Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 407 The Engineers Arrive

"The burying was quite fast." Ye Ye couldn't help but praise seeing the engineering soldiers burying it very skillfully.

Raffl was not happy after hearing this. Instead, he scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Sir, the truth is that our burying speed is not fast. It's just that burying in the desert is much easier than in other terrains. Our soldiers only need to dig out the sand, and there is no need to move the ground night at all. The sand can well absorb the momentum carried by the ground night sliding down on the slide rails without detonating or damaging the ground night."

"But it is indeed very fast. Although there are some tricks, this is what you guys came up with." Ye patted Raffl's shoulder nonchalantly and looked at the hard-working soldiers in front of him with a smile. According to this At such a speed, more than 500 earth worms could be buried quickly.

At this moment, not only is the 209th base burying ground in full swing, but if the empire has night reconnaissance aircraft, they will find that this large-scale burying activity is being carried out on the entire federal front. Just after Ye agreed to bury Lafleur in Ye, he immediately conveyed the idea to the three senior officials in Tris. Ye's thoughts made Qiao Jia and Guderian happily praise Ye for his insidiousness. This kind of praise really made Ye depressed for a while. However, the three generals conveyed the news to all the federal troops on the front line very quickly, without any delay because of the insidiousness of the idea. It seemed that the three of them were just laughing at the same time.

Thanks to the efforts of some engineering soldiers, more than 500 earthworms were finally buried around three o'clock in the morning. Looking at the dense red dots on the computer screen, Ye happily praised Ravel.

After being busy until late at night, I naturally got up very late on the third day, which was very painful for the third commander of the base, Richard. Not only did he have to help the engineering soldiers erect the watchtower, he also had to be distracted from time to time to deal with the communications soldiers who came to the door. Fortunately, the control skills of their commando team are quite good, and the progress of the project is not slower than that of other mecha commando teams.

The erection of a watchtower is much simpler than that of a turret. In just one morning, three watchtowers were erected on Base 209. Richard, who then returned to the cafeteria to take a bite of lunch, was found by the communications soldiers who claimed to be experts in finding people. "Sir, Tris Communications. Qiao Jia is going to find Major Ye, should we wake him up?"

The correspondent did not tell Qiao Jiaye that he was still sleeping. This would tarnish the image of the top commander of his base in front of the top commander of the capital star. So this smart guy first notified Richard and asked the temporary commander of his base to do this. Decide.

"Since it is a communication from General Qiao Jia, let's wake up the commander. He has slept for nine hours, which is plenty." Richard thought for a while. Still decided to wake up at night.

It seemed that there was no need for Richard to wake him up after the night. This guy got up by himself after lunch time because his stomach was already protesting.

"What happened, Richard?" Ye asked suspiciously after seeing Richard's eyes when he saw her entering the restaurant. At the same time, he also looked at his clothes and checked his appearance.

"General Qiao Jia has something to do with you, sir." Richard saluted, and then the guy pointed at the collar of Ye's clothes. He said, "Sir, your collar badge is crooked."

Ye quickly looked down. The collar badge on his collar was indeed knocked crooked, and it was hanging diagonally on his collar, looking like it might fall off at any time. Because I was so tired last night, I didn't hang my clothes on the hangers before going to bed, but threw them on the back of the chair. As a result, I accidentally knocked the collar badge and caused this scene.

"Thank you, Richard." Ye Sui refixed the collar badge and said to the communications soldier on the side, "Inform the communications room to transfer the communications to the command room. I'll be there right away."

"Yes, sir." The communications soldier agreed. Just left the cafeteria.

"I'm sorry to trouble you this morning, Richard." Ye thanked Richard again. He went to the cafeteria window and ordered a hamburger and a bag of milk, and then hurried to the command room. He didn't dare to let General Qiao Jia wait in front of the communicator for too long.

"Uncle, what do you want from me?" Ye walked in front of Qiao Jia after devouring food on the road.

Qiao Jia looked at Ye and raised the corner of his mouth slightly. He pointed at the corner of Ye's mouth and said, "Ye, just get up."

"How did you know?" Ye's expression looked very shocked, but after seeing Qiao Jia's actions, he also looked for a mirror and found a piece of bread crumbs at the corner of his mouth.

"After waiting for your communication for so long, and with the traces of fast food on your kid's mouth, it's still not easy to guess?" Qiao Jia asked Ye, "Now wipe off these things quickly."

"Oh." Ye took out a piece of paper towel from the box on the table, wiped it neatly and threw the paper ball accurately into the trash can by the door. Then he straightened his appearance a little and said, "Uncle, this is It’s okay to go down.”

Qiao Jia nodded and said: "Okay, let me get down to business next. Although it is not information that will be helpful to the front line, I think it is necessary for you, the third commander of Capital Star, to know about it."

Sensing the seriousness in Qiao Jia's tone, Ye also became serious. Qiao Jia was obviously satisfied with Ye's attitude change and continued: "Since we got the news the day before yesterday that all personnel will be reviewed, there have been many attempts among us so far. Personnel who send intelligence to the empire and independent countries. Fortunately, all our communications must be screened and reviewed, and some confidential content was cut off in time by us at the moment of transmission, so there was no loss of intelligence. However, this time There are so many Wujian coming out, far more than I imagined."

Ye was startled by Qiao Jia's news. If someone transmitted the situation of the federal army at this moment, then the federal troops on the front line would have no choice but to retreat except for annihilation, and it was very likely that the federal troops would be aware of it. The Empire's capture of Tris in question would be absolutely catastrophic for federal forces in the Red Cloud region. Fortunately, some military police units were well prepared. While protecting confidential information, they also discovered a lot of unidentified information. It was really an unexpected gain.

Seeing that Ye was as shocked as he had expected, Qiao Jia was very proud and said with a slight smile: "The military police intercepted a total of forty-seven spy communications, intercepting those who tried to seize fighter planes to go to the empire or the independent country. There are eleven people. A total of seventy-nine spies have been arrested, including many officers of our army, and the most senior one is actually a lieutenant colonel. Haha, it seems that the army’s investigation work really needs to be strengthened.”

"Holy shit. Lieutenant Colonel. Then our secrets in the Hongyun area are almost not kept secret from him." Ye exclaimed. In this area, the Lieutenant Colonel can serve as a transit base or even a base commander at the defense base level. Officers, Tris's strategic deployment and some secret formations are not confidential to officers of this level, and even correspondents will notify changes in their deployment at the first opportunity.

"It's a surprise that Wu Jian of this level was captured in this operation." Qiao Jia said with a smile, "But this also shocked Heinz, because this is his jurisdiction. The empire actually let in such a big one Nail, let him hide in his office right now and think about his mistakes."

"No wonder he, who is usually with you uncle, didn't see you today. It turns out he went to face the wall to think about it, haha." Although Ye was shocked, he was also very happy to know that the information was not leaked and all the spies were caught.

Qiao Jia waved his hand, as if there was no need to make a fuss, and said: "Okay, let's not talk about that fool. Now let's talk about the situation on your front lines. The fighter force cannot go out for reconnaissance, and can only rely on you front-line troops. Understand the empire’s trends.”

Hearing that Qiao Jia wanted to ask about his situation, Ye scratched his head in embarrassment. Said: "Well, uncle, I just got up. You came to me before I handed over to Richard who was in charge of base defense in the morning. I don't know much about the situation this morning. But from the situation in the base, it seems that the Empire The troops have not appeared, otherwise the base would not be so orderly at the moment."

"It's good that there was no attack. It means that the intelligence from the rear of the empire is correct." Qiao Jia nodded, "Yesterday, while arresting a large number of spies, the military police also quickly reviewed a squadron of pilots. It seems that they also Very anxious, the four colonels stayed up all night reviewing it."

"That's great." This news can be considered good news for Ye, as the base is most vulnerable to attacks from the empire. This unit is likely to show up to help the base when it is most dangerous.

"The good news doesn't stop there." Qiao Jia quirked the corner of his mouth at Ye mysteriously, seeing Ye Zuo's eagerness to know. He continued: "The Apostle successfully broke through the empire's last line of defense this morning and sailed to the sea. Now the empire can't do anything to them."

"This should be considered bad news." Ye lowered his head and thought for a moment. Without the Apostle to contain the Empire at its rear, the Empire would be able to free up its hands to fight the Federation.

"What if the imperial commander plans to take this opportunity to clean up the resistance organization that has lost strong support?" Qiao Jia asked, while picking up a piece of information and raising it to Ye Yang.

"In that case, it's good news for us." Ye looked at the piece of paper in Qiao Jia's hand depressedly. He was already sure that it was an intelligence report reporting that the empire was preparing to clean up the resistance organization. It seemed that this time it was caught in front of him again. This admiral is playing tricks.

Qiao Jia knew that Ye had already guessed the content of the intelligence in his hand, so he stopped pretending and faxed the intelligence to Ye. The content was as Ye expected, but he added an analysis from the staff department at the end of the intelligence.

"The guys at the staff believe that the empire's cleanup activity will last at least four to five days and should be able to defeat the resistance army's combat power in the town. If there is an ambush like the last time, this time will be destroyed. Extend it to one week or even three weeks. It can be said that some resistance organizations have bought us precious time." Qiao Jia knew that Ye Yi was always too lazy to read the information when someone explained it, so he simply explained the content after the intelligence. one time.

"Since some resistance organizations are helping us like this, should we help them secretly?" Ye said jokingly, but Qiao Jia responded in the affirmative.

"That's right, Boy Ye. In order to allow the resistance organizations within to delay us for a longer period of time, the staff decided to send a person who can severely damage the imperial troops to assist the resistance organizations within." Qiao Jia smiled like this at this moment A fox.

"No way, some of the resistance organizations have their hearts set on an independent country. Isn't it too dangerous for us to help them like this?" Ye felt that this matter was closely related to him, so he thought of a reason to try to get Qiao Jia to Cancel this operation.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Moreover, the Resistance Army is not only composed of pro-independence people. The plan will not change this time. The ghost type of the Air Force will come to your base tonight, so that I can send you there at night. The resistance organization." Qiao Jia said firmly.

Ye didn't expect Qiao Jia to arrange the plan so urgently, and couldn't help but said in shock: "Leaving tonight? I haven't made any preparations yet, and the King of Land cannot fit into the ghost-style cargo hold."

"This time when we go to the resistance organization, we don't want you to fly a mecha. This time we cooperate with the resistance organization. The main thing is that we send a mecha pilot to guide the pilots of the resistance army and improve their combat capabilities. It's not If you want to go to war, why would you bring such a heavy mecha? If you need to bring mecha, I will let you come back. There is no airport in the 209 base. How are you going to let the transport plane land?" Qiao Jia smiled. He raised the coffee in front of him, took a sip, and explained unhurriedly.

As the commander of Base 209, Ye naturally knew that there was no runway for the transport planes to land in the base. Choga said that the Air Force uses the Phantom to pick him up, which means that the Phantom must be lightly loaded. Only in this way can the transport aircraft be able to take off and land vertically.

Ye looked at Qiao Jia's leisurely movements and couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said: "Uncle, if you ask me to go to the front line to fight, I'm fine. If you ask me to teach others, it will be poisoning the resistance organizations." He didn't want to go to the resistance organization, and the job this time didn't have to be his, so Ye naturally shied away as much as he could.

But Qiao Jia is not that easy to fool, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com directly notified Ye of the arrival time of the transport plane and then hung up the communication, leaving Ye alone in the command room depressed. Ye will definitely obey Qiao Jia's orders, but this time he is a little reluctant. After all, some of the resistance groups are likely to go to war with the Federation in the end, but they are heading towards the newly established but powerful independent country.

Knowing that Qiao Jia had made up his mind, Ye immediately started to pack his luggage. In fact, the boys had very few things. Ye spent an hour in his dormitory to sort out the necessary items for a school bag, and omitted everything else that could be omitted. Although parachuting in the desert is relatively safe because the soft sand can absorb most of the momentum, Ye still tried to reduce his load as much as possible. He didn't want to hit the desert with his parachute.

After packing his luggage, Ye immediately found Richard who was cleaning the mecha in the hangar, explained the general situation, and officially handed over the position of base commander to the major.

At seven o'clock in the evening, when there was no more light in the sky, a giant transport plane landed in the central open space of the 209 base. Just like its name, the ghost transport aircraft caused no response from the entire base's monitoring system. If the pilot hadn't proactively contacted the base's correspondent, no one in the entire base would have known that this behemoth was silently hovering above their heads. With. (To be continued)

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