only all-ace team. Their captain even destroyed ten mechas, reaching the standard of double ace.

Ye climbed out of the Dragoon dejectedly and ran to the left ankle of the mecha again, hoping for a miracle to happen. The Dragoon would be overhauled after two days of use. If Alicia knew about it, Ye's ears would inevitably grow again. About to be bombarded.

But the truth is cruel. It seems that the Dragoon's injury requires contacting the Aria Group, the only company in the Federation that has electromagnetic fluid production technology. Ye sat down on the mecha armor in frustration, and immediately stood up with his butt at a faster speed. The sunshine in the desert at noon had already roasted the armor until it could fry an egg.

"Boy, get into the mecha quickly. Otherwise you will suffer from heat stroke." Li stretched out his head to remind Ye Dao that when he was checking the dragoons earlier, there were privates blocking them from the sun. Now the privates are on alert, dazzling The sun shone directly on Ye's body without any obstruction, making Ye feel like a fire was burning behind her back.

All night's attention was attracted by the imperial tank. The remaining Mammoth team has confirmed the situation of the tank. They have cleaned the body of the Imperial pilot from the cockpit and placed it in the shadow of the tank. In other words, the tank is now Empty. Ye walked curiously to the pilot and observed his condition. The Imperial pilot wore the rank of captain, and his abdomen had traces of being cut open by a sharp weapon. The massive bleeding here should be the cause of the pilot's death. The pilot's head also showed signs of being hit by a heavy object, and there were some small scratches and bruises. Judging from the few injuries on the pilot's body, the cockpit of the tank was not seriously hit. However, the debris caused by this small blow to the machine has the ability to kill people. In addition, the pilot's Due to bad luck, this tank was stopped. If the fragment that caused the wound on the pilot's abdomen had been moved forward three to four centimeters, the pilot's abdomen probably would not have been cut open.

Ye climbed onto the chariot neatly, looked for Shuyuan and opened the cockpit hatch. The scene inside was as Ye expected. Most of the instruments were not damaged, but the screen on the left was shattered. There was nothing he could do. The image is displayed. The Imperial pilot was also classified as one of the unlucky ones because there were only two fragments in the cockpit. One should be a part of the communication device. Ye immediately recognized this thick part as the culprit that smashed the pilot's head black. The other part is the armor fragment behind the left display. This sharp fragment is the murder weapon that cut open the pilot's abdomen. It should be the outer protective armor of the cockpit. But the armor, which was supposed to protect the pilot from harm, was shattered by a 120mm bullet, penetrating the display screen on the left side of the cockpit and killing the pilot.

Ye gently jumped into the cockpit of the chariot, and then started this behemoth made by the empire. With a buzzing sound, the giant beast raised its head. Fortunately, Li had informed the Sand Scorpion team about Ye's entry into the tank. Otherwise, the enemy red dot that suddenly appeared in the team's monitor would scare the already nervous federal troops into firing. .

Ye quickly entered the friend-or-foe identification code, and the tank suddenly turned from red to green on the federal army's monitor screen, becoming a friendly signal.

"Uncle Li, can you help me put the missing track back on? The tank is a little unstable without one driver." After Ye tried moving a few times, he drove the tank to the broken track. Next to him, asked Uncle Li. (To be continued.)

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