Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 403 Soldiers only believe in cannons

( ) Finally, when the wind stopped, the project started to operate again. The swaying steel cable of the crane made it impossible for the gun barrel to be accurately placed in the predetermined position. It was not until the cooperating ground crew on the ground spent a lot of effort, Finally the barrel was pushed into position. Ye Ye, who was watching on the sidelines, felt overwhelmed by the soldiers who were pushing the barrel of the gun with their bodies, not to mention those whose clothes were soaked with sweat. At this moment, the three mechas easily picked up a gun barrel and placed it accurately into the predetermined position under the guidance of a ground personnel. Mechas help with construction, which not only saves time, but also saves a lot of manpower. At this time, in the entire base, three turrets were started at the same time. The only thing that could not be started at the same time was the installation of the internal components of the turret. This was a technical job that required a large number of people.

Ye watched the three Rangers successfully complete the installation of the first gun barrel, then took the third gun barrel from the Ranger standing aside, carrying another gun barrel, and began the installation work. I couldn't help but have a strange thought: "After the war, if I go back and ask Alicia to organize a mecha construction team, I will definitely be able to make a lot of money."

Ye shook his head gently. Just now he couldn't help but think of Alicia, which made Ye feel a little sad. He silently put his hand into his clothes and held the ring tightly.

"Sir, aren't you afraid of heatstroke?" Ye Ye was suddenly covered by a huge shadow while he was standing in the sun. Richard, who had finished his work, noticed Ye standing motionless in the sun and immediately used his mecha to Covering the sun for the night. The huge mecha slowly squatted down, and Richard's voice came from the loudspeaker on the mecha's head, attracting everyone's attention.

"Oh. It's okay." Ye turned around and raised his neck and said to the huge mecha. In order to see the mecha's head. Ye felt that her neck was a little sore when she looked up.

"Sir." After seeing Joe coming at night gently putting the barrel into the designated position, he immediately walked over and said happily: "I have decided that when I retire, I will give up my retirement pay and only need the military All I have to do is give me a mecha. In this case, just using the mecha to participate in construction work for a few years can support me for the rest of my life."

Joe this guy. Like Ye Ye, he saw the huge role of mechas in construction, and he also thought of an excellent way to make a living after retirement.

"Good idea, Joe. I'll be your agent. You do the work and I get paid." Smith also drove over in the mecha, teasing Joe with a smile.

"I won't let you touch my money." Joe snorted and countered.

Ye smiled bitterly as he watched the three living treasures teasing each other, until Richard interrupted the three of them and said, "Are you very free? Why don't you go to the warehouse to move armor plates?" If Richard didn't interrupt the three of them, if. The Snowy Night Duke Commando will be completely disgraced.

"Yes, Captain." The three of them immediately drove the mecha away. But Qiao still said: "Captain, it's impossible for the three of us to move all the armor plates at once."

"I'll be right away." Richard responded and then said to Ye: "Sir, please don't stand in the sun for more than five minutes. It's easy to get heat stroke."

The Red Iron Cross Ranger pointed to some ground staff working under the temporary canvas awning and said: "Even in the shadows, our soldiers cannot work for more than three hours. People who do heavy physical work You have to change shifts every hour, so sir, please take care of your health."

"Thank you, Richard. As soon as you said that, I felt a burning pain on my back. Maybe it was burned by the sun." Ye scratched his back with his backhand and said with some embarrassment on his face.

"Then please go to the infirmary quickly. You must undergo certain examinations." Richard's voice was a little nervous, because at this moment, he is the backbone of the entire 209 base. If he falls, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to the entire 209th base. Richard does not think that the prestige of his commando team can be as good as that of the pilots and soldiers from the Emma War Zone in this base. Unreserved support.

"Okay." Ye turned around and walked towards the infirmary. He knew that if he didn't go, Richard would definitely jump off the mecha and force him to go.

But Richard went further than Ye imagined. The Germanic man was afraid that Ye was just perfunctory with him, so he kept driving the mecha and followed Ye. It wasn't until Ye entered the infirmary that he activated the mecha's floating system and rushed to the warehouse. This made Ye, who had already begun to undergo a doctor's examination, smile bitterly.

"There is no big problem. Just apply some ointment and the pain will go away." After examining the patient for nearly half an hour, the military doctor on duty came to a conclusion that could be reached with just one glance. Who makes Ye's special status make some military doctors extremely nervous?

"Thank you, doctor." Ye reached out to take the medicine that the doctor brought personally and thanked the doctor. Although he was delayed for a long time, Ye was still very polite.

"Huh, it's a lot hotter than just now." As soon as he left the door of the infirmary, Ye felt a heat wave coming towards him. In just half an hour, the temperature in the desert became higher. It seems that the army in this area It is correct to stipulate that in non-combat situations, soldiers are prohibited from going out without the protection of temperature control equipment from 1 p.m. to sundown.

When Ye came to the construction site again, he saw that the rangers of the Snowy Duke Commando had begun to help the ground crew install the armor of the turret. At the turret base construction site on one side, soldiers had begun pouring cement into the steel frames. These frames were all in the warehouse. The mecha had already moved them into place, but it took longer to mix the cement.

Modular rapid construction technology really showed its strength with the help of mechas. Shorter positioning and more precise placement allowed the turret that originally took twelve hours to be completed to take shape in three hours. Taken shape. At this time, Richard and the others placed the armor plate in the designated position like building blocks, and then the ground crew inside the turret welded the armor firmly to the frame.

"Lieutenant Lafleur." Ye saw Lieutenant Lafleur directing the work among the ground crew, so he handed him over and asked: "At this speed, how long will it take to complete this turret?"

"Sir, based on the current progress of the project, this turret will take at least five hours." Lieutenant Raffl lowered his head and calculated before saying.

"Why does it take so long?" Ye heard that it would take another five hours to complete the project. He looked at Ravel with some surprise.

"Sir, there's nothing we can do about that. It only takes that long for the reinforced concrete base to solidify. Now it's not a problem with the hoisting assembly. The speed of cement solidification has become the bottleneck of our construction." Ravel smiled bitterly. Said, the work that was not difficult at first has become a bottleneck, "But fortunately, during this period, my men were able to arrange the wiring and install the internal parts of the turret. I really didn't expect that mechas would be so big in terms of construction." What a role. It would be great if our federal engineering corps had a mecha construction force composed of mechas specially designed for construction." This guy looked yearning, but he didn't know that he had proposed a way to change the way federal bases are built. good idea.

"Specially designing and allocating a mecha unit specializing in construction for the use of the engineering troops can not only avoid the so-called creed of ordinary pilots, but also allow the engineering troops to build efficiently. It is really a good idea." Ye smiled and patted her head. Ravel's shoulders, complimented.

"Is it really possible, sir?" Raffl said to Ye excitedly. Anything that is beneficial to the engineering force can make this guy excited.

"I will report it to the higher-ups. It is estimated that it is very likely to pass, and it seems that it is not difficult to design a mecha specifically for construction." Ye nodded. He clearly had strong faith in the viability of the idea.

"Yeah, thank you so much, sir. I wonder if you can let me take command of the first mecha construction team? I'm really looking forward to it." Ravel shouted, ignoring the strange looks from the soldiers around him, and continued to ask. Night Road.

"This is not something I can decide, haha." Ye touched his nose and said, Ye would not make a promise for something he was not sure about.

While Ye and Raffl kept discussing the advantages of mechas in construction, a communications soldier panted and ran to Ye's side, saluting: "Sir, the long-distance communication system has been repaired and can be used. We have contacted Tris and the surrounding bases made connections.”

"Has the remote communicator been repaired? That's great." Ye said with some surprise.

"Sir, this is the repair report." The soldier handed a report to Ye. It's a pity that Ye usually doesn't have the energy for this kind of thing. He prefers others to talk about it, although that may cause some mistakes.

After receiving the report, Ye did not read it and asked the soldier directly: "Can you tell me directly why the important remote communicator was damaged?"

"Reporting to the commander, the building housing the remote communicator was damaged by shrapnel during the previous battle to seize the 209 transit base. At that time, the shrapnel only destroyed a fixed device, causing a connection of a wire to become loose. Because the wire is still connected together, it did not affect the use, so it was not detected during the inspection, and the device could remain in good working condition at night. But this morning, the building seemed to have been hit by some mecha, although there was no damage to the outer wall of the building. There were traces of impact on the building, but the vibration broke the connection of the wires, causing the remote communicator to be unable to work. The soldier on duty only said that the mecha hit the building in the morning, but refused to say which mecha number did it. , so we can't find out who destroyed the communicator." The soldier finished speaking in one breath. It seemed that he was very angry, not sure whether it was the perpetrator or the support staff who did not check the damage.

After listening to the soldier's description, Ye had a wry smile on his face and said, "Sergeant, the person who hit the building seems to be me, haha." It turned out that in order to test the power output of the King of Land's new left arm, Ye Qing asked Yi An armored building struck a blow. Because Ye was quite excited at that time, Ye didn't look at the building he hit. If Ye knew that it was a building that protected remote communication facilities, Ye wouldn't have hit it at all.

"It turns out it's you." The sergeant and Raffl on the side shouted in shock, but the sergeant immediately said: "Sir, my anger was directed at some of the inspectors who were negligent during the inspection work. I don’t mean to complain to you.”

Ye shook his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, Sergeant, I did make a mistake in this matter."

"Sir, Tris Communications." Another communications officer ran over and reported to Ye.

"Don't be so panicked. Be more specific, sergeant." Ye patted the soldier on the shoulder and signaled the young man not to be so panicked.

The sergeant took a breath and said: "Sir, Tris Communications, it is General Qiaojia who is looking for you personally."

"Understood, Sergeant, I'll be there right away." Hearing that it was General Qiao Jia who was looking for him, Ye immediately turned around and ran to the command room. It was quite impolite to keep a senior waiting for too long.

When Ye ran into the command room, Qiao Jia was drinking tea on the big screen, and behind him still stood his favorite student, Lieutenant General Guderian. When the three of them saw Ye running into the command room, they couldn't help showing three completely different expressions. General Qiao Jia looked a little happy, while Guderian looked a little depressed.

"Heinz, you can't escape the Federation Star this time." Ye Cai entered the command room and heard Qiao Jia's confused words. He couldn't help but froze there and looked at the three people on the screen with some confusion. personal.

"Teacher, can we wait until the Battle of Hot Sand is over? Maybe we will be even by then?" Guderian said with a smile.

"Yes." Qiao Jia agreed generously, "But you can't treat three meals together as one."

This time Ye finally understood what was going on. Find Shuyuan www. The three generals were betting on how he would enter the command room. Depressed Ye immediately interjected: "Bet me that you will collect half of the tax. No matter who invites me, I will participate."

"Okay, I don't have any objection." Anyway, he didn't lose, so Qiao Jia immediately agreed to Ye.

"Well, when the AA system comes, I will pay the teacher's share." Guderian on the side was not in a hurry. He just continued what Qiao Jia said and slapped Ye's happy little face.

"Okay, stop making trouble and let's get down to business." Seeing that the laughter was almost over, Qiao Jia turned the topic to the main topic and said: "Ye, I have good news and bad news here, which one do you want to hear first? ?”

"Tie Ling, you know my character." Ye said with a smile.

"Save the good stuff for last, right? Haha, okay, I'll tell you the bad news first." Qiao Jia smiled slightly, then immediately became serious and said: "The bad news is that there are not enough military police coming to review. It will take at least three months for our entire army to complete the review. In other words, the Hotsand offensive and defensive battle must wait until three months before it can be carried out. And in about a month, our mecha troops can be completely thawed." (To be completed.) Continued...)

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