Painting has always been a time-consuming job. If you encounter an unskilled mechanic, the original three painting procedures may take five or six times, or even seven or eight times to complete. Fortunately, Ruhl is one of those very skilled technicians and was able to finish the general painting work of the Wolf Cavalry in just three attempts. However, no matter how Ruhr speeds up the progress, when the main body is completed, a trace of fish belly white has already appeared on the eastern skyline.

"Next is the pattern." Ruel rubbed his eyes. Ye and Qiao Ni had already gone back to the dormitory to sleep. Although it was the mecha that Ye wanted to use, Ye couldn't stay up so late. Ye will have to meet some resistance pilots tomorrow, so he can't bear three black circles under his eyes. That kind of image is really bad.

With the help of the auxiliary platform, Ruhr brought the paint tray to the shoulder of the Wolf Cavalry, and gently peeled off the drawing originally attached to it, revealing the reserved position. Ruhl pasted a piece of special paper with a pattern that could pass through paint on that place, then carefully took out the paint brush and slowly started to paint.

Johnny woke him up in the morning and night. Now this tall black man was Ye's adjutant. In order to show her importance to Ye, Mrs. Ames specially sent Johnny to Ye and also sent Johnny's subordinates to Ye. The most powerful platoon of that elite unit was transferred to serve as the night guard squad.

"Johnny, it's so early." Ye returned to his dormitory at midnight last night. He was already relatively lazy, but he hadn't slept enough yet. So Ye rubbed his eyes and fell on the bed again.

"It's getting late, sir, our pilots have gathered in the hangar, waiting for you." Johnny didn't expect Ye to fall down and sleep again, so he immediately said loudly.

Ye stood up again and yawned lazily. It seems that he will not be able to sleep this time. The nightclub cannot keep the pilots waiting for too long. That is not good. I took a quick cold shower. Ye woke up immediately after taking the breakfast from Johnny. Ye followed the captain to the hangar. In the resistance organization, there is no well-cooked breakfast, a big steamed bun, and it is only white flour without fillings, plus a glass of water is all the breakfast is. This kind of breakfast was harder to swallow than the federation's dry food, but I still swallowed it overnight. Soldiers should eat on time when they can eat, so as to keep the body with sufficient energy to cope with all possible situations that may happen in the future. At that time, even if you want to eat something like steamed buns, you may not be able to find it.

The hangar where high-end mechas are stored is not open because Ruel is still painting the Wolf Cavalry of the night. The pilots of the resistance organization were waiting for the night in Hangar 2. When Yoichi stepped through the hangar door, the leading soldier yelled: "Salute."

Brush, all seventeen pilots saluted Ye neatly, and the sound of heels clashing echoed in the empty hangar, "Welcome Ye. Chinese Special Major to serve as our instructor."

Looking at the pilots with uncontrollable joy on their faces, Ye Ye responded with a salute: "I don't dare to be an instructor. I'm just here to guide you in your skills and fight with you in the next three months." Just a comrade."

Ye's words immediately aroused discussion among the pilots below, and it seemed from their expressions that these pilots became more excited. Johnny on the side was afraid of the night and couldn't stand the messy scene in front of him. He coughed quickly and quieted down the pilots.

None of these pilots from the resistance organization have any foundation in mecha driving, and their criteria for selecting pilots are also very simple. They are those who can activate the mecha and walk a few steps as soon as they board it. In their opinion, these people have the talent to drive the mecha. In fact, Mrs. Ames has long wanted to form a mecha army, so she kept the imperial mechas captured by her organization. However, due to the federation and the empire's strict control over mecha driving tutorials, she has never been able to get a job that can Information on training excellent pilots. Some of her pilots relied entirely on some simple mecha operating instructions for training. The effect of this informal training can be imagined. For this reason, the mecha troops of the resistance organization have never appeared in front of the world. Read the full text of Guo Jian Dao Du Shen.

This time, in order to make up for the negative impact of the federal command's orders on the frontline war, Qiaojia took the initiative to get in touch with the resistance organization. In addition to providing a large number of small arms and other supplies, Mrs. Ames was given what she wanted most. A mecha pilot training manual. Considering that the mecha troops of the resistance organization could not rise in a short period of time relying on a manual, Qiao Jia also sold the night. Having an experienced pilot to teach him was much better than just reading a book.

The Federation's mecha cockpit is modeled after the Empire's mecha cockpit. The operations of both sides are basically the same, so Qiao Jia doesn't have to worry about Ye being unable to cope with the imperial mechas.

A leading second lieutenant among the pilots stood up and said: "Sir, please don't refuse. We are honored to be students of the Federation's first pilot, and we must call him instructor." This black young man His voice was a little trembling, but his words resonated with the pilots behind him, who said in unison: "Sir, please agree to become our instructor."

Ye didn't expect that his reputation would spread so widely, and that he would have so many admirers in the resistance organization. Facing the somewhat fanatical pilot, Ye nodded and said, "I agree."

"Sir." Just as the pilots cheered loudly because of Ye's nod, the small door of the hangar was opened, and Ruel, who looked a little haggard, ran in and said, "Your mecha has been modified. , ready for use."

Seeing Ru Er's obvious lack of sleep, Ye immediately said: "Thank you, Uncle Ru Er. You have been tired all night, go and get some rest."

"Haha, I'm getting old and my health is failing." Ruel said with a slight smile on his face, "But I'd better wait until you have accepted the mecha before going to bed. Anyway, the sleepiness has passed, so I don't think much about it. Go to sleep."

"Then let's go quickly." Ye also wanted to try out the Empire's Wolf Cavalry as soon as possible, but he did not forget the pilots inside and said to them: "All of you, get on the mechas and go to Hangar No. 1. Meet at the door." After saying that, he quickly followed Ruhl out of the hangar.

The empire's wolf cavalry changed from the gloomy purple color in the past to silver for night use. The soft reflection made the entire hangar feel much brighter.

"Hey, sir, your mecha is so majestic." Several advanced mecha pilots followed Ye into Hangar No. 1 and sighed as they looked at the silver wolf cavalry. One of the black guys even exaggeratedly wanted to hug Ye.

"Wang Hui. Don't be rude to your superior." This guy was quickly grabbed by Johnny who was standing behind Ye.

"Uncle, I just want to express my joy." The young man named Wang Hui made a face at Johnny, and then broke away from Johnny's big hand. He ran into the group of pilots.

Johnny had nothing to do with his naughty nephew, so he could only smile bitterly at Ye and try to explain. But Ye stretched out his hand to stop Johnny. Said: "Don't apologize, Johnny. I prefer to be more free, so that I can experience the joy of life and the happiness of the people around me. So in the future, I don't need to apologize seriously for these little things." After saying that, he climbed up the stairs. Got off the elevator and moved towards the cockpit of the Wolf Cavalry. Some of the pilots also walked towards their own mechas. This allocation was decided by drawing lots last night. The mechas they decided on will be their fixed landlines from now on.

Eighteen mechas have been assembled, led by Johnny's battalion. Set off along the canyon. Their destination was the ruins of a small town in the southern part of the desert. There were no imperial patrols there, and it was a good place for mecha training.

Speaking of which, the pilots of the Resistance Army were really pitiful. The exercise led by Ye was their first time using mechas, and usually they could only imagine mecha combat scenarios in their minds. The reason for this situation is ridiculous to say, because there is no ammunition for mecha exercises in the Resistance Army's warehouse. Among the Resistance soldiers who drove jeeps to plunder the Imperial base, no one was willing to take up valuable carrying space for practice bombs that they considered useless. The pilots who followed them also habitually chose live ammunition when boarding their mechas in the empire's base. No one was willing to bring the practice ammunition hidden deep in the empire's warehouse.

At this time, the small town was in an area that the empire did not care about. The Red Cloud Desert was too big for the empire with a weak air force. The empire that needed to devote most of its military power to fighting the Federation could not take care of these remote areas. Condition. These places have become the bases, training camps and training grounds of the resistance organization.

The reason why the town was abandoned is simply because the town has lost the meaning of occupation. This originally prosperous town was destroyed by war due to the surrounding oases. It lost most of its sources of food and fresh water, turning into a dead place and disappearing from the map.

However, the abandoned town did not disappear from everyone's sight. It was finally found by the resistance organization not long ago and used as a training ground. This small town that includes urban terrain and desert terrain has given the resistance organization a lot of help, at least giving their soldiers experience in urban warfare.

At this time, it has become a training ground for the mecha troops of the resistance organization. Although the mecha exercises will have a devastating impact on this town, Mrs. Ames still agreed to the pilots' request. She now What is needed is for the mecha troops to gain combat effectiveness as soon as possible. This is consistent with Qiao Jia's hope. This small town lying quietly in the desert will make its final contribution to the resistance organization.

The silver wolf cavalry stopped at the dry oasis on the outskirts of the town, which was a small highland. Being able to overlook the entire town, rebel groups usually set up observation points here to supervise the conduct of exercises. The mechanics opened the huge mecha ammunition box on the back of the truck. A clip of 120 mm caliber drill ammunition clips was exposed inside. This was a gift dropped by the Phantom yesterday. There were only three boxes of 60 clips in total. Ye connected everyone's communication and said: "I need to see your strength now. The Wolf Cavalry counts as three Bears. All mechas are divided into three teams to conduct the first simulated battle in the town. Owned The commandos of the Wolf Cavalry, please switch the Identification Friend or Foe mode to this data. Okay, each mecha has three magazines and prepare to enter the field." Ye transmitted a piece of data, which was the latest Identification Friend or Foe code of the imperial troops.

"Yes, instructor." The seventeen mechas quickly divided into three groups. After receiving the ammunition, they entered the city from three sides of the town.

There are few six-story buildings in this town, so Ye is in a very good position and can clearly see the movements of all the mechas. Through the Wolf Cavalry's excellent surveillance system, Ye can monitor the behavior of all mechas in real time and understand their intentions.

Seventeen mechas spread out in the small town and began to use the small buildings as cover to shoot at each other. Although the bullets used were drill bombs filled with dye, the buildings in the town still suffered varying degrees of damage. The bullets used by the mecha are all of the 120mm artillery level. Even if the warhead is a very light exercise warhead instead of some of the heavy armor-piercing warheads, the huge kinetic energy generated by the explosive gunpowder pushing the warhead will still destroy most of the warheads. Buildings supported by wooden structures and made of mud walls were broken down and destroyed. Coupled with some buildings that these pilots accidentally knocked down, bursts of sand and dust suddenly arose across the entire exercise ground.

"Damn it, how many years has this town been abandoned? Why are it all filled with dilapidated buildings?" Ye said depressedly as he looked at the town that might be shrouded in sand and dust in front of him.

"This town was destroyed by war half a year ago, instructor." Wang Hui replied at night. As a Wolf Cavalry pilot, he is the boss of all pilots.

"In half a year, the whole town has turned into dilapidated houses." Ye couldn't help but wonder, if that was the case, wouldn't it mean that people in this town have been building houses.

Wang Hui's situation seemed to be relatively relaxed, because he still had the energy to talk to Ye, and said with a smile: "Instructor, all houses in the desert are like this. Although they cannot withstand strong impacts, But it’s simple to make, and it’s pretty cool inside. It’s much more comfortable than some solid reinforced concrete houses without air conditioning.”

No matter on any planet, deserts are always backward. Although desert towns are much more advanced than other desert areas, they are still backward compared to other areas. Owning a small number of electrical appliances in a small town is something worth showing off, but a big item like an air conditioner is a luxury that most people living in a small town cannot have.

The Star Desert, the capital of the colonial planet, was supposed to be uninhabited because the government did not arrange for people to settle in these areas where life was more difficult when arranging immigrants. But there is one profession among humans that has endured for a long time, and that is human traffickers, or smugglers. While these people organized some people who were eager to change their current lives to immigrate privately, they also abducted some people who wanted to travel to other planets. After charging high shipping fees, they loaded these people in airborne pods directly from the capital planet. Thrown in critical orbit. This is a cost-saving method that can save a lot of energy required to land on the planet and lift off. But this is also an irresponsible approach, because they only calculated the scope of the land in order to save time. As for the terrain on which the airborne capsule will land, it is not their concern, as long as it does not land on the sea. (To be continued)

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