"Okay, go ahead, Lieutenant."

Ye basically understood the situation. It seemed that the officers responsible for base defense had already taken action. Various orders had been conveyed to combat units at all levels, and a successful defense had been organized. After staying overnight, he hurried to the base command center, where he could fully understand the situation.

"Captain, what happened?" Ye came to the command room and saw that the battalion commander of the support force was now in charge of the defense of the entire base. This man was sitting nervously in front of the command platform watching the video from the front of the base.

"Hello, sir." When the captain saw Ye coming in, he immediately stood up and saluted.

"It's not good at all, Captain. Those emperors woke me up from my sweet dream. This is not a pleasant thing." Ye frowned.

"I'm sorry, sir." The captain apologized nervously. He thought Ye was accusing him of poor defense, but Ye's tone was indeed complaining.

"Ah. It's those annoying Imperial soldiers who should apologize, not you, Captain. Their attack is not something you can decide, otherwise our Federation would have won long ago." Ye realized that there might be something wrong with his tone that led to this The captain was nervous and immediately explained, and then made a little joke.

The captain let out a long sigh of relief. If the most popular young man in the Federation in front of him complained, the captain's future would be ruined. This was a situation that the captain was extremely unwilling to see, and now Ye's words made the captain feel relieved and began to introduce the empire's attack to Ye. "There is about a company of imperial soldiers attacking in front of our base. Originally, they tried to sneak into our base under the cover of night to attack. Fortunately, our sentries discovered their intention in time and carried out sniping. Now the situation at the gate has been changed by us. With it under control, it is only a matter of time to repel the imperial soldiers."

"Very good." Ye nodded, satisfied with the captain's command, and then focused on the display screen. Suddenly, Ye noticed something strange. A faint layer of sand mist appeared in the desert in the distance. Although it was hard to see clearly in the dark, there was indeed a layer of weird sand fog there. Ye, who didn't know the reason, patted the captain's shoulder with his right hand. His left hand pointed at the strange place.

"Enemy Wolf Cavalry." After careful identification, the captain came to a conclusion that shocked him.

"Wolf cavalry?" Ye had never seen wolf cavalry fighting in the desert, so he didn't know that the wolf cavalry's floating advance in the desert would stir up the iconic sand fog.

"Richard, did you hear that?" Ye saw that the captain was a little dazed, so he picked up the communicator and adjusted it to the frequency of Duke Xueye's commando team and called.

"It's clear, sir." All the members of the Snowy Night Duke Commando were already waiting on their mechas, but there was no need for them to take action against the infantry.

"The enemy's mecha reinforcements are wolf cavalry. They should be quite powerful. You should be careful." Ye simply described the situation ahead to Richard and told them to be careful.

"The fast-moving mechas in the desert are very powerful, sir." Richard smiled nonchalantly. In a place like the desert that can greatly affect the movement ability of mechas, it is not affected by the sand. Of course the three types of cavalry are powerful. Otherwise, how would Richard and the others dare to engage in a head-on battle with bears that are almost three times their number.

"Haha, it's always good to be careful anyway." Ye said awkwardly. He had only been in the desert for a few days, and he was using a crawler mecha that was less affected by the sand. Naturally, I am not familiar with the pros and cons of mechas in the desert environment.

"Understood, sir." While the three of them were talking on the phone, three rangers from the Snow Night Duke Commando had already slid to the entrance of the base. There is no need to give up the useful floating function to hide sand and dust at night.

The squadron of soldiers supporting them also walked out of the three side doors of the base under Ye's command and in conjunction with the shadow area created by the searchlight. Ye was preparing to flank the Imperial mechas from left to right.

"Sir, we seem to have been underestimated." Richard's communication rang again, and he shared the image on his mecha's monitor to Ye, in the sand and fog in the distance, with the help of the base's long-range flares. The mecha monitor could vaguely make out the figures of three Wolf Cavalry.

"It should be that the empire still thinks that there are only three Rangers in the 209 transit base. That's why they sent Wolf Cavalry that can compete with the Rangers. And the Wolf Cavalry is indeed suitable for night attacks. The ground detector said that there was no response at all. "Ye Cai would not think that the imperial commander knew that Base 209 was guarded by a squadron of mechas. Three Wolf Cavalry will be sent to die.

"Fortunately, they are not the Black Three Stars." The captain on one side sighed. It seems that the Black Three Stars left a deep shadow in the hearts of the federal troops in the Red Cloud area.

"There's nothing to be afraid of when the Black Three Stars are here. Aren't our Snowy Night Duke Commandos all aces? It's even better when they come. We can keep them here by cooperating with a squadron of private soldiers." Qiao Said disdainfully.

"Don't be careless if you are not the Black Three Stars. The imperial commander knows your strength and dares to send the same number of mechas as you to deal with you. Presumably those pilots are not just ordinary people." Night King of Land It has not been repaired and cannot attack. To be precise, the current condition of the King of Land is to repair his left arm, and the armor on his left chest has been removed. This made Ye, who couldn't directly go to the battlefield to command, a little uncomfortable, so he could only repeatedly tell the three people to be careful.

"Understood, sir." Richard smiled and directed the three rangers to pounce on the three approaching wolf cavalry.

The desert shrouded in darkness would burst into flashes of light from time to time, and beams of light from tracer bullets would fly from one end of the darkness to the other. Then some would splash with a burst of sparks, and some would be quickly covered by sand and dust.

"Private, outflank the troops on the left. Move forward quickly. You are slower than the troops on the right." Ye urged the privates on the left who were outflanking to run faster. They were already nearly 500 meters behind the troops on the right.

"Understood, sir." On the monitor in the command room, the pace of the left-wing private's steps increased significantly, and the footsteps became louder, but the sound of the heavy mecha footsteps was obscured by the gunfire of the Duke Commando's battle with the opponent on the snowy night. .

Ye focused his attention on the battle of the infantry at the door, and asked the captain: "How is the situation at the door? Have you not repelled the attack of the imperial troops?"

"No, sir," the captain said awkwardly. Those imperial soldiers are now stubbornly relying on some sand dunes in front of the base as bunkers to fight against the federal troops in the base's defense facilities. They believe that as long as their mecha troops defeat the base's mecha troops, they can successfully break through the base's defense under the cover of the mechas. Occupy this base facing Terrance. Unfortunately, these soldiers did not expect that the mecha troops they relied on were about to be surrounded by fifteen federal mechas. No matter how skilled the Imperial pilots are. No matter how excellent the performance of the Wolf Cavalry is, it is impossible to win against five times the number of enemies. Even if the Black Three Stars come, it is impossible because their opponents include the federal ace commando, the Snowy Night Duke Commando. exist.

Still, I had to lament that the level of the Imperial pilots was not bad. The three Wolf Cavalry were evenly matched with the three Rangers.

"That's not right. The three wolf cavalry can only draw a tie with Richard and the others at most. Why would the imperial commander arrange such a formation that cannot break our defense?" Ye felt that the three wolf cavalry that appeared this time were not that powerful. Simple. The imperial commander must have stayed and later recruited to capture the 209 transit base.

Ye did not have enough time to decipher the strange behavior of the imperial commander, because the imperial commander's follow-up move had been accidentally broken by Ye. The private soldiers outflanked by three wings met a commando bear mecha at the same time. And connected to the fire.

"It turns out that they also wanted to outflank us. Haha, what a blessing." Ye Chang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile. In the picture on the monitor, the Imperial mecha troops that suddenly encountered the federal mecha troops seemed a little panicked. Although the federal army was no better than their opponents, the federal army relied on a numerical advantage three times that of the enemy. He managed to destroy one Bear and severely damage another in the first firefight.

"The empire's intelligence work is really backward. They don't even know about the arrival of our reinforcements." The captain said with a smile.

"There is no way. The Imperial Parliament's theory of mecha omnipotence has harmed the Imperial soldiers. I really can't understand that our Parliament is clinging to tanks and fighter planes, but the Empire is clinging to mechas. Fortunately, our military department We have seen the role of mechas and produced them independently, otherwise we will be killed by those old antiques from the House of Representatives." Ye said while connecting to Richard's communication, "Richard, the three-winged The outflanking troops have had an encounter with the enemy and will not be able to support you quickly. I predict that the enemy may choose to retreat. Find a way to keep a few Wolf Cavalry down."

"Sir, this is a bit difficult. The rangers are not much faster than the wolf cavalry." Richard said with a frown. If you want to destroy those nimble loach-like but heavily armored Wolf Cavalry, it is obviously impossible to quickly resolve the battle using a 120mm machine gun. The best way is to get close to hand-to-hand combat, but that would also be very detrimental to the Rangers.

"Then you do your best and be sure to protect yourselves." Ye didn't force Richard because he also knew how powerful the wolf cavalry was. In previous battles, the Wolf Cavalry was dealt with either by close combat or by taking advantage of the opponent's carelessness. Even the rapid-fire weapons of the Blood Prison Commandos have not destroyed the Wolf Cavalry. This is enough to illustrate the capabilities of the Empire's Wolf Cavalry. .

The battle on the three wings of the base ended quickly. The overwhelming number of federal mechas successfully drove away the imperial mecha forces, but the results were somewhat poor. The remaining five bear-types of the empire, including the one whose arm was severely damaged, were all destroyed. Escaped. The federal mecha squadron was unable to destroy the imperial mecha again. This news made Ye extremely disappointed.

"How come there isn't even a single mecha left? Even if the night vision system has some impact on the pilot's operation, it's not that outrageous." Ye said with some dissatisfaction.

"These are the troops of Northern Emma. After all, they are not used to fighting at night in the desert." The captain standing behind Ye explained carefully. He was not willing to touch Ye's bad luck and become the target of Ye's anger, but now in the command room He was the only one who could persuade Ye not to get angry.

"Huh, why didn't the higher ups send the Zhiyuan Desert Troops to help me?" After hearing that it was Emma's troops, Ye just sighed and did not continue to blame. The troops who had only been in the desert for a few days had to fight at night in an unfamiliar environment, which was indeed a bit difficult for them.

"All the troops in the original desert were arranged in the attack force, and they all attacked some bases with garrison forces. All the elites of Emma's troops were arranged in the attack force, and the remaining experienced troops were arranged to follow the original desert The troops attack together, and the remaining recruits serve as reserves, responsible for guarding the captured base, because base warfare is something every pilot must be familiar with. This is arranged by Lieutenant General Guderian to take care of Emma's troops. ” the captain explained.

"I got it." Ye was secretly glad that the Hotsand Offensive and Defense War would start a month later. Otherwise, with the quality of these supporting troops, casualties would have greatly increased, and even the route that Tie Ling was responsible for would have been defeated by the empire. Danger.

The opponents of the Snowy Night Duke Commando did not immediately retreat after the failure of the bear-type outflanking plan, but continued to struggle with Richard and the others. They wanted to cover the retreat of the bear-types that were not moving fast. The covering action of the Imperial pilots was what Richard wanted to see, because in this way, the battle could be prolonged and give him a chance to leave a Wolf Cavalry behind. Finally, when the Imperial pilots decided to retreat, Smith's blow accurately hit the crotch of a Wolf Trooper, luckily destroying a turbofan. Suddenly, the Wolf Cavalry, which was gliding at high speed, tilted and stumbled on the sand with its left foot. It rolled and fell heavily on the sand.

The remaining three wolf cavalry from the empire wanted to step forward to cover the wolf cavalry, but the intensive firepower of the Snowy Night Duke's commando did not give them a chance. Countless sparks instantly splashed on the fallen wolf cavalry, and it twitched. , that unique red single eye slowly went out.

"Damn it." The three imperial pilots roared, taking advantage of the gap between the Duke's commandos on the snowy night to kill the fallen wolf cavalry, and quickly flew back, out of range of Richard and the others. They are not stupid. There are three groups of federal mechas outflanking them in front of them. Once their retreat is blocked, their own lives seem to be at stake here.

"Don't run." The blue ranger was about to chase the three Wolf Cavalry, but was caught in time by Richard on the side.

"Captain, why did you hold me back?" Joe asked Richard with a displeased look on his face.

"All troops return to base, do not pursue the enemy. Repeat, all troops return, Joe, do not pursue." Ye's voice clearly reached the ears of every federal pilot.

"Did you hear that, Joe? Sir's order." Richard said to Joe, who was looking angry. (To be continued)

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