The third set of plans depends on the implementation of plan No. 1. If the troops who complete plan No. 1 before three o'clock in the afternoon can execute plan No. 2 and quickly attack the imperial transit base located behind the imperial outpost. In fact, in Guderian's plan, all troops can complete Plan 2. After all, each federal attack force is equipped with a squadron of mechas, and there is also a commando mecha as a backup reserve team. In other words, the Federation has nearly three wings and eight groups of mechas. Each group is responsible for three bases attacking the empire's front line at the same time. Of course, Ye's place is an exception, because there are exactly seventeen bases on the front line of the empire, and the extra one will naturally be given to Ye and the others, and this base is still the most difficult to attack. However, Lieutenant General Guderian was still very cautious when deploying such fierce tactics. He wanted to avoid some unexpected situations that would delay the advancement of the mechas and prevent the troops from attacking the empire's relatively strong-defense transfer base at dusk or night. Because at night in the desert, even if the mecha is equipped with a night vision system, the pilot's ability to judge the surrounding environment is still much worse than during the day. Under such circumstances, it would be unwise to fight against the imperial troops who were familiar with their own base environment, so Lieutenant General Guderian specifically limited the time for the troops to launch their final attack at three o'clock in the afternoon.

The third set of plans is given to the troops who can successfully complete the third set of plans. It requires the troops to quickly attack the defense bases further behind the empire. The defensive capabilities of those bases are much stronger than the original transit bases and outposts. It is expected that due to the retreat of the front lines And rear reinforcements, the garrison strength should reach more than one squadron of mechas, which is three times the expected number of garrison mechas at the transit base and four times the number at the outpost. After this plan, Lieutenant General Guderian also specifically marked it with a red pen, only in the first three bases captured. Only the undamaged squadron can become the main attacking force after careful reconnaissance. The nearby mecha units cooperate to attack those defensive bases.

It is already four o'clock in the afternoon, past the last departure time specified by the Lieutenant General. But there are still many places on the battlefield where fighting is taking place. The federal army's all-out attack has successfully completed the first set of plans. It is very easy to launch a full-scale attack in front of the imperial forces without excellent reconnaissance capabilities. Coupled with four times the strength of the attack, the empire's outpost was easily captured, and the empire's mecha troops were also severely damaged. However, when the third plan was fully implemented, the action had been exposed and there was no morning light to interfere with the sight of the imperial scouts. Some federal troops were ambushed by imperial troops, and some encountered the defending imperial troops and began to engage in arduous offensive battles. These greatly delayed the advancement of federal troops, and even those troops who were ambushed were forced to retreat to their outposts to wait for follow-up. support. But some troops are lucky. Knowing that they could not withstand the attack, the imperial commanders decisively chose to preserve their strength and abandoned their base. At present, the Federation has successfully captured thirteen transit bases in the empire, and there are still three bases in the battle. The other base that successfully ambushed and severely damaged the federal troops is not fighting, but the federal troops on its left and right wings have been dispatched to cooperate with the frontal acquisition. Together with the attack troops supported by the reserve team, they are preparing to attack the base from three sides.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, the sun had lowered half of itself below the horizon. The originally hot desert began to become cooler, and the desert winter still showed its original colors. The fighting has ceased on both the Federation and Imperial fronts. Now the federal army has successfully occupied all the empire's transit bases. But disappointingly, in Operation Plan 2, the Federation destroyed only three squadrons of mechas. There have not been as many results after the operation of Plan 1. It seems that most of the empire base commanders chose to conserve their strength, and the better commanders among these people also took advantage of the federation's mentality of underestimating the enemy after the success of the first plan. Successfully Many federal troops were ambushed. After the federal mechas implemented the first plan, the perfect zero loss turned into nearly a brigade of mechas being damaged after the third plan was implemented, which was more than the empire's losses.

"Well, it's so cold." Ye, who was standing aside and watching the maintenance personnel repairing his Land King, couldn't help but shrink his neck as the night wind blew into the workshop through the holes in the wall. It was only seven o'clock in the evening and the desert heat was gone. The outdoor temperature had dropped to more than ten degrees. Many soldiers on patrol had already changed out of their cool and breathable summer combat uniforms. Put on the autumn combat uniform.

"It seems that those soldiers who are on duty late at night have to put on winter combat uniforms, otherwise they will freeze to death." Ye trembled all over. Then I left the workshop and went to the temporary supply warehouse to get autumn clothes.

"Sir, it must be cold at night in the desert." In front of the supply depot. Ye met the members of Duke Xue Ye's commando team who also came to collect their clothes. Qiao greeted Queen Ye immediately when she saw them.

"Well, now we are about to feel the great cooling of winter." Ye answered while taking the clothes from the logistics staff, "Damn winter, if the temperature continues to drop like this, the maintenance of my tank will be postponed until tomorrow. Almost all workshops have been hit by artillery shells to some extent. The smallest one also has four bullet holes, the largest one can pass through a person, and the smallest one is as big as a basketball. If the temperature drops again, what will happen to those maintenance personnel? Xiu, I don’t want them to use their hands that are shaking with cold to install parts for the King of Land, and I don’t trust them if they suffer.”

After Ye got dressed, she started complaining non-stop. The workshop after the battle can no longer guarantee the efficiency of heating. If it is too cold, the maintenance personnel will not be able to work.

After hearing Ye's complaint, Qiao acted as if he had escaped by chance, and smiled: "Fortunately, my ranger only needs to replace the chest armor, which has been completed. Otherwise, it would be terrible if the maintenance personnel stopped working. , is it possible to ask me to drive a Ranger without armor protection in front of the cockpit to fight?"

"A real warrior will not let the enemy hit his cockpit." Smith said matter-of-factly.

"How can you not get stabbed if you hang out on the street?" Qiao immediately retorted.

"You often walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet?" Richard corrected Joe.

Ye watched the three people quarreling with each other and said with a wry smile: "It seems that I won't be able to participate in the attack tomorrow morning. The weather is getting colder again. Why didn't I feel it when I was in Tris?" Ye was in Tris. When I was there, I was either in the hangar or in the office. How can I experience the sudden change of climate in the desert at night without going out at night?

"Sir, isn't it just to keep those maintenance personnel warm? It's very simple." Qiao had the most crooked ideas and immediately came up with a good idea, but the boy paused deliberately. A pass was sold.

"Say it, don't be pretentious." Richard gave Joe a slap in the face. Signaling him to speak quickly.

"Damn it, Captain, you made me stupid." Joe jumped to the side to avoid Richard's big hand, and then continued: "Actually, the method is very simple, just let some infantry kill the bad guys in the building. Just sort out the cotton wool and sheets, pour gasoline on it and burn it next to the Land King, so that the preparation staff can feel warm."

"Dizzy. You want to smoke those maintenance personnel to death." Smith covered his forehead and said helplessly. These cotton batting and bed sheets with added chemical fibers will produce irritating black smoke when burned, making people cry and feel uncomfortable in the nose.

Ye did not refute Qiao's words, but got a lot of inspiration from Qiao's ideas, and said with a smile: "How long will it take for the logistics to build a temporary exhaust chimney?"

"Half an hour is the most." Richard also knew Ye's idea. After all, every Germanic home has a fireplace. "I'll arrange for them to build a fireplace right away, sir."

"We need to make four." Ye shouted to Richard who was running away. Richard in the distance waved his hand to indicate that he had received it.

"Fireplace, haha. What a good idea. I'll ask some soldiers to collect firewood right away, oh, no. It's cotton wool and sheets, sir." After hearing the fireplace in Richard's words, Joe suddenly realized that he was as enthusiastic as his captain. The gangsters got ready for the night.

"I'm going to help, sir." Smith smiled and ran after Joe. The three of them were able to organize more people to look for "firewood" for the temporary fireplace.

Looking at Duke Xueye's commando team running away, Ye shrugged helplessly and said, "Sweet, I, the victim, have nothing to do. Alas. I'd better go find some gasoline."

Ye finally thought of something he could do, then turned to the logistics staff at the supply depot and said, "Please give me a barrel of gasoline."

"Okay. Sir, where to send it? I'll send it to you."


Nine o'clock in the evening. A federal mixed force arrived at the 209th transfer base, which became a forward base. There was a squadron of mechas, a squadron of mammoths, and a battalion of soldiers. This is a force that came to support the defense. After all, relying on three mechas and a tank to defend this base that no longer has turrets is really a bit reluctant.

In the maintenance workshop, four huge fireplaces have been erected, and now Joe is directing everyone to add fuel to them.

"It's much warmer now." Joe lit a fireplace, then opened his arms as if enjoying it, and breathed a heavy sigh. The flames burning in the furnace made everyone's faces blush.

"It did work, and the irritating smoke didn't dissipate." Richard pushed Joe away and let the firelight shine on the armorers who were working around the King of Land. They were the ones who needed the heat transferred by the firelight the most.

Although the sodium lamp in the workshop can also provide a certain amount of heat energy to the mechanics, it is still far inferior to the fireplace that can heat the entire workshop. Not long after the four fireplaces were lit, the temperature in the entire workshop rose significantly. The most active Joe had already taken off the winter clothes that were originally wrapped around him.

With four fireplaces, the maintenance crews can work all night to repair the Night King of Land. The maintenance officer, who regarded the Federation's number one ace in repairing mechas as an honor, immediately patted his chest and assured Ye that he would be able to see a brand new King of Land tomorrow morning and night.

The night in the desert was really too cold. The federal sentry on the watchtower at the entrance of the base couldn't help but shrink his neck when a gust of night wind blew by. He picked up the coffee cup he placed on the stove with trembling hands and slowly He took a sip of the hot drink. Suddenly, a wave of warmth made the sentry snort in relief, and he turned to look at the desert under the dark night again. The yellow desert that was originally twisted under the sun turned into darkness like other areas on a moonless night. Only the searchlights of the watchtowers left traces of light in the dark night. On moonless nights, people can only use this ancient method to prevent night attacks. Night vision devices cannot allow people to see farther than their naked eyes when it is completely dark, even with the assistance of powerful lights. I can only see clearly the area near the searchlight pole. The sentry slowly leaned his arms toward the railing of the watchtower. It would be easier to lean on something to observe than to stand and observe.

"It's so cold." The sentry's hand accidentally touched the railing, and the iron railing instantly transmitted his coldness to the sentry's unprotected wrist. The sentry couldn't help but tremble, and the coffee cup involuntarily slipped from his master's hands.

"Ah." A short shout resounded through the sky. Is it worth screaming so miserably when the sentry dropped a coffee cup? The answer is no, because the sentry on the watchtower is covering his mouth and shaking his head violently.

"Enemy attack." Another sentry reacted immediately. His companion had already indicated that he was not the one who made the sound, and he was not near the watchtower, so the scream must have come from the emperor who wanted to sneak attack the base. . The sentry sounded the alarm without hesitation, then grabbed his companion and squatted in the watchtower, which at least reduced his exposure to the enemy. Find the bookstore

"Well..." A shrill alarm sounded over the 209 transfer base. Various lights in the base began to light up, and four or five flares were accurately thrown into the desert in front of the base. In an instant, under the night vision device, only the area around the searchlight pole was visible, and the rest of the pitch-black desert was illuminated as if it were daytime.

"Enemy attack." The patrol team that was the first to arrive at the base entrance did not hesitate to fire at the black figures still climbing on the watchtower, but then they had to find bunkers to escape because the sandy ground at the base entrance Several more imperial soldiers jumped out and opened fire on the patrol.

"Why is there an enemy attack?" He was woken up by the noisy noise outside the house at night, and he complained dissatisfiedly, "Don't the guys from the empire want to sleep? Come so late to disturb people's dreams. Well, it's so cold." After the quilt slipped, Ye couldn't help but shiver at the biting chill, and immediately put on her clothes neatly. If the base was attacked and he, the highest officer, was still hiding in bed and sleeping, Ye Hui would feel very sorry.

"What's going on?" Ye stopped a second lieutenant platoon leader who was leading soldiers to the gate of the base for reinforcements and asked.

"Reporting to the commander, the base was attacked by imperial infantry troops, and we were ordered to support the front line." The platoon leader replied while gesturing for his soldiers to continue moving forward and saluting Ye. (To be continued)

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