Yehe, who was already waiting for the transport plane in the open space, hugged Richard, Joe and Smith one by one and said goodbye, and then jumped on the huge transport plane. After a burst of air waves, the huge transport plane took off and flew to the west.

It does take courage to parachute in a pitch-black environment. After the captain informed, the huge hatch at the rear of the transport plane began to open, and Ye stood on the slowly descending hatch with a parachute bag on his back. The desert night became invisible without the moonlight, but Ye still jumped into the air as soon as the skydiving light at the cabin door turned green.

After all, Ye has been a pilot for more than a year, and he has long memorized the skills of parachuting. Even in the absence of light, Ye still relied on the unclear night vision equipment to land in the designated desert oasis. superior. But Ye, who had just landed, had five submachine guns pressed against his head before he could untie his parachute bag, and his hands were also restrained.

Under this situation, Ye Zhiqu did not resist, and slowly stood up following the strength of the three people who controlled his hands. Then a rough voice sounded from behind Ye, asking Ye: "Are you the pilot sent by the Federation to assist us?"

"Yeah." Ye's answer was quite concise. At this moment, Ye was quite angry. He came to help some resistance troops out of kindness, but in the end he was restrained and had a gun put to his head. However, Ye would not show that anger on his face at this moment. After all, the other party was just a little overly cautious, but he didn't do anything too extreme. If those guys had put a gun to Ye's head and asked Ye to lie down and search her, Ye would probably have gone berserk on the spot. You must know that Ye has at least three ways to get out of the current situation.

The leader still stood behind Ye and asked, "Is there anything that can prove your identity?"

"In the left jacket pocket, there is my identity certificate and a letter written by General Qiao Jia." These things were given to Ye by the transport captain. They are the authentication documents that Ye needs to use when he goes to the resistance organization.

A tall man on one side quickly approached. He took out some documents from Ye's pocket and handed them to the leader. Then a burst of light came on, and the leader apparently turned on the flashlight to carefully identify the authenticity of the documents. About three minutes passed. The lights behind Ye Ye went out, and Ye Ye felt that the guns pointed at him were withdrawn by their owners. His arms were also free again.

"Ye. Special Major of China, I would like to express my most sincere apology to you for the rudeness of my men just now. I hope you can understand our caution and understand our difficulties." The tall man who led the way came to Ye and said to Ye After giving a federal military salute, he said slightly apologetically.

The tall man's words caused a commotion among the people around him. They never dreamed that the pilot sent by the Federation would be their number one ace, and the tall men in front seemed to have restrained the whisper of Hades. This made these people feel very embarrassed, and they all apologized to Ye Salute behind the leader.

"I can understand your behavior. There is no need to feel guilty." Ye has always had a good temper. For those who took the initiative to admit their mistakes and apologize, Ye would not pursue them again, and instead focused on the tall man who led the way. .

"Are you the one responsible for taking care of me?" Ye looked at the man in front of him. The little leader of the resistance army was over three meters tall. His dark skin set off his shining eyes, and he looked very energetic. This black man only wore a military vest in the cold night of the desert, revealing a hideous scar on his chest. Together with his bald head, he had the unique ferocity of a battle-hardened soldier.

"Captain Jonny Williams, commander of the Independent Mobile Assault Battalion of the Resistance Army. Read the full text of Rebirth Step by Step to Immortality. It is an honor to welcome you on behalf of the Resistance Army. Sir, if you don't mind, you can call me Jonny." The black man took out a certificate from his pocket with some excitement. He handed it to Ye along with his identity plate.

Ye reached out and took the three things, took out a flashlight from his trouser pocket, opened it and started to check carefully. quickly. Ye put away the flashlight, threw the nameplate to the captain, and then said: "Johnny, where is your car? I think we should leave here quickly and go to the base."

"Okay, sir, please follow me." Johnny, the black man, extended his hand to give a hint, and then took the lead towards the outskirts of the oasis. There were a few jeeps parked there, the old Hound-style jeeps that were obsolete models that the Federation had replaced with the Warthog-style jeeps, but given the Resistance's meager financial resources. You can only use this cheap transportation tool that has high speed and durability that is completely opposite to the price.

These hounds, which were casually discarded like garbage by the federation, were well taken care of by the resistance organizations within them, with complete sand-proof nets. The cleanly wiped car body and the inconspicuous vibrations when riding on it all show that the maintenance personnel of the resistance organization have maintained the car as carefully as the federal maintenance personnel treat the mecha. This changed Ye's attitude towards these resistance organizations. No one in a group of rabble would be so patient in maintaining a piece of equipment that had been eliminated by other armies.

"Our car is pretty good, sir." Johnny grinned, showing his white teeth, and said proudly to Ye. Although his car was selected from second-hand goods financed by the Union Army, the black man believed that there would never be a third Hound in the Union Army that was as comfortable as his own.

Ye Ye returned Johnny's smile and praised: "This car is very well maintained. It is more stable than the hound I have ridden before, and it is also very fast. It can be seen that the maintenance staff of this car care about it. Be careful."

"Sir, let me tell you, I prepared this car myself. Haha, it's my treasure. I won't let anyone else touch it." Johnny said proudly, because he faced the mechanic's question before night. Praise is an affirmation of his work, and Johnny's face beamed with joy after receiving praise from the Federation's number one ace.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to prepare it yourself. It seems that the Resistance Army is really full of talents." Ye originally wanted to say that the Resistance Army did not have specialized personnel, but considering the other party's feelings, he did not say it.

However, Johnny obviously inherited the unique bold character of black people. He scratched his head in embarrassment and said: "Actually, this is also forced, we have few soldiers to resist. All the manpower and personnel have been used in that one and a half squadron of mechas. In terms of maintenance, things like the Jeep can only be maintained by the driver himself."

"You actually have more than one squadron of mechas?" Ye asked in shock. Originally, he thought that the number of mechas that the resistance army could control would not exceed three digits. Unexpectedly, the number of their mechas was almost close to ten.

"Of course." Johnny showed his white teeth again and said proudly: "We snatched these mechas from the imperial troops. Where are our opponents after the imperial soldiers have left the iron giants? ah."

Just when Ye and Johnny were chatting happily, a group of deserts appeared on the horizon. Seeing the desert, Johnny excitedly said to Ye: "Sir, our field base has arrived."

The vast Gobi desert in the Hongyun Desert provides a natural barrier for local resistance organizations. These maze-like boulder communities actually had the strange effect of invalidating the compass and reducing the communication range, causing a large number of imperial troops to lose their way while wandering around.

To the imperial troops, the Gobi group was a trance formation, but to the resistance army, which was mainly local people, it was as familiar as their own backyard. Watching Jonny drive the Jeep. Entering the Gobi Desert without relying on any instrument navigation, Ye couldn't help but worry that he would starve to death among these terrifying boulders because he got lost.

Worrying about staying the night was obviously unnecessary. After walking around for nearly a quarter of an hour, Ye's eyes appeared in front of a square composed of huge rocks that had been melted into many caves by the water flow. These caves have been processed by the resistance organizations. Heavy armored doors have been installed on the exposed cave entrances, and a lot of anti-aircraft firepower and metal storm anti-aircraft weapons have been placed on the tops of the boulders around the square. This has transformed the square. It became a fortress that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

"This is the most important base of our resistance army." Johnny pointed at the caves inside and said. It was obvious that the captain of the resistance organization was quite satisfied and proud of his base.

"On top of some boulders, we have placed a large number of anti-aircraft weapons. This makes the Imperial Air Force, which has very few fighter planes, dare not carry out air strikes and airdrop operations against us. It only dares to spy on us at high altitudes. If they dare to come, If they attack, haha, we will make sure they never come back." We came to a relatively open place. Johnny pointed to the top of a boulder where the 88mm anti-aircraft gun barrel was exposed and said to the night.

"The empire's mecha troops can't get around, and the airdrop road is blocked. It seems that it is really difficult to capture this place." Ye looked at the situation around the square and found that there were only three canyons that could accommodate mechas. Pass, and these only three canyons are connected to many canyons through which people can pass. In this case, even if the imperial troops find the canyon leading to this base, the mecha offensive is likely to be defeated by the soldiers of the resistance organization. Canyon warfare is not the strong point of the mecha. The best weapon in this kind of mountainous area is the person himself.

Johnny's hound Jeep quickly crossed the square and came to a cave with the words "Command Headquarters" carved on it. The black man then killed his car's engine. He smiled and said to Ye: "Sir, this is our destination. The Resistance Army Headquarters." After saying this, this guy got out of the car first, came to the side of Ye, opened the door, and acted like a doorman. .

"Thank you, Johnny, I'll have to trouble you to lead the way next." Ye got off the car and said to Johnny who closed the car door. In this kind of maze, Ye, who is new here, would not dare to wander around.

Under the leadership of Johnny, Ye came to the huge armored door of the headquarters. The three sentries standing there stared at Ye, the yellow-skinned guy, and tightened their grip on the guns in their hands, as if Ye was a spy who had infiltrated the resistance organization. This can't be blamed on these sentries. Nearly 90% of the people in the resistance organization are black, and the rest are mixed or white. This is the first time for them to see a yellow person like Ye. Yes, tension is inevitable. However, some of the sentinels were nervous, so they politely asked the leader Qiao Ni. After learning Ye's identity, the three standing straight sentinels immediately saluted Ye and let him go. The heavy armored door was opened in the lower left corner to a small door that could accommodate three people passing side by side. Inside, a resistance officer welcomed Ye and Johnny in.

The interior of the cave seemed larger than the outside. The entire hollowed-out rock mass was transformed into a magnificent hall by the resistance forces inside. A huge fuel chandelier was hung directly above the hall, illuminating it. The entire cave. On the walls around the cave, offices were dug out by the Resistance Army, connected by corridors made of simple steel frames and wooden boards. These corridors without guardrails looked very dangerous, but the resistance personnel inside seemed not to notice at all. They walked quickly on the creaking corridors, passing various information and intelligence.

Ye Na's somewhat shocked look was seen by Johnny on the side. The strong man said disapprovingly: "Sir, don't look at the creaking of these floors when you walk on them. In fact, they are made of the best sand iron wood in the desert. It's absolutely solid. And the floors are all tilted inward, so walking up there definitely doesn't feel as scary as it looks."

"Well, Johnny, which floor is the Commander-in-Chief of the Resistance Army on?" Ye asked Johnny, praying that his office would be in one of the offices on the ground floor.

Johnny pointed to the only door on the highest floor and asked Shuyuan "Where is our commander."

"Damn it, no way." Ye raised his head and looked at the floor that was twenty-five meters high, and said with a wry smile.

Fortunately, the simple corridor was exactly what Johnny said. Even though it made a scary and unpleasant creaking sound without taking a step, there was no shaking at all when walking on it. It seems that the creaking sound is just a characteristic of the wood after being stressed. .

Quickly climbing up the eight flights of stairs and reaching the door that seemed to be a circle larger than the door below, Johnny handed the certificate given to him before night to the security guard standing at the door. After looking at it, the black man with the rank of major connected the communication in the office and informed the top leader of the resistance organization of the news. After receiving the reply, the major politely opened the door for Ye and welcomed the three of them into the spacious office.

"I didn't expect that the Federation would send you directly to instruct our pilots." An elderly woman stood up from behind the large desk, smiling and showing the courtesy of an ancient nobleman to Ye Ye.

Ye did not expect that the leader of the resistance army in this area was actually such a woman. It was really hard to imagine how this elegant-looking old man could carry the banner of resistance and fight against the empire's superior forces. (To be continued)

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