"What? Why is it so slow? How come there are so few military police?" Ye said in shock. There are still a lot of federal military police units, so why is the review so slow?

"There's no way." Qiao Jia shook his head with a wry smile, "The upper levels of the federation are very strict in their review of pilots, and they don't have complete trust in the military police this time. All the people who review pilots this time are colonels. do you understand?"

"Holy shit." Ye was even more shocked. The highest-ranking officer in the federal military police force was the colonel. According to the information Ye had, the number of these people did not exceed twenty.

After Qiao Jia waited for the night to finish marveling, he continued: "We only have four colonels here, and they review up to four to five pilots a day, and those who collect pilot information are all officers above the rank of lieutenant. As for the army soldiers, Like other combat units, the gendarmerie also uses non-commissioned officers to conduct reviews. None of the gendarmerie participating in the review this time is a soldier. Haha, it seems that the decision above was very firm this time."

After Ye Zai was shocked, he couldn't help but muttered: "But that's too slow. Then the pressure on our front line will become very great." His voice was just enough for Qiao Jia and the others to hear, and the three generals' There was also a wry smile on his face.

"We don't want to, but what we can do is urge them to review quickly." Qiao Jia said awkwardly. In this matter, he really couldn't interfere too much with the actions of the military police.

"Ye, we don't want the front line to fall into a situation where the troops cannot maneuver properly, and neither do the military police inside. They have promised that once a crisis occurs on the front line, the troops on the front line will be allowed to retreat on their own depending on the situation." Guderian added, his words made Ye He quickly calmed down. If they can retreat, they can preserve the Federation's most precious combat power. It seems that these military policemen still have the overall situation in mind.

But Ye Gang breathed a sigh of relief. Qiao Jia continued: "However, we still hope that the troops on the front line can maintain the status quo, because this is related to the success of our Hotsand offensive and defensive battle. If they are recaptured by the empire, we will attack these bases again. For our subsequent plans The implementation is very unfavorable, so I hope that all pilots will try their best to delay the empire's attack and maintain our current front while preserving their strength and protecting their lives as much as possible. I hope you can understand my difficulties, Ye."

"I think all pilots can understand this, Tie Ling." Ye gave Qiao Jia a bright smile. These bases are the guarantee for guarding Tris. Without the delay of these bases, the enemy's advance would be at least as fast as Double the improvement.

"Thank you." Qiao Jia nodded to Ye. What he was most afraid of was not getting Ye's support. That meant he couldn't convince the mecha squadron leaders from other bases to try their best to defend the base.

"Okay, Tie Ling, I've already told you the bad news. I want to hear what the good news is. Can you give me a surprise?" Ye said with a smile.

Qiao Jia also laughed happily, operating the computer, and a piece of information suddenly appeared on Ye's monitor, and then Qiao Jia said: "The elite commando team of the Imperial Desert Force, the Desert Tiger Commando Team, will be completely wiped out."

"Oh. What does that mean?" Ye didn't have a deep understanding of the troops in the desert. He had never heard of the so-called elite elite troops of the empire, but the name of the commando team. It sounds pretty cool.

Qiao Jia looked as if this was indeed the case, and said to Guderian on the side: "Heinz, please explain to Ye. You are more familiar with the situation in the desert war zone."

"Okay, teacher, the latest chapter of Concubine Cultivating Immortality." Guderian operated the computer in front of him and began to introduce the situation of the Desert Tiger Commando to Ye, "The Desert Tiger Commando is the elite of the Empire stationed in the Red Cloud area. Troop, the captain's name is Andreu Bartfield, the rank of colonel. They are known as the Desert Tigers. They are the second-largest troop in the desert area after the Black Three Stars, which gives us a lot of headaches. And they didn't do anything when they fought with us. One person was killed.”

"Is there zero casualties in commando operations? It seems that their commando captain is quite good." Ye sighed, being able to achieve zero casualties in commando-level operations. This commando team is terrifying enough.

Guderian nodded, but then shook his head and said: "Their commando captain is indeed somewhat capable in command, but I think the most important problem is the new mecha used by this commando team."

"Oh?" Guderian's words not only attracted Ye's interest, but even Qiao Jia, who was sitting aside, looked at Guderian with interest. The three people who had only been in the desert for a short time had never heard anyone mention the empire's presence in the desert. There are also new mechas appearing in the Red Cloud Desert.

Guderian quickly shared a piece of information with the three people. On the huge display screen in the command room, a photo of a mecha appeared. This photo made both Qiao Jia and Ye exclaim.

"A four-legged animal-like mecha?" Ye pointed at the photo and asked Guderian, who nodded in reply.

"Other than being able to jump and fight hand-to-hand, what's the difference between this mecha and a tank?" Ye couldn't see the brilliance of this mecha no matter how he looked at it. The limbs and feet were equipped with crawler devices. It is designed for some terrains where it is difficult for mechas to move, such as deserts and snow. There are three 280mm beam cannons installed on the huge fuselage. Among the installable accessories shown on one side are Phalanx missile launchers and triple 100mm beam cannons. It seems that these mechas can use different equipment according to different situations. There are three horizontally protruding tubes installed in the mouth of the mecha's head. Ye, who has driven a modified Hellfire, naturally knows that they are beam sword hilts.

Ye's words stunned Guderian for a moment, and then the guy laughed loudly and said, "Didn't you tell me the difference? Being able to jump and fight in close combat are advantages that tanks cannot match, and Wolf's armor is more Solid.”

Ye tilted his head and thought for a moment and said: "I still don't see how this mecha called Wolf is stronger than ordinary mechas, but it does look like a wolf, which fits its name quite well."

"Indeed, this kind of mecha is no match for mechas on ordinary venues, and they may even have difficulty moving in jungle terrain. However, their combat effectiveness on sand and snow is stronger than ordinary mechas. In this kind of terrain that can strongly affect the movement ability of mechas, high-speed moving mechas always have an advantage." Guderian has been fighting in the desert and knows what kind of mechas are suitable for desert operations.

"In other words, these Wolfs are excellent for our privates, but not so good for the Rangers. The most terrible thing is that these Wolfs actually require three people to operate them. It's troublesome." Ye disagreed. pointed at Wolf's double cockpit and said.

"That's true." Guderian also nodded. Using three pilots to fly a mecha requires a good tacit understanding among the pilots, otherwise the combat effectiveness of the two-man mecha will be greatly reduced.

Just when Ye and Guderian were discussing the performance of the Imperial Wolf mecha. Qiao Jia on the side couldn't help interrupting the conversation between the three of them, and said with a wry smile: "I said three. We are discussing the news that the Desert Tigers were completely wiped out, not the performance of the Wolf mecha. In fact, I I feel that there is no need for us to discuss this kind of mecha here, because the empire does not produce many of this kind of mecha, and they can only be used well in deserts and snow. If used in other places, it Their performance will not be able to be used, and they are just giant tanks at best. And there are no such troops in the Red Cloud Desert at this time, so we no longer need to pay attention to them."

"Yes. It makes sense. There is no need to focus on these enemies who will not appear in front of you now. It's just Tieling. Can you tell me in detail why the Desert Tigers were destroyed? What do you mean? The area is controlled by the empire, and there are no troops from our federation." Ye looked at the area behind Hongyun with confusion, where the Desert Tigers were stationed. They were commanded by the empire after participating in the battle to capture Hongyun. The Ministry ordered repairs here, but they didn't expect that it would also become the site of their destruction.

"That starts from the day you airborne." At Qiao Jia's signal, Guderian once again occupied most of the display screen, "That day you airborne in the center of the federal and imperial battle lines. It was a very lucky beauty. . And the Apostle you were chasing changed its course due to your hot pursuit when it was airborne, and unfortunately landed in the area where the Desert Tigers were stationed, haha." At this point. Guderian couldn't help laughing, with a gloating expression on his face, and Ye and Qiao Jia also laughed knowingly. The Desert Tiger was really unlucky. While it was being repaired, a federal warship descended from the sky, and that warship was also equipped with the latest special-purpose aircraft from the federation. It was unlucky that it would get wet even if it went out to bask in the sun.

After the three of them laughed for a while, Guderian continued: "Seeing a federal warship landing in their defense area, and it is a new type of ship, this made the Desert Tiger commando team who were in a state of repair quite nervous. But they were in After discovering that the battleship seemed to have entered their defense zone due to a landing error and that there were no follow-up federal airborne troops, they tried to sink the Apostle. The Desert Tiger, a single battleship, was not taken seriously, but the Apostle was not thought of. The number actually got in touch with the anti-imperial organization there. They ambushed that unit, haha. They knew Wolf very well. Some of the resistance groups used the land and night to control Wolf in a small area, losing his ability to maneuver. How can the Wolf be the opponent of the new type of machine, especially when encountering a mecha with sniper expertise like the No. 3 machine. When they retreated, they lost nearly a squadron of Wolfs. Haha, half of the losses were caused by the No. 3 machine. Caused."

"No, there are so many." Ye exclaimed. You must know that this Desert Tiger has not lost a single person in the hands of the Federation.

"Haha, if Wolf wants to attack the warships flying in the air, he must get close to the warships, and the Apostle is in the center of the night area. After successfully luring the fools in, the warships withdrew. Ness Wolf was After being trapped in the remote-controlled night formation, they were attacked by the Resistance Army's individual particle rockets, missiles, battleship cannons, and the sniper rifles of Unit 3. After their artillery platoon withdrew at night, the apostles had already run away. And Bart, who was afraid of being ambushed again, did not order the pursuit again." Guderian briefly described the matter.

Qiao Jia on the side couldn't help but sigh after listening: "The power of the people is really terrifying. We only use Diye for passive defense, but some people can make Diye a sharp offensive weapon. It's really amazing. "

"Then do we have such a resistance organization here?" Ye asked worriedly. The fighting creativity displayed by some resistance organizations was a bit hard to guard against.

Guderian shook his head and said: "Don't worry about this, Ye. There are no resistance organizations in our federal-controlled area. Even when the New Britain Independent State was established, there were only three resistance organizations established in our federal area, but then They were just organized by some people with ulterior motives. Without the support of the people, they were quickly wiped out by us, haha. Fortunately, we adopted a policy that was mainly tolerant towards the people, otherwise we would be like the empire with a backyard fire. . You must know that this kind of war organized by the people has terrifying resilience. While facing our federation, the empire has to pay attention to its own rear at all times. Their commanders are really lucky."

Ye asked happily: "Is it a mess in the empire?"

Guderian replied matter-of-factly: "Basically, all towns in the desert have implemented curfews, and the garrisons have also entered a higher level of alert. However, they are still being attacked one after another. Our intelligence department even has The report of the imperial army’s mecha being captured by the resistance army, haha. Who makes the imperial army be so harsh on the people inside? Our army is self-sufficient. Find the book www.zhaoshuyuan.com and the imperial army is completely supported by local taxes. Yes. Although our side has greater pressure on the transportation lines, it is still much easier than the empire currently having to suppress rebellions everywhere."

"The power of the people is great, the ancestors of the Huaxia clan have said it a long time ago." Ye Ye gloated and laughed softly. All the news that is unfavorable to the empire is good news for Ye.

Guderian also laughed a few times and continued: "After that, in order to go to Buos Island, the apostles attacked the Desert Tiger's defense line many times, and in the war of attrition, they destroyed many Desert Tiger mechas. They reduced the size of their commando team to about a squadron, I really don’t know how they did it.”

"The pilot of Unit 2 is very strong." Ye whispered. He knew the strength of the boy who was not wearing a federal military uniform. If he could perform well, the Desert Tigers should be defeated.

"Indeed." Guderian nodded and said: "In the end, the Desert Tigers finally found an opportunity yesterday and ambushed the Apostle who tried to bypass the edge of their defense line. In that battle, the No. 2 machine became the leader of all empires. A soldier's nightmare. After destroying almost all the Wolfs, he successfully killed Balt, who personally piloted the mecha into battle, thus leading to the defeat of the imperial forces. Ye was right, that pilot was really powerful. "(To be continued)

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