"Sir, you have arrived." Although the Sand Scorpion team is relatively close to the supply base, the mobility of the privates is not comparable to that of the dragoons.

Accompanying the Sand Scorpion team were two Mammoth tank teams. These tank teams immediately dispersed to guard the surroundings for their own mecha troops.

"What kind of AP is this (AP, armor-piercing projectile)? It can actually hit the Bear like this." The captain of the Sand Scorpion team noticed the remains of the mecha next to the Dragoon. Looking at the horrific wound, the pilot screamed in disbelief.

"It should be a 480mm long-bore AP." While Ye told the pilot his conclusion, he also noticed a bear-style mechanical arm on the ground on one side.

The dragoon walked to the broken arm, bent down and picked up the part. He turned the monitor to the maximum and looked at the wound on the shoulder joint of the broken arm. The bear shoulder armor was completely cracked. It seems that the sniper bullet did not directly attack the shoulder joint. It most likely hit the collarbone on the upper left side of the mecha. The huge impact shattered the shoulder armor. , and removed the entire left arm.

"This pilot is lucky, it didn't kill him." Ye sighed. The opponent should have aimed at his cockpit, but when his comrade was knocked down, the pilot turned sideways, and it was like a strange mistake. He escaped a fatal blow, but the mecha was seriously injured.

"One kilometer ahead, the wreckage of a Bear was found." The scattered Mammoth tanks found the wreckage of another Bear and hurriedly reported to Yehui.

"Okay. I'll be there soon." The dragoon threw away the severed arm in his hand, floated and drove towards the location guided by the mammoth. For a dragoon, the one-kilometer journey takes just half a minute.

There was a big hole in the cockpit of the Bear in front of me. Only a point of connected armor on the edge left the Bear with no missing parts. The caliber of the wound was consistent with a 480mm bullet. The ground around the mecha was completely burned. black. Even some of the paint on the mecha was burned off.

The three privates of the Sand Scorpion team also ran to catch up. Looking at the scene in front of them, they all asked in confusion: "How could this happen?"

"First use incendiary bombs to disrupt the opponent. Then snipe to kill." Ye, who is good at sniping, saw through the opponent's tactics at a glance. Unexpectedly, this fool was actually afraid of fire in the mecha.

Ye called up the map in the mecha. After enlarging the magnification, based on the locations of the two destroyed Bears, we quickly calculated the location where the Imperial pilot sniped the Skeleton Squad. Judging from that guy's sniping technique, the chances of the remaining members of the Skeleton Squad surviving were low.

"The 11 o'clock position may be the opponent's sniper position. I'll go over and take a look first." Ye said while controlling the dragoon to slide out. He crossed a small sand dune and drove towards the predicted location at high speed.

A huge tank parked on a patch of sand behind the dunes, with the remains of four mechas scattered within a radius of 500 meters. The chassis of the Imperial tank used the same four-fold independent drive device as the Mammoth, but the structure was twice as large as the Mammoth. The tank's turret was modified to look like the upper body of a mecha, with the head monitor extended back. The terrifying 480mm sniper cannon is out. The tank's shoulders are supported by two huge shields, and the hands should also be able to control the 120mm machine gun for attack.

The dragoon didn't pay much attention to the tank. There was no response from the energy reactor on the tank. Ye knew that the tank had been destroyed. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Imperial pilot to attack at night before they discovered him and instead turn off the engine.

Ye is now concerned about the situation of the Skeleton Team's mechas. Ye hopes that Sherlock's mechas are only seriously injured and lose their combat capabilities and communication functions, instead of being completely destroyed like the two previous Bears.

The dragoon moved lightly to the edge of a bear lying on its back. This Skeleton Team mecha is the most complete-looking mecha, but after getting closer, Ye discovered that the bear's chest was densely covered with bullet holes from 120 mm bullets. It must have been when it was shooting at the tank. He was shot by a tanker holding a gun with both hands because the bullet marks on the armor had inconsistent angles of incidence.

"There is no possibility of survival." Ye muttered, looking at the cockpit with nearly twenty bullet holes scattered, and then focused on the other three mechas. The pilot of the Bear on the left front of the Dragoon could not survive. The condition of this Bear was exactly the same as the one seen in the supply base, both were hit in two. And it's a direct attack. Judging from the larger wounds than the supply base and the mechas on the road, this pilot seemed to be unlucky. It was shot at almost zero range by the opponent's 480mm sniper cannon. The powerful warhead penetrated the cockpit and broke the entire mecha into two pieces.

There was also a Bear lying in front of the dragoon. The entire cockpit hatch of the mecha was torn off. It should have been caused by the opponent knocking the Bear to the ground and then using a sniper cannon to flank the mecha cockpit. The Imperial pilots used explosive bombs with explosive capabilities. The strong airflow formed by the explosion on the Bear cockpit cover carried countless hatch armor fragments and beat the pilot into a pulp.

Ye maneuvered the dragoons around to the front of the imperial chariot. The last bear of the Skeleton Team fell to the ground in a very strange posture. It seemed to have been hit with its back to the chariot. The jetpack protected by a small amount of armor on the back was directly hit by the explosive bombs of the Imperial pilots. The explosive bombs that entered the interior of the mecha directly blew the entire upper body of the Bear into pieces.

"It's strange, why does this Bear have its back to the Imperial tank?" Ye turned around and looked at the Imperial tank in confusion.

There were many bullet holes all over the Imperial tank's body, and one of the four drive units had its track broken off. It seemed like the Imperial pilot was not having an easy time fighting either. The bullet holes on the fuselage were not fatal, especially the damage on the chassis. At most, they could paralyze the tank's mobility, because Ye discovered that the cockpit of the tank was at the head of the tank. The chest of the tank is connected to the body. Ye, who was familiar with the four independent drives of the Mammoth tank, knew that there was a place to store the batteries and there was not enough space for the cockpit. Just like the Mammoth put all its drivers in the turret, the cockpit of this mecha was also placed. Placed behind the cone-shaped head. On the protruding head monitor of the tank, there is a mark of being hit by a 120mm machine gun. That wound should be the fatal wound that caused the tank to stop, because even if the ballistics did not directly hit the cockpit of the tank, it would have caused serious damage to the tank. of damage. Ye also noticed that the bulletproof protective glass in front of the monitor did not appear to be hit by high-speed and sharp bullets. A hole was made, as if some blunt instrument had been forced into it, and Ye zoomed in on the dragoon's monitor. Observe the wound carefully.

"Gunpowder residue." Ye saw a lot of ammunition and propellant residue left around the monitor's wound. It seemed that the tank's monitor had been severely inserted by a Bear machine gun. Although this action has little effect on the power of the bullet. But it should be quite venting when done.

"It seems that this Bear must have been destroyed at the end. We all perished together. Why not fire two more shots as insurance?" The Dragoon turned to face the half Bear that fell to the ground behind him. With a click, the Dragoon seemed to Stepped on something.

Ye lowered his head and saw a drum magazine for mechas stepping on the feet of his mecha. This 120mm machine gun magazine is specially equipped for the bear-style drum machine gun. It should have been dropped by that mecha. of.

Ye could already imagine the final battle between the two mechas. It should be that his own mecha successfully approached this tank with sniper expertise. However, our own pilot did not use combat weapons and instead continued to use machine guns to attack the tank. However, the magazine on the machine gun was shot down by the mechanical arm on the tank, and it should have also injured the Bear mecha. The tank's mechanical arm is much thicker than the Bear's arm. It seems that the Bear will suffer a lot when fighting the tank within the scope of the tank's mechanical arm.

Ye lowered his head and looked at the footprints in front of the chariot. Although the wind and sand in the desert covered many traces, Ye still saw that the footprints looked very messy. After taking two steps back, the footprints had no trace of the previous translation. , directly connected to the fallen mecha. It seemed that the pilot took two steps back and successfully left the arm range of the tank. And he inserted the gun into the monitor of the tank, severely injuring the tank or its pilot.

Ye lowered his head again and looked at the magazine that had been knocked down by the tank, if the magazine had not been knocked down. The result won't be that they all die together. Ye shook his head. It seemed that the Skeleton Team had survived without the pilot, and he still hadn't been able to meet Sherlock.

On the magazine, it can be seen from the hollow ammunition slot that there is still nearly half of the ammunition inside. It seemed that the Bear was moving in a hurry, and it didn't even have time to pick up the dropped magazine before leaving. Something must have attracted his attention, causing the pilot to abandon his magazine and not notice the situation behind him. Ye followed the direction Xiong Shi was facing, preparing to search what attracted his own camouflaged troops.

"Sir." The private of the Sand Scorpion Squad appeared behind Ye after inspecting the battlefield.

"Sir, this is enemy-occupied territory. Please don't act alone." Captain Sand Scorpion's voice was a little anxious. Ye's acting alone frightened the middle-aged man. Once something happens at night, the friendly forces who are with him will be implicated a lot. The federal bosses will not let go of these miscellaneous soldiers who cover up the ace's disadvantages.

Ye was stunned for a moment. Ever since the three girls left, Ye had become accustomed to acting alone and had almost forgotten about the cooperation between the mecha team. Now being reminded by the team leader, Ye Ye thought that if something happened to him, the Sand Scorpion team with him would be killed by the guys in the military court if they were not wiped out by the imperial troops.

"I'm sorry, I was too impatient, haha." Ye apologized embarrassedly to the Sand Scorpion Team. His own life and death also determined their fate, although Ye thought there should be no big dangers around here.

Three privates and their tank troops caught up with Ye's dragoons and organized a security net around the silver mecha.

"Search northwest. There must be something attracting the Bear in that direction, otherwise the pilot will not be successfully attacked by the opponent." Ye pointed to the Bear on the ground.

"What about this tank?" Captain Sand Scorpion pointed at the imperial tank.

"Leave a Mammoth team to keep an eye on it, contact the rear base, and ask them to send a transport truck. This thing must be handed over to the technical department for study. The rest of the team will join me in a search formation to search the desert in the northwest. I want to see if it is there. What is so attractive?" Ye motioned to the next team of Mammoths to stay, and then controlled the dragoons to walk in that direction.

"Okay, sir." The Sand Scorpion team immediately spread out on the left wing of the Dragoon, and the three Mammoths spread out on the right side of the night, which was closer to the federal defense line and theoretically safer.

"Tyrad Frontline Camouflage Force Base No. 3, here are the Reaper Unit 1 and the Sand Scorpion Team. We have found the Skeleton Team and they have all been wiped out." The Sand Scorpion Team Captain began to contact the rear base.

"This is the Terrade Frontline Camouflage Force Base No. 3. Are you sure about the Sand Scorpion Squad?" The correspondent at the base was a little unbelievable. After all, the Skeleton Squad was the most outstanding unit in their base. Now the Sand Scorpion Squad actually said that this unit was completely wiped out. As an admirer of this team, the correspondent's first reaction was that the captain of the Sand Scorpion team was lying.

"This is Death Unit 1, the base. What the Sand Scorpion Team said is true. The remains of the Skeleton Team are scattered in the enemy's 168th Supply Base and an area two kilometers northwest of the base. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and you can send troops. Come and recycle it, and please also recycle the Empire's tank. That thing should be the Empire's experimental weapon. Our technical department may be interested in it. The Sand Scorpion team and I continue to search northwest to see what attracts The Skeleton Team." Ye confirmed the words of the Sand Scorpion Team Captain, and at the same time asked the base to send out recovery troops and reported his own movements.

"Understood, Death Unit 1, I will report to the superiors immediately." The testimony of the federal number one ace allowed the correspondent to dispel his doubts and reported to the base commander the situation of the missing team and their subsequent movements. The commander of Base Three immediately connected to Major General Guderian's communication. His military rank was not as high as Ye's. He could only report Ye's situation upwards and ask for help from the major general. After all, Ye was in an area controlled by the empire. Inside, and the night continues to deepen.

Soon, the base's contact appeared on Ye's communicator again. This time, the commander of the base contacted Ye personally, "Special Captain Ye Maxwell, this is the Commander of Base No. 3 of the Tyradh Frontline Camouflage Force. Colonel Boone, please stop advancing immediately and return to the scene of the Skeleton Team’s incident to wait. Our response troops have been dispatched and they will meet you there.”

"Colonel Boone, aren't you curious about what attracted the Skeleton Squad?" Ye was a little surprised by the colonel's attitude. It seems that this guy has no awareness of being in enemy-occupied territory. (To be continued)

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