Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 370 Fierce Battle in the Void

In fact, Halton cannot be blamed for this. When communicating with the New Ireland Colonial Satellite Fleet, there were indeed only three cruisers of the Chaser Fleet behind the Eighth Fleet. However, after the Second Fleet appeared, when Halton sent another communication, the First Independent Fleet, which was communicating silently, thought that Halton just wanted to urge them to move forward. The rear admiral simply ignored the Eighth Fleet's call and continued to command his own. The troops acted according to the predetermined plan.

The sarcastic smile on Lieutenant General Geyete's face became even more powerful, "Major General, we are performing a mission and it is not convenient for third-party forces to enter."

The Vice Admiral's words made the Rear Admiral extremely depressed, and something seemed to have happened to the Eighth Fleet, which had not responded to their communications. There were many scars on the federal fleet in front of the rear admiral. It could be judged that they had experienced battle. However, believing that the Eighth Fleet would not be easily destroyed, he ordered his communications personnel to continue contacting the Eighth Fleet while putting his warships into combat mode. "I'm sorry, Lieutenant General, we have to protect the safety of our citizens. This is our duty."

"Okay, Major General, our operation has been completed." Seeing that the array of his fleet has been arranged neatly, the Lieutenant General smiled, "But please don't easily enter the warning range of the garrison fleet we left. It may cause some unnecessary misunderstandings and affect diplomatic relations between us."

"What?" The Major General was confused by Lieutenant General Geye Te's words. He neither believed that the Eighth Fleet had been destroyed, nor did he believe that the Federation would let the traitor go so easily. Let the independent country's fleet enter so easily. However, the major general's doubts disappeared as the federal fleet set off. The airspace behind the neatly organized federal fleet was filled with a large number of battleship and mecha wreckage, and from time to time some wreckage erupted with a trace of fire. Break apart.

"This..." The major general knew that the New Britain Independent Fleet led by him had arrived late. Vice Admiral Halton and the Eighth Fleet that he wanted to respond to had already disappeared in the sky of New London. The wreckage in front of him told the rear admiral that the Eighth Fleet had put up a desperate resistance here and was completely wiped out. The federal fleet did not leave any Eighth Fleet warships to the independent country, only large pieces of wreckage, and those wrecks were only for the independent country to see. As recyclable resources, they would be recovered by the federal logistics force. Sent to Thor Fortress, which has the capability to manufacture battleships, the three cruisers left behind by Lieutenant General Geye Te were to guard these wreckage.

To reduce the burden on federal resources. He began to order his frontline troops to try their best to recover all kinds of debris in order to reuse resources. At the same time, in order to reduce the burden of logistics and transportation, the Thor Fortress was expanded again, making the fortress a military barrier at the same time. It also has a Galileo-class cruiser production line, two Foreshadow-class destroyer production lines, a Ranger assembly line, three private assembly lines, and their supporting facilities, including resource recovery and smelting devices.

Admiral Patton had already ordered his recovery system to start cleaning up the wreckage in Area E of the fortress, so Ye still found a lot of empty space in Area E when he was testing the dragoons.

The Federation not only equipped the production line on Thor Fortress, but also planned to set up a production line on New London, but due to transportation problems. The supporting resources have not been available yet, and it is expected that the production line on the New London Star will start construction in a quarter. For cost-saving reasons, the above-ground production facilities will not be fully modular like Thor's Fortress. Although fully modular construction has the advantage of being faster than ordinary construction. However, the high cost prevents the popularization of this construction technology. After all, it is transporting finished products to assemble and manufacture, and the cost is naturally much more expensive than transporting raw materials to build on site.

The turmoil caused by the establishment of the Independent State of New Britain finally came to an end after the Eighth Fleet was destroyed, but the establishment of this country had an unpredictable impact on the future situation.

Although the Federation successfully suppressed the rebellion in the new Calais colonial satellite recruit training camp and the Eighth Fleet, the price paid was also horrific. All the ships of the Eighth Fleet except the new cruiser were sunk. Three destroyers of the Second Fleet Support Force were sunk, and three cruisers and five destroyers were damaged and required major repairs. Nearly half of the New Manchester Colonial Satellite's garrison mecha troops were lost. All the mecha units of the Eighth Fleet were wiped out, and the pursuit force lost nearly fifty mechas. The Federation directly lost more than a quarter of its military strength in the universe, and the line of suppression originally maintained against the Empire's Baku Lutz Fortress was forced to give up. The frontline troops of the Sixth Fleet and the Second Fleet were forced to withdraw to the Thor Fortress. , the situation in the universe instantly turned into a tug-of-war between the Federation and the Empire. The Federation Army, which no longer had the advantage of battleships, was just like the Empire Army that had lost its advantage in mechas. It had no choice but to shrink its control area in the universe and put all its forces Concentrated around fortresses and colonial satellites. It is no longer possible for the federal mainland to send fleets to the front line. If it sends another fleet, the federal mainland fleet will not be able to fully monitor and defend the numerous jumping points in the federal territory.

Compared to the heavy losses suffered by the Federation, the Empire's situation was much better. Only two recruit training camps rebelled. They only lost some garrison troops. The departure of those recruits who were not included in the combat strength did not really affect them. The strength of the Imperial Space Force. Due to the damage to the Federation fleet, the Imperial Space Fleet, which has become almost as powerful as the Federation Space Force, can finally leave the protection of its own fortress and once again gallop across the vast starry sky. On the contrary, the empire's ground forces lost their reserve sources in this rebellion. This left the ground forces in urgent need of infantry, tank drivers, and fighter pilots facing the dilemma of being unable to sustain their combat power. This allowed the empire's ground forces to take advantage of the suitable winter desert climate. At that time, the Federation's defense in Tris was defeated in one fell swoop, giving the Federation's Major General Guderian a chance to breathe.

The Independent State of New Britain became the biggest beneficiary of this incident. Although they did not receive the ships of the Eighth Fleet, they successfully disrupted the forces of the Federation and the Empire in the universe and dragged the space fleets of both sides into the quagmire of a war of attrition. On New London, the Independent State of New Britain has also established a good relationship with the Federation and the Empire. A substantial supply contract was signed with both parties. In this contract, the independent country was distributing a large amount of food that had been accumulated in the country. While receiving medicines and other supplies, they also received urgently needed building materials and some scientific and technological information. Especially in the contract with the Empire, the Independent State used the Federation's latest special machine data and Angel-class new cruiser data to exchange with the Empire for a colonial satellite, a military colonial satellite that the Empire planned to transform into a military fortress, New Wales, and Move this moon to the vicinity of the new Irish colonial moon and rename it to Sky Pillar Fortress.

Beep beep, the crisp electronic sound reminds you of the night. The mecha has completed the airborne procedure and switched to manual operation. The dragoon removed the shield in front of him. Neither Special Unit No. 2 nor the Holy War Angel was near Ye. The only thing that caught Ye's eyes was the endless yellow desert. Even though the dragoon was still high in the sky, he still saw the twisted hot air above the desert at night in the cockpit.

Ye's luck is really good, the Tyrad Desert will be his destination after completing the counterinsurgency mission. As a result, Ye, who was forced to land due to a fight with the No. 2 unit, ended up here unexpectedly. The only explanation was luck.

"Tyrad Desert, haha, I finally saw the desert." Ye, who had never seen the desert before, shouted happily. He opened the communication channel and prepared to call the friendly forces near the desert, hoping to get information about the desert from them. situation. Although the Dragoons have a map of the Tyrad Desert and can rely on the Federation's positioning device to avoid getting lost, the distribution of enemy and friendly forces near the desert will not be displayed on the map. Ye didn't want to plunge into the empire's base.

"This is Death Squadron No. 1, Captain Ye. Maxwell, calling the federal army near coordinates 58.77 in the Tyrad Desert." Ye controlled the dragoon to descend to an altitude of four thousand meters and began to call.

"This is the Federal Sand Scorpion mecha patrol team, Captain Case, welcome to Tyrad, Reaper Unit 1." Ye was lucky enough to contact the nearby federal troops as soon as possible. The person who was talking to Ye was a small group of soldiers who were on patrol. Their team leader responded to Ye's call loudly and excitedly.

"Thank you, Sand Scorpion Team. Can you guide me to the nearest military base?" What Ye wants most now is to find a place to take a good bath. The high-intensity battle makes Ye feel sticky on his body. Full text of Apocalyptic Super Mall read. Very uncomfortable.

"Okay, Reaper Unit 1, the nearest 127 outpost is at coordinates 54, 76. It's easy to find." The captain of the Sand Scorpion team pointed out the nearest federal base for Ye Ye. This newly built base is on the Dragoon map. No, it seems that the federal army has begun to fight back and regained control of many areas.

"Thank you..." Ye said his thanks before a loud "ping" sound erupted from the communicator. This was an emergency communication alert from a base near the Federation.

"This is the Federation Tyradh Frontline Camouflage Force Base No. 3. We are requesting assistance from the Federation Army near coordinates 59 and 79 to find the Skeleton Camouflage Team. They lost contact while attacking the Empire's 168th Frontline Supply Base at coordinates 59 and 79. Repeat..."

The Camouflage Force is a special force established by the Federation that uses captured or stolen Imperial mechas. Because they use Imperial mechas, their appearance can easily confuse the Imperial troops. Combined with the Imperial mecha identification codes obtained by federal spies, the Imperial troops often mistake these troops for friendly forces. Although the mecha's identification system cannot always be synchronized with the imperial troops, it is still possible to attack poorly equipped supply bases or small-scale imperial mecha troops.

The Skull Camouflage Team is the Federation's most famous camouflage force in the Tyradh region. It consists of six Imperial Bear mechas. Their characteristic feature is the pilot helmet with a huge skull tattooed on the front. This information is all the data Ye has about the Skeleton Team.

"It seems that the intelligence exchange in the military is still not enough." Ye thought as he connected to the communication at the No. 3 base of the camouflage force. "This is the Reaper No. 1. Captain Ye. Maxwell, go to the friendly forces immediately. Disappearance location. I need details of the Skeleton Disguise Team so I can identify their pilot."

"This is the Terrade Frontline Camouflage Force Base No. 3. We are honored that you can help us. The information will be sent to us immediately." The correspondent did not expect that his call would bring the Federation's number one ace, and his voice was a little excited. Trembling.

"This is the Sand Scorpion mecha patrol team, go to the missing location immediately." The Sand Scorpion team also responded to the base's communication.

The information Ye needed was transmitted to Ye's dragoons in a short period of time. Ye opened the information and called up the pilot resume of the Skeleton Team. The first picture of a character on the screen made Ye open her mouth.

"Captain Sherlock?" Ye rubbed her eyes in disbelief. The person in the photo was Captain Sherlock, the former pilot of the Junkers Flying Team of the Elite Thirteenth Fleet, but the captain has now been promoted to major. .

"Ha, we can meet old friends when we return to New London." Ye simply thought about the good things, completely immersed in the excitement of meeting old friends again.

The dragoon landed steadily on the sand and moved towards coordinates 59 and 79 at high speed.

A faint line of black smoke appeared on the horizon. Looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua.comm, that location should be the Empire 168 frontline supply base. Sherlock will be seen soon. Thinking of this, the speed of the dragoon controlled by Ye became one point faster.

However, the scene at the 168th frontline supply base made Ye Ye, who had already arrived near the base, a little uneasy. A Bear with its cockpit turned into a hornet's nest was lying on its back. These wounds were caused by the close-range shooting of the 120mm machine gun. It can be judged that This mecha is the garrison of this small imperial supply depot. It seems that the Skeleton Team's initial operations went very smoothly. The supplies in the supply depot were also destroyed by powerful mecha grenades. The Skeleton Team has completed its mission. , then how did they lose contact? Ye was confused and could only control the dragoons to move along the perimeter of the base.

The scene on the other side of the 168 supply base solved Ye's doubts. A Bear mecha was beaten into two pieces and lay on the ground. The huge wounds were shocking. The dragoon quickly moved to the vicinity of the wreckage, leaning down to observe the wounds where the mecha broke.

480mm armor-piercing projectile? Ye was shocked by his conclusion. Judging from the wounds on the upper body of the Bear fuselage, this mecha was hit by a bullet from the side. The powerful bullet split the mecha in two directly from the waist. This terrifying armor-piercing ability is not 180 mm sniper rifle and 320mm rocket launcher can do it. Judging from the rolled-up armor on the waist of the mecha, the diameter of the bullet can be determined to be 480 mm or even larger. (To be continued)

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