Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 399 Reinforcements Reinforcements!


"This is the No. 3 machine of the Snow Night Duke Commando, the 209 transit base. Why did you order to stop the pursuit? We missed a good opportunity to severely damage the Empire's mecha troops." Qiao asked angrily, connecting to Ye's communication, and continued using The words have become unfamiliar.

The corner of Ye's mouth curled up slightly. He had already experienced Qiao's straightforwardness, so he didn't care about Qiao's tone and explained: "Qiao, if you three rangers catch up now, there is a high chance that you will be attacked." You are unable to cope with the siege of seven enemy mechas. The pilots of the Wolf Cavalry delayed part of the time just to disengage our troops. Obviously they succeeded, and we cannot take the risk of pursuing them."

"Sir." Qiao knew that Ye was thinking about their safety, so he apologized for his recklessness in front of him, but the guy still said unwillingly: "It's really unpleasant to let them run away like this."

"The same goes for us. If you're not happy, I'll have to teach the imperial boys a lesson next time." Richard pulled Qiao's mecha, and then took the lead towards the brightly lit 209 transfer base.

"Well, I hope the empire won't come again. I'm so sleepy." Ye yawned in the command room after confirming the retreat of the imperial troops. Then he got up and prepared to go back to his dormitory to continue sleeping, but the communication in the command room suddenly rang. stand up.

"This is the Scorpion Commando. I heard that you were attacked by imperial troops. We are here to support you." A commando fighter plane flew from the eastern sky.

"This is the 209 transit base. You are late, Scorpio. The imperial troops have already retreated." Ye Xiao sat back at the command table again angrily and said, "What I am interested in right now is why the imperial troops left our base. It's so close, but we didn't receive any early warning from the fighter planes."

"Hello, Special Major. We indeed found no traces of the Imperial mecha troops during the previous three hours of reconnaissance. As for the traces of soldiers, you should know that our night vision reconnaissance system is not as powerful as written in the manual." The major who led the team explained the reason to Ye.

"Isn't the reconnaissance done once an hour? How come it's been delayed to three hours?" Ye asked with a frown. You must know that it only takes more than an hour for Xiongshi to run here from the nearest imperial base. The original reconnaissance once an hour reduced the interval between the three reconnaissances to only half an hour, enough time to discover the bear attack from the imperial base. But once this time interval is extended to three hours, the fighter's air patrol time will be doubled to one hour of air patrol time. The time interval between the three reconnaissances still reached one hour, and the bear type rushed to the 209 transfer base.

"Sir, I'm not sure about this. You can ask Tris Air Force Base. They are solely responsible for the air support of your attack line." The major said with some embarrassment. This time, the 209 transfer base was attacked by imperial troops at night. It can be said that it is entirely the problem of the air force.

"Okay, I understand, Major. Thank you for your cooperation. You can return. As for the issue of reconnaissance gaps, I will personally ask Tris Air Force Base." Ye nodded to the pilot and signaled them It's time to return.

"Well, sir, why don't we go ahead and scout out the situation at the Imperial base? Maybe they are preparing for the next attack." The major obviously wanted to do something for Ye. to make up for the mistakes of his colleagues.

"Okay, Major. I think I do need the latest updates from the Empire." Ye felt that the Major was right. On this offensive line, all the garrison troops are three times the size of the general imperial defense line. Facing the imperial defense base with three squadrons, Ye was confident that he could rely on fifteen mechas and twelve mammoths to defend against the imperial troops' attack without understanding the movements of the imperial troops. However, this would inevitably come at a huge price. This kind of price is something Ye doesn't want to see, so Ye still hopes to know the movements of the imperial troops. After all, the casualties from ambush are much less than those from holding on.

Thirty fighter planes in the black sky dragged out blue tail flames and flew into the distance. Their actions greatly enhanced the federal reconnaissance power in this area. It was too easy for a squadron to hand over the area responsible for reconnaissance to a commando.

Compared with the relaxed feeling of the fighter unit, Ye had a sad face in the command room. After these fighter planes set off for reconnaissance, it meant that he would not have to sleep tonight. This made Ye, who was already very sleepy after being woken up in the middle of the night, very depressed.

"Sir." After handing the mecha to the maintenance personnel, Richard and the other three also came to the base command room. They needed to give a briefing on the battle they had just fought. This was a routine for all pilots after completing the battle.

"It's great that you are here. Richard. I will leave the defense task to you tonight." When Ye saw the three people coming in, he immediately stood up happily as if he had found a life-saving straw, "Scorpio now The commando team has started a reconnaissance mission. If they find traces of the imperial troops, you can organize our people according to the number of imperial troops to ambush them. If not, you can disband and rest. As for the briefing on the battle just now, you and this Put together the general briefing of this operation and hand it over to Lieutenant General Guderian. Well, I’m exhausted.”

After Ye quickly explained the matter, he yawned and left the command room, leaving behind three aces who were still understanding the meaning of Ye's words and a captain who was snickering on the side.

"The defense of the base is left to us?" Joe asked Smith beside him.

Smith nodded and shook his head.

"Is that so?" Joe was even more confused by Smith's actions.

Smith sighed and said: "But you can say yes or no. If these fighters find traces of the enemy, we will take over the defense of the base and carry out active defense based on ambush warfare. If they do not find the enemy, then This captain is responsible for the defense of the base and conducts so-called passive defense."

"But I'm already very sleepy." Qiao said with a bitter look on his face. After the passion of the battle, this guy also felt waves of drowsiness coming towards him.

"There is nothing we can do. The commander has spoken, and we should abide by it. At this moment, we can only hope that some pilots will bring us some good news." Richard shrugged.

"Those guys from the empire must be sleepy too. Please pray that they won't attack again." Qiao clasped his hands together as if praying devoutly.

Smith slapped off Qiao's joined hands with a look of disdain, and asked Qiao with a smile: "When did you believe in God? Why didn't I know?"

After Qiao put his hands together again, he said: "For the sake of my great cause of sleep, it doesn't matter if I temporarily believe in a god. God, Holy Mother, Tathagata Buddha. Infinite Lord, please let these imperial boys rest tonight and bless me tonight. Your sleep will no longer be disturbed by them."

"How can you pray to so many gods like this, and you actually missed the great god Odin. Oh my god. Almighty Odin, please forgive the ignorant person in front of me." Daring Richard is A believer in the Norse God of War, Odin, heard that Joe's prayer did not include his most admired god. The Germanic man couldn't help but blame Joe and confessed to Odin.

"Please. Whether the imperial troops will attack again is not something God can decide. Otherwise, wouldn't all the empire's commanders be gods? How can we fight in that way?" Smith looked at his three teammates posing. He looked like a stickman and couldn't help but hit them.

Hearing Smith's words, Joe immediately put down his clasped hands, and the piety on his face suddenly disappeared without a trace. He smiled and said: "Smith, can I go to bed first, and you can call me if something happens. "

"Yes, yes. I think the chance of the empire attacking again is very small. There is no need for the three of us to wait for the reconnaissance reports of these fighter planes together. So Smith, you seem to be in the best spirits. I'll ask you to keep watch overnight. If anything happens, I'll contact you by radio." ." Richard on the side also helped, and he handed Smith a wireless communicator and ran out of the command room with Joe.

"Damn it, three unloyal guys. Captain, if necessary, contact us by radio. If nothing happens, it's best." Smith handed over the communicator that Richard gave him to the captain on the side, and then ran out of the command room, running and shouting, wait for me.

The captain in the command room looked at the communicator in his hand dumbfounded and sighed helplessly. Said: "How can I have such a commander? I'm depressed."

I don’t know if it was Joe’s prayer that had an effect or Richard’s God Odin appearing. The returning Scorpion troops brought no sign of the Imperial base being dispatched. They threw a large number of infrared flares to assist their night vision reconnaissance, and they only found out in the desert. News of the Imperial retreating troops. This relieved the captain who replaced the irresponsible commander and communicated with the major. No need to bother now.

In the early morning of the third day, Ye came to the workshop where his Land King was repaired early to check on the maintenance status of his tank. To his satisfaction, the Land King had been completely repaired and was as good as new as the maintenance staff had promised last night.

"Awesome." Ye shouted happily. After greeting the maintenance personnel with dark circles under their eyes, they began to unplug various cables plugged into the fuselage of the King of Land.

"Sir, it's so early. Are you leaving so early?" the maintenance officer asked painfully, rubbing his eyes. It was very uncomfortable for anyone to be woken up while sleeping.

"No, I just want to get my tank back early and try out the performance of the left arm." Ye looked at the left robotic arm that had been reinstalled with new parts and smiled, but he didn't know that his words almost made the maintenance officer beside him He picked up the giant wrench on the side and threw it at himself.

"Understood, sir. We'll let you up right away." The maintenance officer suppressed the impulse in his heart and called his subordinates to open the door of the workshop. Suddenly, bright sunlight shone into the workshop, making people feel like they couldn't open their eyes.

After seeing Ye climbing into the tank, the maintenance officer grabbed the communicator next to him and yawned: "Sir, I wish you a happy test. Let's take our leave now. Phew, I'm so sleepy."

"Okay, thank you." Hearing the long yawn, Yecai realized that some of the maintenance staff were busy working until very late, so he quickly thanked them.

"This is what we should do, sir. But if there is a problem with your tank, please ask the guy on the opposite side to fine-tune it. We really need to sleep for a while." The maintenance personnel are busy working until dawn at the latest. Yes, I had only slept for half an hour when I was dragged up by the night. Now everyone was yawning.

"Go to bed quickly." Ye smiled.

"Yes, sir." After hearing Ye's words, the maintenance officers turned around and walked towards the maintenance staff's dormitory behind the workshop, where they had what they needed, a comfortable bed.

Ye turned on the Land King's power supply, and the engine hummed. The Land King slowly drove out of the workshop gate. The silver chariot shone brightly in the morning light, and the newly replaced smooth armor reflected the morning light, illuminating the buildings next to the chariot. Such a beautiful tank looked like a work of art, but Ye said something disappointing, "Damn it, some of the maintainers forgot to give my armor a matt finish."

After testing the performance of his left arm, he was quite satisfied with the flexibility of his arm and drove the tank into another maintenance workshop, where three Rangers from the Snowy Duke Commando were parked. Qiao, who was inspecting the mecha, couldn't help but cover his eyes and said: "Sir, why did you turn on a light bulb?"

"I'm here to do matte processing. I don't want to drive something so bright. It's just a target." Ye jumped out of the mecha and motioned to the maintenance personnel around him to deal with his tank.

When fully equipped, it is too easy for federal armorers to apply matte treatment to the armor of a tank. In less than an hour, the Land King's armor paint surface was covered with a layer of matte paint. At this moment, the entire tank looked completely devoid of its original glare, and the silver fire-retardant paint looked much more subtle. , this is exactly the effect Ye wants.

After confirming that the King of Land fully met his requirements, he went to Shuyuan and asked Richard and the others to go to the command room with him, who had already completed the inspection of the mecha. Last night there was news that a squadron of mechas would set off from Tris this morning to support the 177 attack force stationed at the 209 transfer base so that the attack on the empire's 67 defense base could be better organized at night. If it can be successfully captured, Lieutenant General Guderian's originally planned one-week mission can be completed within three days. Things seem to be going too smoothly.

In fact, the federal army's attack was overwhelming at the beginning, which was entirely due to the negligence of the imperial commander. The porous cordon on the Imperial front, coupled with the indifference of the outpost to the disappearance of the patrol troops, all contributed to the fall of the Empire's first outpost in a sneak attack. Later, because these outposts did not play a good role in warning and delaying the enemy's attack, the imperial bases on the third line of defense had no time to mobilize sufficient defense forces from their rear. Most commanders could only choose The practice of giving up bases and preserving strength resulted in the handing over of most of the bases to the federal army. These oversights were all due to the imperial commanders being overconfident and underestimating the federal army. In the previous battles in the Red Cloud Desert area, the actions of the imperial troops were too smooth. Relying on the powerful performance of the mechas, the Imperial Army almost always suppressed the Federal Army in attacking in the Red Cloud area. Although the Federation's occasional counterattacks would cause the Imperial Army to suffer a little loss, in general, the Imperial Army occupied the initiative on the desert battlefield. (~^~)

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