Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 396: The gloomy cloud behind the base

At the rear of the base, the five Bears, which are the last heavy combat force of the base, have been entangled by three Rangers. They dare not retreat rashly, because if they do, they are likely to be defeated by the Rangers one by one, or they may be defeated by the Rangers in the base. Ye, who was watching eagerly from the other side, was attacked by a sniper. But fighting like this was not an option. The privates of the Sand Fox Squadron in the distance had already appeared in the sight of these pilots, and they were about to face an absolute disadvantage.

"How could this happen? How could this happen? It shouldn't be like this." The imperial commander raised his pistol and pulled the trigger at the display screen showing the external battle situation, but there was no response.

"Damn it." Seeing that his favorite gun also rebelled against him at this time, the colonel fiercely threw the jammed pistol at the big screen, but the bulletproof glass blocked the exquisite pistol.

The colonel put his hands on the table and gasped heavily. He could not accept this fact. In his imagination, the porcupine's terrifyingly powerful beam that could penetrate the sand dunes could definitely kill Pluto's whisper, and the porcupine was not afraid of the King of Land's blasting bombs from a long distance. This advantage made it difficult for the colonel to believe that the one-sided battle was actually happening in front of his eyes. As for the third Porcupine, he was even more unbelievable. None of the five shots hit the enemy. This gave the colonel a sense of despair, a sense of despair at the incompetence of the empire's subsequent soldiers.

On the battlefield behind the base, a Bear was finally hit in the body by nine Federation mechas that had gathered together and slowly pressed against the Imperial mechas. The dense bullets first hit the pilot's left arm, which was used to protect the cockpit. , broke the huge mechanical arm from the joints, and then the rain of bullets left the bear's frontal armor riddled with holes. The huge mecha trembled and fell to the sand, bringing the fear of death to the remaining four pilots.

"Damn it, I'll fight you." A pilot couldn't bear the fear of waiting for death. He jumped out of the sand dune as a bunker first and rushed towards Joe, who was walking at the front of the federal formation with the engine running at full speed. The machine gun in his hand kept firing to suppress the federal firepower. He wanted to kill Joe in close combat and provide a backstop before he died. His actions resonated with the three Imperial pilots. The three Bears also jumped out from behind their bunkers and rushed towards the array of federal mechas, blooming their final glory.

However, the firepower of the nine mechas could not be suppressed by the three mechas. These brave guys were immediately hit by the dense bullets. The three bears began to tremble involuntarily. Their armors were undergoing the most severe test. Countless The sparks from the bullets flew first on their left arms protecting the cockpit, and then on their fuselage.

The first Bear fell down in the middle of the charge. Then the third one also fell to the sand in a shower of sparks. Only the first mecha to rush out came fifty meters in front of Qiao, raising its beam saber high. But he couldn't jump anymore. The thick cockpit armor had been penetrated, and the highly maneuverable Bear fell helplessly on the sand.

"Phew." Qiao breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"Qiao, pay attention." Richard's voice suddenly sounded. Qiao raised his neck and looked up, and the pupils of his eyes suddenly dilated. A black shadow rushed towards him, in front of the black shadow. It is a shining red light.

"It's too late." Qiao regretted why he had to wipe the sweat from his head. If not, it seemed that he could still control the mecha. But now, Qiao could only close his eyes in despair. Then he felt a shock and fell backwards without any suspense.

Qiao didn't feel any pain, but felt a ray of light emerging from the seam of his arm that was blocking his eyes. He couldn't help but murmured: "Damn, this is what death feels like. That light is probably taking me to heaven."

"Qiao, why are you still pretending to be dead? You're not married yet, how can you be willing to die?" Smith's voice suddenly reached Qiao's ears. Joe, who thought he was dead, was shocked.

The blue ranger moved and pushed away the motionless high-mobility bear on top of him. Then Joe's confused voice came from the communicator, "Captain. Smith, what just happened? I thought I was dead."

"It's not like I can shoot accurately." Richard proudly waved the gun in his hand to Qiao.

The moment the Bear fell, the Empire's last Bear, a highly maneuverable Bear with the squadron leader's logo, jumped out from behind the fallen Bear, raised its beam saber and pointed at the fallen Bear. Relaxed Joe stabbed. Just when the beam sword was about to hit Joe's cockpit, who was in a daze, Richard, who was reminding Joe, fired. An ultra-close cover shot miraculously hit the palm of Bear Shih's hand holding the beam sword, destroying the controller at the hilt of the beam sword, causing Bear Shih's heavy stab to turn into a sharp stab with the hilt of the sword. He knocked on Joe's cockpit. This lucky blow saved Joe and gave Smith on the other side time to react. A beam sword penetrated the bear's body from the side, extinguishing the one-eye that exuded a bloodthirsty red light.

"Thank you, Captain." Qiao listened to Richard's description with lingering fear, and at the same time he also focused on his mecha. On the beautiful blue-painted armor, there is a small mark on the cockpit on the chest. It should have been hit by the broken beam saber. However, there are several bullet marks inexplicably on one side of the armor, which makes the smooth The paint was stained beyond recognition.

"Captain, when you shot, you didn't shoot me too." Qiao immediately thought of the origin of these bullet marks, turned his mecha and pointed at the scars on his chest.

"Well, there is nothing we can do about accidental injury at such a close distance." Richard scratched his head with a smile and explained.

"Damn it, the cockpit position, if it's a little tilted further I'll die. Can't you aim accurately, my beautiful mecha." Joe wailed, but he didn't mean to blame Richard.

"It's better to be hung up in the hands of the captain than in the hands of the imperial pilot. After all, the one who killed you is a double ace." Smith said with a strange smile, while controlling the mecha and patted the blue mecha on the shoulder. .

"Damn, I'm not married yet, how can I die?" Joe shouted disdainfully as he controlled his mecha to avoid Smith's slap.

"Haha." The other three people suddenly laughed. Smith used the reason of not being married to call Joe up.

"Okay. Stop making trouble, it's time to prepare to attack the base." Richard, worthy of being the captain of the three, quickly stopped smiling and clapped his hands. Signaling everyone that it was time to get down to business, "Sir's chariot is not suitable for moving in the building complex. We and the infantry company are the only ones who can deal with the infantry who may be recalcitrant."

"Let's go." Qiao, who was surviving the disaster, was extremely excited. He now needed to find something with the empire's logo to destroy and destroy to vent his depression.

The nine mechas crossed the wall that had been collapsed by the shock wave of night blast bombs, and walked towards the imperial base headquarters, which was already in chaos.

To deal with infantry hiding in buildings and trying to attack mechas with particle rockets, there is no weapon better than the 30mm close-in defense cannon on the head of the federal mecha. After a burst of intense gunfire, those soldiers who dared to hide in the building and approach the mecha were penetrated by 30mm bullets along with the building hiding them. Sand and dust kicked up by the collapse of the building then buried them.

"Damn, they used cooling smoke bombs." Smith found that on his thermal display, the red human body showing the infantry disappeared. There was only one explanation for this disappearance, which was that the imperial soldiers used cooling bombs that could temporarily mask the temperature. This kind of smoke bomb is specially developed for heat detectors. It can bring the temperature in an area to a normal room temperature and can cover up the excessive temperature in the smoke. It is a very easy-to-use device. Concealed weapons for individual soldiers. Fortunately, the ingredients in this smoke grenade cannot be used in jet fighters, otherwise the current protagonist of anti-aircraft weapons can detect the thermal energy of old stealth aircraft. In other words, heat-sensing missiles that divert the wake of jet fighters have no place to play.

"We quickly attack the command center of the Empire Base. Sand Fox Squadron, please occupy the open space in the center of the Empire Base. It is more conducive to defense." Richard immediately gave the order, and the three Rangers became floating and headed towards the building in the base. The tallest building slid away.

In the imperial command room, the adjutant on one side began to persuade his superior, saying: "Colonel, we are in the end. There is no need to sacrifice the lives of soldiers anymore. The lives of those young people should not be wasted on those mechas. They Their weapons are too poor to cause damage to mechas. Now they can only rely on the cover of smoke bombs to survive."

"No, we still have hope. Don't we have anti-mechas? Let the soldiers install them quickly. No, let them hold the mechas rushing towards the Federation. Now is the time for them to be loyal to the country." Colonel The face twisted with anger now became even more terrifying. But the most terrifying thing was what he said, the kind of words that regarded life as dirt.

"Sir, if the soldiers do it voluntarily, I have no objection. But if you want to order the soldiers to do that, I can't say it." The adjutant said seriously. In his heart, human life is the most important. Although for the sake of victory, someone must sacrifice, he will not allow unnecessary sacrifices to occur, which is a profanation of life.

"Do you even want to resist me?" The angry colonel reached for his waist, but found nothing. He had already thrown away his pistol.

The adjutant was startled by his commander's actions. He backed away and argued: "Sir, don't be stubborn anymore. Think about those soldiers and don't be fooled by the glory that is no longer possible."

"What do you know? I worked so hard, didn't I just want to replace the stars on my epaulettes with general stars? I can't watch my previous efforts go to waste." The colonel said as he ran to the command At the door of the room, he called the staff and wanted to give his orders.

"Bang." A clear gunshot echoed in the command room. The colonel turned around and looked at the adjutant behind him in disbelief, holding a pistol. Then he fell to the ground with his eyes wide open and murmured: "Why? Why?"

"Major, you have officially taken over the command of the 209 transit base. Based on the current situation, you have the right to order the entire army to surrender." The adjutant gave the final order with tears in his eyes, "Sir, I'm sorry. I can't look at the people in the entire base. You are buried with them, they are all innocent. If you want to die, it will be enough as long as I accompany you." After saying that, the adjutant raised the gun and pointed it at his temple, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The three top commanders of the Empire's 209 transit base committed suicide. The interim commander of the Empire's base announced that he would surrender to the 177th attack force, but the Imperial Prussian fighter planes in the sky stopped. While these rookies were starting their own breakout operation, they kept complaining about the damn Imperial Base Commander and the whisper of killing Pluto. In the end, they were all going to be prisoners. They didn't know the one they kept cursing. Damn guy, died just minutes ago.

The Federation's fighter planes in the sky have no intention of letting those Imperial birds go. The Hellfire, which had already taken advantage of the high altitude, swooped towards the Prussians like an eagle swooping down on prey. They had been holding back for a long time, and now it was time to move because the anti-aircraft firepower of the empire base could no longer interfere with their actions.

While the surrender ceremony was being held on the ground, an air battle broke out in the sky, involving more than a hundred fighter planes. Suddenly the sky became chaotic. From time to time, fighter planes were hit and exploded in the air, while some fighters fell to the ground dragging black smoke. Most of these fighters are Prussian. That does not mean that there is a big performance gap between Prussians and Hellfires, but that the level of those imperial pilots is really poor. Their formation was broken up by federal fighter planes at the first opportunity. In some places, the lead aircraft could not find its wingman, and the wingman could not see the lead aircraft. Coupled with the support of the Federation infantry who quickly occupied the Imperial base and manned quadruple 30mm anti-aircraft guns, the Empire's fighter planes were quickly defeated. According to Captain Skyhawk's report, no more than one squadron of Imperial fighter planes escaped. It seemed that the Empire's originally small air force had been hit hard again.

After the fierce battle, the smoke slowly dissipated in the 209 transfer base. The infantrymen who began to inspect the building were busy going in and out of various rooms, searching for imperial soldiers who might be hiding. The three commando mechas of the Sand Fox Squadron that came to support also set off to return. Their 204 transfer base there also needs to be defended by people, and maintenance personnel who are familiar with their mechas are also there.

"It's done." Qiao raised his head and saw that the fighter planes were evacuating. Their energy was running low, but there were still many pilots who were playing cool tricks and flew past the parking area of ​​the mecha at low altitude, swaying their wings.

"Fortunately, we were not the last to complete Plan No. 2, otherwise we would have been embarrassed to death." Richard stood next to Joe, took the drink from Smith, and said with emotion. Admiral Guderian formulated three plans for all federal troops for continuous attacks by the troops. The first is to conquer the empire's outpost. This is a fatal task. If you can't complete it, you will die at the empire's outpost. (To be continued)

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